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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    Because it much healthier to pretend to talk to Vala and Daniel, than talking to myself:


    V: Frell, Isa! What is up with your hair?
    Isa: I think I need to cut my bangs again. I'm Peter Petrelli'ng it again.
    D: Yotz!
    Isa: Tell me about it.

    Isa: But guys, my un-banging hair isn't the point of this.
    V: Oh?
    D: Isa, had a point?

    Isa: *pouts/purses lips* Yes!
    D: Well, then please continue.
    V: Sure.

    Isa: writer's block.
    D: *headdesk*
    Isa: Sugar Tush?
    V: Oh, don't mind Mr. Awesome pants, he just hates this - you tend to angst him out during Writer's Block.
    Isa: *contrite* I don't mean too, but angst helps me work through it. Ideas, you two?

    D: *looks at V*
    Isa and V: Dirrty, Daniel!

    D: You asked for ideas..... *smirk*
    Isa and V: Eep!

    *giggle* I always knew Daniel had a dirty mind. And Isa, if it's possible to break something laughing, I just did
    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

    Sig by Odakota_Rose


      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      That's the spirit!! Ra ra ra!!!

      *looks down at the online members*

      Why is everyone so quiet?
      Probably cuz we being crazy enough for all of them. *waves* at Erin, Nats, Ren, Invisible!Stef or DJ?

      EDIT: Heh. Thanks Ren, sorry for whatever my mind broke - the funny thing is I really do think that way. Before they were my crazy multiple personalities, now they're Daniel and Vala.
      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        Because it much healthier to pretend to talk to Vala and Daniel, than talking to myself:


        V: Frell, Isa! What is up with your hair?
        Isa: I think I need to cut my bangs again. I'm Peter Petrelli'ng it again.
        D: Yotz!
        Isa: Tell me about it.

        Isa: But guys, my un-banging hair isn't the point of this.
        V: Oh?
        D: Isa, had a point?

        Isa: *pouts/purses lips* Yes!
        D: Well, then please continue.
        V: Sure.

        Isa: writer's block.
        D: *headdesk*
        Isa: Sugar Tush?
        V: Oh, don't mind Mr. Awesome pants, he just hates this - you tend to angst him out during Writer's Block.
        Isa: *contrite* I don't mean too, but angst helps me work through it. Ideas, you two?

        D: *looks at V*
        Isa and V: Dirrty, Daniel!

        D: You asked for ideas..... *smirk*
        Isa and V: Eep!

        Niiiiice and yea, Dominion I think yours is from Morpheus but I think you paraphrased

        EDIT: Only 8 now!! That's like...4 and 4 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the extent of my mathematical skill
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

        Banner made by Stef!


          I'm not sure which episode it was
          *sits and twiddles thumbs*

          I'm far too amused by all these smileys Ithink..
          Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

          Sig by Odakota_Rose


            Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
            I'm not sure which episode it was
            *sits and twiddles thumbs*

            I'm far too amused by all these smileys Ithink..
            Aren't they wonderful???
            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

            Banner made by Stef!


              Ooh! Hey Isa, where'd that fic you and Kay and Maeve were writing a couple pages back go? I miss reading it.

              EDIT: They are, Milena! And I think you're right, some of them were designed with us in mind!
              Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

              Sig by Odakota_Rose


                Ok, I don't wanna bring down the thread but I've given up on photoshop. Someone else will have to make April. I probably shouldn't even post this, I should just send a pm to djay.

                But I'm getting so frustratingly depressed at my lack of computer skills, and the fact that I can't write worth sh** and I'm a lousy wife, cuz I yell at my husband when I'm really mad at myself. And all I wanna do is sleep for three days straight.

                spoilering my rant..even though I know I should just delete it.

                I think I'll go spend time in the Pond or the Lounge looking at the pretty. Bye, everybody.



                  Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                  Niiiiice and yea, Dominion I think yours is from Morpheus but I think you paraphrased

                  EDIT: Only 8 now!! That's like...4 and 4 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the extent of my mathematical skill
                  It was. Vala during the pysch evaluation. Btw Erin sent you an email and answered to your fic on calliope.

                  EDIT: I'll make April if you're sure. *HUGS* I'm getting re-addicted. What is it again?
                  banner by Stef


                    Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                    Ok, I don't wanna bring down the thread but I've given up on photoshop. Someone else will have to make April. I probably shouldn't even post this, I should just send a pm to djay.

                    But I'm getting so frustratingly depressed at my lack of computer skills, and the fact that I can't write worth sh** and I'm a lousy wife, cuz I yell at my husband when I'm really mad at myself. And all I wanna do is sleep for three days straight.

                    spoilering my rant..even though I know I should just delete it.

                    I think I'll go spend time in the Pond or the Lounge looking at the pretty. Bye, everybody.


                    I think you need chocolate and a day to relax Erin

                    And a pic.
                    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                    Sig by Odakota_Rose


                      Here it is Ren: The Epic

                      Originally posted by Kales View Post

                      As Daniel blinked repeatedly, unsure whether to be complimented or insulted by what Vala had just said, and surprised that she still caught him off guard, he heard an unmistakable snort from beside him at the commisary table.

                      "Wonderful girl," Jack commented lazily, "You're going to want to kill her, but I'm starting to like her."

                      Daniel raised an eyebrow.

                      "Okay, maybe you're going to start to like her."

                      "Wait, wha- that wasn't what I-"

                      With that, Jack ruffled his hair with what Daniel could only call a smirk and walked away.
                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post


                      It was only by the time that Jack reached the commisary door that Daniel managed worked up the perfect retort, with just the right amount of scathing sarcasm he had learned from Jack himself.

                      "I knew I liked him for a reason." Vala's voice cut through his thought and he turned to the brightly grinning alien woman.

                      Getting back his bearing he huffed, purely for show, trying not to let it show just how much both hers and Jack's comment affected him. "And why is that again?" The sarcasm that Jack had missed out on, was now directed towards Vala.

                      She only smiled wider, with a twinkling knowledge in her eyes. "Because, Daniel, he's the only other person, beside me, that has been able to aquire that delightful shade of red on your cheeks." As she finished she trailed her index and middle finger down his jaw. For a moment, too short, too long, their eyes locked and Daniel was sure the afformentioned red was increasing.

                      And then, like Jack, Vala stood and walked away. At the doors she turn and winked at him a soft smile playing on her lips.

                      ^ I couldn't help myself...
                      Originally posted by Kales View Post

                      As Vala walked away, Daniel felt his eyebrows click together and debated following, then realised his feet had already made that decision while he attempted to decide which language to decide in.

                      Vala's hips swayed slightly as she weaved through the crowds, Daniel having trouble making his way. It was ironic, he thought, that when he was paying attention, he couldn't seem to make his way, but when he was with Mesopotamian artefacts in spirit, people seemed to melt from his path.

                      He smiled slightly and opened the folder he was carrying, pretending to read it, and suddenly found people getting out of the way without being asked. He'd heard his fair share of rumours about himself and the rest of the team, but his infamous lack of spatial awareness at least seemed to be serving well.

                      It wasn't until three familiar turns before their destination that Daniel realised Vala was leading him - that he happened to be going in the same direction to an unknown place, his stubborn mind corrected - to his own office.

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post


                      His office. Vaguely, he wondered as to why she would be leading him there, when the traitorous voice in his head, the one that remembered which shampoo she preferred, what song she liked to hum when helping him, whispered to him it become just as much her office in these past few weeks.

                      Pushing the thought back, he followed - walked - in to see her sitting perched on his desk, her legs swinging idly and talking to Jack. His old friend was sitting o a stool, leaning his elbows on his desk, smiling at Vala. Daniel was never more disturbed by Jack's smile than he was at the moment.

                      They both turned their head towards him the second he entered. Both faces, so different, so contrary, held a familiar and smiliar smile in their eyes.

                      "So it looks like you left some parts out when writing that report about this young lady's hijack of the Prometheus." Jack's smile, no, Jack's smirks told Daniel everything he needed to know about Jack's and Vala's budding friendship.

                      And Anbuis and Orii aside, nothing scared Daniel more.

                      Originally posted by Kales View Post

                      Scratch that, he thought ten minutes later, tempted to take out his cell and check for Anubis or the Doci's numbers, despite what he suspected would be stratospheric call charges. He tuned back into the conversation just as Vala recounted the fight on the Prometheus.

                      'Coffee, how about ten minutes? Great chance to share genocidal tips over a mocha?'

                      Vala and Jack, spending time together for the first time beyond impending doom or Daniel's next impending death, were getting along better than he'd ever feared they could. In fact, he'd translated three pages worth of obscure Goa'uld while they giggled, laughed and shared stories. Most of them about Daniel, most of them about clumsy or silly or amusingly earnest incarnations of Daniel.

                      Daniel turned his page perhaps more violently than delicate paper needed to be flicked, but it made a pleasant type of sharp sound. If they wanted to talk and recount all the embarrassing stories, what was wrong with the commissary? It was where they had both made habits of holding court. He conveniently forgot that neither had done that in a long time, choosing to spend time on base mainly in his office or the gym.

                      "What do you think, Daniel?" Jack asked him, the smile inviting him back into the conversation. "Do you think we should get her an office?"

                      Daniel, turning to meet Vala's bright eyes, forgot to be annoyed and grinning helplessly.
                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post


                      ... and grinning helplessly it took a millisecond longer than usual to shoot back his answer to Jack, "If she's anything like you, and so far that's a healthy fear, it would be pointless." Daniel paused for a beat, changing his grin to a smirk, "After all how many times did you use your own office while you were here? If I remember correctly you were usually found in Sam's lab..."

                      Jack's response was the slight narrowing of his eyes, but before he could answer Vala's bubbling laughter filled the room. She turned to Jack, head tilting, "Really? Why Jack, I'm shocked you haven't shared that tidbit yet."

                      "Well, I'm shocked that Daniel forgot to mention his little return from Ascension. After all, he was missing something more than his memory.." Jack turned from Daniel.

                      Daniel, for his part, suddenly felt like seeing how Oma and Anubis' tete-a-tete was going.


                      "Like what?" Vala's eyes shifted from Jack to Daniel, glowing with delight at the banter the two men had going.

                      Originally posted by Kales View Post


                      “How would you know?” Vala drew her legs up onto the stool to sit cross-legged and glanced between them, her innuendo-laced gaze getting a smile from Jack.

                      “Well...” Jack drew the syllable out, and Vala's gaze lost its edge as she sat up, grinning and nodding. Daniel suddenly realised that Jack was teasing her into a better mood than she'd been in that morning and stopped minding being the regular punchline. “He has this habit of dying-”

                      “Yes, I know that-”

                      “And coming back naked.”

                      There was a beat of silence.

                      “Naked?!” Daniel wasn't sure if he'd ever seen Vala's eyes light up like that since that time they'd taken her to the mall.

                      “Only for a-”

                      “As the day he was born,” Jack interrupted with a grin that said he knew exactly what he was doing.

                      “Didn't you freeze to death?” Vala asked him, intrigued.

                      Daniel knew when it was his turn, eyes flicking to Jack's for a second before sighing and shaking his head. “Well, the first time people found me quickly. The second... I was in the general's office.”

                      Vala blinked, slowly.

                      “We didn't have any clothes handy,” Jack put in gently, and Vala turned and tilted her head, “but we did have a flag. It was all very patriotic.” He focused on a place beyond Daniel's shoulder. “I'm not sure, but Teal'c or Sam might just have pictures.”

                      As Vala doubled over in laughter, Daniel thought he saw tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. He was too busy looking at Jack in sheer horror to notice, if he were honest.

                      “I didn't know that!”

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post


                      Jack leaned back, a sly gracing his face. "Oh yeah, Danny boy, I think even Carter managed to make a few wall papers and screen savers - they were a big hit among the nurses."

                      "What!?" Daniel exclaimed, thinking of the way he wished he could Ascend right now.

                      "Don't worry, I hear they were tastefully done," Jack paused, "Teal'c very into black and white, you know."

                      "Oh, I have to find Muscles!" Vala managed out between her laughs and and across for him Jack was looking all to pleased with himself.

                      Vala, still laughing, doubled over the end of his desk, and he could hear a few words escape her lips between every few laughs, "Have... to... really... fi.... Muscles.."

                      Daniel wanted to be angry, or at least extremely annoyed, but Vala was laughing happily for the first time today and he couldn't muster up the right amount of indignation.

                      "You know I think I was right before," Jack for his part was looking between the two of them, his smile knowing.

                      Daniel tore his eyes away from Vala and met Jack's gaze for a second before ducking his head and going back to his translations. "I don't know what you're talking about."

                      Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                      I'll try.


                      Vala made a valiant atempt to leave Daniel's office but Daniel managed to stop her. He pointed out that it had been over two years and all the computers on base had been updated six months ago so that any evidence was probably long gone.

                      "Don't worry,Vala. I happen to know where a coppy of the security camera footage, from both my office and the briefing room, that day is." Jack said with a smirk.

                      "Oh no. You didn't!" Daniel exclaimed.

                      "Oh yes, I did." Jack returned. "I knew there might come a day when I would need it."

                      "Why would you need that?" Daniel asked, unsure of why Jack would need blackmail material on him.

                      "Oh, you never know." Jack replied.

                      "So General O'Neill?" Vala started.

                      "I thought I told you to call me Jack." he insisted.

                      "So Jack, just where is this beautiful footage?" Vala inquired.

                      So who's next?
                      Ans that' all she(we) wrote.
                      banner by Stef


                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        Here it is Ren: The Epic

                        Ans that' all she(we) wrote.
                        But.. but is there going to be more? Pretty please?
                        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                        Sig by Odakota_Rose


                          Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                          Ok, I don't wanna bring down the thread but I've given up on photoshop. Someone else will have to make April. I probably shouldn't even post this, I should just send a pm to djay.

                          But I'm getting so frustratingly depressed at my lack of computer skills, and the fact that I can't write worth sh** and I'm a lousy wife, cuz I yell at my husband when I'm really mad at myself. And all I wanna do is sleep for three days straight.

                          spoilering my rant..even though I know I should just delete it.

                          I think I'll go spend time in the Pond or the Lounge looking at the pretty. Bye, everybody.

                          We can share this smiley Erin cuz me and PS don't mix either ---> (keep watching till the end )

                          And happy DV pics, just for you!


                          EDIT: Isa, just 7 more posts and we can sleep
                          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                          Banner made by Stef!


                            Hehe. You all are sweet, but you don't have to stay up for lil old me. Really.

                            And as for the fic... everybodys should have a go at it. Right now my brain is to wiped to continue it but maybe one of the Night Shift Cakes will try.

                            EDIT: I cheated and went an voted on the Games...
                            banner by Stef


                              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                              Hehe. You all are sweet, but you don't have to stay up for lil old me. Really.

                              And as for the fic... everybodys should have a go at it. Right now my brain is to wiped to continue it but maybe one of the Night Shift Cakes will try.
                              I'd love to take a stab at the fic but, as I'm sure you've found out Isa, I'm not really able to keep myself from going on for ages

                              And yay!! You voted and you're only THREE posts away!!! Okay, another line for you!!

                              Daniel: I'm hoping you might consider letting Vala come on this mission with us.
                              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                              Banner made by Stef!


                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                                Hehe. You all are sweet, but you don't have to stay up for lil old me. Really.

                                And as for the fic... everybodys should have a go at it. Right now my brain is to wiped to continue it but maybe one of the Night Shift Cakes will try.

                                EDIT: I cheated and went an voted on the Games...
                                3 more!

                                And I'd try it but I'm so not a writer, hehe.
                                Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                                Sig by Odakota_Rose

