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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    I havent got the magazine on me at the mo, but I think it has Jared I think holding the camera director style, and one of him looking through a smashed window, Dean is it? the other bro with the long hair? well there was one pic of him with blackened eyeballs demon style. and damn, I'll have to get it tomorrow for you and scan it. as I cant rememeber the whole article off hand!
    Made by me.


      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      I'm so insanely jealous of you both right now, I just want you to know =P

      Hey, Yessika, apparently there were commentaries on the half-season DVD for SPN s5. Reading someone's thoughts on the one for The End.... apparently we were REALLY close to getting completely Psychotic!Castiel in that episode... Like, sitting in a dark room in Bobby's place, killing a cockroach, then bringing it back to life, killing it again, then bringing it back to life, over and over and over and over, forever...

      I can now see Cas curled up in the corner of the panic room rocking back and forth, and just resurrecting this cockroach again and again, and see Dean's horror at discovering his friend like that...

      ...And now I want fic XD
      That sounds really good! I so cant wait to start watching it as I now have Sky tv all set up in my new place!
      Wonders if you are going to do a fic like that.. As I do like my Angst!! and all things nuttyfied!
      Made by me.


        I'll be back in an hour. gotta go get my daughter to sleep now as it's 7pm already!
        see ya soon x
        Made by me.


          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
          I'm so insanely jealous of you both right now, I just want you to know =P

          Hey, Yessika, apparently there were commentaries on the half-season DVD for SPN s5. Reading someone's thoughts on the one for The End.... apparently we were REALLY close to getting completely Psychotic!Castiel in that episode... Like, sitting in a dark room in Bobby's place, killing a cockroach, then bringing it back to life, killing it again, then bringing it back to life, over and over and over and over, forever...

          I can now see Cas curled up in the corner of the panic room rocking back and forth, and just resurrecting this cockroach again and again, and see Dean's horror at discovering his friend like that...

          ...And now I want fic XD
          Ok, I would soo love to read that fanfic!

          And I would love another musical number (like the one in Yellow Fever)
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            *blinks* Did I stumble onto the Supernatural thread instead of Daniel/Vala?
            Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
            My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


              Space: Sam is the one with longer hair. Dean has the short hair. And Cas is the one in the trench coat

              Hmm, that sounds like it might be something from early this season, since episode 2 is the only recent occurrence of demon-eyed Sam. I'd say maybe from later on in this season, but I can't think of a reason he'd be all demony. He can't be possessed by demons anymore, he's not strung out on demon blood anymore, and as far as I know, War isn't set to come back to make everyone hallucinate....

              As for fic: I dunno XD I don't write insane very well, I don't think... and I have my current fic to finish, and the AU I wanna write...

              EDIT: Sorry Marie.

              Yessika: the ending of Yellow Fever was awesome.

              The only thing better would be an entire musical episode, ala Buffy. (Misha Collins claims he would do it, if he could be naked, and Cas' song was "I Feel Pretty")

              EDIT2: because I was just browsing my old faves on, here's a Vala fic, from Jonas' POV (odd, I know, but at least I wasn't the only one who wanted some interaction)

              Aggravated Destruction of Property
              Last edited by LittleMissJigsaw; 21 March 2010, 11:10 AM.


                Marie! yeah, we got sidetracked! *hand's up*

                it was fun though!!!
                I learned alot, as I havent a clue about it, so LMJ tells me what I need to know, which I am very thankfull for otherwise I'd feel like a dork when coming to watch the show for the first time...
                Made by me.


                  Lol, actually I've probably ruined several major plot points for you XD

                  Geez, it's so cold here my hands are numb... Even the kitties are cold...

                  Now, I must write. MUST write! I'm... 2 chapters, and 3 epilogue type things away from the end of this thing!


