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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
    Avalon part 2

    Vala: Oh c'mon. You do it to meet women.

    Vala: Second time's the charm.


      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      I remember his purpose for being on the team was always in the background. It would be inferred enough in the dialogue to remind the viewer what was at stake for him, but I haven't watched S1 enough to pinpoint any specific episodes where it became more than in a line or two of dialogue.
      Hm *sigh* this means more research...

      Muse: Orrr, you could just take a creative license like you always do, mess things around and hope all goes well...
      Milena: ...well that does appeal to my lazy side...which is my only side

      Originally posted by djay View Post
      Well, that's a tricky question because I never really could understand what takes pace in Daniel's head and what doesn't in this episode. (I'm presuming all of it)
      However, this is the scene between him and Jack when he is explaining why he resigns from the stargate programme after her death:

      Jack. Up until now, every time I set foot through that 'Gate I was thinking about my wife. Maybe I'll see her this time, maybe this is the one…Now every time I go through, it'd just be some…place. Where that hope used to be.

      That's why I can't do it any more. I hope you understand that.

      It might be useful to read the transcript as my memory is faded..

      I've been playing with PS:
      Yeah, funnily enough, that's the only passage I could remember where he mentioned his wife too. Ugh, stupid PTB *sends curses their way* But they did give us Unending...*retracts curses*

      And gorgeous, Djay!!!

      Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
      Avalon part 2

      Vala: Oh c'mon. You do it to meet women.
      LoL, I so love that quote!
      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

      Banner made by Stef!


        Just a friendly reminder that you only have 30 minutes left to vote in the contest today: PLEASE DO!!

        Thank you! She was dipping today
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

        Banner made by Stef!


          Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
          Mmm, food!

          Welcome to today's madness people! 14 pages in 7 hours. Mostly OT. Think we can make it 20 pages in 12 hours?
          Ha! Did you honestly think you could do that without me?

          Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
          And that People is my 1,000th post!!!!
          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

          My Daniel and Vala I made
          He He...cute

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          2) This is a possibility, but I'm not sure he was necessarily saying something mean or wrong...maybe he was saying something about them that could have been intrepreted two ways and she's was frustrated because she couldn't figure out how he meant it...hence, 'say what you mean'.
          Which makes me wonder if Vala actually has suspected for awhile now how he feels and is getting frustrated that he won't admit to it...
          which also leads to her comment in "Unending"...'something we should have done a long time ago'
          That's what I meant. That something came out wrong and Vala interpreted it in a way that Daniel hadn't meant (hence the "say what you mean" bit). Personally, I don't know if I can prescribe to the uber-deep, Unending connection here. Yes, I do think that perhaps things are progressing further in their relationship but I don't give the writers enough credit for thinking about it that much I believe when I broke down the seasons, I had Bad Guys as "emerging sexual desire." Because I feel like perhaps, as seen by their reactions to the kiss, both characters are kind of in that zone where they're really thinking about each other in THAT way. Vala kind of goes with it, while Daniel kind of tries to ignore it.

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          3)I'm not sure what moment you're talking about because the credits I saw on my screen are over top of him holding her back from following Teal'c and Cam.
          And what did you see at the briefing?
          No, I'm talking about right before it goes into the intro...when they first figure out this is a museum, and it fades to black. If you watch Vala, you'll see her continue to talk as the picture fades out (and then in the next scene she has moved to the opposite side of the DHD).

          In the briefing, nothing really. Just when Vala tries to look at the pictures, Daniel kind of annoyingly pushes her hand away. I never really make much of it, but I thought it was worth mentioning at least.

          Originally posted by zuz View Post
          Hi Vala/Daniel fans!

          Stef asked me to make some Daniel/Vala/pink handcuffs smilies and I thought you might like them too.


          The rest is here.
          YAY!!! Thanks so much, zuz I know you've made at least one gal happy today!

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          Thanks Gioia!

          Okay, ANNOUNCEMENT:

          Kales is made of WIN!

          And also, it might be quite possibly dangerous to put us together in the same room....
          I feel so left out...the third wheel in our triumvirate Oh well, at least I found my long-lost cyborg sister today!


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            Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
            Avalon part 2

            Vala: Oh c'mon. You do it to meet women.
            Originally posted by ErinB View Post

            Vala: Second time's the charm.
            Oh, darn, I totally mixed up that quote... if anyone's still thinking about playing, kami's was also in Av2 not TTTB.

            Here's mine again.
            Vala: Second time's the charm.


              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              the HECK you mean it sucks for you!?!? I'm dead!! And you're macking on archeologists probably while the dirt over my grave is still fresh *pouts* Some twin you are Where's that healing-baby eh?? Conveniently out of town when your dear sister dies?? Forshame!!!
              Hey, do you know how hard it will be to push a demi-god out of know. I mean, what if it has horns or something?!

              And don't blame me, I didn't say you were dead. Blame the other ladies involved in that discussion. One of them is probably the woman who kills you! You must discover her before it is too late.

              And the baby hasn't been born yet...if my social life is any indication, I won't be meeting my baby-daddy any time soon.

              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
              Weelll, I don't wanna ruin anything yet, but head over here to understand why it would be dangerous to put us in the same room together...
              Ha! I just stepped in and ruined your conversation. Take that!!

              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              I'm bored And hungry...for chocolate milk...
              You know, if you were at my house, you could have all the chocolate milk your little heart desires. We have like 20 things of it...because I'm a chocolate milk drinking fiend!

              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
              Yep! April gets started tomorrow! Thanks, hun! Stef, is the bomb diggity!
              That's right, and don't you ever forget it.

              Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
              *looks sheepish*

              Er well I think the whole games thing is not my cup of tea *shrugs and prepares to duck* so I don't vote in anything this is only thread on GW I frequent.
              Not even for....

              FIRST TO 50 D/V EPISODES

              It's all among friends, and there's no hurting or healing involved. All positive! (Milena's not the only one who can pimp a thread!)


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                Originally posted by Stef View Post

                Not even for....

                FIRST TO 50 D/V EPISODES

                It's all among friends, and there's no hurting or healing involved. All positive! (Milena's not the only one who can pimp a thread!)

                Er, nope. I'm just not the type to get involoved in that sort of stuff. I've randomly visted threads like that in the past and I said before it's not just my thing at all.
                Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
                Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
                Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.



                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  I feel so left out...the third wheel in our triumvirate Oh well, at least I found my long-lost cyborg sister today!
                  *tries to remember the confusing multi-sci-fi metaphor converstation*

                  *points at self*

                  I'm a cyborg right? ...or a cyclon?


                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Hey, do you know how hard it will be to push a demi-god out of know. I mean, what if it has horns or something?!

                  And don't blame me, I didn't say you were dead. Blame the other ladies involved in that discussion. One of them is probably the woman who kills you! You must discover her before it is too late.

                  And the baby hasn't been born yet...if my social life is any indication, I won't be meeting my baby-daddy any time soon.
                  Pssssshaw! Everything's done by surgery nowaday! You'll get a C-section, you'll be asleep the whole time! And horns can be cute! My nephew or niece will be cute, you hear me? If it's not we'll just switch it with another one in the baby pen

                  And I soooo blame you! Someone else might have killed me (Cat!!! *points finger of shame*) but I didn't see you shedding any tears my dear sister... *raises eyebrow* You are so totally out of my will btw AND!! You realize that if I die, you go without your chosen heir!? Ya! bet you didn't think about that did you? Pshh!

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  You know, if you were at my house, you could have all the chocolate milk your little heart desires. We have like 20 things of it...because I'm a chocolate milk drinking fiend!
                  Let the similarities continue I just meant that I had to get my lazy self up the stairs to get to it

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  It's all among friends, and there's no hurting or healing involved. All positive! (Milena's not the only one who can pimp a thread!)
                  LoL! I will happily share my pimp status with you

                  Speaking of which...It's now a BRAND NEW DAY PEOPLE!!!

                  Vote my pretties, VOTE!!! *cackles*

                  Tonight's goal: 60!!!
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                  Banner made by Stef!


                    Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                    Er, nope. I'm just not the type to get involoved in that sort of stuff. I've randomly visted threads like that in the past and I said before it's not just my thing at all.

                    How about this, all you have to do is tick a box off for this one...
                    "Favorite Female Action Star". I don't know when the poll closes...but CB is now currently losing to Summar Glau by a mere 3 votes!


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                      Milena you blame me for you death? WHY???? *wails*

                      Just because I outlined your death and therefore made it happen?

                      Here's a term of endearment


                      Lets see who knows what it means (either by reading Meg Cabot or studying Spanish)

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                        *tries to remember the confusing multi-sci-fi metaphor converstation*

                        *points at self*

                        I'm a cyborg right? ...or a cyclon?

                        Well, I have no idea where you got cyclon from...bit I believe it was stated that we are both Cylons. I prefer cyborg, because it sounds cooler. And perhaps in theory Cylons are cyborgs, as they are made up of organic material but have a machine for a brain, no? (I could be wrong...not idea).

                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                        Pssssshaw! Everything's done by surgery nowaday! You'll get a C-section, you'll be asleep the whole time! And horns can be cute! My nephew or niece will be cute, you hear me? If it's not we'll just switch it with another one in the baby pen
                        Yeah...but then I'll have a giant scar down my stomach. That really won't look good for bikini season! Maybe the baby could be like Athena...I'll just have a headache one day and BAM! the kid will pop out of my head. Then everything will be hunky dorey.

                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                        And I soooo blame you! Someone else might have killed me (Cat!!! *points finger of shame*) but I didn't see you shedding any tears my dear sister... *raises eyebrow* You are so totally out of my will btw AND!! You realize that if I die, you go without your chosen heir!? Ya! bet you didn't think about that did you? Pshh!
                        I'm a cyclon/cyborg, remember?! We don't like to show our emotions...unless it's over a man we're desperately in love with...or who's really cute! But I was totally mourning for you on the inside. I died that day!

                        Nooooo! I need you to maintain my legacy when I'm gone! Eh...I'm sure I could find someone else to take your place....I kid, I kid!


                        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                          I was gone over an hour and only two posts??? How sad

                          Yay to Djay and Anjirika!!
                          You're welcome... but I like the thread this slow, I can catch up easier.

                          Originally posted by djay View Post
                          Well, that's a tricky question because I never really could understand what takes pace in Daniel's head and what doesn't in this episode. (I'm presuming all of it)
                          However, this is the scene between him and Jack when he is explaining why he resigns from the stargate programme after her death:

                          Jack. Up until now, every time I set foot through that 'Gate I was thinking about my wife. Maybe I'll see her this time, maybe this is the one…Now every time I go through, it'd just be some…place. Where that hope used to be.

                          That's why I can't do it any more. I hope you understand that.

                          It might be useful to read the transcript as my memory is faded..

                          I've been playing with PS:
                          That's pretty verbatim, and the photoshop sig is purdy.

                          Now, wasn't Kales writing an AU version of SG1 with Vala in it? Does anyone have the link?
                          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                          |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                            Milena you blame me for you death? WHY???? *wails*

                            Just because I outlined your death and therefore made it happen?

                            Here's a term of endearment


                            Lets see who knows what it means (either by reading Meg Cabot or studying Spanish)
                            Well, querer is "to want"


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                              So what are you guys cyborg/cylons?

                              Banner by Stef
                              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                                Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                                You're welcome... but I like the thread this slow, I can catch up easier.

                                That's pretty verbatim, and the photoshop sig is purdy.

                                Now, wasn't Kales writing an AU version of SG1 with Vala in it? Does anyone have the link?
                                I'm not sure about Kay but I know Isa is...called "Chains of Freedom"


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