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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Wondering why it's so quiet. Then I noticed that LC and sg1cat are replying to the thread. They must be having multi-quoting fun because I think they've been at it for like 30 minutes.



      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      Okay sushi was cancelled but getting my mom from her work to her dinner was not...*sigh*

      CURSES to the RL that keeps me away from the Oven!
      No sushi?!? That does suck.

      and let me join in with you on the CURSES to RL. It can suck sometimes...

      But then, that's why we gather here, making caps, vids, icons, and fics!!!

      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      Have noooooo idea, there are lots of elevators. There's the one at the end of one hall. There's the one in Morpheus that Vala gets into after chewing out the psychiatrist. There's the one in I-don't-know-which-ep where Cam and Daniel come out and it would have been innocent had it not been for Daniel's nervous backwards glance to Mitchell I'll tell you what I tell Erin, creative licenses Nobody's gonna call ya on it, I promise
      hehehe...worth asking. In case ya hadn't noticed from my fic, I'm a stickler for detail!

      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      Oh hey!!!

      New People, Read This!!

      See on the top of the thread there are four stars? Go clicky on those stars and rate the thread!! We'll get to 5 stars soon I hope!

      ...that is all
      Consider the thread voted on by this newb!

      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post

      Then it's official. Milena is now the Official Thread Badgerer!

      And with that, I'm off ot bed. Night Fruitcakes!
      Night, Kath, and congrats on 900 posts!!

      And congrats to Milena! (...I think? )

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      Good lord, man, you need to know about elevators? That's almost as bad as me asking about Daniel's glasses/prescription
      Hehehe...yup, I'm a detail freak.

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      Milena actually found a lot of elevators, nice job dear Yeah, don't know what to tell you sg1cat. That's actually a pretty tough question.
      No worries, like you said, Milena already covered it.

      I'd pretty well decided to just make it up, basing it loosely on my memory from the show. I'm sure it's a nit.

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      And, may I ask if you have an easier nickname for us to call you? Not that sg1cat is long, it's just that the number disrupts the flow of my typing (I've mentioned that I'm lazy, right? ) Anyhoo, just wondering if there was something you'd like to be called like, ooh, just thought of something, you wanna be Darryl? (dragon!Darryl, not Bounty!Darryl)
      Darryl, eh? Hrm... *thinks about it*

      Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
      Hi everyone! I'm delurking here
      Welcome to the thread, vball!!!

      From one newbie to another, just wanted to tell ya it's a great place. The ladies here are really nice (even that scottish one who keeps pickin' on me! )

      Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
      to say thank you to whoever recommended a fic two days ago. I don't have time to read through all the pages, but it was called the Discovery and I loved it! I especially loved that it had D/V and S/J and that they were engaged!
      Wow! Thanks much, vball. Glad you enjoyed the fic so much. It means a lot to hear such kind words from my readers.

      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post


      Delurk anytime. The Discovery was written by sg1cat. It is awesome, isn't it?
      *basks in the endless flattery* I love these people...

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      I hope sg1cat doesn't mind that we named him. He might have a name he likes already, and then we'll all be confused. (although, I must say, it is a pretty clever name - Go Vala!)
      *Looks around, confused* wait a minute...named?!? When did this become final?? Last post I saw, I was asked, and I was gonna think about it, but, but, but...*sputters, then sighs*...oh, who am I kidding? I like the name, it works for me.
      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      Congrats on 1300 posts Milena!![/SIZE]
      Congrats, indeed!!

      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      That smiley is so unbelievably me

      And I think I'm getting enamoured with the idea of the little rat things

      But this looks like a boy badger I haven't found a girly-looking badger yet...
      What's wrong with badgers?

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      Oooh, a cheerleader outfit! *muses about new PWP role-playing fic*
      cheerleader outfit and role-playing?? *raises an eyebrow as his imagination starts to run away* Hrm....what's this all about then?

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      I see sg1cat has signed back on. I wonder how long it will take him to catch up to the page where we named him.
      *points up at the timestamp on this post*
      That long!

      Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
      yea, you're not the only one who feels that way. Grad school doesn't leave a lot of time for friends. BTW, please call me Danielle. I loved the way Daniel and Vala blantly flirted with each other. They're so cute!

