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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    Busily! I won't have too much time until Friday. Next week slows down. Finally.
    Busy busy then? Fun =P

    I've had a... blind week. Been back to wearing my glasses 'cause I used all my contacts... I set my glasses on top of my computer when I go to bed... My cat pulled the computer off the desk. The computer landed on the glasses. The glasses were obviously no match for the computer. So, now I can't frelling see (been having to try and make due with a pair of reading glasses so I can at least see my monitor), and we won't have the money to do anything about it till Friday. Alas, because we'll have to go out of town to actually get new glasses/contacts, we'll have to wait till my dad gets home... which SHOULD be pretty soon, but there's no telling.

    ...So in the mean time, I'm stuck getting headaches from straining to see. (not just screens... EVERYTHING. Anything more than 3 feet away is blurry beyond belief. I have to stick to my mom and my sis like glue when we go out anywhere, because if I fall behind, I can't see where they went XD...


      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      Busy busy then? Fun =P

      I've had a... blind week. Been back to wearing my glasses 'cause I used all my contacts... I set my glasses on top of my computer when I go to bed... My cat pulled the computer off the desk. The computer landed on the glasses. The glasses were obviously no match for the computer. So, now I can't frelling see (been having to try and make due with a pair of reading glasses so I can at least see my monitor), and we won't have the money to do anything about it till Friday. Alas, because we'll have to go out of town to actually get new glasses/contacts, we'll have to wait till my dad gets home... which SHOULD be pretty soon, but there's no telling.

      ...So in the mean time, I'm stuck getting headaches from straining to see. (not just screens... EVERYTHING. Anything more than 3 feet away is blurry beyond belief. I have to stick to my mom and my sis like glue when we go out anywhere, because if I fall behind, I can't see where they went XD...
      There is not enough love or money in the world to make me wear contacts. *shakes head* I can barely put on eye make-up!

      As part of a local club, we're giving books away to the elementary school kids. This week, we're giving away about 500 books. So, yeah. Busy.

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      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        There is not enough love or money in the world to make me wear contacts. *shakes head* I can barely put on eye make-up!

        As part of a local club, we're giving books away to the elementary school kids. This week, we're giving away about 500 books. So, yeah. Busy.
        I used to be that way too... But I get these massive headaches from wearing my glasses (...not having them, and straining is worse though)... The prescription is right, but something about glasses just doesn't sit right with my poor eyeballs. So I finally decided to hell with it, and forced myself to get over my eye issues, simply so I could have some relief from the headaches. I didn't regret it at all. The only problem I have is that I tend to doze off when I get bored, and sleeping with contacts in = bad.

        ...I'd kill to get my hands on that many books. Long as they were good books =P... I seriously need new things to read.... I've run out of fic for my new ship, because as I said, last few episode have been Cas-less, so apparently no one's getting any inspiration... I've tried to go back and read some SG-1 fic, but so much of it is just all the same... Which is why I've found the fic for Dean/Cas so satisfying... Sure, there are some basics that are always the same, but for the most part there is incredible variety in the fic.

        ....Why can't SG-1 have any fic where they're like... highschool teachers or something... Or like the one I was gonna do, where they're cops in Vegas... (I've developed an addiction to AUs... what?).

        ...I think it'd be interesting to see a school scenario for Daniel and Vala... Maybe Daniel is a college professor or something, and Vala a student... or if that squicks people out- after the fic I've been reading lately, NOTHING will ever squick me... ever again. Except maybe all the damn incest fic I keep finding... jesus people...- then his assistant... a fellow teacher... hell, the nice waitress who flirts with him in the coffee shop he goes too...

        Wouldn't even have to be AU... I could do with canon-complacent fics, if they weren't the same formula everyone seems to follow...

        TL;DR: I need more varied fic, dammit =P


          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
          I used to be that way too... But I get these massive headaches from wearing my glasses (...not having them, and straining is worse though)... The prescription is right, but something about glasses just doesn't sit right with my poor eyeballs. So I finally decided to hell with it, and forced myself to get over my eye issues, simply so I could have some relief from the headaches. I didn't regret it at all. The only problem I have is that I tend to doze off when I get bored, and sleeping with contacts in = bad.

          ...I'd kill to get my hands on that many books. Long as they were good books =P... I seriously need new things to read.... I've run out of fic for my new ship, because as I said, last few episode have been Cas-less, so apparently no one's getting any inspiration... I've tried to go back and read some SG-1 fic, but so much of it is just all the same... Which is why I've found the fic for Dean/Cas so satisfying... Sure, there are some basics that are always the same, but for the most part there is incredible variety in the fic.

