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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
    Found it here

    Go to bottom hypaspace interview on page and click on clip 3
    Oh dear, I watched the etcanada clip of MS and Lexa from that link (second to last clip), and they really are a cute couple and I feel terrible bad-mouthing her now



      Originally posted by gioia View Post
      Lol!! And why aint I suprised?
      I tell you guys, she's gonna to take over our thread soon
      Congrats, Milena dear!!!
      Hey now, I still have a solid 1000+ posts on her! Granted, I've been here longer...

      Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
      I noticed that to. He seems embarrassed. I could never place my finger on why. Dang it. I wish we had a personal Q and A with MS.
      Usually when you look down instead of looking at the person, it means you're embarrassed or lying. I interpreted it as Daniel not completely believing what he was saying, so he couldn't say it while looking into her eyes.

      Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
      I love this line. Being a John/Aeryn shipper for longer I really want to believe it was a Ben line alluding to the fact that Claudia has been both their girls. Of course that has no evidence, but if not...I still think it is cute that Cam calls her his as well.
      Yeah, I like this line as well...not necessarily for the J/A implications but just because it showed how integrated into the team Vala has become. At the beginning of the season (and season 9), she was Daniel's girl, Daniel's responsibility. Now she's their girl, their teammate.


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        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        I think the three of us are going to have a niiiice looong rant when FT comes around! Lookin' forward to it
        I'll try to curb mine a little. I really don't hate it as much as it may seem sometimes, but I can get worked up in the right company I'll try to keep mine balanced...if that's possible...both good and bad!

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        Thanks so much Djay!!! I don't suppose I could persuade you to do the same for any other deleted DV scenes? I'll give you a flower!
        I don't recall that many other DV scenes. The only one I remember was the TQ1...but it wasn't really D/V so much as the team.

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        I had those same thoughts! But I suppose Sam had to (as opposed to Daniel) because she's the Air Force Colonel, Daniel's just civilian...? But why Cameron instead of Sam? Maybe because they only had a Sam look-a-like that day?
        I was just thinking about why it wasn't the team leader that came to pick her up...especially since he was there.

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        Yum to the waffle And yeah, didn't the cop look STRAIGHT at Vala for like 3 whole minutes before Vala ducked into the warehouse?? ...sloppy sloppy *tsk-ing*
        I know, very sloppy. She knew the cop was watching her...

        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        And holy hannah is Sam ever staring hard! She's not even trying to hide it...must have made Cam/Sam fans happy ^_~ But yeah, Teal'c's focus on those desserts always makes me wonder...he looks like he's weighing them at some point. Vala is missing...his buddy's been shot, disrobed and cuffed to a bed and it's the twinkies that capture his attention...
        I remember thinking it was cute but not making anything of it until now. Mostly because I wasn't an active S/C shipper at the time. Now I think it is just the cutest thing...they really do smile so much at/with each other in season 10.

        As for Teal'c, I don't know what was going on with him. Maybe he hadn't eaten since they'd heard about Vala and he was hungry


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          Great banner, djay. Shame you won't be around for CoT. I'm still not sure where I stand on this episode...or what my feelings will be later tonight. Could be interesting...

          Thanks for the pictures, Susan!! I was looking at some of the stuff you posted in the Vala thread earlier this morning I can't wait to see that video someone said they had captured!!


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            These two pictures are so cute (pictures courtesy of Stef)

            Thank you to Stef for the banner


              A couple of AoT bits from AT and MS:
              Amanda Tapping:
              It is a big wrap up of the Ori storyline so there’s a lot of Daniel and Vala and Adria

              Michael Shanks:
              I think the audience will be satisfied with the closure of the story, and some nice team moments and emotional moments, and everybody gets something to do which I think our audience usually enjoys.

              The whole article can be found at Stargate Solutions.


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                In my continuing effort to dominate this page, someone just posted a bunch of DragonCon pictures over on LJ, specifically DV-focused.

                Look at All the Pretties!!


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                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  In my continuing effort to dominate this page, someone just posted a bunch of DragonCon pictures over on LJ, specifically DV-focused.

                  Look at All the Pretties!!

