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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    *wanders in when she should be sleeping*

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Okay, a) yours and your sister's brains are epic. And b)
    I totally disagree. Helping escaped sex slave rediscover the goodness of real lovin' could be a completely natural part of your fic
    Haha, I'v always thought our brains were more weird than anything
    Haha, that might work, 'cept Cas hasn't been in captivity that long. He gets caught, and spend a few months with H&H, being... shall we say, tamed... And then is being sent off to his owners when Gabriel busts him out, at which point Dean and Sam get sent after them.

    and I haven't actually gotten to it yet, but when Dean and Cas start out, they are NOT going to like each other. Cas pretty much has an instinctual hatred of human kind (understandably so), and Dean, while he IS helping them, still has the cultural norms burned into his brain, and can't help but act superior when in the presence of an angel/demon... Neither is at fault, it's just the way the world works. They just have to get past it. I'm thinking this can be helped by a few "holy crap, you saved me" moments

    It will be fun, if I don't go insane.

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Wait wait wait!! Are you saying the slash of Dean/Cas is *more* obvious than Merlin/Arthur? Cuz if so, I gotta see that I've liked what clips I've seen but I thought they were more reserved...
    since I haven't watched Merlin yet, I can't comment on that... but the D/C subext is pretty obvious. The writers do it on purpose because they know about fandom, and it's tendencies.

    ...that and it's hard to deny the chemistry between the two

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    I totally agree. And to be fair, he often forgets his *own* existence and his other teammates so it makes sense.
    Rofl, now I have this image of Daniel saying "Wait... Who am I, again? Why was I here?"

    More OT
    so, today F!S gave me the secret I've been waiting for... Someone FINALLY said that all Dean/Cas shippers are going to burn in the fires of hell for defiling one of God's sacred creatures...

    You've no idea the sheer JOY this has brought me.... I mean, we get all these secrets about the S/D shippers burning in hell for all eternity for pairing the brothers together... And I always think: you know... I know EXACTLY how I would reply if someone ever said that about D/C shippers...

    And like, a week ago there was this wank about ALL SPN fans shipping S/D and of course all the D/C shippers came out of the woodwork to proudly proclaim that not EVERYONE in spn fandom liked incest... Some of us like the blasphemous, gay angel sex with the questionable consent issues (...I have now made that an icon ) and a friend of mine and I were wondering why we never got any posts about D/C being a path to hell...

    ...And now we have one. It was beautiful I tell you. God you should SEE The comments it got. Hilarious XD But best of all? I got to use that reply I'd been waiting to use

    Ahh... SPN. This fandom LOVES trolls and wank... We get to play with gifs, and we get to make them mad when we don't get angry; we just keep things humorous.

    annnnd back on topic:

    I'm sure it's been mentioned somewhere already, but was there anything on D/V in that episode of SGU? *hasn't watched yet... been busy*
    Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 25 April 2010, 11:07 PM.


      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post

      annnnd back on topic:

      I'm sure it's been mentioned somewhere already, but was there anything on D/V in that episode of SGU? *hasn't watched yet... been busy*
      No mentions as far a I can tell but it was set in the past I believe.

      OT rant of sorts
      Justin Bieber is in Australia and all I can say is I dislike him....immensely. I had never even heard of him until 3 weeks ago and now his concert here got cancelled because his teeny bopper fans went nuts. Sorry to any fans but right now I've had enough of him.

      Banner by Stef
      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


        Hey LMJ, I found this Dean/Cas vid and I'm wondering if you've seen it .... Kiss Me Through the Phone

        Back to D/V, I have another video in my head This list of to do things is never ending...
        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


          Yessika, if you ever get low on ideas for DeVilish vids, just come and let me know. I'm sure I can come up with lots of songs for you.

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
            No mentions as far a I can tell but it was set in the past I believe.

            OT rant of sorts
            Justin Bieber is in Australia and all I can say is I dislike him....immensely. I had never even heard of him until 3 weeks ago and now his concert here got cancelled because his teeny bopper fans went nuts. Sorry to any fans but right now I've had enough of him.
            Ah, okay. That's a pity...