          ....Why can't SG-1 have any fic where they're like... highschool teachers or something... Or like the one I was gonna do, where they're cops in Vegas... (I've developed an addiction to AUs... what?).

          ...I think it'd be interesting to see a school scenario for Daniel and Vala... Maybe Daniel is a college professor or something, and Vala a student... or if that squicks people out- after the fic I've been reading lately, NOTHING will ever squick me... ever again. Except maybe all the damn incest fic I keep finding... jesus people...- then his assistant... a fellow teacher... hell, the nice waitress who flirts with him in the coffee shop he goes too...

          Wouldn't even have to be AU... I could do with canon-complacent fics, if they weren't the same formula everyone seems to follow...

          TL;DR: I need more varied fic, dammit =P
          *shudders* I needed eye drops a few years ago. My friend had to pin me against the wall and pry my eye open to get them in my eye. Frankly, I'd rather go blind.

          Personally, I think the books are good ones. Even if most of them are geared toward 4-8 year olds. Some of them are just brilliant.

          Are you talking AU for the prof/student DV fic? Or something with our Daniel and Vala? Either way, if it's well done, I don't see problems with it.

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            *shudders* I needed eye drops a few years ago. My friend had to pin me against the wall and pry my eye open to get them in my eye. Frankly, I'd rather go blind.

            Personally, I think the books are good ones. Even if most of them are geared toward 4-8 year olds. Some of them are just brilliant.

            Are you talking AU for the prof/student DV fic? Or something with our Daniel and Vala? Either way, if it's well done, I don't see problems with it.
            I'd rather be pain free.... And y'know, I can put contacts in just fine, but I still have trouble with eyedrops XD

            talking AU for ANYTHING D/V... AU D/V is hard to find. Hah, I know some people are overly sensitive... I read a The Immortals AU once where the two main characters were professor/student (actually, like they are in the books), and the poor author had people saying that Teacher/student relationships were gross/wrong, etc... But they didn't have a problem reading it in the books, when Numair is Daine's teacher for magic, and has a good 14 years on her.... I don't get people...

            AU is fun, I think... Then again, like I said, so is canon-complacent, so long as it's not the same thing again and again.... In MOST D/V fics, it's pretty much the same formula... I'll get eyerolls for mentioning my new ship again, but it has variety, even in it's canon fic. There's fluff, there's angst, there's fic where Cas is forced back into heaven and never sees Dean again, there's fic where he leaves, comes back to find Dean had moved on with his life, and he is therefore sad... There's fic where Cas dies, fic where Dean dies... Fic where Dean says yes to Michael possessing him, leaving Cas with a deep hatred for his brother, there's fic where they BOTH die.... There's fic where they're reading fic about themselves (which isn't as brain-hurting as it sounds, and is hilarious) which disturbs them, but leads to realizing that maybe it's not so out there...

            ...And then there's all the AUs

            Not saying there ISN'T variety in SG-1 fic... but MOST of what I've found is either uber-depressing angst, diabetic-coma inducing fluff, or so badly written that two sentences in, you're wondering what the author is smoking... If any of the authors currently auctioning themselves for the MishaMinions Help Haiti fund knew anything about SG-1, I might be bidding for fic XD


              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
              I'd rather be pain free.... And y'know, I can put contacts in just fine, but I still have trouble with eyedrops XD

              talking AU for ANYTHING D/V... AU D/V is hard to find. Hah, I know some people are overly sensitive... I read a The Immortals AU once where the two main characters were professor/student (actually, like they are in the books), and the poor author had people saying that Teacher/student relationships were gross/wrong, etc... But they didn't have a problem reading it in the books, when Numair is Daine's teacher for magic, and has a good 14 years on her.... I don't get people...

              AU is fun, I think... Then again, like I said, so is canon-complacent, so long as it's not the same thing again and again.... In MOST D/V fics, it's pretty much the same formula... I'll get eyerolls for mentioning my new ship again, but it has variety, even in it's canon fic. There's fluff, there's angst, there's fic where Cas is forced back into heaven and never sees Dean again, there's fic where he leaves, comes back to find Dean had moved on with his life, and he is therefore sad... There's fic where Cas dies, fic where Dean dies... Fic where Dean says yes to Michael possessing him, leaving Cas with a deep hatred for his brother, there's fic where they BOTH die.... There's fic where they're reading fic about themselves (which isn't as brain-hurting as it sounds, and is hilarious) which disturbs them, but leads to realizing that maybe it's not so out there...

              ...And then there's all the AUs

              Not saying there ISN'T variety in SG-1 fic... but MOST of what I've found is either uber-depressing angst, diabetic-coma inducing fluff, or so badly written that two sentences in, you're wondering what the author is smoking... If any of the authors currently auctioning themselves for the MishaMinions Help Haiti fund knew anything about SG-1, I might be bidding for fic XD
              Just got an idea! Well, it's sorta ripped off of a couple of others that were written waaaaayyyy before the advent of Vala in SG1. A bachelor auction! The SGC wants to help is some small way the relief effort in Haiti (insert disaster here) and they hold a bachelor auction! Vala would make free with Daniel's credit card to buy him for the evening.

              Which is completely fine by me as long as I get Teal'c!

              And, I'm constitutionally incapable of writing anything other than fluff. I've just dipped my toes a couple of times into the angst side of writing, and I just can't seem to manage it well.

              I think adventure/romance would be best for DeVilish.

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              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Just got an idea! Well, it's sorta ripped off of a couple of others that were written waaaaayyyy before the advent of Vala in SG1. A bachelor auction! The SGC wants to help is some small way the relief effort in Haiti (insert disaster here) and they hold a bachelor auction! Vala would make free with Daniel's credit card to buy him for the evening.

                Which is completely fine by me as long as I get Teal'c!

                And, I'm constitutionally incapable of writing anything other than fluff. I've just dipped my toes a couple of times into the angst side of writing, and I just can't seem to manage it well.

                I think adventure/romance would be best for DeVilish.
                Hahahahahaha! Bachelor auction FTW!... There's all kinds of stuff going on on LJ for Haiti... There's Misha's Minions (Misha Collins... Castiel), on Mishaland that are auctioning off fic for fundraising... There's the Kink for A Cause (...which is... yeah XD) meme... also auctioning off the fic of people's choice... I think a few of the Star Trek comms are doing something (in fact, there was some major wank going on at fandom!secrets, 'cause someone said the SPN fandom wasn't doing as good as the ST fandom).....

                I write... Ah, I dunno... I'm all over the place... right now I'm working on a cracktastic Doctor Who/SPN crossover, where Castiel's existence puzzles the Doctor, and the Doctor's existence puzzles Castiel....

                As for D/V... I could totally see an Indiana Jones fic with Daniel as Indy... It's perfect =P


                  Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                  Hahahahahaha! Bachelor auction FTW!... There's all kinds of stuff going on on LJ for Haiti... There's Misha's Minions (Misha Collins... Castiel), on Mishaland that are auctioning off fic for fundraising... There's the Kink for A Cause (...which is... yeah XD) meme... also auctioning off the fic of people's choice... I think a few of the Star Trek comms are doing something (in fact, there was some major wank going on at fandom!secrets, 'cause someone said the SPN fandom wasn't doing as good as the ST fandom).....

                  I write... Ah, I dunno... I'm all over the place... right now I'm working on a cracktastic Doctor Who/SPN crossover, where Castiel's existence puzzles the Doctor, and the Doctor's existence puzzles Castiel....

                  As for D/V... I could totally see an Indiana Jones fic with Daniel as Indy... It's perfect =P
                  I'm not too into any other fandoms. Really, Stargate is the only tv obsession I've had. And that includes my Star Trek days. I even wrote a research paper on Star Trek. Which is why I cried when both SG1 and SGA got cancelled.

                  As far as writing, I'm trying something for a different pairing right now. Maybe I'll get some inspiration for DeVilish.

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                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                    I'm not too into any other fandoms. Really, Stargate is the only tv obsession I've had. And that includes my Star Trek days. I even wrote a research paper on Star Trek. Which is why I cried when both SG1 and SGA got cancelled.

                    As far as writing, I'm trying something for a different pairing right now. Maybe I'll get some inspiration for DeVilish.
                    ...I have had many fandoms... but there are only three where I've actually been active in the fandom community, and that's Stargate, Resident Evil, and Supernatural. ( obsessions?....there have been a lot more of those... I just wasn't taking part in the communities...)

                    Oh? What pairing?

                    I kinda wanna write for SG-1 again, but to do so, I'd have to go watch all the episodes again...

                    ...And that reminds me, I found a SPN/SG-1 crossover... There was this episode, recently, called "Changing Channels" where the boys got stuck in "TV Land" by a pagan demi-god of mischief (who actually turned out to be Gabriel, the archangel), and they spoofed several shows (Grey's Anatomy, House, CSI Miami, Knight Rider, Full House, etc)... So on LJ, this fic meme was started for other spoofs/cross-overs people wanted to see... and SG-1 came up. Jack was confused by Sam 'n Dean


                      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                      ...I have had many fandoms... but there are only three where I've actually been active in the fandom community, and that's Stargate, Resident Evil, and Supernatural. ( obsessions?....there have been a lot more of those... I just wasn't taking part in the communities...)

                      Oh? What pairing?

                      I kinda wanna write for SG-1 again, but to do so, I'd have to go watch all the episodes again...

                      ...And that reminds me, I found a SPN/SG-1 crossover... There was this episode, recently, called "Changing Channels" where the boys got stuck in "TV Land" by a pagan demi-god of mischief (who actually turned out to be Gabriel, the archangel), and they spoofed several shows (Grey's Anatomy, House, CSI Miami, Knight Rider, Full House, etc)... So on LJ, this fic meme was started for other spoofs/cross-overs people wanted to see... and SG-1 came up. Jack was confused by Sam 'n Dean
                      Actually, right now, it's a Ronon/Jenn fic. Really, I have much better luck writing them than any other. I know several "Ronon's" in my life. Plus, in my Stargate rewatch, I'm watching SGA right now, so kinda hard to write for my SG1 couples.

                      I'm starting to get into a few other shows, but I was seriously burned by tptb regarding SGA so I'm kinda touch and go with really getting into them.

                      Slightly confused here. Was SG1 included in the episode? Or was that strictly in the fic you mentioned? Still it sounds funny. Even if I don't know anything about Supernatural. Maybe Jack and I can be confused together!

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                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                        Actually, right now, it's a Ronon/Jenn fic. Really, I have much better luck writing them than any other. I know several "Ronon's" in my life. Plus, in my Stargate rewatch, I'm watching SGA right now, so kinda hard to write for my SG1 couples.

                        I'm starting to get into a few other shows, but I was seriously burned by tptb regarding SGA so I'm kinda touch and go with really getting into them.

                        Slightly confused here. Was SG1 included in the episode? Or was that strictly in the fic you mentioned? Still it sounds funny. Even if I don't know anything about Supernatural. Maybe Jack and I can be confused together!
                        Ahh, not one of my 'ships.... I'm Rodney/Jen all the way . I know what you mean about it being hard to write for other pairings though... when you're in the mode for one, it's hard to write anything else... I don't see how people skip back and forth between fandoms, I really don't.

                        Haha, I was able to forgive them SGA, because I actually like SGU... Though I wouldn't have complained about a season 6 of SGA.

                        Nah, SG-1 was only in the fic. I wish it had been in the show. That would have completed their Stargate trend.... First there's all the actors, then in one of the most recent episodes, they had this critter.... They say the name is "Wraith", and I snicker a bit, because I'm a geek like that... and then they show the Wraith... AND SHE WAS FEEDING ON SOMEONE THROUGH HER FRIGGING HAND.... I immediately had this big geek-out, and couldn't help but wonder when Sheppard and McKay were gonna show up

                        Oh, and also? Michael Shanks is supposed to be appearing in an episode soon, so I am all kinds of happy. Like, I absolutely can't WAIT for it, and part of me hopes his character is similar to Daniel XD....


                          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                          Ahh, not one of my 'ships.... I'm Rodney/Jen all the way . I know what you mean about it being hard to write for other pairings though... when you're in the mode for one, it's hard to write anything else... I don't see how people skip back and forth between fandoms, I really don't.

                          Haha, I was able to forgive them SGA, because I actually like SGU... Though I wouldn't have complained about a season 6 of SGA.

                          Nah, SG-1 was only in the fic. I wish it had been in the show. That would have completed their Stargate trend.... First there's all the actors, then in one of the most recent episodes, they had this critter.... They say the name is "Wraith", and I snicker a bit, because I'm a geek like that... and then they show the Wraith... AND SHE WAS FEEDING ON SOMEONE THROUGH HER FRIGGING HAND.... I immediately had this big geek-out, and couldn't help but wonder when Sheppard and McKay were gonna show up

                          Oh, and also? Michael Shanks is supposed to be appearing in an episode soon, so I am all kinds of happy. Like, I absolutely can't WAIT for it, and part of me hopes his character is similar to Daniel XD....
                          Yeah, I'd heard that a lot of Stargate actors had guest starred on that show. Funny about the wraith! I'd have a geek out moment too!

                          I just got really peeved with tptb in SGA because they'd tell us one thing and then do another They started out S4 saying that they'd be pairing Ronon and Jenn up and then they ended up with Rodney and Jenn. They'd say that Teyla would get more screen time, and she actually got less. They completely de-evolved Ronon to a couple of jokes there in the last season. I just . . . just . . . Well, I was very tired of all of it.

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                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Yeah, I'd heard that a lot of Stargate actors had guest starred on that show. Funny about the wraith! I'd have a geek out moment too!

                            I just got really peeved with tptb in SGA because they'd tell us one thing and then do another They started out S4 saying that they'd be pairing Ronon and Jenn up and then they ended up with Rodney and Jenn. They'd say that Teyla would get more screen time, and she actually got less. They completely de-evolved Ronon to a couple of jokes there in the last season. I just . . . just . . . Well, I was very tired of all of it.
                            TONS have. (even more if you count bit parts... like all the ghosts that were wraith/jaffa/various other throw-away enemies)

                            Ahhh, see, I didn't keep up with the news on SGA... I didn't join the SGA fandom until s4 anyway, mostly because that was the season with Sam in it... It wasn't until semi-recently that I actually went and watched all the series... So I didn't have the disappointment.

                            Though to be honest, even if I HAD heard about Ronon/Jen beforehand, I likely still would have climbed aboard the McKeller ship...

                            ...That being said, I think I know how you feel. The Bones writers have been doing this to us a lot lately...


                              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                              Not saying there ISN'T variety in SG-1 fic... but MOST of what I've found is either uber-depressing angst, diabetic-coma inducing fluff, or so badly written that two sentences in, you're wondering what the author is smoking...
                              Wow, glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this but also sad cause I'm sick and was popping on here for good (GOOD!) D/V fic recs. I personally get a little tired of seeing Vala get *ahem* violated. Yes, Qetesh was a sex/fertility goddess, but come on! That little chestnut gets old really fast.

                              So does anyone have any good fic recommendations? Even if it is just team with D & V in it? I need something to read to pass the time and I don't feel like working on my own.
                              Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
                              My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                                Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                                Wow, glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this but also sad cause I'm sick and was popping on here for good (GOOD!) D/V fic recs. I personally get a little tired of seeing Vala get *ahem* violated. Yes, Qetesh was a sex/fertility goddess, but come on! That little chestnut gets old really fast.

                                So does anyone have any good fic recommendations? Even if it is just team with D & V in it? I need something to read to pass the time and I don't feel like working on my own.
                                I wish I could help- because I know how much fic can help when you're feeling down- but I don't have any to rec. I'd look through my faves on but I recently went through and deleted all the stuff I knew I'd never read again, and a good portion of it was SG-1 fic. (because sometimes you just go back to a fic, and realize it was terrible...)

                                Though I would suggest a search on LJ, for a D/V community. No offense to, but you can generally find better fic at LJ (especially if you go through rec lists from authors you know are good, because they USUALLY have good taste).

                                Hmm... I found some awesome gifs of the spn boys... I need to find some for SG-1... crack!gifs are always fun...

                                EDIT:.... O.o.... O.O -.- O.O.... I... I was gonna look for some gifs on Deviantart... Only, there's really no category for "small square looping a scene from tv show" so I just did a general stargate search... Obviously, some fic posts popped up, and as a preview image, they have the first few lines of text.... I saw the line "Rush kissed his way down Eli's throat"...

                                .... Unfortunately for me, considering the fic I've been reading, the visual- and everything that probably followed- came far too easily into my head... and... Now I think it may haunt me... Forever. Seriously, does someone have brain bleach somewhere? Please?

                                I mean, I know I should probably be more tolerant of slash, considering my new ship- and my adoration of Jack/Ianto... but they're canon- but some of the pairings just give me the heeby-jeebies.... Actually, it's not just slash... There are pairings of anything that give me the creeps... Some of them are even Need-for-Therapy inducing... (for example, I once stumbled on to a Sam/Jacob fic.... )
                                Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 02 February 2010, 04:54 PM.

