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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Gosh- I've been away for a long time- last time I posted was on page 815.... no way am I catching up... ^_^ But I'm back now, and I'll make sure I vitis this lovely thread at least once a day- mainly because Stef asked me where I've been.....
    Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
    |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
      I'll bite, again


      His office. Vaguely, he wondered as to why she would be leading him there, when the traitorous voice in his head, the one that remembered which shampoo she preferred, what song she liked to hum when helping him, whispered to him it become just as much her office in these past few weeks.

      Pushing the thought back, he followed - walked - in to see her sitting perched on his desk, her legs swinging idly and talking to Jack. His old friend was sitting o a stool, leaning his elbows on his desk, smiling at Vala. Daniel was never more disturbed by Jack's smile than he was at the moment.

      They both turned their head towards him the second he entered. Both faces, so different, so contrary, held a familiar and smiliar smile in their eyes.

      "So it looks like you left some parts out when writing that report about this young lady's hijack of the Prometheus." Jack's smile, no, Jack's smirks told Daniel everything he needed to know about Jack's and Vala's budding friendship.

      And Anbuis and Orii aside, nothing scared Daniel more.

      Tag anybody, your it.
      I'll take the tag ...

      Scratch that, he thought ten minutes later, tempted to take out his cell and check for Anubis or the Doci's numbers, despite what he suspected would be stratospheric call charges. He tuned back into the conversation just as Vala recounted the fight on the Prometheus.

      'Coffee, how about ten minutes? Great chance to share genocidal tips over a mocha?'

      Vala and Jack, spending time together for the first time beyond impending doom or Daniel's next impending death, were getting along better than he'd ever feared they could. In fact, he'd translated three pages worth of obscure Goa'uld while they giggled, laughed and shared stories. Most of them about Daniel, most of them about clumsy or silly or amusingly earnest incarnations of Daniel.

      Daniel turned his page perhaps more violently than delicate paper needed to be flicked, but it made a pleasant type of sharp sound. If they wanted to talk and recount all the embarrassing stories, what was wrong with the commissary? It was where they had both made habits of holding court. He conveniently forgot that neither had done that in a long time, choosing to spend time on base mainly in his office or the gym.

      "What do you think, Daniel?" Jack asked him, the smile inviting him back into the conversation. "Do you think we should get her an office?"

      Daniel, turning to meet Vala's bright eyes, forgot to be annoyed and grinning helplessly.


        Originally posted by Kales View Post
        I'll take the tag ...

        Scratch that, he thought ten minutes later, tempted to take out his cell and check for Anubis or the Doci's numbers, despite what he suspected would be stratospheric call charges. He tuned back into the conversation just as Vala recounted the fight on the Prometheus.

        'Coffee, how about ten minutes? Great chance to share genocidal tips over a mocha?'

        Vala and Jack, spending time together for the first time beyond impending doom or Daniel's next impending death, were getting along better than he'd ever feared they could. In fact, he'd translated three pages worth of obscure Goa'uld while they giggled, laughed and shared stories. Most of them about Daniel, most of them about clumsy or silly or amusingly earnest incarnations of Daniel.

        Daniel turned his page perhaps more violently than delicate paper needed to be flicked, but it made a pleasant type of sharp sound. If they wanted to talk and recount all the embarrassing stories, what was wrong with the commissary? It was where they had both made habits of holding court. He conveniently forgot that neither had done that in a long time, choosing to spend time on base mainly in his office or the gym.

        "What do you think, Daniel?" Jack asked him, the smile inviting him back into the conversation. "Do you think we should get her an office?"

        Daniel, turning to meet Vala's bright eyes, forgot to be annoyed and grinning helplessly.
        Because I can't help myself -


        ... and grinning helplessly it took a millisecond longer than usual to shoot back his answer to Jack, "If she's anything like you, and so far that's a healthy fear, it would be pointless." Daniel paused for a beat, changing his grin to a smirk, "After all how many times did you use your own office while you were here? If I remember correctly you were usually found in Sam's lab..."

