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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Margaret
    Boy, is that ever true -- all of it!
    Thanks! I probably spend far too much time cogitating on it, but it's nice when it come across logical !

    You know, it's possible that Vala has never met anyone like Daniel, either.
    I hadn't thought about that, but I really like that idea. And it's not unlikely, really. Us Tauri do seem to be a bit different!

    It's possible that this was as new an experience for her as it was for him. (In which case, I'd have to congratulate her on doing so well her first time out!)
    No kidding!

    I recall Graculus raising the question of which of them was rational. Perhaps Vala thinks Daniel is as crazy as he thinks her!

    Now wouldn't that be a trip!
    It would be! Though I don't think it's likely, I wouldn't mind seeing things from her POV.

    Peace out,


      Originally posted by Vala
      yeah that was good too, I liked the other one more though... don't know why.
      Isn't Daniel adorable when he's all exhausted and sweaty?



        Originally posted by graculus
        Happy New Year, Courser! One hour to go here.
        Oh now I have to stay on line until you've gotten there!

        The only explanation is that you're a complete wimp for needing more than 10 minutes [in TV time] to recover from your *shattered* arm. Of course it would have healed faster if someone had arranged for Daniel to come nurse you...
        Hey, it might not have gone quicker, but it would have been more enjoyable, that's for sure!

        Don't think I mentioned it, but I had the last appointment with the ortho guy (a hottie unto himself... lol!). I've been released and I get to keep the complimentary plate and 9 screws, lucky me! Actually, I'm pleased down to my socks - didn't relish the idea of losing the use of my arm for another six weeks. Not to mention I couldn't afford it! But I'm good to go, and actually, amazingly enough, the arm works pretty much as well as it used to! My right hand will probably never be quite as adept as it used to be, but I can live with that.

        Peace out,


          Originally posted by courser
          Oh now I have to stay on line until you've gotten there!
          Thank you for the company. I'm staying here alone in my house, listening to the sounds of celebration in the city. I did however polish off my own baked brie.

          the arm works pretty much as well as it used to! My right hand will probably never be quite as adept as it used to be, but I can live with that.
          Yay! I'm glad you're doing better. I've never had a broken bone in my life, so I can't even imagine. I can see how H/C stories might seem a little lite after going through something like that...



            Originally posted by courser
            My right hand will probably never be quite as adept as it used to be, but I can live with that.
            Okay, I'm going to quote myself just for the purpose of freaking you all out:

            I actually haven't tried shooting a gun with my right hand, yet. Yes, I'm from Colorado, and like many long-time residents, own guns. I was quite a good shot with my right hand (well enough to pass the law enforcement qualifiers) I was only passable with my left. Time will tell if I'll be able to regain my proficiency with my right. The left isn't pretty, but it works . Guess I need to book some time at the range

            No, I'm not really a nutter, but blowing crap up *is* fun!

            Peace out,


              Originally posted by courser
              blowing crap up *is* fun!
              Hey, I already knew that Colorado was The Wilderness...

              But I know who I want with me in the bunker when it comes time to start buying the canned food... (besides Daniel).



                Originally posted by graculus
                Thank you for the company. I'm staying here alone in my house, listening to the sounds of celebration in the city. I did however polish off my own baked brie.
                Oh yum! Care to share? I had canned soup for supper...

                Yay! I'm glad you're doing better. I've never had a broken bone in my life, so I can't even imagine. I can see how H/C stories might seem a little lite after going through something like that...
                Up until then, I'd only had very minor fractures myself.

                The only thing I really object to is when Daniel vomits over broken fingers! Oye! I didn't vomit after essentially blowing my entire shoulder apart and I venture that he's a tad tougher than I am! I might actually enjoy the whole h/c genre if it wasn't so overblown.

                Peace out,


                  Originally posted by courser
                  Oh yum! Care to share? I had canned soup for supper...
                  My baked brie is your baked brie. I'll send garcon Daniel right over...

                  The only thing I really object to is when Daniel vomits over broken fingers!
                  I object to all vomiting in my fic. I'm squeamish, and this is supposed to be my escape from reality, lol. There are no bodily functions of questionable aesthetic merit in my fic...



                    Originally posted by graculus
                    Hey, I already knew that Colorado was The Wilderness...

                    But I know who I want with me in the bunker when it comes time to start buying the canned food... (besides Daniel).
                    Hey, I'm your gal! And we can share Daniel... he's man enough.

                    Yeah... I need to protect myself against bears... right here in the great metropolis that is Denver!

                    Peace out,


                      Yeah, right - I've been to those bars in Denver....



                        Happy New Year!


                          Originally posted by graculus
                          Yeah, right - I've been to those bars in Denver....
                          They're not *all* that bad! But yeah, I've had enough weird experiences to be cautious.

                          Last edited by courser; 31 December 2004, 11:10 PM. Reason: Yikes! the evil tag genie strikes again!


                            But at least you have a shot at seeing Daniel at the local pub. You're going to have to work hard to compete with Vala and all her slinky moves...



                              Originally posted by graculus
                              Happy New Year!

                              Whoo hoo! Hope it's a great one for you! Better than the last for both of us, at the very least...

                              Okay, I'm toast and outta here! Talk to you tomorrow!

                              Peace out,


                                Tee hee, sweet dreams.


