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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    ADORABLE icon Stef!!

    And Erin's chapter 3 is sooooo amazing! You all should be heading there asap!

    Is it just me or is the discussion somewhat less fast-paced as yesterday's? I hope it's only because of the lack of Dala influence in Origin! Omg, can you all imagine how many pages we'll take up when Beachhead, Memento Mori and Unending come up??? I can't wait!
    You're right, the discussion is slower today, but I think it's mainly because Origin is.. well Origin. If we were talking Beachhead or any of those others, for example, this place would be hopping. =D
    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

    Sig by Odakota_Rose


      Wow, that was a ton of posts to catch up on!!!

      Origin.... hmm, can't say it was one of my favourite eps of the season. Seemed like most of it was information on the new enemy using the characters to spew it all out. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, it had to be done at some point....

      As for D/V.... The prescription on my new glasses hasn't arrived yet so I struggled a little with that aspect of the ep.

      Vala I think changed during this ep. Perhaps only a little but it, in my mind, paves the way for the future changes. In the previous ep she gets killed in a pretty horrible way. I don't know if she remembers right before or not, but at the beginning of Origin she seems pretty shaken. Even when she's talking to the Prior in the City she doesn't seem her usual spunky self.

      Until it comes to Daniel. When he's got that book in front of him she's back to teasing him, lying on the table. I liked the apple bit. A little illusion if you will (don't know if it was intended that way but it works... for me anyway)

      Before they leave the City Vala states that they need to get out of those bodies so they can warn the others (or something along those lines) and for a moment I see a different side of her character. For a few eps we've seen the 'I'm in it for me' attitude and I thought this was the first time that I saw that attitude dissapear.

      When they get back home she's quieter. There's no silly coments or flirting as she removes Daniel's bracelet or during the briefing. She's putting in her 2cents and making a contribution to the discussion instead of being the distraction and I think that Daniel see's that and respects it.

      For me, I see it this way. Both of them have gone through an experience that no one else around them has. She died once, and he was forced to watch. Then both of them were about to die when they were rescued by some quick thinking at the SGC. At that point there's a bond. It might not be friendship yet but I can't see anyone going through something like that without getting a little closer. Plus there's probably some guilt on both their parts too for alerting the Ori to their presence.

      Darn, I rambled again...

      Ok, I'm off for a few days as I'm going out camping. I'll try to catch up but I might just pop in and ask for an update then head off to watch the eps discussed... see if I can fall of that proverbial fence I've been hanging onto for so long... Night.


        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        ADORABLE icon Stef!!

        And Erin's chapter 3 is sooooo amazing! You all should be heading there asap!

        Is it just me or is the discussion somewhat less fast-paced as yesterday's? I hope it's only because of the lack of Dala influence in Origin! Omg, can you all imagine how many pages we'll take up when Beachhead, Memento Mori and Unending come up??? I can't wait!
        Yeah, there has been a bit of a lull in Origin-land! I'm sure Beachhead will be a big one...especially for me. Despite many of our lovely ladies' attempts to sway me otherwise, I have some serious issues with this episode. Which I will expan upon when the time comes

        Let me think of some questions to ask...

        1. When Daniel and Vala finally come back, how do you think their relationship has changed? Has it changed?

        2. If Vala was thoroughly searched before she entered the gate, and presumably after she cuffed Daniel, where did she hide that crystal-thing that removed the cuffs?

        3. What do you think are the last things going through Daniel and Vala's minds as they're about to be burned alive (Vala for the second time)?

        4. Why did poor, poor Fannis have to die?!

        5. What is the purpose of that collar the Doci wears? Is it just because he wants to look cooler than the other Priors?


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
          Wow, that was a ton of posts to catch up on!!!

          Origin.... hmm, can't say it was one of my favourite eps of the season. Seemed like most of it was information on the new enemy using the characters to spew it all out. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, it had to be done at some point....

          As for D/V.... The prescription on my new glasses hasn't arrived yet so I struggled a little with that aspect of the ep.

          Vala I think changed during this ep. Perhaps only a little but it, in my mind, paves the way for the future changes. In the previous ep she gets killed in a pretty horrible way. I don't know if she remembers right before or not, but at the beginning of Origin she seems pretty shaken. Even when she's talking to the Prior in the City she doesn't seem her usual spunky self.

          Until it comes to Daniel. When he's got that book in front of him she's back to teasing him, lying on the table. I liked the apple bit. A little illusion if you will (don't know if it was intended that way but it works... for me anyway)

          Before they leave the City Vala states that they need to get out of those bodies so they can warn the others (or something along those lines) and for a moment I see a different side of her character. For a few eps we've seen the 'I'm in it for me' attitude and I thought this was the first time that I saw that attitude dissapear.

          When they get back home she's quieter. There's no silly coments or flirting as she removes Daniel's bracelet or during the briefing. She's putting in her 2cents and making a contribution to the discussion instead of being the distraction and I think that Daniel see's that and respects it.

          For me, I see it this way. Both of them have gone through an experience that no one else around them has. She died once, and he was forced to watch. Then both of them were about to die when they were rescued by some quick thinking at the SGC. At that point there's a bond. It might not be friendship yet but I can't see anyone going through something like that without getting a little closer. Plus there's probably some guilt on both their parts too for alerting the Ori to their presence.

          Darn, I rambled again...