        Jack's response was the slight narrowing of his eyes, but before he could answer Vala's bubbling laughter filled the room. She turned to Jack, head tilting, "Really? Why Jack, I'm shocked you haven't shared that tidbit yet."

        "Well, I'm shocked that Daniel forgot to mention his little return from Ascension. After all, he was missing something more than his memory.." Jack turned from Daniel.

        Daniel, for his part, suddenly felt like seeing how Oma and Anubis' tete-a-tete was going.


        "Like what?" Vala's eyes shifted from Jack to Daniel, glowing with delight at the banter the two men had going.

        banner by Stef


          Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
          Hey guys how are we all? Just going back to read what I've missed. Also have read more of Rowell....OMG so cool!
          Ordered yesterday, can't wait til it gets here !!!

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          Because I can't help myself -


          ... and grinning helplessly it took a millisecond longer than usual to shoot back his answer to Jack, "If she's anything like you, and so far that's a healthy fear, it would be pointless." Daniel paused for a beat, changing his grin to a smirk, "After all how many times did you use your own office while you were here? If I remember correctly you were usually found in Sam's lab..."

          Jack's response was the slight narrowing of his eyes, but before he could answer Vala's bubbling laughter filled the room. She turned to Jack, head tilting, "Really? Why Jack, I'm shocked you haven't shared that tidbit yet."

          "Well, I'm shocked that Daniel forgot to mention his little return from Ascension. After all, he was missing something more than his memory.." Jack turned from Daniel.

          Daniel, for his part, suddenly felt like seeing how Oma and Anubis' tete-a-tete was going.


          "Like what?" Vala's eyes shifted from Jack to Daniel, glowing with delight at the banter the two men had going.

          Oh I wish I could play, but it takes me hours to get inside Daniel's head. But please don't stop, this little scene is fantastic!!!



            Morning all. Off to take the car in for a service.
            I see Wendy has volunteered for The Daniel month of the calendar. Go for it, girl! (Remember it is all things yummy about Daniel for his birthday, so not JUST arm porn. Hehe! Maybe some butt shots might fit in well and your photo of mush, or whatever you called it!)
            When I get back I'll try to match the themes with months and see if I can come up with some victims... I mean volunteers who would like to have a go at one of them.

            He's her Lobster!
            LTS: Life's too short


              Originally posted by djay View Post
              Morning all. Off to take the car in for a service.
              I see Wendy has volunteered for The Daniel month of the calendar. Go for it, girl! (Remember it is all things yummy about Daniel for his birthday, so not JUST arm porn. Hehe! Maybe some butt shots might fit in well and your photo of mush, or whatever you called it!)
              When I get back I'll try to match the themes with months and see if I can come up with some victims... I mean volunteers who would like to have a go at one of them.

              Sounds good, djay.

              *to herself* I wonder how hard it is to make a collage of pictures in PS?



                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                Sounds good, djay.

                *to herself* I wonder how hard it is to make a collage of pictures in PS?

                It can be quite simple, if you just want a basic collage, which is fine. I really have no idea what i am doing, so my walls are pretty basic.
                It would just be great if we have lots of Fruitcakes contributing to the final result. I would love for you to have a go!

                (hurrying off to make up that list)
                He's her Lobster!
                LTS: Life's too short


                  Originally posted by djay View Post
                  It can be quite simple, if you just want a basic collage, which is fine. I really have no idea what i am doing, so my walls are pretty basic.
                  It would just be great if we have lots of Fruitcakes contributing to the final result. I would love for you to have a go!

                  (hurrying off to make up that list)
                  So, you call the PU/January wp you made basic? Sheesh. I suppose I can give it a shot though. First time for everything.



                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    SWEET!! When will it be appearing a fic-sites near me?
                    Whenever Isa gets to it and works her magic on fixing it. It's currently a little rough Hopefully within the week, but no promises!

