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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post
    I found this information
    The SG-1 team hatches an elaborate plot to capture Adria by using Vala as bait, but Ba'al has a sinister plan of his own which could prove deadly for all involved. Drastic steps need to be taken to stop him, but will Vala be able to do the unthinkable?

    Source: skyone

    I think it will be a very sad episode ( may be Vala will kill her daugther ??)

    what ep is that? and please.. could you put spoiler tags on them?




      Daniel is stunned, Vala auto points gun at man and checks his pulse
      She kneels next to him and is there when he wakes up
      She and mitchell help him stand

      When Cicero starts talking, Daniel and Vala share a total eyesex moment then move towards him simultaeneously
      They generally eyesex throughout this scene
      Vala suggests Daniel's found a kindred spirit in Cicero, who isn't believed by his people about the stargate - she's aware of his history
      they have fragments of the dhd, vala suggests they might have a power source. the eye sex is ridiculous in this ep.

      oh the daniel/hostages/catfight scene is brilliant
      And i love vala showing off her criminal skills

      general synop

      people are attempting to drill

      security personnel stun daniel, vala feels his pulse, says he's going to be okay

      negotiator is talking to mitchell

      vala is kneeling next to daniel

      Vala is next to him when he wakes up and she and mitchell help him stand

      vala and daniel share a look and move towards the talking man

      haha the man is that planet's daniel - vala said he'd found a kindred spirit

      they have fragments of the dhd, vala suggests they might have a power source. the eye sex is ridiculous in this ep.

      daniel is negotiating for time

      teal'c's face is hilarious because daniel's having trouble keeping up the bad guy thing

      ooh they have a security guard in the museum who's on the radio

      guard is playing hero. oh great. and he's wearing a combi of an atlantis and trekkie uniform. oh yep, he's gonna play hero

      mitchell, vala, cicero in lab

      cat fight among the hostages

      daniel has to remind them they're hostages in a long rant, it's funny

      "don't eyeball me" D @ one of the catfighters

      cicero, mitchell in hallway

      goa'uld naquadah bomb - vala thinks she can use the core for a power source

      she's going to use criminal skills, it's cool

      "one must always be prepared to liberate treasure, cameron"

      bars come down, cam drags her out of the way
      Last edited by Kales; 13 February 2007, 11:38 AM.


        Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
        what ep is that? and please.. could you put spoiler tags on them?

        It's dominion

        i 'm sorry i put spoiler tag

        thank you for the summary of bad boys


          Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post
          It's dominion

          i 'm sorry i put spoiler tag

          thank you for the summary of bad boys
          thank you


            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            SECOND PART - BAD GUYS


            Daniel is stunned, Vala auto points gun at man and checks his pulse
            She kneels next to him and is there when he wakes up
            She and mitchell help him stand

            When Cicero starts talking, Daniel and Vala share a total eyesex moment then move towards him simultaeneously
            They generally eyesex throughout this scene
            Vala suggests Daniel's found a kindred spirit in Cicero, who isn't believed by his people about the stargate - she's aware of his history
            they have fragments of the dhd, vala suggests they might have a power source. the eye sex is ridiculous in this ep.

            oh the daniel/hostages/catfight scene is brilliant
            And i love vala showing off her criminal skills

            general synop

            people are attempting to drill

            security personnel stun daniel, vala feels his pulse, says he's going to be okay

            negotiator is talking to mitchell

            vala is kneeling next to daniel

            Vala is next to him when he wakes up and she and mitchell help him stand

            vala and daniel share a look and move towards the talking man

            haha the man is that planet's daniel - vala said he'd found a kindred spirit

            they have fragments of the dhd, vala suggests they might have a power source. the eye sex is ridiculous in this ep.

            daniel is negotiating for time

            teal'c's face is hilarious because daniel's having trouble keeping up the bad guy thing

            ooh they have a security guard in the museum who's on the radio

            guard is playing hero. oh great. and he's wearing a combi of an atlantis and trekkie uniform. oh yep, he's gonna play hero

            mitchell, vala, cicero in lab

            cat fight among the hostages

            daniel has to remind them they're hostages in a long rant, it's funny

            "don't eyeball me" D @ one of the catfighters

            cicero, mitchell in hallway

            goa'uld naquadah bomb - vala thinks she can use the core for a power source

            she's going to use criminal skills, it's cool

            "one must always be prepared to liberate treasure, cameron"

            bars come down, cam drags her out of the way
            It won't let me green ya so thank you thank you thank you
            I am drooling here sounds so much better than Bounty
            D&V Squeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


              Awwwwwwwwwww, I'm lovin' it <333333 thanks a bunch!


                general synop

                vala/cam talk about the security system

                oh hero comes in and makes them disarm themselves

                tells cicero to pick up their guns

                tells cam to toss over his radio

                he radios and tells daniel he has cam and vala

                they negotiate

                hero points gun at vala then goes away in vigilante insane mode

                cicero gives them their guns back

                cam and vala go after hero

                teal'c zats a pompous hostage

                cam and vala take hero's card

                vaa activates the bomb

                they're playing it to make him give them the code

                he gives them the code, bars come up

                vala gets to work on the bomb - she's not sure she can turn off the bomb

                they move the bomb to the gate room

                cicero goes outside

                cicero is trying to convince the negotiator but is making things worse

                vala is getting the thingy running

                V 70% chance it connects, 50% chance it blows up

                C that's 120%. jackson?

