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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    So what is the song, Kami??

    I hope you feel better, Kay. Have a good rest.
    He's her Lobster!
    LTS: Life's too short


      Originally posted by Kales View Post
      Oh and the person who requested an editor, I'd be glad to do it if the position's still free. I warn you, I'm a grammar fiend though

      kay x
      That reminds me Kales, you offered for me and I am going to take you up on that. All next week I am stuck in a dorm waiting for my friend to have a baby so be prepared that when that week is up you'll have a pm from me.

      Okay back reading posts. The person Kales wrote to above...yea for dipping into writing! I'm a new Daniel/Vala writer and you have to start somewhere. So go for it!

      In response to the shippers against Daniel/Vala shippers rant.

      So agree. You know why Sam/Jack shippers really don't like Daniel/Vala...because we
      just got our happily ever after/I'll love you forever ending.

      They don't have that. So I can understand their frustration at the writers and anti-Daniel Vala feelings. I would feel the same way. Well, maybe not the hating Daniel part. Don't understand how you can hate such a lovely-ahem yes...I see their point. But I didn't write the ep. I may have imagined it a million times in my head, but I didn't write it. Can't help it if the air force has a no dating other service people rule. On a brighter note from me. I hope both ships get what we want in the end. Don't we just want to see our characters happy? The writers haven't disappointed me so far so I think the movies will do just that. Make a world wide "squeee"

      Edited to answer Djay: You Sang to me by Marc Antony
      I just wanted you to comfort me
      When I called you late last night you see
      I was fallin' into love
      Oh yes, I was crashin' into love
      Oh of all the words you sang to me
      About life, the truth and bein' free yea
      You sang to me, oh how you sang to me

      Girl I live off how you make me feel
      So I question all this bein' real
      Cuz I'm not afraid to love
      For the first time I'm not afraid of love

      Oh, this day seems made for you and me
      And you showed me what life needs to be
      Yea you sang to me, oh you sang to me

      All the while you were in front of me I never realized
      I just can't believe I didn't see it in your eyes
      I didn't see it, I can't believe it
      Oh but I feel it
      When you sing to me
      How I long to hear you sing beneath the clear blue skies
      And I promise you this time I'll see it in your eyes
      I didn't see it, I can't believe it
      Oh but I feel it
      When u sing to me

      Just to think you live inside of me
      I had no idea how this could be
      Now I'm crazy for your love
      Can't believe I'm crazy for your love
      The words you said you sang to me
      And you showed me where I wanna be
      Yea you sang to me, oh you sang to me
      by: SerenaSerenity


        omg. I havnt been here in sooo long!

        But. I just watched the last episode of Sg 1. and OMG. I was
        cryingggg when he was yelling at her! Iwas like NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO... and the..just perfection.. The shippiest thing to EVER happen on SG1 lol

        icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


          Originally posted by LadyBozi View Post
          omg. I havnt been here in sooo long!

          But. I just watched the last episode of Sg 1. and OMG. I was
          cryingggg when he was yelling at her! Iwas like NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO... and the..just perfection.. The shippiest thing to EVER happen on SG1 lol
          Welcome back and me too ITA 100%
          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


            I just put up a little fic that is Daniel/Vala if you squint really hard. (It is about how Vala ended up with the tablet that lead to Earth.)
            here is the link
            thanks Stef

            Thanks Wendy


              Originally posted by LadyBozi View Post
              omg. I havnt been here in sooo long!

              But. I just watched the last episode of Sg 1. and OMG. I was
              cryingggg when he was yelling at her! Iwas like NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO... and the..just perfection.. The shippiest thing to EVER happen on SG1 lol
              It is, isn't it? It is sooo worth all of the jealousy and/or hate we may be getting from other (unfortunately) unfulfilled ships. BUT, I think that even if you aren't a DV shipper, you should be glad to see this scene. It means that the writers are willing to write a couple as write a legitimate romantic scene. That can be for any couple...although, I'm sure it helped that it was the last episode I'm still holding onto a shred of hope for Sparky.

              Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
              I use Sony Vegas 6.0 for my vids, and no it's not technically free. It's technically around 600 hundred dollars. But there is a way around that.
              Yeah, I mostly use WMM because I think that is the easiest to edit with. Having said that, it is probably the most finicky video editing program...always does this weird freezing thing....

              I use Vegas sometimes for extra effects (saturation, contrast, cropping, or dubbing) but the stupid thing will only let you save the vids as a select few wmv versions...and most of them take up sooooo much space (I'm trying to take down the size of my current's 80MB in Vegas instead of 30MB in WMM?!?!). From what I see, the quality isn't THAT different. Still, there are benefits....

              So, the vid I just mentioned is currently working its way to being uploaded onto YouTube and such...the size is creating a problem....which I am trying to fix. So, it should be posted within the next hour or two.

              And Kales, I am just LOVING that song you told us about. It's really long, so I'm not sure how well my vid would come out but I'll give it the ole college try sometime in the next week or so. I'm going to cut back on the vids for the rest of the weekend in the hopes of getting some work done for classes on Monday


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                I think Daniel has more than friendship feelings for Vala but he fights it and tries to deny it like in MM that's where we saw Daniel show his feelings for her when he got through to her when she was trying to run. I don't care what he says it was a Date candlelit restaurant only couples there I mean come on. When he tried to deny it no one believed him Sam's and Teal’c reactions was priceless they knew everyone knew but Daniel he's not fooling anyone at least in my AU that's how I see it. Can you explain to me why Teal’c and Sam had those looks their reaction meant more to me than Cam’s or Landry’s because they know him better? Yes I think he fights his feelings or squashes them as you said because he didn’t want to get hurt he wants a real relationship not just sex and when he saw that it wasn’t a game for her and he saw her vulnerable and raw no defenses unlike the scene in The Ties That Bind when she left in a huff and used humor to defend herself he made his move because he needed to see it was real just like with Sha’re in the movie he didn’t make a move until he saw her feelings were hurt he didn’t want to be with Sha’re when she was a gift he didn’t do what was custom or what was expected he needed to see it was real. Why I think he also fights it is because Vala is different than any girl he has known in the past. Vala is very much a wild card very unpredictable at times so she keeps him on his toes I also think that intrigues him and I think he enjoys the banter you do see him smile while doing it sometimes that’s when he flirts with her if you ask me. The opening scene in The Ties That Bind is a great example of their flirtation. As for you last comment I am not going to respond you are trying to bait me into an argument this is a civil discussion.
                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                  Woo-hoo...that took less time than I thought it would. Okay, so here is my latest vid:

                  With the exception of a few hitches in the saving process (the downloadable version has a weird side border ), I'm really happy with the way this vid turned out. There are some specific parts that I am really proud of, but of course, there are some that I know I'll never be satisfied with Such is life.

                  Anyway, check it out...let me know what you think. Keep in mind that the video's theme/idea is based around something from "Unending" (the first quote in the vid), so if you don't want to be spoiled, don't look!

                  Hope you like it as much as I do Okay, enough babbling....


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Woo-hoo...that took less time than I thought it would. Okay, so here is my latest vid:

                    With the exception of a few hitches in the saving process (the downloadable version has a weird side border ), I'm really happy with the way this vid turned out. There are some specific parts that I am really proud of, but of course, there are some that I know I'll never be satisfied with Such is life.

                    Anyway, check it out...let me know what you think. Keep in mind that the video's theme/idea is based around something from "Unending" (the first quote in the vid), so if you don't want to be spoiled, don't look!

                    Hope you like it as much as I do Okay, enough babbling....

                    Great job as always I wish I had your talent. I love this ship
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      Hi there,
                      I usually read the thread and never write (my English is not so good, I'm from Belgium ^^) but, had to...
                      You've made my day with your fanfics, your vids ... without forgetting the caps Firefly ^^

                      So thanks to all,


                      PS : working on a vid too, but with a fairly new program (still have some problems understanding it ^^) and with a lots of episode missing ...


