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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Shhh, that's our little secret...
    Secret? Really? Since when?

    I will admit, they are pretty....but not as pretty as...
    Well, I'll give you that one, but only because I have a theory that most people are hottest in their 30's, and they still have a decade to go.

    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    This AOT mention got my banner muse going...
    YAY! STEF PRETTY! *runs around in giddy circles, then falls on face* YAY! *\0/*

    *hugs LMJ* Seriously, some things need to be warned for, I don't care about your artistic vision.
    Banner by Stef.

    The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

    HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      Whee, I finally made it through all the pages of the SPN gifs... Still don't have that damn Priestly gif though. Guess I'll have to wait until someone uses it.

      Did a search for stargate, and got nothing I really wanted to save- except for a gif of the scene where Cadman kisses Carson, when she was in Rodney. McKay's horror when he regains control is hilarious- so, ah well...
      Where did you search? I suck at such things.

      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      Cold AND wet sucks, Kath...

      Worse? HOT and wet... It gets all humid, and it feels like you're trying to swim through the air... Need an oxygen mask to breathe... In the words of Walter the puppet: "I took a shower on Monday. On Friday? Still not dry."

      Lol, thieve away. Thieve all you like, I have several lol-worthy ones
      ...Be warned: people have been known to be seduced into watching the show by the power of the gifs alone

      EDIT: Danke Sue. I like the one of her grinning.

      EDIT2: Holy crap... a whole group of SGA secrets in today's F!S... I thought SG-1/A secrets were extinct, having given way to SGU...
      That's that comm you mentioned a couple of months ago that everything is anonymous?

      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      Having spent enough time around Fandom_Wank, I'm going to steer clear of that show! Also, no one is as adorable as Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, and they're kinda my OTP at the moment

      Eugh, humidity! *shudders* I'm not sure which I dislike most! Hot humidity or cold humidity? Show of hands, Cakes?
      Not that I have to deal with it anymore, but I hated cold and humid more than hot and humid.

      Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
      Stef, love the Ark of Truth Pics. There was an AOT video I really loved but can't find it. But I did stumble upon this treasure. hehe
      I so expected something like that at the end of the movie. The whole "We have our best people working on it" thing. Lol!

      Love seeing everybody in the Oven! Come back and play often!

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        Where did you search? I suck at such things.

        That's that comm you mentioned a couple of months ago that everything is anonymous?
        Tinypic, since that's where most people host their gifs/pics for LJ. A few do on photobucket, but it's harder to find them there, since a lot of people don't tag their pictures.

        Fandom!Secrets? Yes. And not EVERYTHING. Most of the time, commenters don't bother going anon. Unless they're a) trolling, b) afraid that agreeing/disagreeing with a secret will get them flamed, or c) afraid that someone they know is going to see them agreeing/disagreeing, and want nothing to do with them anymore

        Personally, I see no reason to keep some of the things posted secret. Most people complain about their friends list disowning them if they knew or some such, but if that's the case, these people really need to get better friends, who aren't going to ditch them the moment they decide they hate a certain character in a show or something...

        EDIT:... I'm conflicted right now. And I feel like a bad shipper... Apparently next week, Cas is going to beat the everloving f*** out of Dean... My thought process while reading this: "Hey, Cas will finally win a fight... But man, everyone is beating on Dean this season... Oooh, the fic after this episode will be epic... I bet he beats the snot out of him for being stupid. Dean likes to be stupid when he's desperate. Cas is probably saving him from making a really massive mistake.... God I can't wait to see this..."

        ...So yeah... I'm actually excited about one half of my SPN otp beating the crap out of the other one. Shipper FAIL...

        Seriously, if something like that came up for Daniel and Vala, I would be all "OMG WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT!!!"

        Dean/Cas? I'm thinking about the frigging fic it's going to inspire. *head/desk* I have problems.

        In my defense, the only explanation IS that Cas is keeping Dean from doing something idiotic. The common theory for now is that Dean is going to try and say yes to letting Michael possess him, and thus destroy half the planet, and that Cas is going to get pissed, kick him around a bit, and then fly off to do whatever it is he does that makes it so Dean doesn't have to say yes. (unless beating him unconscious is how he goes about that....)

        ...Though I mentioned D/V, and now I'm wondering if there would ever be a case in which Vala would resort to physical violence against Daniel to keep him from doing something stupid... I'm talking end of the world stupid, or giving up his own life stupid... Y'know, something major, that would have all parties at the end of their emotional ropes.

        The aftermath of such an event would be interesting to explore (and WILL be interesting, for D/C)...

        God I am so damaged...
        Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 08 April 2010, 10:02 AM.


          I've nothing against Vala beating up long as it ends up funny.
          I could see it happening when one or the other wants to take the other's place, esp. in a 'dangerous situation'.
          (I recall a fic that deals w/ a different take on Beachead: Daniel being the one in the transport...something like that)


            Hammer, do you have a link? I remember some that have both of them ending up in the Ori galaxy, but not one that Daniel is alone there.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Hammer, do you have a link? I remember some that have both of them ending up in the Ori galaxy, but not one that Daniel is alone there.
              *shameless self promotion* that's because that is the fic i am currently WRITING. and it will soon exist - daniel being alone there I mean (I wrote a glimpse/preview of it for the fruitcake christmas exchange this past december)
              *end shameless self promotion*
              Last edited by natalia; 08 April 2010, 12:37 PM. Reason: shameless link adding
              My Fic: LJ &


                Originally posted by gotthammer View Post
                I've nothing against Vala beating up long as it ends up funny.
                I could see it happening when one or the other wants to take the other's place, esp. in a 'dangerous situation'.
                (I recall a fic that deals w/ a different take on Beachead: Daniel being the one in the transport...something like that)
                Hah, well, something funny like in Prometheus Unbound is one thing.... What is coming for my 'ship is NOT going to be funny... I predict tears from myself... Possibly Dean, as well...

