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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    The Seduction of Daniel jackson, Chapter 14 is posted and ready. Enjoy!!!
    Yippeeeeee Squeeeee off to read
    I Believe
    My FanFiction


      Not much going on in the oven tonight...
      Sig by Everlovin


        *3 hours later* Nope, not much going on at all...
        Sig by Everlovin


          Originally posted by LKS358 View Post
          *3 hours later* Nope, not much going on at all...
          Yes it's pretty quiet...oh which reminds me! I promised I'd do anothe one of these months ago and I forgot And yes it's the same one but I figured you guys wouldn't mind

          A picsong

          She rolls the window down
          And she talks over the sound of the cars that pass us by

          And I don't know why but she's changed my mind

          Would you look at her

          as she looks at me

          She's got me thinking about her constantly but she don't know how I feel

          And as she carries on without a doubt

          I wonder if she's figured it out

          I'm crazy for this girl

          Yeah I'm crazy for this girl

          *Crazy for this girl- Evan and Jaron

          I'll make another one soon I promise!

          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


            I love those! Thanks!


              Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
              oh, I'm all for romance and a happily ever after... but, I like some angst, and tragedy along the way. In fact, in my writing, there's ALWAYS some angst, and usually a tragedy. The angst is usually brought about from the romance side of things...
              I am right there with ya. Generally when I am writing, I end up torturing the characters I am playing with. It turns out okay, but I put them through a lot along the way to okay. Which I think is why my roommate says that with each stroke of my keyboard God kills a puppy....The one I am working on right now is more angsty than action. Vala and Daniel find themselves in an alternate reality where basically all the bad things that happened to them never happened to the D&V of that reality (who are conveniently missing). I.E. Tomin and Vala are still married and raising a normal (though still with superpowers) five year old Adria, Sha're is still alive, etc. Daniel's morals get in the way of the whole Sha're thing though, of course. And this takes place after their kiss in my last fanfic. Yup, I'm pretty evil when it comes to torturing Daniel and Vala.

              On the note of the movie, I think I would actually feel REALLY jipped (or is it gipped?) if they had Vala pregnant with Daniel's baby or them married. I'll be okay with her not being in the film if there is good cause in the plot. Like the original SG1 is asked back to a planet they helped so they can be honored and then things go wonky. But as far as Daniel/Vala, I want to see it develop. Or at least get some backstory and some of them together.
              Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
              My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                Hey I remember that piece of fiction, it was pretty I know why you're name seemed familiar,lol. Yeah...sorry if I threw a monkey wrench into your plotline...I'm kinda a stickler for canon, especially if the characters have actually said it out loud...but like I said your piece was really good once I got past that first chapter.
                And don't worry about repeating anything that's been said before, no one is gonna object to rehashing any discussions.
                It's no prob! It didn't send a monkey wrench anywhere. Just need to retool that first chapter once I'm done with the one I'm working on. I can adjust it to where the banter is different so it reflects his time at the SGC recovering. And I'm glad you were still able to enjoy it. I'm a stickler for canon too and for keeping characters in character. It's turned me off of many a fics!
                Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
                My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                  Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                  On the note of the movie, I think I would actually feel REALLY jipped (or is it gipped?) if they had Vala pregnant with Daniel's baby or them married. I'll be okay with her not being in the film if there is good cause in the plot. Like the original SG1 is asked back to a planet they helped so they can be honored and then things go wonky. But as far as Daniel/Vala, I want to see it develop. Or at least get some backstory and some of them together.
                  Agreed. I would like to see it develop, not just happen like *that.* But I'd be fine if they had her pregnant in this movie, then devoted the whole next movie to them and what happened leading up to the pregnancy. Like that's gonna happen...


                    Yea I can't say that I see them dedicating a whole movie to them, especially just emotional/relationship stuff. But hey, that's what we have fanfiction for, right? I doubt they will get them together at all now that they don't have the show to actually show it develop. Unless there's really no more development and just a WTF for Daniel where he finally makes his move. I think he'd pretty much have to be slapped into doing that. Like come really close to losing her and finally snap. That's why I thought how they got together in Unending was just perfect for the characters. She saw for the first time how all of her games and jokes affect him and how he doesn't take her seriously because of it, and he saw through her emotions that maybe he should take her more seriously on a personal level.

                    *sighs* Such a good episode. *runs off to watch Unending for the umpteenth time*
                    Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
                    My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                      i love the pic song amanda brilliant!


                        Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                        I am right there with ya. Generally when I am writing, I end up torturing the characters I am playing with. It turns out okay, but I put them through a lot along the way to okay. Which I think is why my roommate says that with each stroke of my keyboard God kills a puppy....The one I am working on right now is more angsty than action.
                        Oh, I'm great at torturing characters. How do you think I got my screenname? Friend took to calling me "Miss Jigsaw" one day, after reading one of my fics... said I rivaled Jigsaw (SAW movies) in terms of torture... emotionally, anyway.... though occasionally there's physical torture

                        Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                        Yup, I'm pretty evil when it comes to torturing Daniel and Vala.
                        Haha, so am I... You should read the two oneshots I wrote for them; Midnight Sun, and Black Christmas...

                        Black Christmas wasn't great... I went OOC with Vala, with her arguments with Cam... But the circumstances behind her mood-change were evil enough (Daniel, and their 2 daughters were killed in a car accident on Christmas day)

                        Midnight Sun was weird XD... Wrote it at like, 2 in the morning, while watching an old Twilight Zone episode, by the same name- and mostly the same idea, save for the ending-.... Everyone dies in that one...

                        Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                        I doubt they will get them together at all now that they don't have the show to actually show it develop.
                        Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                        On the note of the movie, I think I would actually feel REALLY jipped (or is it gipped?) if they had Vala pregnant with Daniel's baby or them married. I'll be okay with her not being in the film if there is good cause in the plot. Like the original SG1 is asked back to a planet they helped so they can be honored and then things go wonky. But as far as Daniel/Vala, I want to see it develop. Or at least get some backstory and some of them together.
                        True, seeing HOW it happens would be better... But I'm so desperate for them to get together at this point, that they could mention maternity leave, and I'd about die of happiness, because, as you said, the chances of them actually getting together now that the show has ended are very very slim...

                        btw, it's gipped

                        Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                        *sighs* Such a good episode. *runs off to watch Unending for the umpteenth time*
                        Yes, yes it is. One of my faves, as far as D/V goes (I can't choose a fave overall... too many...)

                        And just because I happened to be reading over it at the moment; a bit describing the D/V relationship (bolded)
                        Daniel and Vala walked in silence, feet crunching on newly fallen snow. Vala had her face turned upwards, tongue sticking out so she could catch the flakes that fell steadily from the sky. It wasn't until they had reached the very park where Cam and Nak'ti had had their war that either of them spoke.

                        "Vala, I brought you out here because I wanted to talk to you," Daniel started, as Vala broke and icicle off of a tree, and watched it melt in her hands.

                        "About what?" Vala asked, silver eyes narrowing at Daniel's tone of voice.

                        "A couple months ago, you started to tell me something that Adria told you in your dream," said Daniel, noting that Vala found a sudden great interest in her feet, "She told you I'd never have any kind of serious feelings for you, didn't she?" He'd had his suspicions about that, since the day she'd stopped herself from telling him everything. The previous night had only strengthened those suspicions.

                        "Daniel, that was months ago, why are you bringing it up now?" Vala's entire demeanor had suddenly changed. She was nervous, fidgety, and her voice was just the slightest bit shaky.

                        "Didn't she?" Daniel pressed, not willing to give up until he got an answer. She still wasn't giving one, so he tried a different approach, "Do you think she was wrong?"

                        "I don't know," Vala replied, looking up, silver eyes steely, and determined. She wasn't giving in without a fight, "Was she?"

                        "I asked you first," it wasn't the most intelligent of responses, true, but Daniel wasn't giving in either.

                        They were at an impasse. Each unwilling to give in to the other, until the other gave in first. It was a constant struggle that they were subconsciously stuck in every day. Vala pushed, Daniel refused to bend. Daniel pushed, and Vala stayed straight as a steel pole. There had to be a place to meet in the middle before any resolution could be reached, either in that conversation, or in their every day relationship. The problem was finding the middle ground. They had done so before, in other revealing conversations. Daniel asked about Adria. Vala asked about Sha're. The answers they gave were a trade of sorts. If any sort of closure was to come out of this particular encounter, the middle ground was going to have to be found, and soon, or one of them was going to have to give a little.

                        Trying to see what parts I can salvage from an old fic.... Prolly not this bit, as the dream Vala had about Adria won't be happening... Nor will the kiss that brought them to the park in the first place (Cam tricked them into being under a sprig of mistletoe, and Jack egged them on, and Vala decided to be brave)


                          @LittleMissJigsaw - Oooh! What fic is that?


                            So question for all you fruitcakes...this may have been discussed before, but how do you guys think Daniel and Vala would be at the beginning stages of their relationship? Do you think they would both still have their issues and do a bit of the push and pull? Still with the bickering and sexual innuendos? Unending doesn't give us much to go on since they didn't really have any outside influences to complicate things.
                            Save the Stargate Movies Campaign: Official Site, LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
                            My Fanfiction I sail on certain 'ships, but try to avoid the fluff!


                              Originally posted by MarieWynn View Post
                              So question for all you fruitcakes...this may have been discussed before, but how do you guys think Daniel and Vala would be at the beginning stages of their relationship? Do you think they would both still have their issues and do a bit of the push and pull? Still with the bickering and sexual innuendos? Unending doesn't give us much to go on since they didn't really have any outside influences to complicate things.
                              ok I don't like angst and tragedy in fics (too much of that seen in everyday life!) --just the way I like my fics...fluff and/or gutter is where I enjoy my fics. ... but then some ansgt can be good...but NO tragedy!!!

                              Oh they will ALWAYS have a bit of push and pull. they are both headstrong and won't give up control easily to anyone else, and they shouldn't give it up... a good marriage comes from how you handle the push and pull. (after nearly 28 years of marriage, hubby and I still have push and pull on occasion!) I don't see the bickering ending... it won't be vicious, just the "oh you always think you're right", and "you just charge ahead" sort of stuff... they are two very different people. Vala is a flirt and LOVES to be outrageous. I am betting she gets a huge kick out of seeing daniel blush. as for daniel, he will always get caught up in his work and need Vala to pull him back to reality. Intially daniel will be a bit in awe (gee the geek got the girl type) and worry (unneccesarily) that Vala will flirt with other guys. she's friendly so other guys might take it wrong when she smiles at them. vala will be torn, does she change for Daniel- tone everything down, or remain the same? she had already matured alot since beachhead and the whole adria thing. she knows she is "safe" at the sgc and with Daniel, but she is still flamboyant. they will slowly learn how their strengths compliment each other and find a way to make the realtionship work.
                              I also see loads of passion at the beginning... yep it's the hotsex time!

                              gee not given it much thought have I?
                              Last edited by Rac80; 02 August 2009, 02:38 PM.


                                Caramel: The section I put in tags is from an old one of mine, Eternal... Unfortunately, I lost all the files for it... What I have now I only have because I had my beta email them too me... but they're only the first drafts of the chapters, and I had several more written that I never got to send him...

                                ...Not to mention, it just wasn't that good in the first place

                                I intend to salvage certain parts of it for a new D/V fic. (with the obligatory S/J, mentions of T/I, and some fun C/OC)

                                Main things I intend to keep is an ancient tablet they find on Langara, Jonas rejoining the team, and Cam's new girlfriend (Because I loved Nak'ti)

                                Marie: D/V at the beginning of a relationship? Hmm, there's a toughie.... I think things might not change all that much, really. They would still argue, still get on each others nerves.... But, their arguments might lose the seriousness they had before, Daniel might likely be more patient with Vala...

                                Oddly enough, I can see their relationship being a lot like my parents', near 20 years on... Though my dad's more the Vala of the marriage, and my mom more like Daniel...
                                They're constantly picking at each other... My dad's got constant innuendo going, and my mom's constantly threatening to hit him for it. But it's all in good fun; everyone laughs at the end. Unless you're me or my sister, then you're disappointed, cuz you really wanted daddy to make just ONE more comment about mama's lowcut shirt, so you could see if she'd really snap him with the dish towel she's holding...