                        Spoilers for Continuum
                        Jack's back!! Gateworld just confirmed he signed on. So I hope the S/J shippers get their day.

                        He's her Lobster!
                        LTS: Life's too short


                          Originally posted by mihakeeper1 View Post
                          Hi there,
                          I usually read the thread and never write (my English is not so good, I'm from Belgium ^^) but, had to...
                          You've made my day with your fanfics, your vids ... without forgetting the caps Firefly ^^

                          So thanks to all,


                          PS : working on a vid too, but with a fairly new program (still have some problems understanding it ^^) and with a lots of episode missing ...
                          Welcome!! Hey, don't worry about your English, some of us here can barely form complete sentences half of the time, relying on squeeing and random adjectives We just don't care about that kind of thing here


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Okay, I feel TONS better now!!! You know, if I wouldn't read spoilers and just wait for the episode, I wouldn't do this to myself...LOL

                            LOL! I tried wating for the episode...but six months is just two long...

                            Its so good to know they actually kiss, (and that it is so hot) I was getting worried they never would. Now I can sleep at night! LOL

                            Spread the Mckay LOVE... around and around ... until you get Dizzy!

                            Daniel and Vala Forever xXx
                            "You should of seen me! I was amazing!"


                              Originally posted by djay View Post
                              Spoilers for Continuum
                              Jack's back!! Gateworld just confirmed he signed on. So I hope the S/J shippers get their day.

                              Hey, thanks for the heads up...I'm crossing my fingers for that too

                              On another topic, you're really giving me a run for my money when it comes to posting, djay While everyone else is sleeping, you and I will crusade to keep this thread alive and on page 1!!


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                No, I'm not trying to bait you into an argument, as I said nothing about you. I said a fictional character sounds crazy by those actions and I made a joke about a fictional character who happens to have died multiple times needing a warning message given to him. I would have gone with Gate travel makes you crazy, but multiple deaths is uniquely Daniel. Why can't I feel a character is acting crazy without it being interpreted as being argumentative, even if you feel the opposite? Heck, they have a lot of people who feel Daniel has turned into a muscle bound idiot or close to it, and that's not at all how I see Daniel, and those people and I have posted in the same thread, but I don't think they're trying to bait me when they say so. And, the reason I said Daniel sounded bonkers is you don't take a person out on a date if you're denying your feelings for them. It would be like Daniel going around the SGC telling people, "I just want to be friends with Vala" while wearing a "Vala Mal Doran is the Love of My Life" T-shirt. Or, more appropriately, it would be like Daniel telling himself he just wanted to be friends while wearing a t-shirt proclaiming the exact opposite. There are only 3 scenarios that work for me. 1. Daniel wasn't denying his feelings at all, he admitted to himself, and he took her out on a date. 2. Daniel had no romantic feelings, and he took he had no intention of it being a date (and no one else but Daniel can have the final word on what he meant it to be, and for me, no one else's vote but Daniel and Vala counts for what it was). 3. Daniel is denying his feelings, but for some reason, acting like someone that has feelings. And, I don't think it's baiting or rude to say I feel that in that case Daniel is crazy or possibly has a split personality. Plus, I think Daniel denying his feelings while at the same time intending for that to be a date, and then denying that it's a date is pretty nasty and cruel to Vala. It's like toying with her feelings. And, I don't see Daniel like that. And, these are all my opinions on how that seems to me. It takes nothing away from someone reading those actions in a completely different way.

                                And, since the reaction of others isn't as important to me as the motivation and belief of the guy himself, I'll say that Teal'c and Sam may have thought it was a date, but that just means that's what they thought. For me third (and fourth) party opinions hold less weight than the opinion coming from the horse's mouth (that would be Daniel).
                                Last edited by Dani347; 17 March 2007, 12:41 AM.
                                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate

