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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Hi! *waves to shippers*

    It's been awhile since I last posted. I thought I'd give y'all a link to a couple AoT missing scenes I wrote.



    Lisa Michelle


      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      Hey Fruitcakes...can I interest you in my views on Ontario's Health System? It's a delightful little anecdote


      I had to rush my mom to the hospital because she was having bad chest pains. We get there, there is ONE nurse on triage and she doesn't look particularly rushed as she ducks out to chat with the three admittance clerks doing jack-all. We stood first in line for 45 minutes and then she called us... "Prochain!", she cried. But no! We were not seen because right at that moment, three (gorgeous) paramedics casually roll in an elderly woman strapped to a gurney who'd apparently broken something in her hand.

      So our triage nurse gets right to business, frantic but calm, professional to the core as she speeds through the required, no that's a lie What she actually does is chat up the paramedics "oh boy, haven't seen you around for a while, where are you working now? Is that so, blah blah blah blah". After which she says "you can just park her over there in the hallway" and the waiting game begins for them. The paramedics, the THREE paramedics, who could be out heroically saving lives around the city, spend the next HOURS standing, lounging, and chatting around the "parked" old woman...

      Anyway, once we were admitted everything proceeded quite swiftly. My mother had an ECG, blood was taken, etc. Then she was returned to the waiting room, ostensibly to await the X-Rays the triage nurse was handing out like candy. Hours pass, the pain in my mother's chest has been gone for about half an hour and she pleads with me to bring her home because she's already missed most of American Idol -_-'...I compromise, I tell her to make the nurse pass her through X-Rays and then we can go. She goes, she returns without X-Rays.

      Mom: She's not sending me for X-Rays.
      Me:...say what?
      Mom: She says it wouldn't be relevant, there's no point.
      Me: ...the nurse...doesn't x-ray of your chest...would help diagnose the pain in your chest...huh...

      By which point I'm sure anyone who's ever been stressed and placed in the concentration camps delightfully dubbed "ER waiting rooms" can guess how I was feeling.

      So I've decided that I'm going to be a doctor. I mean, that was already my plan But now I'm going to become a doctor and I'm going to revamp the system because having ONE triage nurse per THREE admittance nurses and having that ONE nurse not only note down your problems but take your temperature, your blood pressure and your BLOOD, WITHOUT gloves, in the MIDDLE of the germ-infested-ER room??? It's just ridiculous...

      And now I'm back, and I have a mocha cake that'll be gone in the morning, and I have a Cosmo with an article called "The Silent Ways He Shows He's Whipped" so I'm pacified for the moment

      That is so one of my favourite vids too!! Steffy is a genius, isn't she?

      Thanks for the heads-up, Darryl!
      WTFrell? that's rediculous! best of luck. Hope the ontario issue improves..... it affects me too.
      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      I just pictured the ending, Sheyla-style Went off into a little daydream for the ship I no longer ship

      And as for these people:

      I'd like to direct their attention to the following:

      Attention directed! *looks dreamily at screen for a long long while*



        Originally posted by LMichelle View Post
        Hi! *waves to shippers*

        It's been awhile since I last posted. I thought I'd give y'all a link to a couple AoT missing scenes I wrote.



        Lisa Michelle

        awesome fics!!! great job!
        thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          And as for these people:

          I'd like to direct their attention to the following:

          LOL. Yeah, I don't think anyone can deny the "more than friends" aspect of Unending Honestly, I don't know how people could even claim the "just friends" thing with D/V in general. They have, from the very beginning, been written as a romantic ship. Are they friends? Sure, but they can never be "just friends" for a whole variety of reasons that I think we all know

          Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
          I think,
          Cam/Sam is being tested out. Have the old SJ crowd lost their fervour. Can we spice it up a bit. If this works, we'll use it. They're about the franchise and viewers. Anyway, AOT back on in 8 mins. I am fond of Sky One.
          Hmm, I don't know about C/S to be honest with you. I would like to think they're being "tested out," but despite the lack of S/J as of late, they are still a force to be reckoned with if this board is any indication. I think the writers are safer being ambiguous on that front...and to be honest, I don't need much to ship C/S...I was doing it long before AOT

          Originally posted by gioia View Post
          I can understand people thinks them as friends, of course, they're friends. But they're just friends, especially after MM and Unending??? <snip>

          People can believe that D/V're just friends but it doesn't make it all true. I mean, I'm literally no Jack/Sam and I can say that oh come on, they're just friends but it doesn't necessarily make it right becasue yeah, they're more than just it, whether I like it or not..Same as Vala and Daniel, they might not be in love, which I don't see either, but saying D/V don't having anything more, just plainly wrong for my point view. Especially not after Unending, what else they(PTB) need to do to show this people there is really something going on between D/V, more than friendships?? Write on their foreheads. Hey, people we're more than just friends in case that you fail to see it. Geez, I worked up, dammit!! Geez, I really hate 'just friends.' thing. Whenever I hear it, I get goosebumps. Okayy, personal issues coming to surface, I think...I should shut up..please, don't mind me...I live in the clutches of a firenzy as of late.
          I think there were people that maintained the "friends" angle all the way til Unending (which I can find plausible to some extent). It wouldn't be hard for someone to claim that it was Daniel blaming himself for Vala's kidnapping and relieved to have his friend back in MM. I don't agree with that assessment of course, but it is somewhat logical. As for Unending, I still find the reasoning there problematic. It being that the only reason D/V hooked up was because there was nobody else around and it would have meant 50 years of loneliness otherwise...therefore maintaining their notion that under normal circumstances D/V would only be friends. I can't say I agree with them all...but they have a right to believe whatever they want to if it gets them through the day

          Most ships I am able to see the gray area (Sparky, C/S, any Vala ship I ship, etc) but S/J and D/V, in my opinion, are impossible to write off as "just friends." Not even in my most delusional C/S state could I dismiss S/J.

          Last edited by Stef; 26 March 2008, 02:03 PM.

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            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Very good example, Milena!
            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            Milena, Oh Yeah!!!!!! Can't dispute that. *giggles*
            Thanks 'Cakes Figured I'd start with the big guns

            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
            Agree with Milena, it would be hard to misinterpret certain scenes. Vala isn't all that subtle i.e. oh, is this your room?

            I think,
            Cam/Sam is being tested out. Have the old SJ crowd lost their fervour. Can we spice it up a bit. If this works, we'll use it. They're about the franchise and viewers. Anyway, AOT back on in 8 mins. I am fond of Sky One.

            I know right? Then again, how many times has one of my close friends darkened my doorstep in a pink negligee armed with handcuffs?

            Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
            nice example Milena_D!!!!!!! no matter how many times i see it, i can't help but SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE
            LoL! The Oven's chatter is meaningless without excessive Squeeing! Glad I could brighten your DV day

            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            A Just Friends Pic. *snickers*
            LoL!!! That is a GREAT friendship pic, Susan!

            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
            WTFrell? that's rediculous! best of luck. Hope the ontario issue improves..... it affects me too.
            Thanks Kate! I didn't know you were from Canada!! The Canucks are totally growing in numbers around here!
            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Most ships I am able to see the gray area (Sparky, C/S, any Vala ship I ship, etc) but S/J and D/V, in my opinion, are impossible to write off as "just friends." Not even in my most delusional C/S state could I dismiss S/J.
              And this is why you rock the way you do! It's an objective and rational view and I love it!
              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

              Banner made by Stef!


                I think as far as ships go:
                Jack/Sam Cam/Sam will be used to provide the provocative fan bun fight. They do it on purpose. I don't think it's always productive. They had to have a quick replacement for Jack/Sam and that's why CB was brought in after PU. Let's face it, that sizzled. So D/V putters charmingly along and Continuum will be an interesting outing for the J/S fans. Champion Cam, is the future of the franchise but I really don't think S/C will help the shipper wars and unless RDA is sent off with a pension book S/J will prevail.

                Just my thoughts. I think Cam's pretty. But since he's got the Clark Kent Mum and Dad and high school background, there's not much to develop and we know all about Sam. He needs to bring in new blood in his connections. Currently, the only one with room for growth is Vala. Her origins are still, largely, mysterious
                Which is why, my story, Chosen of Sherval, fanfic net (M) section by inifintespace junky is such a breath of fresh air.

                Did you just do another shameless plug?


                Yes, you did.

                I was being influenced by an alien force.

                That's okay then. Report to the infirmary.



                  Sue, about this vid:

                  Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                  [B]/L=""]What Hurts The Most[/URL]
                  Love this song. Is it on Fruitcakes anon. plus the saffron vid.



                    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                    I think as far as ships go:
                    Just my thoughts. I think Cam's pretty. But since he's got the Clark Kent Mum and Dad and high school background, there's not much to develop and we know all about Sam. He needs to bring in new blood in his connections. Currently, the only one with room for growth is Vala. Her origins are still, largely, mysterious.
                    I don't see how just because Cam has a normal, stable family life that makes him less interesting and impossible to develop. Sometimes I find the characters that have the seemingly "perfect" backgrounds to be the most interesting...if they're developed well. Sure, Vala has a lot more to explore because we've been given so very little on a seemingly big life, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in seeing some more stuff on Daniel, Cam, Sam, or Teal'c. I think given the right situations (and writers) any of these characters can have an intriguing and compelling story I don't rule anything out...cause just when you start to do so, they throw you a curve ball

                    As for S/J, I have no illusions about the way the writing is likely to go. I'm perfectly aware of how the first 8 seasons of the series went down...I just happen to hope for a different outcome


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by RinggoldGate

                      "Currently, the only one with room for growth is Vala. Her origins are still, largely, mysterious"

                      Mag, I do so love the fics that show some of Vala's past and especially her time as Qetesh. I need to go back and Read Milena's Qetesh fic again. Misappropriation of Lives. That one is excellent.

                      And a Qetesh/Vala video.
                      You're a God
                      Such a sting in the tail. And I thought we were virtual friends.