            Dude, I hadn't even heard of him until, like a week ago... People kept posting gifs and such on a Comm I'm a member of... I kept wondering who the hell the kid was... finally, someone else asked, and I gathered from the responses that he was a singer or something.

            However, I have absolutely no desire to listen to anything by him

            Originally posted by yessika View Post
            Hey LMJ, I found this Dean/Cas vid and I'm wondering if you've seen it .... Kiss Me Through the Phone

            Back to D/V, I have another video in my head This list of to do things is never ending...
            Yup, seen that one Yessi. Song is REALLY not my thing though.

            So, you still upset about last episode, too? (omg, I can't believe there's only 3 episodes left... I don't think I'm going to live through them all. In fact, I'm quite sure that the finale is going to rip my heart into shreds, then stomp on the pieces, laugh while I sob in the corner over whoever they're killing THIS season (Please be Bobby please be Bobby please be Bobby... I love Bobby, but I love Cas more. If one has to go, it better be Bobby), and then finally just kill me dead when they end on a cliffhanger (because they will. They can't not end on a cliffhanger))

            Hahaha, dude, I feel your pain. I think I need to just go and delete like half my WIP folder... I'm never going to get to them all XD


              Here's a cute D/V music vid. I think you'll like.

              Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                Can I just say that graduation costs a bloody fortune, and I am not happy about it *grumbles*
                Banner by Stef.

                The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                  Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                  Ah, okay. That's a pity...

                  Dude, I hadn't even heard of him until, like a week ago... People kept posting gifs and such on a Comm I'm a member of... I kept wondering who the hell the kid was... finally, someone else asked, and I gathered from the responses that he was a singer or something.

                  However, I have absolutely no desire to listen to anything by him

                  Yup, seen that one Yessi. Song is REALLY not my thing though.

                  So, you still upset about last episode, too? (omg, I can't believe there's only 3 episodes left... I don't think I'm going to live through them all. In fact, I'm quite sure that the finale is going to rip my heart into shreds, then stomp on the pieces, laugh while I sob in the corner over whoever they're killing THIS season (Please be Bobby please be Bobby please be Bobby... I love Bobby, but I love Cas more. If one has to go, it better be Bobby), and then finally just kill me dead when they end on a cliffhanger (because they will. They can't not end on a cliffhanger))

                  Hahaha, dude, I feel your pain. I think I need to just go and delete like half my WIP folder... I'm never going to get to them all XD
                  Yep, it still hurts, I don't heal quickly

                  I'm gonna be mad whoever they kill so I just want it to be over with. Why oh why do I get so attached to characters?

                  As soon as summer hits I might have time to do half the things I need to do
                  Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                    Stumbled on these vids...apologies if they've been posted before!



                      I don't heal quickly either... I mean, I still haven't forgiven them for Ash, Pamela, Ellen, Victor, Andy, OR for turning Ava into a bad guy...I doubt I'll ever ever ever forgiven them for last week...

                      If they kill Cas after that.... Really, I'm fine with anyone else. Bobby, Crowley, Adam, Lucifer, Chuck... hell, they could trash the Impala if they wanted... But Cas had better survive.

                      I think it's most likely going to be down to Bobby or Cas... But considering the finale synopsis says a "beloved" character dies... Eh, it might not be either. Apparently last season, they said a beloved character would die in the finale, too... and it was Ruby, who's as far as I know, a hated character. Maybe they meant Cas' death. But that didn't exactly stick.

                      I mean, I pretty much love every character that's left (except Michael) and I'll prolly end up crying no matter who it is... Just so long as it's not Cas, I'll be happy

                      Ah summer... I've got like... NOTHING planned for summer. I'll mostly be staying indoors, trying to keep cool (god I want the ACs fixed!)...

