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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    Narim would have to come back as a boy, since he was Weir's bf on Atlantis. Oh, or maybe as ancient man, can't overdo that boy character stuff.
    That didn't come out right. I meant as a real old man, as a contrast to a young boy. Being sarcastic, of course. We don't know if Narim or Joe are really dead anyway, so they are probably doing their darnedest to firgure out a way to have them back, however briefly.


      Originally posted by Queen Eleta
      Don't forget that Jack was also involved with
      Kerry Johnson
      (does season 8 still need spoiler tags?)
      I don't blame Sam for getting involved with . We all make mistakes. I actually felt bad for the guy, because I don't think Sam ever 'let go' of Jack after 'Grace' like TPTB seem to think. Sam was just confused and wanted a life away from the SGC, and grabbed onto someone who she thought could provide that. People get married for the wrong reasons sometimes, hoping that in the end it will all work out. Sam (and all of SG-1) have been through a lot and sometimes I am surprise they are not ALL a little crazy.

      I will write!!! I had been thinking about that since I heard what Don Davis said!! Hmmm. I've never written a fan letter before. What should we say?
      I suppose it's a no-brainer to tell him that we understand his reason(s) for leaving and are not mad at him, but he's got to understand that. And whether he comes back or not I don't think those feelings shouldn't change. Then we get into the incomplet story line, etc.


        Originally posted by Gatetrixer
        I suppose it's a no-brainer to tell him that we understand his reason(s) for leaving and are not mad at him, but he's got to understand that. And whether he comes back or not I don't think those feelings shouldn't change. Then we get into the incomplet story line, etc.
        well, i just hope that when/if jack's whereabouts are ever fully explained, it's pro s/j shippy!




          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          Joe replied to me once (before I unsubscribed from his thread and became a happier person) that once Sam and Jack got together, that would be the end of them ever going through the stargate together again. Of course, you know that my response is, "Well, why?" But that goes back to that Hart to Hart and McMillan & Wife discussion we've been having. But aside from that.....if Joe truly believes that, maybe they don't want to totally commit because they think RDA will come back......

          Lookin' for a little slice of heaven here, ladies!
          don't you know that if sam and jack hooked up, they'd never be able to concentrate on other things again!

          sam and jack being married *and* going through the stargate together with the team wouldn't mean that all their scenes/activities would be centered around them being a couple. it's insane to think otherwise.




            hey all!

            Well...I'm thinking of writing to RDA...I think he's a great guy and I want him to know how much we love him.

            BTW - What's going on with the forum??? It looks different...has there been a vbulletin upgrade?

            Well...gotta run
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              hey all!

              Well...I'm thinking of writing to RDA...I think he's a great guy and I want him to know how much we love him.

              BTW - What's going on with the forum??? It looks different...has there been a vbulletin upgrade?

              Well...gotta run
              Yes, there's been a vbulletin upgrade (you can find details here). A few nice changes : you can now see who's viewing the thread at the same time for instance You can also edit your posts in line.
              Oh, and 'My Controls' are now on the top left (it took me a few minutes to find it ! )
              There are still some things that need to be fixated (all links and user names appear in white, instead of black or dark blue) but I think Darren and Greg are working on it
              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                Originally posted by majorsal
                spoilers for s9's stronghold

                and the stupidity will get worse. i know we've talked about this spoiler before, but it goes with the stupidity of chimera.


                Now, Ferguson is dying. A piece of shrapnel has caused an inoperable brain aneurism, and he has only days or weeks to live. Bitter and alone, Ferguson turns to his successful friend in his last days -- and wants Cameron to breach security regulations and tell him about his top-secret work at Cheyenne Mountain. Carter relates to Mitchell's dilemma, confessing that even had she not received clearance, she might have eventually told her father Jacob and Pete Shanahan about her work anyway.

                again, WHY!? didn't pete getting told everything *after he'd spied on her* come off bad enough? now more damage to sam.

                So now we are suppose to believe that Season 9
                Sam would break the regs for Pete but not for Jack. For her to admit that she would have done that bothers me. How much more character damage are they going to inflict on Sam? Its one thing messing with your CO, its another leaking information about a top secret base.
                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                  Girlgater, I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.


                    Originally posted by stargate barbie
                    so, the sky one ep in the uk and ireland tonight was Window of Opportunity, yay! love that ep, very shippy. just look at how they look at one another. next week is a behind the scenes thing by the looks of it. not much hope for ship though, i'm guessing.

                    What a great ep!! It put me in a good mood last night that seems to have lasted until today! How about a pic?

                    Sorry everyone on dial-up for the size!
                    Cap from


                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      So now we are suppose to believe that Season 9
                      Sam would break the regs for Pete but not for Jack. For her to admit that she would have done that bothers me. How much more character damage are they going to inflict on Sam? Its one thing messing with your CO, its another leaking information about a top secret base.
                      You'e 100% right - it would be treason for her to tell someone who is not authorized to know, just like the producer told the reporter Ms. Donovan in "Prometheus", "if you go foreign with this they could charge you with treason". If a reporter who has not bound by military regulations would be committing treason, then of course a soldier/sailor/airman would be.


                        Originally posted by Sum1
                        You'e 100% right - it would be treason for her to tell someone who is not authorized to know, just like the producer told the reporter Ms. Donovan in "Prometheus", "if you go foreign with this they could charge you with treason". If a reporter who has not bound by military regulations would be committing treason, then of course a soldier/sailor/airman would be.
                        yeah just another way to kick Sam upside her head. that whole tell all deal that they pulled just made no sense to me. They wrote themselves into a hole and couldn't get out of it.

                        is it possible that skiffy and the guys at bridge are that deluded?

                        one of the more intelligent scifi dramas on tv and turned into -what?? gilligan's island?
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                          yeah just another way to kick Sam upside her head. that whole tell all deal that they pulled just made no sense to me. They wrote themselves into a hole and couldn't get out of it.

                          is it possible that skiffy and the guys at bridge are that deluded?

                          one of the more intelligent scifi dramas on tv and turned into -what?? gilligan's island?
                          or worse, one of Sci-fi channels Original movies.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by Rogue
                            or worse, one of Sci-fi channels Original movies.
                            that is a disaster-they can't even manage to make an original that people actually want to watch
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              My problem with this whole thing is it sounds like their retconning season 2 and season 7 and 8.

                              ETA: When you start to retcon prior episodes, then the entire show fails.


                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                With Laira, he waited a long, long time until he was completely convinced he was *never* getting home
                                with pete, sam waited seven years until she was convinced that she could never be with jack, and believed that he no longer had romantic feelings here. my point was that i don't think either character should be blamed for anything. each of them have tried to move on at various points, neither succeeded. sam didn't really know that she was hurting jack, jack didn't really know that he was hurting sam. as far as i'm concerned its a balanced situation.

                                i could go on with my feelings on this, but i think i'd be wasting my time. i think its safe to say, that we disagree on this and always will. it just irks me when people try to say its all "insert either characters name" 's fault. there was a time when most people on line were saying, ooh its all jacks fault, and i would try to defend him. now its the other way 'round and i do the same.