          Ok, I'm off for a few days as I'm going out camping. I'll try to catch up but I might just pop in and ask for an update then head off to watch the eps discussed... see if I can fall of that proverbial fence I've been hanging onto for so long... Night.
          *grin* Something about this places causes me to become a chatterbug...

          I agree with your thoughts on Vala in Origin, it was definitely one of those places where you could start to see Vala changing already, thinking about others. And I imagine I'd be quite shaken after what happened in Avalon Pt 2...

          I think I'm going to be getting some sleep now pretty soon too, goodnight everyone =)
          Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

          Sig by Odakota_Rose


            Originally posted by Toomi View Post
            Wow, that was a ton of posts to catch up on!!!

            Origin.... hmm, can't say it was one of my favourite eps of the season. Seemed like most of it was information on the new enemy using the characters to spew it all out. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, it had to be done at some point....

            As for D/V.... The prescription on my new glasses hasn't arrived yet so I struggled a little with that aspect of the ep.

            GREAT POST! Sums up a lot of my feelings beautifully. I would expand upon this...but, well, you've covered it pretty thoroughly. Nice little glasses comment Hope you have fun camping...which could possibly be my idea of hell. But I'm sure for some people it is a quite enjoyable experience


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              That bad, Stef? I've never been camping but I always wanted to..
              Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

              Sig by Odakota_Rose


                Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                I think I'm going to be getting some sleep now pretty soon too, goodnight everyone =)
                Going so soon? Ah well, NIGHT!!

                If my darn movie-maker would work, this vid would be ready. Let's try this again!


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                  That bad, Stef? I've never been camping but I always wanted to..
                  I find it depends on so many things... bugs, weather, who you're It's me and my friend and it's almost tradition now. It's our third year doing this and it's a chance to get away from work (we both work for the same company, just different locations, but same stress and work load) and camping in the Rocky Mountains is the perfect way to completely get away. No cell reception, no irritating phone calls etc. Right now there's a massive fire ban on so no cooking over an open fire... *sulk* but we've got a stove to cook with. I'll take pics coz we're going to Waterton and it's absolutly gorgeous out there... Basically we take a few days, drink, eat, hike, talk (muchos muchos talking lol) and de-stress for another year...

                  man, I need a new job...

                  Ok, I gotta really head to bed.


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Going so soon? Ah well, NIGHT!!

                    If my darn movie-maker would work, this vid would be ready. Let's try this again!

                    Heh, well if I fall asleep on my laptop I'm sure somebody's going to come in my room and call me Sam Carter (my whole family loves SG-1 *grin*) And I doubt drool would be good for my laptop anyways, it's half wonko now

                    Good night! I'll look for your vid when I come on in the morning

                    EDIT: Sounds like fun to me, Toomi. My one concern is that I am a bit of a geek, and would thus possibly not do well without my technology *g*
                    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                    Sig by Odakota_Rose


                      Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                      Heh, well if I fall asleep on my laptop I'm sure somebody's going to come in my room and call me Sam Carter (my whole family loves SG-1 *grin*) And I doubt drool would be good for my laptop anyways, it's half wonko now

                      Good night! I'll look for your vid when I come on in the morning

                      EDIT: Sounds like fun to me, Toomi. My one concern is that I am a bit of a geek, and would thus possibly not do well without my technology *g*
                      This is my first chance for a vacation since joining GW... my first real Will I survive???? I'll let ya know in a few days...

                      That's it.. must. log. off. must. be. up. in. 4. hours.


                        Hey Stef mind if I use a wallpaper of yours on my LJ? I've begun experimenting. Anyway I honestly think that althogh Vala acts,like her everyday self that her time in the Ori galaxy in Sallis's body really shook her. Wish they could've explored that more.

                        Banner by Stef
                        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          GREAT POST! Sums up a lot of my feelings beautifully. I would expand upon this...but, well, you've covered it pretty thoroughly. Nice little glasses comment Hope you have fun camping...which could possibly be my idea of hell. But I'm sure for some people it is a quite enjoyable experience

                          I swear Stef, it's eerie how much we're alike! I went out camping one time...was dragged kicking and screaming the whole way...we ended up in a hotel at 2am

                          Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                          *grin* Something about this places causes me to become a chatterbug...

                          I agree with your thoughts on Vala in Origin, it was definitely one of those places where you could start to see Vala changing already, thinking about others. And I imagine I'd be quite shaken after what happened in Avalon Pt 2...

                          I think I'm going to be getting some sleep now pretty soon too, goodnight everyone =)
                          Goodnight Ren!! I'm gonna be going soon too...hope your vid is done before then Stef!
                          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                          Banner made by Stef!


                            Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                            This is my first chance for a vacation since joining GW... my first real Will I survive???? I'll let ya know in a few days...

                            That's it.. must. log. off. must. be. up. in. 4. hours.
                            Go forth!
                            Get some rest, have a good vacation, let me know if you live
                            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                            Sig by Odakota_Rose


                              We're all waiting eagerly Stef. BTW this is my LJ thing I think Crazy's LJ hope you guys want me as a friend! My D/V story's there.

                              Banner by Stef
                              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                                Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                                We're all waiting eagerly Stef. BTW this is my LJ thing I think Crazy's LJ hope you guys want me as a friend! My D/V story's there.
                                I just added you, my name on LJ is the same as on here =)

                                Okay everyone, I really do need to sleep. I'm starting to see why this place is so addictive.
                                *rips self away*
                                Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                                Sig by Odakota_Rose