                  Thanks for the link Stef, those pictures make me feel a whole lot better about the Shanks household...the remarks I was reading about Lexa asking him if he wants his ring back and the fact that he IS NOT wearing his wedding ring had me wondering...but obviously all seems about mirroring gestures eh...take a most of those pictures his and Lexa's positions are almost identical and in some of them he obviously has his hand on her leg. Nice.


                  My Fiction:


                    So my contribution to tonights discussion of 'Company of Thieves'. Won't be as long winded as last night I promise,lol

                    The 'two-steps back' episode that follows the 'one-step forward' episode.
                    I never really understood the problem some people had with this episode. To me it was so obvious that it was just Daniel reacting to the re-emergence of the 'old' Vala. After everything he said about being proud of her for 'resisting the temptation to fall back on her old ways', here she is jumping back into those old ways with a vengeance...he hates that she's so comfortable in that environment, he hates being reminded how easily she could leave them(him) and return to it, he hates being reminded of all the other men she's been with and he really hates her treating him like her 'toy'.
                    I also think that despite no longer being able to kid himself about his feelings for her, he is still not certain they can trust her to do her best in getting Sam back - no wonder he's generally angry - the first woman in 10ish years that he wants to get closer to and he's not sure he can trust her to keep himself and everyone who's important to him safe, but I think by the end of the episode she's proven herself; especially after she beams the guy out into space(personally I thought it was a brilliant solution)...and judging by the somewhat bemused expression on Daniel's face I'd say he was stunned and impressed by her quick 'out of the box' thinking. I don't think "work trust" is ever an issue after this is it?
                    I found the whole 'Daniel in the captain's chair' delightful...loved watching him lull Netan into a false sense of security with the old 'I'm just a geeky scientist who has no clue about anything military' bluff until that very last moment when he suddenly fixes Netan with an almost steely gaze and shows their hand(sorry, best way to describe it because I can't remember his exact words)...Jack taught him so well,lol.
                    Also loved the rest of the team interaction. I keep thinking there is still a level of animosity from Teal'c to Cam, but can't pinpoint a reason why...perhaps it's just that Teal'c is still testing Cam as the team's CO...I think when Cam comes to get Teal'c a little more of that animosity is laid to rest when Teal'c recognizes that like Jack, Cam will not abandon him to his past.
                    I also want to comment on AT and heavy emotional scenes - she's good eh?
                    And that's all from me(cueing heavy sigh of relief from everyone)
                    Are we gonna do TQ1 tomorrow?


                    My Fiction:


                      Lot of catching up!!! Forgive me tonight if I ramble a little more than usual but after 2 hours of sleep I had to drive for four hours and I've been up for just over 15 hours... But once again I can't sleep...

                      I watched MM yesterday but went to bed early planning on getting sleep and knew that if I logged in I wouldn't go to bed... shoulda stayed up in retrospect, not like I got much sleep anyways!!

                      I gotta go back and rewatch it so I can comment but first:

                      UNENDING and Farscape season 3's ep THE LOCKET:

                      Got my Starburst DVD and BB and CB do the commentary on The Locket, an ep where Aeryn and John age about 60 years (John that is, Aeryn is much older). The commentary was recorded in 2004 shortly after PU was filmed (they make references to 'another ship (as in spaceship)', camera angles and Canada....) But at some point during the commentary BB and CB begin discussing how each other looks old and MS comes up in the discussion.

                      The locket is a really sweet episode and quite shippy J/A wise and basically the proverbial reset button gets pushed at the end. At some point after BB comments on the reset button he makes a comment about MS looking old... I just thought it was ironic that 3 years later, MS, CB and BB all got to be aged 50 years and this time CB's character ends up with MS's character on a completely different show halfway across the globe.


                        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                        Thanks for the link Stef, those pictures make me feel a whole lot better about the Shanks household...the remarks I was reading about Lexa asking him if he wants his ring back and the fact that he IS NOT wearing his wedding ring had me wondering...but obviously all seems about mirroring gestures eh...take a most of those pictures his and Lexa's positions are almost identical and in some of them he obviously has his hand on her leg. Nice.
                        Yeah. I just think LD didn't have much to say. But can I say how adorable this picture is (from that LJ account):

                        And CB and LD look like they're chatting

                        Originally posted by Toomi View Post

                        I gotta go back and rewatch it so I can comment but first:

                        UNENDING and Farscape season 3's ep THE LOCKET:

                        Got my Starburst DVD and BB and CB do the commentary on The Locket, an ep where Aeryn and John age about 60 years (John that is, Aeryn is much older). The commentary was recorded in 2004 shortly after PU was filmed (they make references to 'another ship (as in spaceship)', camera angles and Canada....) But at some point during the commentary BB and CB begin discussing how each other looks old and MS comes up in the discussion.

                        The locket is a really sweet episode and quite shippy J/A wise and basically the proverbial reset button gets pushed at the end. At some point after BB comments on the reset button he makes a comment about MS looking old... I just thought it was ironic that 3 years later, MS, CB and BB all got to be aged 50 years and this time CB's character ends up with MS's character on a completely different show halfway across the globe.
                        Oooh, what did they say exactly about MS? I like how BB played the jealousy card all the in that Con appearance with him and CB where he keeps talking about MS.


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                          Time to kick things off for...

                          Remember to try and name your favorites (scene, quote, picture)


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                            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                            Found it here

                            Go to bottom hypaspace interview on page and click on clip 3
                            YAY!! Thank you so much Susan!!!

                            Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                            Oh dear, I watched the etcanada clip of MS and Lexa from that link (second to last clip), and they really are a cute couple and I feel terrible bad-mouthing her now

                            Hehe...I think I'll just skip that interview for the purpose of staying deluded They do really look adorable at the DragonCon panel together though

                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            Hey now, I still have a solid 1000+ posts on her! Granted, I've been here longer...
                            Lol, Stef you have a solid 4000+ posts on me

                            Okay, off to CoT

                            EDIT: Yay!! I got 300 and actually noticed!
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                            Banner made by Stef!


                              Originally posted by Stef View Post

                              Oooh, what did they say exactly about MS? I like how BB played the jealousy card all the in that Con appearance with him and CB where he keeps talking about MS.

                              Sorry, but it might not be exact. and yes, that Farscape con from 2004 was hilarious!!!! I would love to know BB's reaction to finding out that he got a part on Stargate with CB and MS and the jokes, ribbing and banter that would've happened as they read the scripts for the first time.

                              Ok, commentary bits from Farscape's The Locket:


                              About 30 min in, during oldCrichtons scene on Moya:

                              They're talking about how each other looks, CB comments that she thinks she looks at BB in teh makeup and thinks 'wow' and looks at herself and thinks it looks like crap. BB reassures her that she looks gorgeous.

                              CB: I need you onset(or around) next job I take, or get.
                              BB:All you need around is Micheal Shanks, you know that... *laughs a little*
                              CB: Who? *joking tone*
                              BB: *laughs*
                              CB: Sorry Micheal, sorry honey.
                              BB: Micheal Shanks is the John Crichton clone on Stargate.
                              CB:Who I just had the extreeme pleasure of working with, hence we're having this conversation coz I rang Ben and apologized coz I had a new leading man but for three days. I'd say four years vs three days.
                              BB: Yeah, but that doesn't matter, what have you done for me lately baby?
                              Nah, actually Micheal's a real nice guy.
                              CB: It's funny, there's a lot of similarities between you two.*giggling*
                              BB: Please don't start with that.
                              CB: He's a little bit younger.
                              BB: When he becomes an old man he's not going to be sitting around becomming a crotchy old woman chaser. Or he might be.
                              CB: Oh boy, now we've got to get him to come in and do some commentary. Give him a chance to save himself.

                              All of that was in a light tone between the two... really funny to hear their tones...

                              Ok, gotta watch MM now then see if I can stay awake for teh real discussion lol


                                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                                Hey I'm watching the first panel video and I got to about 2:50 minutes in where CJ makes a joke while he's saying how MS reminded everyone of James Spader and then I think he says something to CB and MS looks at her and they all laugh but I didn't understand...anyone get that?

                       which MS replies that she's not breastfeeding...sooo lost
                                Last edited by Milena_D; 06 September 2007, 08:30 PM.
                                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                                Banner made by Stef!