      Sg1cat - are you going to update soon? Really soon? Pretty Pretty please??
      hehehe...very soon, I hope (by some people's definitions, anyway...*coughs, raising an eyebrow at Isabel...* )

      I plan to publish chapter 19 this weekend. I've already got over 8,000 words written, but I'm only about halfway done. Sadly, today was a bust (RL issues... )

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      Oh, then before I forget, 'night Isa

      *wonders of sg1cat is still catching up on posts*

      *Comes running up, finally catches up with the crowd. Slapping the "submit reply" button, he collapses into a heap, gasping out, "Not anymore," *as he heaves out his breath in heavy gulps*

      ...btw, did you know the board limits us to 20 images in a post? That includes emoticons, apparently...
      ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



        Did you know that you guys are COMPLETELY INSANE?lol
        I didn't even try to catch up tonight!

        Anyway...loved the last couple of "Noir" what two more or three?...and please, please, please tell us this ends well????????? I gotta horrible feeling........

        Erin...Chap 5 of "Kansas" was great! Oh that PWP with the cheerleader thing sounds...well...I won't veto any PWP but how you're going to make Vala aware of 'cheerleading' is gonna be interesting. Is this the series that keeps implying about the Princess Leia thing on his birthday?...if so, then you definitely have to do that...I mean we all know and love the similiarities between D/V and H/L so doing the PWP for that is a must.

        sg1cat...may we have a conversation about a guy writing a guy's POV?. I've been enjoying 'Discovery' very much and may I say that I'm always impressed by how much thought you've put into the logistics etc. of the 'mission'. And the 'ship' stuff between D/V has been well done too...and until I found out that the writer(you) was a guy, the way a lot of things that were happening was described seemed pretty usual coming from a girl writing a guy's POV(wow and I thought I had moved past my convoluted writing of a few days ago) but I gotta guy....can you say that Daniels' sharing a bed with Vala and not having some sort of obvious physical reaction to her presence is likely??????? I know that comes across as a really weird question but it struck me several times while reading the parts after they got back from the mission and they were sharing a bed that he's coming across as a eunuch....with nothing except an emotional response to her.
        Now maybe I'm just weird(which I've always suspected anyway, so if you actually think I am, just say so) or perverted(which I'm pretty sure of) but I'd like to think that he hasn't become so deeply immersed in his scholarly life that he doesn't experience physical reactions anymore.
        Were you leaving that out on purpose because you didn't think it was something that needed to be mentioned or did you just not notice because the reaction is so natural for you that it didn't occur to you to mention it?

        Oh I'm done rambling(perverted and not)for tonight. Actually gonna do some keying on my own WIP.

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
          Darryl, eh? Hrm... *thinks about it*

          *Looks around, confused* wait a minute...named?!? When did this become final?? Last post I saw, I was asked, and I was gonna think about it, but, but, but...*sputters, then sighs*...oh, who am I kidding? I like the name, it works for me.
          Well, it took you a while to reply, and some of these girls are fanatical (not me, of course) But, really, honestly, you're ok with it? Cuz I'm lazy, but Darryl just kinda fits. Picture Vala saying it. Isn't it cute?

          Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
          cheerleader outfit and role-playing?? *raises an eyebrow as his imagination starts to run away* Hrm....what's this all about then?
          Oh, um...*clears throat* I've got a series of PWP (plot, what plot?) DV fics about role-playing and outfits and such. One's called "The Goddess and Her Lotar" and the other (so far) is called "Daisy Duke and Tex" (can you picture 'em?) Anyhoo, I now have a few other ideas floating around in my head like a Princess and Her Knight fic and now a cheerleader/jock fic. *realizes she's talkin' to a guy about this and blushes profusely*

          Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
          *points up at the timestamp on this post*
          That long!
          (still needing a better LOL smiley for your posts, Darryl!)

          Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
          *Comes running up, finally catches up with the crowd. Slapping the "submit reply" button, he collapses into a heap, gasping out, "Not anymore," *as he heaves out his breath in heavy gulps*

          ...btw, did you know the board limits us to 20 images in a post? That includes emoticons, apparently...
          I think that happened to me yesterday. It was ridiculous. I actually thought of your <board error> witicism.
          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Did you know that you guys are COMPLETELY INSANE?lol
          I didn't even try to catch up tonight!
          Yeah, they are, aren't they. Not me, of course. All them other...Fruitcakes

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Erin...Chap 5 of "Kansas" was great! Oh that PWP with the cheerleader thing sounds...well...I won't veto any PWP but how you're going to make Vala aware of 'cheerleading' is gonna be interesting. Is this the series that keeps implying about the Princess Leia thing on his birthday?...if so, then you definitely have to do that...I mean we all know and love the similiarities between D/V and H/L so doing the PWP for that is a must.
          Um, yeah, I did bring that up in Daisy/Tex, didn't I? Maybe I could do a prequel story, what happened on his birthday. I'll see if I can figure it out

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          sg1cat...may we have a conversation about a guy writing a guy's POV?. I've been enjoying 'Discovery' very much and may I say that I'm always impressed by how much thought you've put into the logistics etc. of the 'mission'. And the 'ship' stuff between D/V has been well done too...and until I found out that the writer(you) was a guy, the way a lot of things that were happening was described seemed pretty usual coming from a girl writing a guy's POV(wow and I thought I had moved past my convoluted writing of a few days ago) but I gotta guy....can you say that Daniels' sharing a bed with Vala and not having some sort of obvious physical reaction to her presence is likely??????? I know that comes across as a really weird question but it struck me several times while reading the parts after they got back from the mission and they were sharing a bed that he's coming across as a eunuch....with nothing except an emotional response to her.
          Now maybe I'm just weird(which I've always suspected anyway, so if you actually think I am, just say so) or perverted(which I'm pretty sure of) but I'd like to think that he hasn't become so deeply immersed in his scholarly life that he doesn't experience physical reactions anymore.
          Were you leaving that out on purpose because you didn't think it was something that needed to be mentioned or did you just not notice because the reaction is so natural for you that it didn't occur to you to mention it?

          Oh I'm done rambling(perverted and not)for tonight. Actually gonna do some keying on my own WIP.
          Oh, dear, they share a bed in his fic, now that I've been spoiled (thanks LC ) I'm just gonna hafta read it this weekend.



            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

            Yes you can have Legacy Daniel because I know how much you love him Maeve
            Thank you=)!

            thanks Stef

            Thanks Wendy


              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
              Yeah, they are, aren't they. Not me, of course. All them other...Fruitcakes

              Um, yeah, I did bring that up in Daisy/Tex, didn't I? Maybe I could do a prequel story, what happened on his birthday. I'll see if I can figure it out

              Oh, dear, they share a bed in his fic, now that I've been spoiled (thanks LC ) I'm just gonna hafta read it this weekend.

    're not insane are you?...isn't claiming that it's everyone else that's nuts the first sign of insanity???????????

              Yep you gotta do the original story...or we'll come to your house.........

              And you DEFINITELY have to read 'The Discovery'...absolutely one of the best(after yours and mine of course)


              My Fiction:


                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                sg1cat...may we have a conversation about a guy writing a guy's POV?.
                I'd be more than happy to chat at length.

                Only thing, we may want to use spolier tags, don't think everyone reading this thread has necessarily read the whole of The Discovery yet...

                heavy spolier warning for The Discovery...
                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                I've been enjoying 'Discovery' very much and may I say that I'm always impressed by how much thought you've put into the logistics etc. of the 'mission'. And the 'ship' stuff between D/V has been well done too...

                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                and until I found out that the writer(you) was a guy, the way a lot of things that were happening was described seemed pretty usual coming from a girl writing a guy's POV(wow and I thought I had moved past my convoluted writing of a few days ago) but I gotta guy....can you say that Daniels' sharing a bed with Vala and not having some sort of obvious physical reaction to her presence is likely??????? I know that comes across as a really weird question but it struck me several times while reading the parts after they got back from the mission and they were sharing a bed that he's coming across as a eunuch....with nothing except an emotional response to her. Now maybe I'm just weird(which I've always suspected anyway, so if you actually think I am, just say so) or perverted(which I'm pretty sure of) but I'd like to think that he hasn't become so deeply immersed in his scholarly life that he doesn't experience physical reactions anymore.
                Were you leaving that out on purpose because you didn't think it was something that needed to be mentioned or did you just not notice because the reaction is so natural for you that it didn't occur to you to mention it?

