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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    DV- nothing much this part



    vala and sam enter in nice outfits with mammoth amounts of shoping backs in NICE dresses

    Cam and siler are surprised

    Sam makes incredibly funny line about earth culture being pedicures and victoria's secret

    girl's day out


    video, landry and walter at the video feed

    vala comes in


    "you know this man"

    "a little, it's my father"

    she looks exasperated already


    they have sharp repartee

    "you'll want to list the reasons I was a bad father"

    "oh but a wormhole can only be maintained for 38minutes"

    SG-1 including daniel go off world

    Vala has a bad feeling about this

    they meet jacek

    he agrees to tell them everything if they give him sanctuary


    vala sits next to daniel on right side

    Vala puts head on desk when they say if they they can corroborate they'll let him in


      Ooh, Sam/Vala bonding!! Sounds a bit like the fic I'm working on.


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Kales you are the best and History Channel Rocks!!

        Ok, I am a historian so I might get a little overexcited about it.

        Banner liberated from Stef

        My Place for friends


          okay guys, sorry forthe lack of dialogue this week - it's incredibly fast paced and i touch type not that quickly. it's funny and great stuff though.


          They have a nice little moment by the elevator
          Not much tbh guys...


          Landry lam siler in infirmary

          he's talking about reaching out to her mother

          on the ship

          cam leaves elevator

          vala is trying to convince him this was a waste of time

          they enter the bridge, she stands next to daniel

          they fire on the ships that were about to leave


          the gate is dialling in the background

          landry and vala - she's trying to convince him to lock her father up

          the SFs fall through the gate with all his baggage

          Vala's room
          She's wearing rollers and a dressing gown
          landry walks in
          he gives her a letter, she bins it
          it's been three weeks
          he was absent for the first three years of Vala's life

          "what were things like when he was at home?"

          Vala's a bit teary
          She was excited when he would come home
          he'd bring back presents

          He spent every day of the last three weeks trying to get in touch with her

          landry's doing the daddy act

          Mitchell and Daniel at Jacek's apartment, where he's running a senior bingo evening

          Daniel ... "you haven't been a model citizen"

          haha he's ran phone scams!

          he's trying to convince them to get vala to come to his apartment

          [sidenote - daniel's wearing the same outfit as memento mori]

          lam and landry
          lam's mum is going to be in colorado springs on friday and they're having dinner

          landry looks shell-shocked

          vala, daniel, mitchell at elevator doors

          daniel looks guilty when he admits they were at his father's place, vala tells them she's already headed there so they can stop trying to convince her

          vala at his apartment
          vala is not looking at him but she's ranting
          "my life has been a constant struggle against the personal issues you seeded and now i am at stargate command and finally happy with who I am you will not screw it up"

          oh he's guilt tripping

          vala is trying very hard not to cry and tells him she earnt their trust

          he gives her a necklace

          she tells him she threw away the box of gifts he gave her years ago

          "goodbye jacek"

          "for once could you call me dad"

          "you haven't earned that right yet"



            Shesh, the people over at the episode thread suck. Actually, not all sorry, for most part there sticking up for Vala, one person is being very negative.

            DJgirl and Kales im so stupid sometimes thinking I'm the only one that has to go through all this. Oh well, least we have our families that we can always beg for money, LOL! Be worse if we didn't have that. Good luck both of you, I'm sure you'll figure it out and it'll end up being the best things that happened to us (staying really positive, LOL!)

            And poundpup, you're so right. At least I have internt still, and if i don't my parents and my bro will when I visit. So life could be worse. And who would have thought internet would one day save us from real life, LOL! Hope things get better for you.

            Okay, now for episode. I love Kales, how once again you set the scene for us beautifully, not the show of course, just you, and what you're eating, LOL!


            cute, we get them shopping. That's so nice!

            We better get some dan/vala!!!!!!!!

            Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

            My StarGate Music Vids:


              oooh this sounds good. thanks Kales!


                OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Kales, thanks again:

                might be trying to grab stuff out of nowhere here, but Daniel was in there talking to her daddy before Vala was, so he was telling him off for her, very nice. And so far, regardless for lack of Dan/Vala which is SLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and down right mean, it sounds like a good eppy. I feel so sorry for Vala already, especially that line
                "my life has been a constant struggle against the personal issues you seeded and now i am at stargate command and finally happy with who I am you will not screw it up"
                awwwwwwwwwwwwwww,poor Vala!

                *looks at time willing it to slow down* I dont think Im going to get to read about the ending before I leave. Ack, ack, ack! Don't think I can wait 8 and a half hours, ahhhhhh! he he.

                Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                My StarGate Music Vids:


                  Padfoot, I wondering when you were going to show up.

                  As for the episode thread, the negativity is pretty much a constant there. Honestly, I wonder why some of these people even bother watching the show if they hate every episode so much. There's one person specifically that I'm thinking about. Myself, I learned my lesson after "Bad Guys." I really enjoyed it, then I went in there and had to read people trashing Vala, Daniel, and the entire episode...saying that SG-1 is already dead and far worse things.

                  I'm trying to stear clear of your episode spoilers, Kales. I don't want to spoil the general plot for myself. I did, however, read the first part about S/V. I really am losing this battle right now...the spoiler tags keep calling to me. And in case I haven't thanked you.....THANK YOU KALES!!