                    *sends writing muse to LMJ*

                    Sorry about the SPN off-topic... is easy for me to get sidetracked
                    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                      Lol, thanks Yessika... I need another to make mine behave. *glares at her Dean and Cas muses*... They're to busy bugging me about all the fun I could have with a suggestion a friend made about what angel's blood might do to someone to be of any help with the angst that is this chapter. I hate it when I can get ideas for every story under the sun except the one I'm working on *head/desk*

                      I'm also easily distracted...

                      Hm, maybe once I finish this fic, I'll give SG-1 another watch. Or at least the last 2 seasons. Unless I can't get that disk in s10 to work...


                        Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                        Just popping in to say sorry I vanished...

                        ...and I need an excuse to still be up, 'cause I'm freaked the hell out. Just watched Paranormal Activity (for the second time actually), and now I know I'm not going to be able to sleep...

                        I'm not the only one though. My mom's in her room with the lights all on, and the TV going. And the friend we had over to watch with us said he was going home, turning all the lights on, and getting some writing done... He also spent half the movie peaking over his jacket...

                        *is glad she's not the only chicken*
                        Kelley! Glad I wasn't the only one up last night. I saw The Crazies with my dad, and I was [I]not[I] expecting it to be that scary. It took me forever to fall asleep because the whole night I was hearing noises. Then I started thinking about Paranormal Activity (loved that movie but it scared me half to death) and it was even harder to get to sleep!

                        Don't even worry, you are definitely not the only chicken.
                        Sig by Everlovin


                          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                          Lol, thanks Yessika... I need another to make mine behave. *glares at her Dean and Cas muses*... They're to busy bugging me about all the fun I could have with a suggestion a friend made about what angel's blood might do to someone to be of any help with the angst that is this chapter. I hate it when I can get ideas for every story under the sun except the one I'm working on *head/desk*

                          I'm also easily distracted...

                          Hm, maybe once I finish this fic, I'll give SG-1 another watch. Or at least the last 2 seasons. Unless I can't get that disk in s10 to work...
                          You are welcome! My writting muse hasn't been used in years so it might be extremely energetic

                          After I finish watching season 10 for the first time I will do a rewatch of the episodes I like most from each season
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            LKS! The Crazies, eh? Don't think I've even heard of that one. So it's nice and scary? Coolies!

                            ...I love horror movies, but the ghost movies always make me twitchy.

                            Last night I kept hearing things, and my cats were acting all weird, and staring at random spots in the room where there was nothing to stare at. I think they were doing it on purpose.

                            Also watched The Fourth Kind last night. And it's never really bugged me before, but there is this pair of owls that hangs around the yard every night.... So yeah, that didn't help much either XD

                            EDIT: Why no writing, Yessi? I'm almost always writing something. Half of it never goes anywhere, but I'm always jotting down ideas, or notes, or little extras to universes that never make it to the finished story... stuff like that


                              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                              LKS! The Crazies, eh? Don't think I've even heard of that one. So it's nice and scary? Coolies!

                              ...I love horror movies, but the ghost movies always make me twitchy.

                              Last night I kept hearing things, and my cats were acting all weird, and staring at random spots in the room where there was nothing to stare at. I think they were doing it on purpose.

                              Also watched The Fourth Kind last night. And it's never really bugged me before, but there is this pair of owls that hangs around the yard every night.... So yeah, that didn't help much either XD

                              EDIT: Why no writing, Yessi? I'm almost always writing something. Half of it never goes anywhere, but I'm always jotting down ideas, or notes, or little extras to universes that never make it to the finished story... stuff like that
                              Oh I love scary movies too!

                              Writing... I just never seem to get around to it. I have an unfinished project that is 3 years old
                              I think I should really finish it
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                Haha, I have all kinds of unfinished projects lying around

                                *takes a deep deep breath* I must not antagonize people, I must not antagonize people, I must not antagonize people... No matter how closed-minded, and petty, and general jerks they are being, I must not antagonize people.

                                Kay, need to write. I need to stop being distracted by idiots, resist the urge to post something slashy, just to piss them off, and write.