                      Mostly now I'm just hoping that tornado season leaves us in peace, and we don't lose power... Kinda wishing the wind would die down too. Past 3 days it's been so windy ya can't hardly walk outside without getting blown over.

                      Oh and look... 5 minutes ago it was sunny. Now it's brewing up a storm. This should be fun.


                        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                        I don't heal quickly either... I mean, I still haven't forgiven them for Ash, Pamela, Ellen, Victor, Andy, OR for turning Ava into a bad guy...I doubt I'll ever ever ever forgiven them for last week...

                        If they kill Cas after that.... Really, I'm fine with anyone else. Bobby, Crowley, Adam, Lucifer, Chuck... hell, they could trash the Impala if they wanted... But Cas had better survive.

                        I think it's most likely going to be down to Bobby or Cas... But considering the finale synopsis says a "beloved" character dies... Eh, it might not be either. Apparently last season, they said a beloved character would die in the finale, too... and it was Ruby, who's as far as I know, a hated character. Maybe they meant Cas' death. But that didn't exactly stick.

                        I mean, I pretty much love every character that's left (except Michael) and I'll prolly end up crying no matter who it is... Just so long as it's not Cas, I'll be happy

                        Ah summer... I've got like... NOTHING planned for summer. I'll mostly be staying indoors, trying to keep cool (god I want the ACs fixed!)...

                        Mostly now I'm just hoping that tornado season leaves us in peace, and we don't lose power... Kinda wishing the wind would die down too. Past 3 days it's been so windy ya can't hardly walk outside without getting blown over.

                        Oh and look... 5 minutes ago it was sunny. Now it's brewing up a storm. This should be fun.
                        Well then for your sanity I hope it's not Cas

                        Oh, all I have planned for summer is the fun stuff: vids, artworks, and gifs

                        I hope the weather doesn't get too bad (((LMJ)))
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Hey everyone - I posted this just now on the other thread...

                          FYI -

                          hi everyone!

                          I thought I should post the link to MSOL, for the sponsored walk that Michael and Lexa did yesterday for the MSSociety of Canada.
                          To date the total funds raised stands at $2745.00 so far...

                          Here's the link MS Walk 2010 to the pictures that are posted up at MSOL with kind appreciation to the girls there for sharing.

                          The link for donations to the walk is still availlable here - MS walk website

                          // Can I just make a note on how gorgeous Michael looks!! and Lexa just looks so beautifull and radiant!! xx\\
                          Last edited by SpacedOutAgain; 26 April 2010, 02:49 PM.
                          Made by me.


                            Originally posted by gioia View Post
                            I just finished a few minutes ago SGU Human, and God, I so missed Daniel. He was really gorgeous, and he changed outfits a couple of times and everytime he was smoking hot..Really this man ages very well.

                            SGU episode made me want D/V back on screen so much. I guess I should go and watch Unending again. See k-i-s-s-i-n-g them
                            GIOIA!!!!!! Hey! It's been too long!

                            Oooh, I still haven't seen the ep. I like the series so far, mostly because it's making me miss BSG a little less (not that it's up to those standards but there are similarities ). I agree, making-out is of the good.

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Haha, I'v always thought our brains were more weird than anything
                            Haha, that might work, 'cept Cas hasn't been in captivity that long. He gets caught, and spend a few months with H&H, being... shall we say, tamed... And then is being sent off to his owners when Gabriel busts him out, at which point Dean and Sam get sent after them.

                            and I haven't actually gotten to it yet, but when Dean and Cas start out, they are NOT going to like each other. Cas pretty much has an instinctual hatred of human kind (understandably so), and Dean, while he IS helping them, still has the cultural norms burned into his brain, and can't help but act superior when in the presence of an angel/demon... Neither is at fault, it's just the way the world works. They just have to get past it. I'm thinking this can be helped by a few "holy crap, you saved me" moments

                            It will be fun, if I don't go insane.
                            Now my brain is just seeing angry!sex. Which is all the hotter And "holy crap, you saved me" can tooootally be naturally followed up by some good makin' out

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            More OT
                            [spoiler]so, today F!S gave me the secret I've been waiting for... Someone FINALLY said that all Dean/Cas shippers are going to burn in the fires of hell for defiling one of God's sacred creatures...

