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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Ruler? What's that?

    Nope, the people behind me are probably wondering why I'm browsing a website filled with scruffy men and saucy women but the prof is a far way away up in front lecturing with her slides...badly Though my fluctuating range of facial expression ( --> --> --> etc) might be tipping her off

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, GW is totally bio-related at the moment We're posting pics and talking about Origin so there you go Creationism vs. Evolution = Biology
    Blackboard rubber. They still have them but now they wipe out marker pen. Back in the day, teachers used to throw them at your head if you weren't paying attention. The good old days, when pupil abuse was rife. You should put on a clip from PU with sound effects that would get them all craning their necks.



      Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
      Blackboard rubber. They still have them but now they wipe out marker pen. Back in the day, teachers used to throw them at your head if you weren't paying attention. The good old days, when pupil abuse was rife. You should put on a clip from PU with sound effects that would get them all craning their necks.

      Mar-kers? Black...boards...? My professor did pick up a chalk today, I was very surprised We've got such funky technology to help with learning And none of it works

      LoL! OMG!!! you know what I should do?? I should put in Family Ties, last scene, crank up the volume and submit my clas to the Vagina Monologues
      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

      Banner made by Stef!


        Aww this is really cute


          Well I'm here as well Milena and yes I will educate you on PS.......once I figure out how the hell it works

          Banner by Stef
          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


            Originally posted by xXValaXx View Post
            Dude!! You found my #1 Favourite MS/CB interview!! I loooove how comfortable and cute they are around each other. The hug, kiss, and admission that he'd only work as long as she would...*sigh* shippy heart is happy!

            EDIT: Score! Hey, Cat! I'd appreciate it, my attempts crashed and burned into a horrible mess of twisted and mangled debris...
            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

            Banner made by Stef!


              Yeh i love how they are around each other its so cute...i wanna be on the stargate crew


                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Mar-kers? Black...boards...? My professor did pick up a chalk today, I was very surprised We've got such funky technology to help with learning And none of it works

                LoL! OMG!!! you know what I should do?? I should put in Family Ties, last scene, crank up the volume and submit my clas to the Vagina Monologues
                Technology doesn't work quite a lot of the time. Since most people don't know how to work it, if giant magnet people attacked the Earth, we'd all be back in the Stone Age.

                More physics and anthropology that bio but you get my point. Giant magnet people, if only I'd had that idea when people were thinking about Season 11. Even worked Stargate in there. She stands, she runs and she scores. Football reference. Not that business with the helmets and padded bottoms.
                Real football.



                  Oh hey u can call me Steph and yeh they are on and off screen


                    woo *bows to the welcoming commitee*

                    Pernounce it Stef


                      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                      ROTFLMBO.... Oh Mag. You should do a fic with the gaint Magnet people. I now have visions of the Giant Marshmellow Man in Ghostbusters. *HEHE*

                      I wonder what the dialogue with Daniel and Vala would be. Or what would Jack say? *giggles*
                      Sue that's not what the giant magnet people look like at all. I have a vision of a cross between the Michellin Man and Transformers, made to rule the Earth. Can you hear the music. Actually the Staypuft man did look like a Michellin Man, so maybe you're right.

                      I am glad your Mum and Dad are getting some normality back. You can relax a bit now.

                      I've got over my fic gloom, had a virtual word with Space Gypsy, whose fic I love, terrific sense of humour and she cheered me up.

                      I'm watching a chap on Springwatch UK nature programme very popular in UK (my TV is working) and he's guessing which animal crap is in containers by sniffing them. He's got them all right. Amazing! Not a skill I'd particularly want on my CV but it takes all sorts.

                      What's on the agenda tonight. Oh, you're a gardener, do tomatoes reseed themselves, mine seem to have.

                      What do you mean OT. Daniel and Vala like tomatoes, they told me.

                      Mag where did I get that thumb thing from?
                      Last edited by Magnecite; 02 June 2008, 01:07 PM.


                        Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                        My TV now has a new satellite dish and had writing on it after nothing but a blue screen for two weeks. It's the little things.

                        Has everyone gone to bed. Where's Gioia, basking in sunshine. Ooh, now there's sound and a menu.

                        Mag Going off to say grown up things to the repair man.
                        Heyy!!! no, not basking in sunshine, alas. I was in hospital. My sis has gone into labor, or we thought she did, but it was a false alarm and she's a problem with her kidney, stones, doctors think. I've been in hospital since yesterday, just came to home. Frak, I was being sooo ready to be aunt. dammit, now, we have to wait another two weeks, but of course, it's better for babbies because they're still soo small.

                        How you do?? No sunshine?? here, we still have sunny days. Perhaps, you should move to Istanbul.

                        On D/V --> I love Origin and eating apples. It's cheesy but so funny. Now I remember I read an amazing fanfic in which Vala learns about Adam/Eve and Mary. It was really good. Someone remember it?? I hope I book marked it, I'm gonna try to find it now. You should really read it, Mag, because I'm sure you'll like it.
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          Love the vids they're awsome love the 'kiss the girl' one


                            Originally posted by gioia View Post
                            Heyy!!! no, not basking in sunshine, alas. I was in hospital. My sis has gone into labor, or we thought she did, but it was a false alarm and she's a problem with her kidney, stones, doctors think. I've been in hospital since yesterday, just came to home. Frak, I was being sooo ready to be aunt. dammit, now, we have to wait another two weeks, but of course, it's better for babbies because they're still soo small.

                            How you do?? No sunshine?? here, we still have sunny days. Perhaps, you should move to Istanbul.

                            On D/V --> I love Origin and eating apples. It's cheesy but so funny. Now I remember I read an amazing fanfic in which Vala learns about Adam/Eve and Mary. It was really good. Someone remember it?? I hope I book marked it, I'm gonna try to find it now. You should really read it, Mag, because I'm sure you'll like it.
                            You'll be a proud aunt soon Gioia, relish the quiet while you can. Hope your sister is okay, kidney stones are painful.

                            Fic, I like comedy, reccommend away. I read some of yours yesterday on your site, left reviews.

                            Raining here but I did some gardening when the sun came out for a while.

                            I nearly visited Istanbul once, is it nice? I guess it's a large city. I like small places on the coast or villages in the country.



                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              EDIT: Now that I think about it, GW is totally bio-related at the moment We're posting pics and talking about Origin so there you go Creationism vs. Evolution = Biology
                              Look at you being all crafty and spinning your OT chatter into an OnT discussion. Ever thought about going into public relations?

                              Originally posted by xXValaXx View Post
                              Aw, I luuuurve that interview. They are so cute together off-screen I like when the actors are friends in RL...and it's always lovely to see that they ship the couple as much as we do Nothing is more disappointing than finding out that the actors don't really want the characters to be together...

                              Originally posted by xXValaXx View Post
                              Oh hey u can call me Steph and yeh they are on and off screen
                              Heeeeeeeey! You and me, man! S-squared! Yeah, I'm a geek.

                              Oh, and completely OT but in case anyone was wondering - the key to NOT getting cholera is...
                     not drink water with human excrement in it. So next time you think about drinking that sewage water, DON'T!

                              EDIT: Oh, and did someone mention PS?! I'd be more than willing to help any would-be artists in the thread...especially since my attempts to make vidders of you all has failed spectacularly.


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Uh oh. Oh heaven help me.

                                I just thought of a weird fic idea concerning the movie 'Iron Man' and Daniel and Vala from SG-1. Quite simply; Vala is Antonia "Toni" Stark and Daniel is Virgil "Pepper" Potts. A meshing of my favorite show and favorite Superhero movie

                                Oh yes I was thinking of this idea for a while but just without Daniel and Vala filling the roles. A male Pepper and a female Stark that is. It didn't occur to me though, until a very short time ago (like a few hours or so) that Vala would make an excellent Toni and Daniel a male version of Pepper, their personalities just seem to mesh with those characters so well. Maybe I'll write a fic concerning this idea and maybe I won't but I know one thing for sure. It would make a very interesting Halloween fic. That is them going as those characters to to a party or what-not, heh. (All the while Daniel would be pouting that he didn't get to go as a younger Indiana Jones with Vala as Marion or Elsa at his side, *grins*)
                                Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
                                Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
                                Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.