                        Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                        I think as far as ships go:
                        Jack/Sam Cam/Sam will be used to provide the provocative fan bun fight. They do it on purpose. I don't think it's always productive. They had to have a quick replacement for Jack/Sam and that's why CB was brought in after PU. Let's face it, that sizzled. So D/V putters charmingly along and Continuum will be an interesting outing for the J/S fans. Champion Cam, is the future of the franchise but I really don't think S/C will help the shipper wars and unless RDA is sent off with a pension book S/J will prevail.
                        I'm not sure I agree

                        I don't think they're doing anything on purpose (other than pushing C/S now). I think that S/J was their firm 1st Choice in the shipping arena, the little something extra that would appeal to the female viewers because apparently women don't like scifi on its own But then with RDA choosing to explore other options and leave the show, there was a kind of vaccuum left in the UST and comedy sections. They did a great job hiring and molding BB and CB to fill and expand on those requirements and I think, after that, the show just kept naturally evolving. The audience for S9 and S10 was pretty different than that of the previous seasons, in part due to Jack!Loyalty and in part due to unwillingness to give the new team a chance. So I think they just picked up on the new energy and let things flow naturally.

                        And don't forget that RDA didn't want to return for any kind of permanent or semi-permanent role so had S11 gone through, it's unlikely we would have seen him and the C/S relationship (whatever it was) would have progressed on its own. It's only now that the series was canceled that the movies were pushed and BW demanded RDA come back for Continuum. I really believe that's the only reason there will be some tension: because C/S evolved as it should and BW is stubborn

                        But that's just what I think about it.

                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        "Currently, the only one with room for growth is Vala. Her origins are still, largely, mysterious"

                        Mag, I do so love the fics that show some of Vala's past and especially her time as Qetesh. I need to go back and Read Milena's Qetesh fic again. Misappropriation of Lives. That one is excellent.
                        Thanks Susan!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        I don't see how just because Cam has a normal, stable family life that makes him less interesting and impossible to develop. Sometimes I find the characters that have the seemingly "perfect" backgrounds to be the most interesting...if they're developed well. Sure, Vala has a lot more to explore because we've been given so very little on a seemingly big life, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in seeing some more stuff on Daniel, Cam, Sam, or Teal'c. I think given the right situations (and writers) any of these characters can have an intriguing and compelling story I don't rule anything out...cause just when you start to do so, they throw you a curve ball

                        As for S/J, I have no illusions about the way the writing is likely to go. I'm perfectly aware of how the first 8 seasons of the series went down...I just happen to hope for a different outcome

                        And let's not forget that even if Cam has the Clark Kent family and HS background, it doesn't mean his character is set and defined forever. Let's not forget the many character developments Clarky went through I for one would like to see some Red Kryptonite in Cam's future
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                        Banner made by Stef!


                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          LOL Mag, we are buddies but I haven't read Chosen yet. Now I do know Milena's Qetesh fic so much. I bet I have read it at least 3 times already. You should check it out. Now I have told you how much I am waiting for your next chapter on your other fic Looking for love in all the wrong places. I can't wait to she what Vala is up to.
                          I have read it and liked it. Milena knows I think she's a passable fanfic writer , we were corresponding just this morning about Being Found. I'm not that ego sensitive but I can imagine why you might think I am. Sorry. You know me I get carried away. I've realised through LC and Milena that some of my more generalised comments have suggested I'm trashing other people's stuff, Misappropriation of Lives was before my time, in terms of reviews etc. or being involved in any active sense on the net, you know I was a bumble brain when I came on here. And there's reason to suspect I haven't changed that much. I admire those who tackle a larger landscape, with the epic fics and Milena fics certainly come into that

                          If, I have a talent, it's for striking the wrong chord. Sorry. I thought it was funny. Whispers: you're not obliged to read any of my fics, I'll give you special dispensation but don't tell anyone else.

                          Last edited by Magnecite; 26 March 2008, 03:48 PM.


                            Quick reminder for all of you participating in the S11 Discussions....they're going on....NOW. So head on over there


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              I have read it and liked it. Milena knows I think she's a passable fanfic writer , we were corresponding just this morning about Being Found. I'm not that ego sensitive but I can imagine why you might think I am. Sorry. You know me I get carried away. I've realised through LC and Milena that some of my more generalised comments have suggested I'm trashing other people's stuff, Misappropriation of Lives was before my time, in terms of reviews etc. or being involved in any active sense on the net, you know I was a bumble brain when I came on here. And there's reason to suspect I haven't changed that much. I admire those who tackle a larger landscape, with the epic fics and Milena fics certainly come into that category.
                              PASSABLE FANFIC WRITER?!?!?!?!?!? I'm just going to hope that that's a joke Cause while I admit that I don't read a whole heck of a lot of fics, Milena happens to be one of my favorites (now if only I could get her to write more one-shots). I'm a VERY picky reader, so when I like someone...that's saying something Not sure what that something is....but it's something


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                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                PASSABLE FANFIC WRITER?!?!?!?!?!? I'm just going to hope that that's a joke Cause while I admit that I don't read a whole heck of a lot of fics, Milena happens to be one of my favorites (now if only I could get her to write more one-shots). I'm a VERY picky reader, so when I like someone...that's saying something Not sure what that something is....but it's something

                                Yes, Stef, it was a joke. Leaves wearily.

