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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    a) I love you. I love that song. I cannot wait to see your vid!

    b) welcome back!

    iheartvala and trus:

    yeah, it's a pity but remember it's only a contingent of the SJ fanbase, not all of them. We have a few lovely SJers in here, for a start (Faithstars, Poundpuppy, and a certain someone I hope I helped bring over here from the SJ thread ). I post on that thread as well, and the Sam/Cam one, and I've never had any trouble - they're all lovely to me, despite my multi-shipping blashphemer tendancies (well, the ones who are reasonable, and that is the vast vast majority).

    And don't forget all the lovely people who dropped in here to say a word after Unending from other 'ships

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are lovely SJers out there who don't feel that way, they just aren't as vocal on the H&H games etc... which I guess is the way we should all treat opposing 'ships or 'ships we don't 'ship, shippers in general I mean: if you're not fond of it etc, then you stay out of their sandbox, bc why would you be there?

    And I adore this thread, lol, bc we never feel the need to 'ship bash. It's brilliant and an absolute rarity.

    kay x


      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
      Hey everyone

      love all the glitter and blinking things and everyone thinking of me I appreciate it. Here's my one of my favorite pics of D&V

      Why I love this pic is because he kissed her back he was intrigued by her from the very begining and I think it was fate that brought them together.
      Yeah I said that before...'intrigued at first sight'...on both sides...I think she came looking for him...not because of the tablets...somebody's fic suggested that she spent time finding something to attract his attention and I can go along with that concept...I mean think about it...he treated her completely different than probably any other man she had encountered...he didn't try to steal from her, he didn't take advantage of her being unconscious, he was actually trying to help her when he thought her story about the refugees was true...and she was instantly intrigued by how attractive he was...and I do believe in soul-mates...(we just don't get to find them every single time and sometimes it's takes some effort to recognize them) yeah they are...but please not the 'lobster' thing,lol...I'd rather go with the much more attractive Common Loon, which also mates for life, and if one dies the other will never mate again.

      Other topics:

      Happy, happy PP, hope you had a good day...and you like my accidental birthday present(link to fic at 'alldanielfic',lol)
      Glad everyone else has enjoyed it...and someone requested more...currently working on the 'morning after the night before''ll be a little more,lol and more least that's the plan.

      I saw the original movie last week and I suddenly realized that the scene where Shau'ri(so that is the proper spelling,lol)confesses to(movie) Daniel that they are married but she didn't tell anyone that he didn't want her...and then he does the hand on cheek gesture and then kisses her....that whole hand to cheek and the way he kisses her is almost identical to the way(TV)Daniel kisses Vala...wonder if they did that on purpose.
      Okay all for me today...hoping this stupid cold will be gone tomorrow and I can go back to work(ack, 'can go back to work'...what am I saying) and it's time to feed my offspring.

      My Fiction:


        Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
        on another note, isn't it sad how the Sam/Jack shippers just can't seem to coexist with us D/V shippers? as far as the H&H games goes, at first I was trying not to take away from S/J because I love that ship, and I didn't want to stoop to their level, but it seems like all out war now. I see the same thing over in the slash H&H game between the Sam/Janet and the Sam/Vala fans. I didn't realize some people hate Vala that much. this makes me a very sad panda.
        I'm a Sam/Jack shipper, and I don't hate Vala, I love her! I also like D/V ship too, I wouldn't be posting in this thread if I didn't

        Edited to add: Kay made some very good points, as with families, you get all sorts in the mix, not everyone is obviously going to get along We're all shippers at the end of the day, and we all love the characters and Stargate, even though you may disagree on things, you can still respect each other and be friends! With the H/H games, if your couple/ship gets hit several times in a row, it can seem like opposing shippers/thunkers etc are making it personal, but it's meant to be a bit of fun at the end of the day. And a game is not worth people falling out with each other *hugs*
        Last edited by Shesmetet; 09 April 2007, 01:33 PM.

        Avatar Signature by eLouai,
        TekTek, & Gaia Online


          ^ Nice timing on your sig rotate, Shes


            heya guys, hows it going? I refused to watch season 9 cause I missed Jack too much but i actually watched the first episode of season 9 today and absoltley loved it!! I thought I'd hate Vala, but i really really like her and am completly loving the shippyness between her and Daniel, so just thought I'd say hi and I'm loving the ship both V/D and S/J. Am a bit confused as to why there's some sort of issue between s/j and d/v shippers? Can anyone explain? x x


              Sig made by me


                LOL I thought so too

                Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                TekTek, & Gaia Online


                  Originally posted by Sam fan View Post
                  heya guys, hows it going? I refused to watch season 9 cause I missed Jack too much but i actually watched the first episode of season 9 today and absoltley loved it!! I thought I'd hate Vala, but i really really like her and am completly loving the shippyness between her and Daniel, so just thought I'd say hi and I'm loving the ship both V/D and S/J. Am a bit confused as to why there's some sort of issue between s/j and d/v shippers? Can anyone explain? x x
                  Some SJ shippers - some, a small contingent - don't like the DV ship. Much like some Any!Ship shippers don't like Another!Ship.

                  There's some Heal and Hurt games in the Fun and Games threads. It, despite being fun, can be taken too seriously by some, and cause minor disagreements as ships or characters 'compete'. Doesn't mean too much in the overall, as most 'shippers get on well or multiship anyway

                  Ooh I'm soo glad you took the plunge and watched s9! Vala's brilliant. I'm not saying she's Jack but male, but they share some characteristics that made losing Jack a little easier for me Such as the Daniel banter

                  kay x


                    *wanders in*







