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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Formerhost
    It looks like Michael and Lexa just invited Claudia to stay with them a few days longer to show her Vancouver and surroundings. Really nice of them
    i think so too. I thinks Lexa like Claudia...
    Q: Which actor do you think is the funniest? Most annoying? Hardest to work with? Easiest to work with? Shyest? Loudest? Most serious?

    Doig: In this order: Michael, Michael, Michael, Beau, Ben, Christopher, Michael. I'd like to add cutest, best butt and best hair: Michael, Michael (Claudia is a very close second), Claudia.


      Yep Chis most definitely the loudest!! ROFL!


        I love this "tete-a-tete" scene


          Originally posted by areyn
          Bumping this off second page.

          here's some more icons i made:

          Originally posted by Formerhost
          It looks like Michael and Lexa just invited Claudia to stay with them a few days longer to show her Vancouver and surroundings. Really nice of them.
          Ohhh...that was really nice!!


            Originally posted by Ronja
            I like this part from the commentaries for Powers That Be...

            "... one of the things that makes it work between the Daniel and Vala characters is the fact that actually Michael and Claudia are really good friends. I remember him telling me that when the shot Prometheus Unbound, she actually ended up staying a week longer. At his place. They just really get along and they have a trust for each other that really works..."

            I'm not so sure about hom much truth is behind the "at his place" part but still lol

            Oh and if anyone wants them... PM me.
            heheh I find it so funny that even though I know he is married and has two kids (dont' know much about Claudia so yeah) it still makes me all shippy when they are good friends and hung out together.


            sig by chlex


              Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
              heheh I find it so funny that even though I know he is married and has two kids (dont' know much about Claudia so yeah) it still makes me all shippy when they are good friends and hung out together.

              Claudia's married and has a son, born Dec. 2005.

              VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
                heheh I find it so funny that even though I know he is married and has two kids (dont' know much about Claudia so yeah) it still makes me all shippy when they are good friends and hung out together.

                Hehe same here... can help it


                  Have any of u read the spoilers for Memento Mori?

                  Wow I have to say that it's the first ep so far that I don't find interesting at all. A bit weird if fact But these are just early spoilers... so I'm hoping there's more to the story then just that.


                    Originally posted by Ronja
                    Have any of u read the spoilers for Memento Mori?

                    Wow I have to say that it's the first ep so far that I don't find interesting at all. A bit weird if fact But these are just early spoilers... so I'm hoping there's more to the story then just that.
                    I think it holds potential but the spoilers are so vague (how surprising!) that I'll just read them and file them under read. Everything else when the ep is boradcasted.

                    Last edited by ValaMalduran; 26 April 2006, 02:45 AM.
                    VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                      Mmm yeah. Maybe that ep will make more sense after you've watched the previous ones... cos right now it's like wait, huh? Where did that come from?? lol


                        From a S10 preview:

                        Thank you, FH!

                        VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                          Originally posted by ValaMalduran
                          From a S10 preview:

                          Thank you, FH!



                            Originally posted by ValaMalduran
                            Thanks a lot for the link!

                            Okay complete blackout here... which ship was Daniel on again?


                              Just in case anybody missed it!

                              Okay Stargate fans! This is absolutely the *last* update before the nomination period ends, so listen up!

                              Nominations for the Stargate Fan Awards will close on April 30th. That's this Sunday! We've already received so many nominations. It’s really great!

                              Without spilling the beans too much, Stargate Atlantis is ahead of SG-1 and Slash noms are leading the pack for both. *Now* is the time to send in nominations to be sure that the type of fic that *you* like to read is represented and recognized in the 2006 Stargate Fan Awards!

                              If *you* don't nominate them, your corner of the fandom won't be properly represented!

                              Go to: to enter your nominations and make sure that the fic you enjoy receives the recognition it deserves.

                              There are only a few more days to submit nominations so what are you waiting for? Go forth and nominate!
                              It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                                Originally posted by ValaMalduran
                                Claudia's married and has a son, born Dec. 2005.

                                awwww....nothing like babies so sweet thanks for the info, since I (sorry don't hate me) no idea who she was until she came on Stargate...mind you it seems to be a pattern for me.

                                Nice to see Mike/Claudia are friends


                                sig by chlex