                            You've no idea the sheer JOY this has brought me.... I mean, we get all these secrets about the S/D shippers burning in hell for all eternity for pairing the brothers together... And I always think: you know... I know EXACTLY how I would reply if someone ever said that about D/C shippers...

                            And like, a week ago there was this wank about ALL SPN fans shipping S/D and of course all the D/C shippers came out of the woodwork to proudly proclaim that not EVERYONE in spn fandom liked incest... Some of us like the blasphemous, gay angel sex with the questionable consent issues (...I have now made that an icon ) and a friend of mine and I were wondering why we never got any posts about D/C being a path to hell...

                            ...And now we have one. It was beautiful I tell you. God you should SEE The comments it got. Hilarious XD But best of all? I got to use that reply I'd been waiting to use
                            *snort* That was epic

                            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                            No mentions as far a I can tell but it was set in the past I believe.

                            OT rant of sorts
                            Justin Bieber is in Australia and all I can say is I dislike him....immensely. I had never even heard of him until 3 weeks ago and now his concert here got cancelled because his teeny bopper fans went nuts. Sorry to any fans but right now I've had enough of him.
                            I know him, mostly because he's Canadian And may or may not be from around where I am...I forget. But anyway, we get his music on the radio a lot and he reminds me of Nick Carter's brother and the Hansons and the Moffatts when they came out *pets* All innocent, crush-stuff. I'm out of the age range to care about him at all but his fans really are mental. I remember his manager got charges laid on him by the cops because they Tweeted he was going to be at some mall and like...every teeny bopper lover in the country raced to it and created a mob hazard

                            ...that being said, I *must* prefer teens and tweens falling over themselves over him than Twilight.

                            Originally posted by yessika View Post
                            Hey LMJ, I found this Dean/Cas vid and I'm wondering if you've seen it .... Kiss Me Through the Phone

                            Back to D/V, I have another video in my head This list of to do things is never ending...
                            ...that just made me want to watch them more

                            I KNOW RIGHT?? I have to finish a challenge vid but after that I'm throwing myself into my old D/V projects and hopefully pumping a few out. What all have you got on your creative To-Do list?

                            Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                            Can I just say that graduation costs a bloody fortune, and I am not happy about it *grumbles*
                   if they didn't milk enough money out of you while you were studying *shifty eyes*

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            If they kill Cas after that.... Really, I'm fine with anyone else. Bobby, Crowley, Adam, Lucifer, Chuck... hell, they could trash the Impala if they wanted... But Cas had better survive.

                            I think it's most likely going to be down to Bobby or Cas... But considering the finale synopsis says a "beloved" character dies... Eh, it might not be either. Apparently last season, they said a beloved character would die in the finale, too... and it was Ruby, who's as far as I know, a hated character. Maybe they meant Cas' death. But that didn't exactly stick.

                            I mean, I pretty much love every character that's left (except Michael) and I'll prolly end up crying no matter who it is... Just so long as it's not Cas, I'll be happy
                            Um...yeah. We're gonna know next week? Cuz I was gonna start watching but if I'm just gonna fall in love with him to see him die...

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Oh and look... 5 minutes ago it was sunny. Now it's brewing up a storm. This should be fun.
                            ...Are there any women/old men on scooters going 250 mph or Bentleys on fire speeding towards a rural area?
                            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                            Banner made by Stef!


                              Milena, you should watch SPN, it's a blast!!

                              My to-do list:

                              1. 3 vids for Ship day (one fluff, one gutter, one angst)
                              2. Artwork for Ship day (probably banners and wps)
                              3. Rush fan vid
                              4. 2 D/V vids
                              5. Helen/John vid
                              6. Eli/Chloe vid
                              7. 2 POTC vids

                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr



                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