                Oh I'm done rambling(perverted and not)for tonight. Actually gonna do some keying on my own WIP.
                Very good points, and I'm not surprised by any of them. First, I need to clarify what I wrote a little. Obviously, you're talking about chapter 13 and 14, primarily. Here's the deal.

                It's quite the opposite of what you perceived. Daniel did have the natural male reaction to Vala's nearness (not only in bed, but in a few other occasions). However, I've been running with a "Teen" rating on, because I wanted my story to appear on everyone's default filter. (If you set your story to Mature, it does not appear - the default filter is K->T).

                So, I had to be very discrete when I wrote about the physical aspects of them being in bed together, so no one would complain that I wrote beyond the given maturity rating. For example, take particular note in c13 of where Vala's leg was described relative to Daniel and how he reacted to her moving her leg there.

                You really do need to read between the lines.

                I hope that answered your issue, if not, please don't hesitate to post further questions, I'll be glad to speak to no end about it!

                Let me ask you a question - did you have an issue with the believability of him going to bed with her, yet not having sex? If so, I can speak to that too...

                Oh, and as to your comment about perversion? Don't sweat it...I doubt anyone thinks your perverted, I certainly don't. Besides, I'd probably be a hypocrite to call you that, particularly since I'm taking The Discovery to a Mature rating in a few chapters...!
                ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                  Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                  heavy spolier warning for The Discovery...

                  Very good points, and I'm not surprised by any of them. First, I need to clarify what I wrote a little. Obviously, you're talking about chapter 13 and 14, primarily. Here's the deal.

                  It's quite the opposite of what you perceived. Daniel did have the natural male reaction to Vala's nearness (not only in bed, but in a few other occasions). However, I've been running with a "Teen" rating on, because I wanted my story to appear on everyone's default filter. (If you set your story to Mature, it does not appear - the default filter is K->T).

                  So, I had to be very discrete when I wrote about the physical aspects of them being in bed together, so no one would complain that I wrote beyond the given maturity rating. For example, take particular note in c13 of where Vala's leg was described relative to Daniel and how he reacted to her moving her leg there.

                  You really do need to read between the lines.

                  I hope that answered your issue, if not, please don't hesitate to post further questions, I'll be glad to speak to no end about it!

                  Let me ask you a question - did you have an issue with the believability of him going to bed with her, yet not having sex? If so, I can speak to that too...

                  Oh, and as to your comment about perversion? Don't sweat it...I doubt anyone thinks your perverted, I certainly don't. Besides, I'd probably be a hypocrite to call you that, particularly since I'm taking The Discovery to a Mature rating in a few chapters...!
                  Yay for Mature! umm I mean....(quietly leaves thread so people don't think she's weird)
                  sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
                  I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    I'd be more than happy to chat at length.

                    Only thing, we may want to use spolier tags, don't think everyone reading this thread has necessarily read the whole of The Discovery yet...

                    heavy spolier warning for The Discovery...

                    Very good points, and I'm not surprised by any of them. First, I need to clarify what I wrote a little. Obviously, you're talking about chapter 13 and 14, primarily. Here's the deal.

                    It's quite the opposite of what you perceived. Daniel did have the natural male reaction to Vala's nearness (not only in bed, but in a few other occasions). However, I've been running with a "Teen" rating on, because I wanted my story to appear on everyone's default filter. (If you set your story to Mature, it does not appear - the default filter is K->T).

                    So, I had to be very discrete when I wrote about the physical aspects of them being in bed together, so no one would complain that I wrote beyond the given maturity rating. For example, take particular note in c13 of where Vala's leg was described relative to Daniel and how he reacted to her moving her leg there.

                    You really do need to read between the lines.

                    I hope that answered your issue, if not, please don't hesitate to post further questions, I'll be glad to speak to no end about it!

                    Let me ask you a question - did you have an issue with the believability of him going to bed with her, yet not having sex? If so, I can speak to that too...

                    Oh, and as to your comment about perversion? Don't sweat it...I doubt anyone thinks your perverted, I certainly don't. Besides, I'd probably be a hypocrite to call you that, particularly since I'm taking The Discovery to a Mature rating in a few chapters...!
                    Couldn't help spoilering myself...And now I have to read this story!! Maybe we (and by we I mean you, LC, and I) can get him to post on, then he doesn't have to worry about going over a teen rating. What do you think, LC? Think we could persuade him? We could bring out the handcuffs He already said he didn't think we were perverted or anything (hope this doesn't change his opinion )


                    EDIT: Don't worry, Danielle, nobody's weird here Except the insane ones!


                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      Well, it took you a while to reply, and some of these girls are fanatical (not me, of course) But, really, honestly, you're ok with it? Cuz I'm lazy, but Darryl just kinda fits.
                      Honestly, I'm very fine with it. Darryl is a cool name, I rather like it and the fact you picked it.

                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      Picture Vala saying it. Isn't it cute?
                      *stops and imagines just that, sighing happily* Yes, yes it is.

                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      Oh, um...*clears throat* I've got a series of PWP (plot, what plot?) DV fics about role-playing and outfits and such. One's called "The Goddess and Her Lotar" and the other (so far) is called "Daisy Duke and Tex" (can you picture 'em?) Anyhoo, I now have a few other ideas floating around in my head like a Princess and Her Knight fic and now a cheerleader/jock fic. *realizes she's talkin' to a guy about this and blushes profusely*
                      HEHehehehe...Would you blush more to know now I'm probably going to go and read all those fics?

                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      (still needing a better LOL smiley for your posts, Darryl!)
                      *BIG SMILE*Glad I'm still making you (and hopefully the rest!) laugh, Erin. I hope I continue to do so.

                      I think that happened to me yesterday. It was ridiculous. I actually thought of your <board error> witicism.
                      ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                        Honestly, I'm very fine with it. Darryl is a cool name, I rather like it and the fact you picked it.
                        Aw, thanks!

                        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                        HEHehehehe...Would you blush more to know now I'm probably going to go and read all those fics?
                        Yep, doing so now (but I guess I'm kinda interested to know if guys, um, respond to this type of fic. Hmm...interesting.)

                        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                        *BIG SMILE*Glad I'm still making you (and hopefully the rest!) laugh, Erin. I hope I continue to do so.
                        That is a huge smile!!
                        Yep, I believe you will continue to do so, Darryl. Such wit!



                          Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                          Couldn't help spoilering myself...And now I have to read this story!! Maybe we (and by we I mean you, LC, and I) can get him to post on, then he doesn't have to worry about going over a teen rating.
                          I think I already posted the first few chapters of my story there, but I gave it up because I found the interface annoying, compared to I like the ability to upload the fic as a Word doc, I do all my writing in word processors. I could probably be convinced to go back to it, tho...

                          Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                          What do you think, LC? Think we could persuade him? We could bring out the handcuffs He already said he didn't think we were perverted or anything (hope this doesn't change his opinion )
                          *smiles enigmatically, meeting your gaze and winking*

                          Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                          EDIT: Don't worry, Danielle, nobody's weird here Except the insane ones!
                          Oh, Erin, that reminds me - did my straight jacket with The Dark Side of the Oven logo come in yet?
                          ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                            Hey all. I am back for just a bit. I see I missed Isa, too bad because I brought Kev with me.

                            Kev: So where is this vixon at?
                            Wendy: Sorry my evil sweetie, but I think she has already gone.
                            Kev: Bummer, there were so many things I wanted to show her in my lair.
                            Wendy: *smiles* I know. *gives a kiss* Maybe tomorrow.
                            Kev: Okay, I should be around.
                            Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                              I think I already posted the first few chapters of my story there, but I gave it up because I found the interface annoying, compared to I like the ability to upload the fic as a Word doc, I do all my writing in word processors. I could probably be convinced to go back to it, tho...

                              *smiles enigmatically, meeting your gaze and winking*

                              Oh, Erin, that reminds me - did my straight jacket with The Dark Side of the Oven logo come in yet?
                              See, I find FFN annoying because of the rulerbars and everything. Copying and pasting into LJ and alldaniel is much simpler for me, well LJ is the simplest and there's no rating-restrictions on there either.

                              *winking back*

                              Right, the straight jacket. Tomorrow or the next day, sweetie. Patience is a virture (that none of the Fic-Cheerleaders have, by the way) (((hugs cheerleaders)))



                                Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                                Yay for Mature! umm I mean....(quietly leaves thread so people don't think she's weird)
                                *grins, leaning in to whisper in her ear as she leaves.* "Too late...", *said he who is setting the mature rating and writing said mature content!!*

                                ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal


