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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Hello? ...Geez, wouldn't be surprised to get an echo. This place went really dead, really fast.

    My weather assessment last night was correct; it actually got cold today. It warmed up quick- though it's still actually cool out- but still, it started out cold...

    .... I swear, if we have days where it's 40-50 degrees in frikking september again this year, I'll find a way to kill the weather. I swear I will... It's not supposed to be cold till october ( definition of cold is anything below 60 or so)... It's never gotten cold till then, until last year... Hell, most times it didn't even get cold till the last day in october, because it would never fail that when halloween rolled around and everyone wants to go out, it's suddenly freezing and raining/snowing... Usually rain, but it's snowed on a few occasions.


      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      Hello? ...Geez, wouldn't be surprised to get an echo. This place went really dead, really fast.

      My weather assessment last night was correct; it actually got cold today. It warmed up quick- though it's still actually cool out- but still, it started out cold...

      .... I swear, if we have days where it's 40-50 degrees in frikking september again this year, I'll find a way to kill the weather. I swear I will... It's not supposed to be cold till october ( definition of cold is anything below 60 or so)... It's never gotten cold till then, until last year... Hell, most times it didn't even get cold till the last day in october, because it would never fail that when halloween rolled around and everyone wants to go out, it's suddenly freezing and raining/snowing... Usually rain, but it's snowed on a few occasions.
      Ok, so I'm guessing you're from someplace fairly south. That sounds like the weather here in New Mexico. Except it's still HOT here.

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      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Yup. I'm in Texas.

        Haha, from my experience, NM is just about always hot. Granted, I only ever really spent any time there in the summer/early fall. Pretty place to drive through, though.

        Even prettier is colorado.... Too bad it's almost always cold there, up in the mountains... frigging snow on the ground in JULY.... I'd say

        as far as hot goes: you don't know what hot is till you get into Arizona/Nevada.... Especially Arizona... walking a mile across an asphalt lot, in the dead of summer, surrounded by running semis... THAT'S hot.
        Though at the end of that long walk was the nice air conditioned terminal, and the jake break cafe, where you could usually get a nice big tub of icecream.... Which I was usually tempted to swim in by the time I got it...

        ... I spent a couple of summers with my dad on his semi. Traveling= fun. Cooped up in a truck near 24/7 for three weeks at a time, and only 3 days off at a time?= not so much


          Yeah, I've lived in AZ for a few years. Understand hot. We've had a loong hot spell this year. Usually only 2-3 weeks of 100 + weather. It's been almost 3 months with temps around 100.

          And because I'm posting pics all over the place today

          *thinks* Don't look don't look don't look!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Oh it's been all summer of no less than 100 here... It's been getting up to 106 regularly, and it's managed to reach 111 a couple of times.

            For the rest of september, and through out october, it'll prolly fluctuate from nice to hot, to kinda chilly, and so on.... Then halloween will arrive, it will freeze, just to annoy the people that are out and about that night- which I hope to be, since I hope to be able to go to Nightmare on Main Street this year, and I'll likely be walking to get there...

            Unless I get forced to volunteer for trick-or-treating duty, with my little cousins....

            Anyway.... Then november will be cold.... Then december will be "I wish it was summer".... (and in the summer it's "I wish it was winter")...


              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
              Yup. I'm in Texas.

              Haha, from my experience, NM is just about always hot. Granted, I only ever really spent any time there in the summer/early fall. Pretty place to drive through, though.

              Even prettier is colorado.... Too bad it's almost always cold there, up in the mountains... frigging snow on the ground in JULY.... I'd say

              as far as hot goes: you don't know what hot is till you get into Arizona/Nevada.... Especially Arizona... walking a mile across an asphalt lot, in the dead of summer, surrounded by running semis... THAT'S hot.
              Though at the end of that long walk was the nice air conditioned terminal, and the jake break cafe, where you could usually get a nice big tub of icecream.... Which I was usually tempted to swim in by the time I got it...

              ... I spent a couple of summers with my dad on his semi. Traveling= fun. Cooped up in a truck near 24/7 for three weeks at a time, and only 3 days off at a time?= not so much
              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Yeah, I've lived in AZ for a few years. Understand hot. We've had a loong hot spell this year. Usually only 2-3 weeks of 100 + weather. It's been almost 3 months with temps around 100.

              And because I'm posting pics all over the place today

              *thinks* Don't look don't look don't look!
              I've lived in the desert southwest and you want hot??? try deep south where the humidity is around 100%! I'd rather be 100 degrees in DRY heat than 95 where there is humidity... you never can cool off.
              I'm in Indiana and we only had about 3 weeks of summer this year... it's already in the 40's at night and the leaves are turning. guess the global warming is over!



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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  I've lived in the desert southwest and you want hot??? try deep south where the humidity is around 100%! I'd rather be 100 degrees in DRY heat than 95 where there is humidity... you never can cool off.
                  I'm in Indiana and we only had about 3 weeks of summer this year... it's already in the 40's at night and the leaves are turning. guess the global warming is over!
                  Humidity; it's a killer.

                  We're certainly not short on humidity this year... especially not with all the storms we have popping up just about everywhere (had more rain this year than in the last 2 or 3 put together)... Step outside, and it feels like you're drowning....

                  As for the dry heat/humidity.... Sometimes I think the dry heat is better... then I remember arizona, and how damn miserable I was whenever I had to be outside in that state.... Always bright... Can't see for all the heat shimmers in the air....

                  ....then I decide maybe texas summers aren't so bad....

                  Of course, you're probably thinking I'm crazy ... It's all a matter of what you're able to tolerate better. I tolerate the humidity much better than sheer heat...

                  Ohhh D/V pretties! Thanks Ever. My collection just keeps growing, and growing... I really need to do something with them XD


                    So, Kelly, if your looking to expand your DeVilish pics have you seen Fruitcakes Anonymous PB?

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Oh I have... I just haven't checked it in a long while. Most times I forget we have a PB XD Thanks for the link though



                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          New sigginess. Yay me.

                          Must remember to thank Nebulan...

                          Oh, Ever, I tried to green you, for that emoticon you put in that last green you gave me (I Lol'd ), but it says I gotta spread the love 'fore I can give you any more


                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Yup. I'm in Texas.

                            Haha, from my experience, NM is just about always hot. Granted, I only ever really spent any time there in the summer/early fall. Pretty place to drive through, though.

                            Even prettier is colorado.... Too bad it's almost always cold there, up in the mountains... frigging snow on the ground in JULY.... I'd say

                            as far as hot goes: you don't know what hot is till you get into Arizona/Nevada.... Especially Arizona... walking a mile across an asphalt lot, in the dead of summer, surrounded by running semis... THAT'S hot.
                            Though at the end of that long walk was the nice air conditioned terminal, and the jake break cafe, where you could usually get a nice big tub of icecream.... Which I was usually tempted to swim in by the time I got it...

                            ... I spent a couple of summers with my dad on his semi. Traveling= fun. Cooped up in a truck near 24/7 for three weeks at a time, and only 3 days off at a time?= not so much
                            I love living here in Colorado. Whenever I leave the state I get disoriented because I don't have the mountains to figure out which way is west! It really is always cold up in the mountains, though...

                            Ugh, speaking of hot, this summer I hiked halfway down into the Grand Canyon with some friends. In the middle of June. That was hot!
                            Sig by Everlovin


                              Originally posted by LKS358 View Post
                              I love living here in Colorado. Whenever I leave the state I get disoriented because I don't have the mountains to figure out which way is west! It really is always cold up in the mountains, though...

                              Ugh, speaking of hot, this summer I hiked halfway down into the Grand Canyon with some friends. In the middle of June. That was hot!
                              Indeed it is. It was really strange for me, whenever we headed up to Denver, because I'm used to the heat, and when you get up there, there's snow on the ground, and it's cold enough to need a jacket....

                              ... I had a rather strange experience in colorado, too XD My dad can only drive for so long a day, according to a whole bunch of laws I don't even pretend to understand... And we couldn't make it to the next town in time, so we had to stop just off the road... I'm out, helping my dad look the truck over before we get ready to put up the curtains, cook dinner, kick back and watch a movie, and I could SWEAR I was being watched. Even thought I saw an eye-glow a couple of times, and there was DEFINITELY something moving around in the trees.

                              The next morning, we go out, and there's cougar- or some such type of big cat- tracks all over the place, and even some muddy paw prints on the steps leading up to the door, and nose-smudges on the windows.... Then we notice there's a hiking trail entrance near by with signs all over it saying "Closed" and "Danger" and "Caution" XD

                              So, I'm guess what ever was watching us was that cat, and it decided it wanted to get a look at the new thing on its territory.... Which is alternatively cool, and scary at the same time


                                Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                                Indeed it is. It was really strange for me, whenever we headed up to Denver, because I'm used to the heat, and when you get up there, there's snow on the ground, and it's cold enough to need a jacket....

                                ... I had a rather strange experience in colorado, too XD My dad can only drive for so long a day, according to a whole bunch of laws I don't even pretend to understand... And we couldn't make it to the next town in time, so we had to stop just off the road... I'm out, helping my dad look the truck over before we get ready to put up the curtains, cook dinner, kick back and watch a movie, and I could SWEAR I was being watched. Even thought I saw an eye-glow a couple of times, and there was DEFINITELY something moving around in the trees.

                                The next morning, we go out, and there's cougar- or some such type of big cat- tracks all over the place, and even some muddy paw prints on the steps leading up to the door, and nose-smudges on the windows.... Then we notice there's a hiking trail entrance near by with signs all over it saying "Closed" and "Danger" and "Caution" XD

                                So, I'm guess what ever was watching us was that cat, and it decided it wanted to get a look at the new thing on its territory.... Which is alternatively cool, and scary at the same time
                                Yikes! I have to admit, I kind of get freaked out about those things when I'm hiking or camping. That is pretty cool, though, too!
                                Sig by Everlovin

