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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stargate Fan View Post
    Cute stories on here! Love the pics. When I get enough, I make a wallpaper page for my screensaver. SEND MORE, Please!

    I woke up with snow on my car this morning. YUCK! I'm ready for Spring, already!
    ooh poor you ! I hate snow .. it's beautifull and all but that's about it! it's way to cold


      Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
      some story I found on the net .. beware it's nc-17

      but I like it so wanted to share
      cofax writes great FS stuff--thanks for the rec.

      Off to read


        Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
        cofax writes great FS stuff--thanks for the rec.

        Off to read


          Good morning shippers!

          you know .. the few hours I did sleep .. I had a nice dream about daniel and vala sooo sweet ... mmmm


            SPOILER! s10 the guest part two

            just felt like posting this today hihi



              Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
              and they finnaly kissed

              Great piccie story, and

              Congratulations on 800 posts!


                Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
                SPOILER! s10 the guest part two

                just felt like posting this today hihi

                I can hardly wait to see this episode!!!
                T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                  Caption for the s10 spoiler pic:

                  "Daniel, how could you? You only had one beer! Now we have to postpone our date, AGAIN!!!!!"


                    How cruel, Stargate Fan. But also very funny!

                    VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                      lol, great captions all!

                      All Images Made By Hopalong


                        OMG! I just found one of the best Daniel/Vala fanfictions I've ever read! Here's a link...see if you agree with me!


                        you'll start at the bottom of the page, so you'll have to scroll to the top
                        Last edited by ObsessiveShip; 04 November 2006, 06:04 PM. Reason: I forgot to add...

                        All Images Made By Hopalong


                          Hey all here is the second chart reading I did for & I did fix the other one I made it green I am still new to web eddicate I didn't know what colors meant

                          Free Sample Romantic Compatibility Reading for
                          Daniel & Vala

                          Your Sample Reading: Help | Glossary

                          Vala's Sun Conjunct Daniel's Saturn:

                          The two of you often work well together on shared responsibilities and practical matters of importance. However, there is also a constrained, serious tone to the relationship that can make it stifling and frustrating. Daniel has a strong tendency to criticize and judge Vala's actions, sometimes accurately and sometimes unjustly. Daniel should guard against this tendency to dampen Vala's enthusiasm, and Vala needs to avoid being overly sensitive to Daniel's suggestions and criticisms. Daniel's tendency to dominate, control, or even repress Vala makes Vala feel resentful at times, and Vala may feel lowered vitality and self-confidence after being with Daniel for a long time. You must make room for lightness and play, or you both will feel burdened by the tone that is set between you.

                          Vala's Sun Opposition Daniel's Uranus:

                          If the two of you depend on each other to perform tasks and meet responsibilities (such as in a business relationship), you will find that it is often difficult to coordinate your schedules or focus on practical details. You do work together well on creative and innovative projects, however, when you do get together. You are likely to pop in and out of each other's lives at unexpected times.

                          Vala's Sun Opposition Daniel's Pluto:

                          The two of you become very zealous when you get together. You connect on a deep level and you motivate each other to pursue goals that are really interesting and exciting. You push each other out of a complacent attitude and galvanize one another's energies. You enjoy intense experiences together. If either of you feels manipulated or cheated by the other, however, you will become fierce opponents and rivals.

                          Vala's Sun Square Daniel's Jupiter:

                          Enthusiasm, optimism, and good will are very strong. Daniel is able to see ways that Vala can grow, expand, and develop in practical and concrete ways as well as in attitude and inner ways. Daniel, however, may try to push Vala too hastily and be deceived by unrealistic expectations, resulting in foolish joint speculations and unsuccessful ventures. Try not to let your shared enthusiasm and optimism spawn unrealistic hopes and expectations.

                          Daniel's Sun Trine Vala's Sun:

                          Your basic aims and approach to life are in harmony, and the mutual respect you feel forms the basis of an excellent friendship or partnership. You feel understood, appreciated, recognized, and affirmed by one another. You stimulate, vitalize, motivate, and believe in each other.

                          Vala's Sun Trine Daniel's Moon:

                          You two are the best of friends! You understand and appreciate each other, and are able to work together very harmoniously. No relationship is free of difficulty and stress, and this astrological influence does not nullify other stressful influences described elsewhere in this report, but it does add a harmonious quality to your relationship that helps you over the rough spots.

                          Vala's Sun Trine Daniel's Neptune:

                          The two of you have a strong intuitive understanding of each other, and you inspire each other's imagination, idealism, and aspirations. You help each other to become clearer about your ideals and religious inclinations, and together you develop a greater sense of meaning and purpose in your lives. You help each other to look beyond the daily problems and issues of your personal lives and focus more on altruistic goals and broader issues.

                          What I thought was erie was how this fit their storyline so far please tell me what you guys think
                          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                            I've been playing with Photoshop Elements again. Here's a recent wallpaper I've made:

                            Last edited by hopalong; 06 November 2006, 04:50 AM.


                              Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                              I've been playing with Photoshop Elements again. Here's a recent wallpaper I've made:

                              Pretty nice! Thanks!


                                Originally posted by ObsessiveShip View Post
                                OMG! I just found one of the best Daniel/Vala fanfictions I've ever read! Here's a link...see if you agree with me!

                                Aw, that is really cute It was cool how Teal'C was narrating the whole thing...I like the outsiders perspective on these two. I especially liked this bit "Some of the young marines gossiped that if you wanted to break down a girl’s defenses put her in the same room as DanielJackson and ValaMalDoran. There was enough electricity floating through the space between them to charge anyone’s hormones." If ever there was a truer statement....
                                Thanks for the recommendation.

                                Alas, my internet it acting up again and I can't seem to view the pics/wallpapers that people are posting. Do you have a link for yours, hopalong?

                                Let's see if mine work...I just made a wallpaper, it's nothing much but I thought I'd post it anyway (spoilered for size):


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