                ...Of course, I'm still looking forward to all the fic that's going to follow... Hate!sex, hurt/comfort, and fix-it fic GALORE. It's going to be awesome.

                You know, that's something that I've found D/V fic to be short on... Prometheus Unbound hate!sex fic... I would say that's probably because it's out of character for Daniel, but that never stops people...

                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Hammer, do you have a link? I remember some that have both of them ending up in the Ori galaxy, but not one that Daniel is alone there.
                I used to have a link to the one you're talking about, Ever. But it's not on anymore.

                EDIT: Gotthammer; here's an example of the scenario that we think is going to play out (which is what I was talking about when I mentioned there being something similar for Daniel/Vala)
                Dean stands in the junkyard, hands spread out, face lifted towards the heavens.

                "You know what?" Dean says quietly, eyes closed, "I'm done. With this. With everything. You win, you junkless douchebags."

                He inhales deep and opens his eyes. "Here I am, Michael!" he shouts, baring his teeth. "I say--"

                The first punch catches him in the gut, and he bends over, gagging on his words, attempting to wheeze in air. His vision dances, but he catches sight of tan flapping in the corner of his eye before something grabs the back of his jacket and hurls him into the air.

                He lands on hard ground, chest tight and ribs bruised and battered. He reaches out, clutches at the dirt, trying to flee or crawl under a car to catch is breath. But something grabs his ankle and pulls him back, and his fingers nails leave gouges in the earth.

                “You son of a b****,” he hears behind him, and he knows that voice. He can’t believe it, though. He can’t.

                He’s kicked over roughly and what little air he managed to pull in leaves in a high whimper of pain. He stares into the rough, stubbled face of his attacker and feels everything in him go cold.

                Cas’s eyes narrow as he pushes a foot onto Dean’s throat, and Dean gags again, tugging fruitlessly at it. His lips move, begging, pleading, but it falls on deaf, ears. Castiel’s eyes are like ice, cold and unfeeling.

                “I gave everything for you,” Castiel hisses, bending down, pressing harder. Dean’s vision starts to blur, and Castiel’s form is merely a blot of tan on a black background. “Everything, Dean, and you were going to give up?”

                Dean can’t say anything. He isn’t sure what he’d say. He just wants to breathe.

                “You ba****d,” Castiel spits again, and Dean succumbs to darkness.

                See? Not much room for funny there

                EDIT2: to clarify, the above was not written by me. Found it in the comments of a post discussing the matter...
                Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 08 April 2010, 12:47 PM.


                  mmmm pretty
                  My Fic: LJ &


                    Originally posted by natalia View Post
                    *shameless self promotion* that's because that is the fic i am currently WRITING. and it will soon exist - daniel being alone there I mean (I wrote a glimpse/preview of it for the fruitcake christmas exchange this past december)
                    *end shameless self promotion*
                    Thank you muchlies! I'll be looking forward to it!

                    And as to the angry sex during PU, I read one just a couple of weeks after it came out. The whole fight scene being the foreplay that it actually was. I seem to remember the author included pics from the episode. Very very hot. I long since lost the link though.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      I meant to post a pic.


                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        also pretty

                        I am such a fan of that hair style I wish they had used it more!
                        My Fic: LJ &


                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          Thank you muchlies! I'll be looking forward to it!
                          You're welcome muchlies! and hopefully you won't have to wait long! and hopefully it wont...suck!
                          My Fic: LJ &


                            Evening, Cakes. YAY! Pretty!

                            Banner by Stef.

                            The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                            HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                              I haven't read anything by you that sucks yet, Nat.

                              She looks so good with that hair style!


                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                                how he goes about that....)

                                ...Though I mentioned D/V, and now I'm wondering if there would ever be a case in which Vala would resort to physical violence against Daniel to keep him from doing something stupid... I'm talking end of the world stupid, or giving up his own life stupid... Y'know, something major, that would have all parties at the end of their emotional ropes.

                                The aftermath of such an event would be interesting to explore (and WILL be interesting, for D/C)...

                                God I am so damaged...
                                good Evening!

                                LMJ! I like your thinking there. happy ending or funny ending or.. not, is all good for me!

                                I wanted to add that, with all the excellent vids we have been given to watch here, now whenever I hear any of the songs on the radio, my first impression is 'Oh Hey! thats from the 'blah blah blah' you tube vid'
                                Love that feeling!

                                Also, on a SPN side note to LMJ, ~I have now seen 2 episodes in the past week here, one was when they were in a tv show land with the 'trickster' not letting them out, and it made me laugh to see Dean's reaction to 'Dr SexyMD?' he was all fluttery when he saw him walking toward him!
                                and last nights ep was ' abandon all hope' which was amazing. loved it. cried with 'mom' on there as I am not going to post spoilers but it was emotional.
                                So yep, I am getting into it, and the joys of SKY tv, we get to see two eps a week, on different channels!

                                and can I say - Hi to all fellow fruitcakes who were here the past 2 days!!

                                Great to see you!

                                Space xx
                                Made by me.