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Yes thank you so much Kales

                    But the episode is already ended ?
                    just a dala's scene ?

                    but i don't know why but i'm very exited for Dominion ( when there is Adria, there is dala lol)


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Hey, you and I have the same tastes, it seems! I LOVE Peter (of course, part of that is because he has, by far, the best power ). HRG has definitely grown on me, especially after last night's episode. I'm actually liking Nathan a little more than usual lately as well. Can't wait for when he meets up with Claire

                      Anyway, back to the topic on hand. Where is everyone? It's less than an hour to go until showtime and nobody seems to be here!! I'll probably be floating around. I had some foresight this morning and sent myself the fics I'm working on, so I'll be busy revising things. Maybe some day...somehow...I will actually finish one. It's my hope at least

                      Real Quick OT- We do seem to have a lot in common. It is like they say "Great minds..."

                      Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post
                      Shesh, the people over at the episode thread suck. Actually, not all sorry, for most part there sticking up for Vala, one person is being very negative.

                      DJgirl and Kales im so stupid sometimes thinking I'm the only one that has to go through all this. Oh well, least we have our families that we can always beg for money, LOL! Be worse if we didn't have that. Good luck both of you, I'm sure you'll figure it out and it'll end up being the best things that happened to us (staying really positive, LOL!)

                      And poundpup, you're so right. At least I have internt still, and if i don't my parents and my bro will when I visit. So life could be worse. And who would have thought internet would one day save us from real life, LOL! Hope things get better for you.

                      Okay, now for episode. I love Kales, how once again you set the scene for us beautifully, not the show of course, just you, and what you're eating, LOL!


                      cute, we get them shopping. That's so nice!

                      We better get some dan/vala!!!!!!!!
                      Padfoot, the only reason I said something is to let you know that you aren't the only one to go through this and if you ever need to chat, I am just a PM away

                      Okay back to eagerly awaiting the rest of Kales awesome reports
                      Sig made by me




                        Sam grabs Vala and they look on the internet

                        cheesey informercial of Jacek trying to sell... authentic stardust

                        she walks out

                        Mitchell and Jacek in the briefing room

                        Mitchell is dressing him down about being a guest and scams

                        Jacek and Teal'c

                        "Three words: be less annoying"

                        Teal'c is being protective

                        Vala walks past him completely ignoring him

                        VALA and Daniel
                        Vala is helping unload boxes into his office

                        He asks her to sit down
                        They talk about her old ways etc.

                        DANIEL AND VALA go to his apartment
                        She picks his lock and daniel sighs
                        He's not in there
                        He's removed his ankle monitor but there's a small transmitter
                        Jacek's on the run
                        Sam, teal'c and mitchell track from sgc

                        d and v at location in forest
                        they're behind a tree
                        daniel has side arm
                        man jacek's talking to has a zat and is a jaffa

                        BRIEFING ROOM
                        fast-paced talking, no DV

                        LEE and jacek in the lab with SAM
                        he's annoying her
                        he's sweet talking her
                        oh god she's falling for it
                        he's ASKING HER OUT
                        "oh i dont think so. i'm incredibly busy and you're a jerk"
                        she's talking about VALA not the plan
                        he looks mildly gulity

                        LAM calls LANDRY
                        he's trying to reschedule

                        sam and jacek enter the room
                        he starts messing with the sword on the desk

                        he suggests stealth and cunning

                        rigged cargo ship. oh he's playing them.

                        vala's back in the leather with him

                        they're talking about a scam they ran together

                        rest of SG-1 is in the trees

                        she accuses jacek of being sloppy

                        he's asking about her love life, a kid she liked

                        they're surrounded by jaffa

                        oh he's not part of the arrangement anymore

                        haha the trouble signal is "oh jacek you idiot"

                        mitchell and daniel run off

                        daniel and mitchell start shooting from behind

                        mitchell tells vala to get to the ship

                        it's cloaked

                        he gives her the necklace in case he doesn't make it (!)

                        oh i'm suspcious right now


                        they go to his apartment together and they have a serious conversation in his office - there's something in his voice when he asks her to sit down. and it's nice to see the parallels addressed. they go together to the location his transmitter leads them to.


                          OMG, OMG...
                          ...they go to his apartment?! Serious conversation? Office? Parallels?

                          I want to watch it NOW!!

                          Okay, supposedly there is a"big ending." Is there anyway you could post that in a seperate spoiler-tag (even if it involves DV)? If it's nothing shocking, I don't mind. I just don't want to ruin the ending for myself


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Yes i hope photo and video lol
                            thank you Kales


                              Arg! Looks like I have to go to class before I hear about the final scene!! I'll have to wait another hour and half before I can read about it.


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                no DV....


                                jacek in the cargo ship
                                he starts it up and flies off
                                he apologises as he flies it off and vala looks like "well i'm an idiot"

                                ah everything went as planned
                                the jaffa they stunned was teal'c

                                landry rushes off
                                lam is there
                                landry is apologising for being late
                                his ex wife is there
                                "we have a lot to talk about"

                                jacek is trying to sell it
                                haha he's trying to sell crisps as "virility enhancers"
                                oh man.

                                vala is in her room with the letters
                                oh she still has the box under her bed ohhh.

                                it's sam with wine glasses - girl's night in!
                                she asks how she's doing
                                they toast
                                "where are the boys?"

                                teal'c is at a show... he sinks into the seat oh god i'm letting you find that one out for himself .... oh god lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