                D 100% chance we should have brought someone who knows what they're doing

                Cam duct tapes hero's mouth

                Negotiator says their demands have been denied.


                not much in this i'm afraid - no scenes together, although he does look worried when he finds out they've been captured... so baffled as to why I've used tags...

                kay x


                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  general synop

                  vala/cam talk about the security system

                  oh hero comes in and makes them disarm themselves

                  tells cicero to pick up their guns

                  tells cam to toss over his radio

                  he radios and tells daniel he has cam and vala

                  they negotiate

                  hero points gun at vala then goes away in vigilante insane mode

                  cicero gives them their guns back

                  cam and vala go after hero

                  teal'c zats a pompous hostage

                  cam and vala take hero's card

                  vaa activates the bomb

                  they're playing it to make him give them the code

                  he gives them the code, bars come up

                  vala gets to work on the bomb - she's not sure she can turn off the bomb

                  they move the bomb to the gate room

                  cicero goes outside

                  cicero is trying to convince the negotiator but is making things worse

                  vala is getting the thingy running

                  V 70% chance it connects, 50% chance it blows up

                  C that's 120%. jackson?

                  D 100% chance we should have brought someone who knows what they're doing

                  Cam duct tapes hero's mouth

                  Negotiator says their demands have been denied.


                  not much in this i'm afraid - no scenes together, although he does look worried when he finds out they've been captured... so baffled as to why I've used tags...

                  kay x
                  LOL too funny I can't wait to see for myself much much better than Bounty from what I have read thank you Kales you are Wicked Awesome
                  (That's a Massachusetts term for really really cool and good)

                  Dala D&V Daniel & Vala are Wicked Awesome
                  My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                  poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                    looking forward to th eep though


                      bad guys, pt 4

                      No DV in this one.


                      FOURTH PART

                      they manually dial gate as troops storm the building

                      but of course they have to be chased to the gate by soldiers who miss them

                      oh soldiers stop them from going through

                      daniel is asking if they can leave

                      the negotiator won't let them leave

                      mitchell is making a speech about being afraid of aliens

                      he lets them go

                      they leave

                      gate shuts down

                      negotiator says they're going to cover it up and hold it as a government victory

                      aww, that sucks for cicero


                      landry and team walk down corridor

                      they've buried the gate

                      that's it.


                        So that's all folks Hope you like my incoherent ramblings. Opinion on BadGuys...


                        It's a fun standalone with a decent helping of DV interaction and eye!sex

                        kay x


                          WOAH WOAH WOAH .......... backkkkkkkkk up. See, I sleep and this happens, so much to catch up on. He he.

                          Firstly, after I have re-captured my breath after having been squished by Kales,lol. All I can say is it was no troubles. I had those pics from years ago, nice to know I didn't keep that all there for no reason and someone else could get as much enjoyment out of them as I did, 2 years later. But ... "you said you loved me ... YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DID!" he he!
                          (hoping you've seen that one or joke is lost, lol).

                          Next, sydney2325 , that spoiler, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What an episode, I'm soooooooo excited about that one now. It sounds dangerous, it sounds sad, it sounds perfect for Dan/Vala angsty/comfort scenes!!!!!

                          Oh and Stef (who is naping, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), those Danny pics, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! From the back he looks like a mate of mine, NO JOKE!!!!!! Just unfortunate he doesn't have the personality to go with that sexay butt! He he. But saved them straight away, thankyou!!!

                          And back to Kales now it'stime for me to crash tackle you in a hug! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eyesex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy we got SOMETHING! hurrah! Sounds like a great little side eppy, I'll have to wait patiently to watch it, some fantastic person might have it up tonight.

                          Oh and I'm a little shocked, because I downloaded an interview a long while ago, probably a good 6 months maybe more. It was a preview for Season 10 and it had some short behind the scenes clips, in those clips:

                          The first was Daniel getting up groggily from the floor and a pig-tailled Vala was looking concerned as she stayed on the ground, cameras all around. Then Quest 2 came out and I recognised the scene.

                          Then there was a very funny clip of Daniel yelling at a big crowd of people. "Alright everyone SHUT UP!" and he's pointing the gun at them, very funny. And I didn't recognise it. Now it sounds like it was an out take from this episode. Was teal'c with him?

                          Anyways, finnishing off my vid. By bro didn't get new eps for me, so you'll have to see the first idea I had for it. So that should be up within the hour, and I'll also put up this small deleted scene for anyone who's interested in viewing now that they've possibly seen the episode.

                          So,I'll be back *skips from the room*

                          Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                          My StarGate Music Vids:


                            Originally posted by Kales View Post
                            Starbuck... Well, maybe *looks around suspiciously* But only if bandana!Daniel belongs specifically to me You can all have geeky!Daniel, floofy!Daniel and even, yes, even leatherjacket!Daniel. But bandana!Daniel is mine *squishes*
                            WELL, seeing as I absolutley can't resist leatherjacket!daniel I'd say you have a deal!

                            ETA: I claim tightclothes!daniel as well. *drools*

                            Stars with gates are cool...
                            "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


                              Once again RL keeps me pretty busy.

                              Thanks for all the great stuff that was posted.

                              VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                                Hahaha Padfoot, thanks, I get it: "In the way a friend loves another friend" Sparky 'shipper lol.

                                Oh and I gave into the Valenship vibes and made this. It's not overly Valentine-y but I like it. tell me if my photoshop skills are improving, lol. oh and note the concessions i make to my least favourite fake holiday

                                1. there's a heart
                                2. the colour scheme is vaguely pink

                                spoilers for size

                                And omg, that spoiler! *pouts* I need to get to that chapter in my fic quickly then, lol. They're scanning my mind!

                                kay x

