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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by BigGator5
    My favorite scene has to be when she was in the Kull warrior armor and Daniel asks why the creature spared him. Well here, read for yourself:

    (The super-soldier walks towards him.)

    SUPER-SOLDIER: But you are very attractive.

    (Daniel coughs.)

    JACKSON: What?! (The super-soldier walks closer.) Hey, big guy, I'm-I'm flattered, really I am, it's just that, uh, you're not my type. And I'm more than a little disturbed that I might be yours.

    (The super-soldier lowers its head and starts to take its helmet off. Daniel flinches away, closing his eyes.)

    JACKSON: Woah, no, don't! You don't have to do that! Don't! Don't! Oh!

    (The super-soldier takes its helmet off, revealing an attractive human woman with long black hair. Daniel opens his eyes. The woman smiles at him.)

    VALA: Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you.

    JACKSON: Thank God.

    VALA: Much ... I hope.

    That was just too funny!
    LOL Love this scene


      One of my absolute favorite Vala moments is the bedroom scene, where both of them are sincere, but she's lying about a few things... LOL! Love how she flusters Daniel a numerous amounts of times, and that's not easy to do!!!!!

      Another is when they're talking about the Prior in the jail, and he just grins when she suggests shooting them lol

      I'd have to say though, the biggest "Squeeee!" worthy moment has got to be where Daniel collapses when he realizes Vala might be dead, and when he wakes up, hears she might be alive, and goes, 'Well, we wanted to send them a message" and has that "That's my girl!" smile on his face! ^_^


        Time for the daily Swoon Session!

        And this one SCREAMS "Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Jackson" on it:


          My question is, in PU, if Vala kissed him the first time, broke away, and stayed in the proximity of his lips, WHY DID HE NOT PULL AWAY IF HE DIDN'T LIKE HER?

          ANSWER: Because he's so head over heels for this sexy space pirate, he has no desire to go anywhere


            Originally posted by Hybridbabe
            My question is, in PU, if Vala kissed him the first time, broke away, and stayed in the proximity of his lips, WHY DID HE NOT PULL AWAY IF HE DIDN'T LIKE HER?

            ANSWER: Because he's so head over heels for this sexy space pirate, he has no desire to go anywhere


              Originally posted by Hybridbabe
              Time for the daily Swoon Session!

              This one is my favorite


                Originally posted by BigGator5
                My favorite scene has to be when she was in the Kull warrior armor and Daniel asks why the creature spared him. Well here, read for yourself:

                (The super-soldier walks towards him.)

                SUPER-SOLDIER: But you are very attractive.

                (Daniel coughs.)

                JACKSON: What?! (The super-soldier walks closer.) Hey, big guy, I'm-I'm flattered, really I am, it's just that, uh, you're not my type. And I'm more than a little disturbed that I might be yours.

                (The super-soldier lowers its head and starts to take its helmet off. Daniel flinches away, closing his eyes.)

                JACKSON: Woah, no, don't! You don't have to do that! Don't! Don't! Oh!

                (The super-soldier takes its helmet off, revealing an attractive human woman with long black hair. Daniel opens his eyes. The woman smiles at him.)

                VALA: Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you.

                JACKSON: Thank God.

                VALA: Much ... I hope.

                That was just too funny!
                I have always sort of a deja-vu feeling watching this scene, because it's exactly the same scene (Vala taking her helmet off) as in the first episode of Farscape - Premiere, where Aeryn does exactly the same


                  Originally posted by Formerhost
                  I have always sort of a deja-vu feeling watching this scene, because it's exactly the same scene (Vala taking her helmet off) as in the first episode of Farscape - Premiere, where Aeryn does exactly the same
                  Really? Cool...

                  Maybe they did that on purpose, in case she turn into a recurring character or more.


                    Originally posted by BigGator5
                    Really? Cool...

                    Maybe they did that on purpose, in case she turn into a recurring character or more.


                      I'm going to cross post what I said on the LJ Daniel_Vala community, cuz i found another little niggle of why Daniel and Vala are made for each other:

                      -Vala actually kisses Daniel 3 times, breaking the first and the second one before the longer, "I want to stick my tongue down your throat" one. Anyone notice that he DID NOT PULL AWAY after the first? What did he think was going to happen after she kissed him the first time?
                      -(New entry) it is DANIEL who decides to help the "mysterious lady" inside the Al'Kesh, and says that the Prometheus crew should go help her.
                      -Vala, in the Kull warrior suit, CLEARLY SAW DANIEL before he rounded the corner towards the engine room!!! She let him pass and did not go after him intentionally! (See the picture in a proceeding post)
                      -After Vala shoots Daniel in the arm and heals him back up, you can feel the tension and the attraction between them. When she gets all "doe-eyed" and asks him for the code again, his reply is a very soft, very whole hearted "I don't-- I don't know it", as if he was really sorry he didn't know it.
                      -Vala also gingerly touches his healed wound during this scene.
                      -HE STRIPS HER CLOTHES OFF. ('Nuff said lol )
                      -He teases her with his little "I see you" thing, and he waves at her. he could've gotten her attention by talking about how she won't be able to get out, or anything like that, but he teases her instead.
                      -He responds to the "did you have fun taking off my clothes" by dishing it all right back to her "It was your idea". The way he said it sort of sounds as if he didn't mind doing it either
                      -He actually gives Vala dinner when she asks for it.

                      -He gives her a hug when she asks for it. Instead of blowing her off, he actually does what she asks of him.
                      -After that, he also watches her leave, and makes sure THE GATE IS FULLY SHUT DOWN before he moves on to whatever he needs to go do.
                      -When Mitchell sees Daniel in the hall he asks, "Where is the girlfriend?" DANIEL DOES NOT DENY IT, and says "She left about an hour ago".
                      -(And just cuz I thought this was uber cute), Mitchell was laughing right after Vala says, "Miss me?" (See? Even HE knows they're made for each other! lol)
                      -Every single one of their heated moments is where Daniel and Vala are face to face, inches apart.
                      -Daniel was visibly disturbed when the old guy was talking about his "relationship" with Vala in bed (rofl). And Mitchell glanced OVER at Daniel with his eyes during this whole scene, which FURTHER indicates that Mitchell knows of their relationship!
                      -When Arliss says "Unless you get that necklace back, I can't sever the link between you two", Daniel makes NO OUTBURST towards it, indicating he's upset by what Arliss said. He just keeps leaning against the table, watching Vala. If he was so anxious to part from her, wouldn't he have said or done something?
                      -Guess who she trusts her gun to when she's "setting things straight" with Inago?
                      -Who does she always end up sitting or standing by whenever there's a group meeting?
                      -Daniel's reply to Vala's "We might have to spend the rest of our lives together" is "Don't even... go there.", with that last part as fading off, as if he wasn't too sure of being away from her.
                      -His little amusing "No!" after she asks if she's repulsive hints that he finds her anything BUT.
                      -He sighs and feels guilty after she tells him that he wouldn't want to be involved with her because she's so pathetic.

                      -Daniel still has Vala's scarf
                      Last edited by Hybridbabe; 16 January 2006, 09:55 AM.


                        Originally posted by Hybridbabe
                        I'm going to cross post what I said on the LJ Daniel_Vala community, cuz i found another little niggle of why Daniel and Vala are made for each other:


                        -Daniel still has Vala's scarf
                        That's so sweet!!


                          Originally posted by Hybridbabe
                          I'm going to cross post what I said on the LJ Daniel_Vala community, cuz i found another little niggle of why Daniel and Vala are made for each other:

                          -Vala actually kisses Daniel 3 times, breaking the first and the second one before the longer, "I want to stick my tongue down your throat" one. Anyone notice that he DID NOT PULL AWAY after the first? What did he think was going to happen after she kissed him the first time?
                          -(New entry) it is DANIEL who decides to help the "mysterious lady" inside the Al'Kesh, and says that the Prometheus crew should go help her.

                          -He gives her a hug when she asks for it. Instead of blowing her off, he actually does what she asks of him.
                          -After that, he also watches her leave, and makes sure THE GATE IS FULLY SHUT DOWN before he moves on to whatever he needs to go do.
                          -When Mitchell sees Daniel in the hall he asks, "Where is the girlfriend?" DANIEL DOES NOT DENY IT, and says "She left about an hour ago".
                          -(And just cuz I thought this was uber cute), Mitchell was laughing right after Vala says, "Miss me?" (See? Even HE knows they're made for each other! lol)
                          -Every single one of their heated moments is where Daniel and Vala are face to face, inches apart.
                          -Daniel was visibly disturbed when the old guy was talking about his "relationship" with Vala in bed (rofl). And Mitchell glanced OVER at Daniel with his eyes during this whole scene, which FURTHER indicates that Mitchell knows of their relationship!
                          -When Arliss says "Unless you get that necklace back, I can't sever the link between you two", Daniel makes NO OUTBURST towards it, indicating he's upset by what Arliss said. He just keeps leaning against the table, watching Vala. If he was so anxious to part from her, wouldn't he have said or done something?
                          -Guess who she trusts her gun to when she's "setting things straight" with Inago?
                          -Who does she always end up sitting or standing by whenever there's a group meeting?
                          -Daniel's reply to Vala's "We might have to spend the rest of our lives together" is "Don't even... go there.", with that last part as fading off, as if he wasn't too sure of being away from her.
                          -His little amusing "No!" after she asks if she's repulsive hints that he finds her anything BUT.
                          -He sighs and feels guilty after she tells him that he wouldn't want to be involved with her because she's so pathetic.

                          -Daniel still has Vala's scarf

                          Great moments! Thanks for the refresh!
                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            I updated a few moments in the PU section! ^_^


                              This is the picture I'm talking about when I said Vala SEES DANIEL before he gets to the other corridor:

                     (it's too big to post in its entirety: it would "break" the thread lol)


                                Originally posted by Formerhost
                                I have always sort of a deja-vu feeling watching this scene, because it's exactly the same scene (Vala taking her helmet off) as in the first episode of Farscape - Premiere, where Aeryn does exactly the same
                                Oh yeah!! It was like a deja vu!!