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    Damn. Bones. Frak again. And then there's the new Serenity that came out. The DVD list is ever expanding. *pouts* I need a interminable cash flow purely for DVDs and the such. Thankfully (in the worst way) Heroes hasn't come out here in full DVD set, because then the temptation would be too great.
                    Ack! Don't bring that up! Just reminds me how I bought the regular version of Serenity and now have to miss out of the bonus features (including the no doubt awesome commentary with my soul-mate NF).

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    OMG yes. She totally has this smile when Vala whispers to Daniel about trinkets. And well, Teal'c obviously does. I just wish we would have had a Jack teasing them/supporting the ship moment cuz I'm prett sure I would have melted.
                    Oh, I would have loved to have seen Jack/Vala/Daniel interactions! Especially the former part of that combo...Jack/Vala has so much potential dialogue-wise.

                    Originally posted by Kales View Post
                    Although Cam's kid comments remind me of how Jack would react I'd kill for this though:


                    As Daniel blinked repeatedly, unsure whether to be complimented or insulted by what Vala had just said, and surprised that she still caught him off guard, he heard an unmistakable snort from beside him at the commisary table.

                    "Wonderful girl," Jack commented lazily, "You're going to want to kill her, but I'm starting to like her."

                    Daniel raised an eyebrow.

                    "Okay, maybe you're going to start to like her."

                    "Wait, wha- that wasn't what I-"

                    With that, Jack ruffled his hair with what Daniel could only call a smirk and walked away.

                    ^ So, it's c***, but I felt like it
                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    OMG! I LOVE you for that! *glomps*


                    It was only by the time that Jack reached the commisary door that Daniel managed worked up the perfect retort, with just the right amount of scathing sarcasm he had learned from Jack himself.

                    "I knew I liked him for a reason." Vala's voice cut through his thought and he turned to the brightly grinning alien woman.

                    Getting back his bearing he huffed, purely for show, trying not to let it show just how much both hers and Jack's comment affected him. "And why is that again?" The sarcasm that Jack had missed out on, was now directed towards Vala.

                    She only smiled wider, with a twinkling knowledge in her eyes. "Because, Daniel, he's the only other person, beside me, that has been able to aquire that delightful shade of red on your cheeks." As she finished she trailed her index and middle finger down his jaw. For a moment, too short, too long, their eyes locked and Daniel was sure the afformentioned red was increasing.

                    And then, like Jack, Vala stood and walked away. At the doors she turn and winked at him a soft smile playing on her lips.

                    ^ I couldn't help myself...
                    Oh, poor Daniel Keep it up ladies, I'm enjoying myself immensely here. I'm hiding out in my room right now because my dad invited some business people over for dinner. And there's nothing more awkward than talking to people your parents work, who have no doubt heard all sorts of dubious things about you.

                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    Have happy smilies I really have no idea why but this smiley made me think of you and Stef and Kales I'm not sure how the symbolism applies though...

                    Ha! I wonder who's who in that scenario. That means one of the three of us is evil, one is good, and one's going insane...


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------



                      Welcome back! *waves banner wildly and throws streamers*


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        There are no special effects with that PU one. I'd be happy to get you (or anyone else) started on how to do it. Just PM me. I can let you know what I know (even though I'm prob doing it wrong.) I just want this to be a team project so I would love people to just have a go.
                        Ok, here's the list. Please put your hand up for a month if you would like to be involved.

                        January: first meeting (**DJAY**)
                        February: lovefest for Valentine's day
                        (MM date, eye sex, kisses etc)
                        March: A DV snark/banter
                        (with captions would be great! “Let’s make babies!”etc)
                        April: Costumes
                        (Flesh and Blood, Avalon etc)
                        May: Comfort
                        (Hugs/The shroud with the chair/Pegasus project on the balcony etc)
                        June: Rescues/Heroism
                        (The quest2/MM etc)
                        July: Daniel Page for his birthday (**DJGIRL-WENDY**)
                        (yummy pics, arm porn, butt shots etc)
                        August: Angst
                        (BBQ, Dominion etc)
                        September: Vala
                        (yummy pics-eg daisy dukes, pink handcuffs etc)
                        October: The Halloween theme
                        (weird costumes like 200etc)
                        November: DV and the team
                        (Large photo of the team with some smaller ones surrounding of Vala/Cam. Daniel/Sam etc?etc)
                        (Unending Christmas shots)

                        I'll attach names to the ones that people have already put a claim too.
                        Do you have a preference, Erin?

                        He's her Lobster!
                        LTS: Life's too short


                          Originally posted by djay View Post
                          There are no special effects with that PU one. I'd be happy to get you (or anyone else) started on how to do it. Just PM me. I can let you know what I know (even though I'm prob doing it wrong.) I just want this to be a team project so I would love people to just have a go.
                          Ok, here's the list. Please put your hand up for a month if you would like to be involved.

                          January: first meeting (**DJAY**)
                          February: lovefest for Valentine's day
                          (MM date, eye sex, kisses etc)
                          March: A DV snark/banter
                          (with captions would be great! “Let’s make babies!”etc)
                          April: Costumes
                          (Flesh and Blood, Avalon etc)
                          May: Comfort
                          (Hugs/The shroud with the chair/Pegasus project on the balcony etc)
                          June: Rescues/Heroism
                          (The quest2/MM etc)
                          July: Daniel Page for his birthday (**DJGIRL-WENDY**)
                          (yummy pics, arm porn, butt shots etc)
                          August: Angst
                          (BBQ, Dominion etc)
                          September: Vala
                          (yummy pics-eg daisy dukes, pink handcuffs etc)
                          October: The Halloween theme
                          (weird costumes like 200etc)
                          November: DV and the team
                          (Large photo of the team with some smaller ones surrounding of Vala/Cam. Daniel/Sam etc?etc)
                          (Unending Christmas shots)

                          I'll attach names to the ones that people have already put a claim too.
                          Do you have a preference, Erin?

                          Not to mess anything up but are we going to have a page for CB's bday? Or is Daniel's bday page the character's bday, not MS's? Okay, nevermind my questioning, I'm functioning on 2% of brain power...need sleep...I think I'll fulfill that need

                          ...right after Bones
                          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                          Banner made by Stef!


                            January: first meeting (**DJAY**)
                            February: lovefest for Valentine's day
                            (MM date, eye sex, kisses etc)
                            March: A DV snark/banter
                            (with captions would be great! “Let’s make babies!”etc)
                            April: Costumes
                            (Flesh and Blood, Avalon etc)
                            May: Comfort
                            (Hugs/The shroud with the chair/Pegasus project on the balcony etc)
                            June: Rescues/Heroism (Stef)
                            (The quest2/MM etc)
                            July: Daniel Page for his birthday (**DJGIRL-WENDY**)
                            (yummy pics, arm porn, butt shots etc)
                            August: Angst
                            (BBQ, Dominion etc)
                            September: Vala
                            (yummy pics-eg daisy dukes, pink handcuffs etc)
                            October: The Halloween theme
                            (weird costumes like 200etc)
                            November: DV and the team
                            (Large photo of the team with some smaller ones surrounding of Vala/Cam. Daniel/Sam etc?etc)
                            December:Christmas (Stef)
                            (Unending Christmas shots)

                            I'll only take two for now..see how everything else goes. If nobody wants to do some, I'll gladly pick them up!


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Thanks, Stef! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

                              He's her Lobster!
                              LTS: Life's too short


                                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                                Not to mess anything up but are we going to have a page for CB's bday? Or is Daniel's bday page the character's bday, not MS's? Okay, nevermind my questioning, I'm functioning on 2% of brain power...need sleep...I think I'll fulfill that need

                                ...right after Bones
                                September if officially Vala's page for her birthday (even though we don't know when her birthday is!)

                                Anyone else gonna have a go?

                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

