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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    I just wanted to say that I have been a member of Gateworld for a little over a year now. In that time I've seen this forum go through ups and downs. The thing that I always try and remember is that there is a human being on the other end of the keyboard.....and no Ship or Show is worth making another human being a target for hostility. I "Ship" Sam/Jack, Daniel/Vala and Sheppard/Weir. However, I fully support everyones right to choose and I respect those choices. I may not see a particular ship as "shippy" but, I enjoy going into other threads and reading and sometimes I even agree with their points. I just wish that the few people who do choose the "unfriendly" road would understand that our differences are what makes this place great.

    .......*clears throat*....Thank you for your time!....*steps off of the soapbox*......

    On to the discussion part of my post: Daniel and Vala, tagged for space

    As I stated above, I am a fan of the Daniel and Vala ship. I'm gonna take this by section.

    Daniel: I have been a fan of the character of Dr. Daniel Jackson from the begining. From the very start his sweetness, his sacred love for knowledge and life...his belief in humanity and choosing the path of right verses wrong has been a joy to behold. However, no living being can experience life to the fullest without expecting it to change them. It doesn't have to be huge changes but, you will learn, you will grow and you will evolve. The changes that have occured in Daniel happend in spite of, not because of Vala. While he may not be exactly the same as he was in temperment as he was at the start of the journey, he has not changed so much as to change the very core of who he is(A good Man)

    Vala: Vala Malduran came from another planet, she had a different upbringing than most, i.e. her father and what he subjected her to. Therefore ,Vala's options and choices as to who she would or could become were obviously limited(at the time). Then she was violated by being forced into the position of host for Qetesh(sp?). After that, becoming a theif and bounty hunter was second nature for her. She later meets a man that shakes her to the core. His name is Daniel Jackson......

    Daniel/Vala*Dala*: What I love about these two is their Natural chemestry. I love how they don't ever seem to be forced in any given situation. I love that very slowly they both went from mistrust and frustration to building trust and caring. From there it just seemed to grow. I firmly believe that their feelings go far beyond friendship. Everything I've seen has pointed to how deeply they feel for one another and are connected in eachother's life. Two people don't have to be the same to Love greatly. Do I think that they are ready for the whole permanent relationship deal......not quite. I think they both have a few more issues to deal with apart from eachother, before any thing more substantial can happen. However, I do think they will be ready....oneday.

    The only drawback I've seen is...Yes, I wish they would have delved a little more into his friendships with Sam and Teal'c, this season. I have loved watching their friendships blossom over the years
    It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


      I gotta say that reading these amazing posts full of different opinions is giving me the urge to go rewatch many of the eps mentionned, see if I notice anything more.

      I'm not primarily D/V shipper, but I do enjoy their moments. If in Unending
      the D/V shippers get their kiss, I won't be upset, angry or yelling at the TV. More than likely I'll be right there with the D/V shippers, squeeing with delight! I am an S/J shipper and I know what most of us have wanted for years. I'm not going to begrudge another ship for getting what they would love to see.

      For me, the best D/V moments that I can think of right now are in Avalon 2 where
      Vala gets burned alive. That scene was incredible, and disturbing and I don't mean disturbing on the D/V aspect. . I remember having tears in my eyes as I watched Daniel's reaction, horrified for his sake at what he had to witness.

      Then in Momento Mori where
      Daniel confronted her while she had the gun pointed at him, not knowing who he was.

      I have lurked once or twice on the D/V shipper thread, but never posted. see sig, I think I might get and I'm glad this thread is open to discussions, pro and con.


        Hiya Toomi!

        As you see from my sig, I adore Jack and Sam. They will always be my first love. I was Crazy for John and Aeryn and loved Farscape. While I don't mind the character of Cam(He's grown on me this season ), I don't really see Vala and Cam together.

        I agree, it's lovely to be able to go into a thread and have civil and friendly discussions on differing ideas. I have completely enjoyed reading yours and the others posts, here.

        Happy Posting
        It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


          I will find a way to be here to read all the spoilers and recaps. I really can't wait I really hope if we are getting a Kiss (I am pretty sure we are) I hope it lives up to the hype. I can't wait to see those scenes we saw in the trailer in their entirety. I am so anxious.
          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


            All I want them to do is fight fight fight fight fight, kiss, admit they love each other, roll credits. That will do. I'm so nervous. Last episode ever and what if its not good, what if its not satisfying????? Ack! Maybe I wont come back ever again, thats a good idea. I might just stay away and not read or watch or anything else the final ep. Oh I cant do that!!! AHHHHHHHH!

            FINALLY downloaded and got to watch the vid Stef, very nice Vala vid. And little Daniel, but that was alright because it was a vid about Vala and it was nice to see all the bits with Teal'c included in there.

            Just wondering, do you mind if I pinch that clip from Dominion? The Vid one??? Just like to ask because I usually cut my own clips rather the using other vidders, so just making sure its alright first.

            Oh and poundpup, WHEN we get it (he he) it will so live up to they hype. Like the Sparky kiss, that was BETTER then any cap, as was the hug and the carrying her scene, *sigh*.

            Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

            My StarGate Music Vids:


              Hey guys! Long time no speak hey! Ive not had internet access for the past 3 or so weeks due to having moved into my new house, and someone (aka me) has been too lazy to hook up a new connection.

              Anyways just checking in to see how everything is on the Daniel/Vala front. Any new shippery moments I should be aware of? The last episode I saw was Bad Guys.

              Im so excited but yet sad that the show is almost over! omg!

              Stars with gates are cool...
              "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                He just really needs to own up to hiding as much as she has been.
                ITA! I want them both to deal with their issues (well, as much as they can without making it the DV hour).

                Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post
                All I want them to do is fight fight fight fight fight, kiss, admit they love each other, roll credits. That will do. I'm so nervous. Last episode ever and what if its not good, what if its not satisfying????? Ack! Maybe I wont come back ever again, thats a good idea. I might just stay away and not read or watch or anything else the final ep. Oh I cant do that!!! AHHHHHHHH!

                FINALLY downloaded and got to watch the vid Stef, very nice Vala vid. And little Daniel, but that was alright because it was a vid about Vala and it was nice to see all the bits with Teal'c included in there.

                Just wondering, do you mind if I pinch that clip from Dominion? The Vid one??? Just like to ask because I usually cut my own clips rather the using other vidders, so just making sure its alright first.
                Ha Ha! I like your version of "Unending." Now that would be something! Try to stay're making me nervous. I have a fear about watching the lasts of things (I believe I already told you about my LOTR thing). I taped the series finale of Buffy and then didn't watch it for a year I'm just trying not to get my hopes up too I won't be let down. As long as I get a kiss, I'm telling myself I'll be happy. Honestly, there hasn't been an episode this season that I've really disliked. But there is some pressure on the final episode that it's got to be hard for the writers to deal with. Let's just cross our fingers.

                Thanks. I really wanted to get Teal'c and Cam some face time Of course, notice that it says "You don't love me at all" and then Daniel's the "new guy" Couldn't help myself. So, while there's not a lot of DV, the underlying idea relates back to them in some form. Not intentional of course, but nice nonetheless.

                Sure, you can snag that clip. I'm honestly not a big stickler on that kind of thing. I say, if you're going to make a vid, I'll give you all the help you need Who knew that "Dominion" clip would be so popular!


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                  Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                  I have lurked once or twice on the D/V shipper thread, but never posted. see sig, I think I might get and I'm glad this thread is open to discussions, pro and con.
                  Hey, feel free to post in our thread! I've been known to lurk in other ship threads..okay, I guess it isn't considered lurking if you actually post something Trust me, it's a pretty friendly and welcoming thread (unlike some I've been to that might burn you alive for speaking another ship's name). Personally, I'm a CV fan and a TV fan (well, yeah, Teal'c/Vala....but I do like television!) in addition to being a DV fan.

                  While I'm mainly a DV shipper, I don't think I'm alone in my enjoyment of other ships. Each of her pairings are so unique and fun that you can't help but enjoy them. Granted, I don't think that T/V should ever become romantic (I just can't see it) but that doesn't mean I won't support them. I guess I'm just easy to please...I'd be happy any which way! I think I basically ship Vala. What can I say? I love her with everyone.

                  As for "Unending," let's just hope we all get something we want out of it I have a feeling there's going to be some significant DV moments. I never really expect anything more than that, and I'm usually pleasantly surprised. Although I'm not a D/S shipper by any means...I will be crossing my fingers and praying for a scene between them, poor Jess needs one!!! I know there's a lot for the writers to get in....but let's hope that they honor as many relationships as they can tonight


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                    Did everyone catch the news that Michael Shanks has won a reaccuring role on 24 next season? I'm very happy for him but wish it was the Vala and Daniel show instead!

                    I am absolutely nervous about tomorrow. Sending shippy thoughts that we all get what we are wishing for!
                    Daniel and Vala forever!

                    He's her Lobster!
                    LTS: Life's too short


                      Originally posted by djay View Post
                      Did everyone catch the news that Michael Shanks has won a reaccuring role on 24 next season? I'm very happy for him but wish it was the Vala and Daniel show instead!

                      I am absolutely nervous about tomorrow. Sending shippy thoughts that we all get what we are wishing for!
                      Daniel and Vala forever!

                      its great news isnt it. Very pleased for Michael. I wonder if he will be a good or bad guy ? I would love a Daniel/Vala show too. But will settle for lots of good moments in Unending. And that the films keep something ongoing between them.
                      Please check out my Doctor Who forum at

                      There are boards for the classic series and new series and much more.


                        Originally posted by JaneC View Post
                        its great news isnt it. Very pleased for Michael. I wonder if he will be a good or bad guy ? I would love a Daniel/Vala show too. But will settle for lots of good moments in Unending. And that the films keep something ongoing between them.
                        I hope he plays a bad guy i mean we have never really seen as a real bad guy. I think it would be a nice little twist for him to do one. Also i hope Daniel and vala little thing does go into the movie its been great so far and would be a shame to end it would there so much more they could do with it.


                          Originally posted by Scorpius_78 View Post
                          I hope he plays a bad guy i mean we have never really seen as a real bad guy. I think it would be a nice little twist for him to do one. Also i hope Daniel and vala little thing does go into the movie its been great so far and would be a shame to end it would there so much more they could do with it.

                          Apparantly in his new film 'Judicial Indiscretion' he plays a VERY bad guy !
                          Please check out my Doctor Who forum at

                          There are boards for the classic series and new series and much more.


                            He played a bad guy on the andromeda episode he met Lexa Doig on as well But it is a huge step up from a fairly niche show like SG to immediately getting a part in something like 24.

                            I'm desperately trying not to get my hopes up. I'm telling myself so long as it's a good episode, and I enjoy it, that's enough. Since you know, the series isn't ending. There's films. *denial denial denial*

                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                            Kales! Nice to see ya...oh I'm flattered, thanks(do I get to request something?)...but seriously I'm having major bad feelings about tomorrow and I needed one of you lovely fics to ease that trepidation,lol
                            Loved 'Contact' wear contacts too and can relate,lol. Altho I'm not sure that I could handle anyone else digging in my eyes to take them out and I know for a fact that my husband of 20 years wouldn't be able to bring himself to do it...damn, he has trouble getting his own out!
                            Really like that you've got her able quiet him with her touch...tell you the truth my touch will quiet my husband's least for a little while,lol.

                            One question about the other one.
                            In this part:

                            "Daniel nodded and ducked his head with a smile as she jumped off of the table and walked to the door. She stopped and looked back at him with a smile, stepping to the opposite side of the desk.



                            “Me too.”

                            Daniel looked at her and nodded after a long moment. “How should I-?”

                            “I’ll probably be an idiot about it,” Vala said with the same ironic grin. “And you’ll probably have to shout at me. But- I do, okay? No matter what I say.”

                            “You won’t remember this,” Daniel said quietly.

                            “You will,” Vala said brightly, “And if I don’t come back, I told you anyway.”

                            Daniel reached up a hand to cup her cheek. “You know, now would normally be the time…” He trailed off.

                            She grinned impishly and put a finger on his lips. “That we’re both remembering.”

                            He grinned a little sheepishly and kissed her forehead. Vala put a hand on his cheek and smiled before turning and walking out of the office."

                            Were you trying to get them to say and do what I think you were?
                            Also what's happening with your 'Unending' series?

                            @LC: Yes, you get to request something I adore challenges. I wasn't sure whether I was going for an admission of feelings or f fear or of a mixture of both (which is what I think they would have been feeling) and it turned out a mixture, so I was quite happy with that scene. And oh yeah, the last part was them almost kissing

                            The Unending series... last one is going up at 8 tonight UK time so that those who aren't watching Unending have something to read or maybe half seven. round about ep time anyway

                            *waves* see you all later then! I'm going to be on to be reassured, but I'm staying away from the ep thread and not clicking tags. I'll be eating ice cream and reading a book.

                            kay x


                              Okay, so watched "Avalon 1 & 2" tonight. Wow, I had definitely forgotten a lot more than I thought I had! Oh, and was watching part of the 200 episode special, and they have the section that asks what everyone's favorite moment was....LOVE MS' response:

                              "Last year we did an episode arc called 'Avalon 1 and 2' and 'Origin' and in that, Claudia's and my character take great delight in laying into one other and slagging each other off and calling each other names, finding different ways to dig on each other. There's a lot of anatagonism throughout. Then there's this horrific sequence we shot where her character is set ablaze and is essentially killed in front of him. This other character steps in and resurrects her, for lack of a better term. There's just this wonderful, touching beat of where she comes back to life and my character's sort of holding her, and they're caressing each. You can kind of tell there's genuine affection there, underneath all this witty banter. There's a certain depth of emotion there that was a really nice feeling to play."

                              Gotta say, I remember that scene...but it was so much better actually sitting down and watching it. It was so wonderfully shot and acted...and so sad

                              Okay, so off to bed...finally. Looks like I won't be on during the episode afterall, unless I manage to wake up Hopefully there will be some excitement buzzing when I get on...and some spoiler goodies to share. 'Night


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                                Finally I finished my new video and got it uploaded

                                The video is completely edited with AviSynth
                                It took quite a long of time to write the script, some functions to help with editing and choosing the correct frames from source videos
                                If anyone wants to see or use the script used to make the video it can be found here:

                                It contains some scenes from Dominion and Family Ties

                                Link to video (38.1 MB)

                                Lyrics: Stratovarius - What Can I Say
                                Sometimes it's not that easy finding all the words
                                For how I feel when you are near
                                The more we are together makes me realize
                                All I ever wanted is you

                                What can I say?
                                You make all my dreams come true
                                And every day I want you right here by my side
                                To take my hand and hold me tight
                                I never want to be alone again

                                Oh my love

                                The days are shorter now
                                I'm reaching for some light
                                And I find it in your eyes
                                Brighter than the sun it filled me up with love
                                Don't ever close them for me

                                What can I say?
                                You make all my dreams come true
                                And every day I want you right here by my side
                                To take my hand and hold me tight
                                I never want to be alone again

                                Oh my love

                                Yes I know baby
                                It takes a world to keep what we have
                                And not let go
                                I was lonely
                                Before I met you
                                But you wiped away all the sorrow

                                What can I say?
                                You make all my dreams come true
                                And every day I want you right here by my side
                                To take my hand and hold me tight
                                I never want to be alone again

                                What can I say?
                                You make all my dreams come true
                                And every day I want you right here by my side
                                To take my hand and hold me tight
                                I never want to be alone again

                                Oh my love
                                Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...

