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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
    is that a good fic? i'm trying to find some good d/v fics, to fix my craving any suggestions?
    Is that a good fic? That's like asking if water is wet! It's a great fic!

    Also, check out Mag's fics. She's under infinitespacejunky over at I'll get you the link tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight. I'm off to bed.

    Click here daily to give free mammograms

    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
      is that a good fic? i'm trying to find some good d/v fics, to fix my craving any suggestions?
      I have the Fruitcakes anonymous link in my sig, might want to try that for some good Devilishness.
      BTW nice sig, love Starbuck and Apollo props to Stef looks great!

      Hey Nat Good to hear from you!! Oh you poor thing leaving the cute French boy. Dude aren't you surrounded by cute French boys??

      Banner by Stef
      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
        That's my story too. Yay! I actually really like his tone/face when he says to her "I thought you might"—it's so Daniel. It's definitely the line afterwards that gets people ticked, but I chose to take it in a slightly teasing/mostly innocuous sense. It could have a little to do with Vala, since I think Daniel agrees that she makes everything interesting, and not in a bad sense obviously. I'm curious about what happens to Ba'al's host in any case—I'd love to be privy to that "interesting afternoon".
        I can't remember my reaction to the "interesting afternoon" comment, but I never got a bad vibe from Daniel's reaction that Vala was staying to talk to Ba'al's host. In fact, I rather got the impression that they'd been talking about it, and that he knew that was a possibility. I also had a fic idea running around in my head set after Vala gets back on base, and Daniel is trying to gage her mood.

        The only reason I didn't write it was that I was in the middle of a long Josh/Donna AU sex fic that was taking forever to finish, and I really need to finish some of my fics before I start new ones (which isn't stopping me writing episodic Alias fics atm, but that's another story).

        Originally posted by LC_ View Post

        Okay, so I rewatched FT today(that was such a chore) and went thru that scene with my eyes closed...what an interesting experience...the tone I was hearing in his voice didn't seem to be half as sarcastic as it did the first time couple of times I saw the scene...hmm...being Canadian I saw it AFTER the US did so I wonder if I was being influenced by the reactions of other people.
        Then I reran it and kept my eyes open...still wasn't getting the level of sarcasm I did the first times...was much happier with it this time thru...seemed more in keeping with his attitude for the rest of the show...which I really liked btw...'cept I still don't think it's fair that he'll readily accept Sam using lock picks but gets ticked if Vala does...yeah I know why he does...I still think it's unfair.
        You're right, it doesn't seem fair, but as far as he (or anyone) knows, Sam never had criminal tendencies. He's afraid that Vala might revert to being a bad girl (not that I can remember much about that ep)

        Here's mu next wallpaper/sig set




          *sigh* I have so much to catch up on and so little time today.... you guys are having a great conversation on the scenes in FT and that's one of my favorite eps and I wanna join in and I can't because I don't even have time to properly read everything that's been posted already! *sob* And I missed Susan on Sunday and Nat.... WAAAAHHHHH!!!!


            Originally posted by hopalong View Post
            I can't remember my reaction to the "interesting afternoon" comment, but I never got a bad vibe from Daniel's reaction that Vala was staying to talk to Ba'al's host. In fact, I rather got the impression that they'd been talking about it, and that he knew that was a possibility. I also had a fic idea running around in my head set after Vala gets back on base, and Daniel is trying to gage her mood.

            The only reason I didn't write it was that I was in the middle of a long Josh/Donna AU sex fic that was taking forever to finish, and I really need to finish some of my fics before I start new ones (which isn't stopping me writing episodic Alias fics atm, but that's another story).
            Dude ok way off topic but you write Josh/Donna fanfic??? Got a link?

            Yeah interesting afternoon comment my original though was "hey kinda funny but mean." Then I get onto the forum and people were not very happy about it at all I was like "whoa." He was a little harsh though.

            Banner by Stef
            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


              good evening cakes
              i dont have anything to contribute right now, just wanted to say hi

              and drop a pretty

              love love love that pic.


                Hey everyone BW is going to do a guest blog on JM blog this would be a good time to ask him how feels about CB/Vala remember you get more bees with honey than with vineger so be nice tell him how much you love D&V maybe he just needs see that CB has a fan base too.


                Tell him we want D&V banter and lots of scenes together.
                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                  Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                  Dude ok way off topic but you write Josh/Donna fanfic??? Got a link?

                  Yeah interesting afternoon comment my original though was "hey kinda funny but mean." Then I get onto the forum and people were not very happy about it at all I was like "whoa." He was a little harsh though.
                  Okay, that particular fic isn't even typed up yet let alone posted, but here is a link to the ones I have posted. They're more episode tags though.

                  And to keep this post on topic, here's my next wallpaper/sig set




                    Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                    Okay, that particular fic isn't even typed up yet let alone posted, but here is a link to the ones I have posted. They're more episode tags though.
                    Thanks and dude I didn't even realsie you are a fellow Aussie!! Woot for those of us from Down Under!!

                    Banner by Stef
                    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                      Hey everyone BW is going to do a guest blog on JM blog this would be a good time to ask him how feels about CB/Vala remember you get more bees with honey than with vineger so be nice tell him how much you love D&V maybe he just needs see that CB has a fan base too.


                      Tell him we want D&V banter and lots of scenes together.
                      My comments are awaiting moderation.


                        France replies
                        Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                        Hey, Nat hasn't been kidnapped by the pate people. Well, I knew that really but always manage to miss you when you're on the thread or emailing. Even now you're this side of the water. Well, nearly, that little bit of Channel still there ..... there'll be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover ...... London, calling ..... Shutup shutup, not that old. Glad you're doing well, sweetie and thanks for the pretties. And so clever being in the top class. Not that we had any doubts .....

                        haha nope no kidnapping
                        So i have to decide when i'm going to come and see you I have two weeks in Jan/Feb and two weeks in April. have a preference?

                        Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                        NAT!!!!!!! *hugs*

                        i'm happy to hear that you're doing well, and hopefully you'll sort out the internet issues soon!!!!

                        ooooo, me likey the pretties!!!!!!!!!!
                        for now I at least have internet during the day on campus which is good for emails and such hopefully internet in my room at the residence by next week.

                        and yay for pretties

                        Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                        naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat *tacklehugs*
                        great to see you here again
                        *hugs back*

                        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                        Hey Nat Good to hear from you!! Oh you poor thing leaving the cute French boy. Dude aren't you surrounded by cute French boys??
                        Yes indeed I am. and on the upside there is a cute dutch boy in my new class *drools*

                        Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                        *sigh* I have so much to catch up on and so little time today.... you guys are having a great conversation on the scenes in FT and that's one of my favorite eps and I wanna join in and I can't because I don't even have time to properly read everything that's been posted already! *sob* And I missed Susan on Sunday and Nat.... WAAAAHHHHH!!!!
                        it's ok i'll give you a delayed hug *HUGS*

                        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                        The current chapter of 'best has been added at 'alldaniel'.


                        It's been sitting there waiting for the most of last week and then when the site got updated yesterday and mine wasn't there I thought I was gonna have to wait another week, but thankfully no.
                        So if you're reading it at 'alldaniel' it's available now.
                        (oh and there's a link in the author's notes so you can see the type of boat they were on)
                        YAY you finished! congrats! I don't have time to leave a real review right now, perhaps later, but i finished the part I haven't read yet and Loved it darling as usual

                        Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
                        is that a good fic? i'm trying to find some good d/v fics, to fix my craving any suggestions?
                        well I am NOT the author of that fic and I still think it's good can't hurt to give it a go and see if you agree!
                        My Fic: LJ &


                          good evening

                          Originally posted by natalia View Post
                          France replies

                          haha nope no kidnapping
                          So i have to decide when i'm going to come and see you I have two weeks in Jan/Feb and two weeks in April. have a preference?
                          ooohh i will come too hehe jan/feb works for me,... i think... is better then april, cause i have something planned in may and i cant (evil work *hmpf*) go on holiday too often


                            Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                            good evening

                            ooohh i will come too hehe jan/feb works for me,... i think... is better then april, cause i have something planned in may and i cant (evil work *hmpf*) go on holiday too often
                            Blighty in Jan/Feb are you mad! It's cold and miserable, full of colds, greyness and when's the sun coming back whimpers. Well, that happens all year. You need to speak to me on MSN girls. DV link, oh unless you're going to bring your Stargate DVD's then we can crouch in front of the box and pig out on bad for you food.


                            Cool, Nat, you'll have internet next week!!!
                            Last edited by Magnecite; 08 October 2008, 10:07 AM.


                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              Blighty in Jan/Feb are you mad! It's cold and miserable, full of colds, greyness and when's the sun coming back whimpers. Well, that happens all year. You need to speak to me on MSN girls. DV link, oh unless you're going to bring your Stargate DVD's then we can crouch in front of the box and pig out on bad for you food.


                              Cool, Nat, you'll have internet next week!!!
                              lol it was just an idea, maybe i can do both, that would be awesome, but cant tell yet!! love love love travelling

                              okay now some pretty to distract from the OT


                                Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                                good evening cakes
                                i dont have anything to contribute right now, just wanted to say hi

                                and drop a pretty


                                love love love that pic.
                                pretty!! =)

                                and a pretty of my own:


                                credit to Stef for the sig
                                credit to Stef and dvshiper for the DeVillish logo
                                team mckay! <3

