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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hi to everyone here !

    At Gatebee's request, I made some smaller penguins medals.
    Here they are. Use them whenever you want, they're brighter than the green jello.

    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


      SueKay asked if Gateworld was down yesterday. Gateworld was SO DOWN! I tried to log on several times through the course of the day, and failed most every time.

      There's some great discussion going on here today. And thank you, aeromathlete, for your comments! Some of us who post daily may be getting a little too worried for our own good. I like your perspective.

      I'm also interested in knowing what Dreamwatch is, and finding out more about what RDA says in the interview. I truly hope it's a one-year break. I miss him already too! It certainly would allow him to come back for a big S10 in style, wouldn't it?

      Oh, boy! Interesting things are being said here today! Keep it up, fellow shippers!


        Originally posted by ayowza
        Does anyone have any idea what they're going to do this season? I' mjust not quite sure what constitutes a spoiler because I had assumed by now that everyone had seen until the end of Season 8.
        I had heard [spoiler highlight]or maybe read somewhere that Jack would be appearing once or twice, maybe, in S9, but that he would play a big role in spirit even though he was absent. I assumed that meant he was probably missing in action, or time, or something, and that, of course, would set up the whole angst thing with having to find him. 'Coz he could have gone off to be an ambassador with the Asgard or something, and then he'd be free to have a relationship with Sam...
        Welcome ayowza! (Jack makes me go YOWZA too).
        Ambassador Jack - interesting.
        I think it could work with the Asgard, and anything that gets him and Sam together is OK in my book.

        s u g a r s h a k e r


          wow !! Gateworld is SO DOWN !! so I'll write quickly before it goes down again

          so I was thinking it should be great if RDA would come back for season9 but don't you think it wouldn't be such a good thing for us shippers ? because finally producers know that people tend to watch more in expectation of a relationship before two characters than when those two same characters are already together, so don't you think that they would make things wait a little bit more between S&J and try not to resolve it definitely if they'd knew RDA would be back ? personally I'd found it frustrating at such a point in their story...but I'd be so glad to see RDA again ! I also miss him already

          well that was just a thought I hope we'll know more about that soon

          nice conversations to all, too bad I don't have enough time to answer before GW goes down !!


            Originally posted by lonely_star
            wow !! Gateworld is SO DOWN !! so I'll write quickly before it goes down again

            so I was thinking it should be great if RDA would come back for season9 but don't you think it wouldn't be such a good thing for us shippers ? because finally producers know that people tend to watch more in expectation of a relationship before two characters than when those two same characters are already together, so don't you think that they would make things wait a little bit more between S&J and try not to resolve it definitely if they'd knew RDA would be back ? personally I'd found it frustrating at such a point in their story...but I'd be so glad to see RDA again ! I also miss him already

            well that was just a thought I hope we'll know more about that soon

            nice conversations to all, too bad I don't have enough time to answer before GW goes down !!

            whoops...I meant season 10 of course !!
            by the way HI to all the newbies or those who came back and nice job Sue KAy for the virtual season9 website !!


              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
              A question that I am throwing out-aside from the actors affinity towards each other-what is about Sam and Jack that caught your imagination? What is it about the characters that had us rooting for them from their first scene together.
              The first episode I saw was Solitudes. During that scene where he calls out "Sarah", I was working around the house and only half paying attention, and I thought that Sam WAS Sarah. I thought they already were a couple and that it was soooooo romantic. So for me, it all started with a case of mistaken identity, but once I made the connection of Sam and Jack together, there was no going back.

              And on another note, I haven't watched Jag for a few years, but I did watch the series finale. If they
              can get those two together,
              anything's possible. I have renewed hope for Sam and Jack!

              s u g a r s h a k e r


                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                I believe that Sam's 'issues' with the men in her life and the men that she has 'chosen' in her life are men that do not seem to be able to give.

                Consider-Jonas took. He took her strength, compassion, intellect-leeched off her emotions and her natural compassion. Martouf-took. He took her connection with Jolinar to maintain a connection with a woman he loved-granted, he had become quite found of Sam, but he still took from her emotions. Orin-also took-took advantage of her intellect and her compassion. Narim-need I go on. Even Joe.

                Jack-gave. Yeah he is dysfunctional in his own way-but he gave back -gave her his strength, his compassion, his belief, his courage.

                A question that I am throwing out-aside from the actors affinity towards each other-what is about Sam and Jack that caught your imagination? What is it about the characters that had us rooting for them from their first scene together.
                For me, it was how naturally it grew.....from respect to friendship to an undeniable love. They started as supervisor and employee, grew to admire and appreciate each other as comrades, then realized that they loved each other.

                And I agree, pittsburghgirl.....Jack has given so much more to Sam than the other men in her life.....although I don't think those so-called relationships with guest stars were more than flirtations. Jack has always supported Sam, while also challenging and appreciating her for all the things that make her so special. He doesn't try to smother her; he's just there for her.

                And since neither Sam nor Jack are good at talking about their emotions, she's the perfect woman for him.....accepting, understanding, undemanding and constant in her devotion. Sure, they butt heads occasionally, but either would give their life for the other. I think they are a perfect complement....ying and yang. They understand that the other's devotion is something on which they can both depend......and if that isn't the basis of a great relationship, what is? I readily admit that I don't know everything, but after 22 years of marriage, I know a little something about what makes relationships work!


                  pic fr myrth originally than I played with it a little
                  this is for all the SHIPPERS

                  don't they just look great together....TPTB you listening

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Shipper-friendly reviews on!!!

                    Hi Gals, I don't visit often but I really enjoy your discussions when I do! And the creativity! Wow! I copy the pix to My Pictures and have my own little slide show to enjoy!! Thanks to all of you who share your pix!

                    Anyway, I was surfing the other day. I went to the Season 8 episode reviews for Threads and Moebius. Unlike any of their past reviews, there are clear references to a Sam and Jack attraction and implied more than that. This is the network's official website!!

                    Here's a passage from the Threads review. Threads Spoilers.
                    On Earth, Carter receives disturbing news: Her father's Tok'ra symbiote, Selmak, is dying, and he doesn't have the strength needed to prevent Jacob from dying during the process. She also feels she might be making a big mistake with this marriage to Pete and goes to O'Neill's house to tell him "something important." Finding O'Neill in cozy repose with beautiful CIA Agent Johnson, however, stops her and she excuses herself from the awkward moment.

                    Agent Johnson realizes what's really going on and tells O'Neill to admit that he has feelings for Carter. Furthermore, Johnson says, because Air Force rules and regulations bar O'Neill from fraternizing with a direct subordinate, he should consider retiring.

                    Elsewhere, Jacob gives Carter a similar speech. O'Neill arrives and is there for Carter as Jacob/Selmak dies and tells her he will he always be with her. Carter cancels her wedding to Pete.

                    See what I mean? Moebius 2 review has several passages, too. Tell me what you think? nell


                      ((((((((((((((( SHIPPER FAMILY ))))))))))))))

                      I have missed you so much, it was crazy without GW, I've been reading and there are lot's of comments, but I think if I start answering I might bring GW down again

                      But in a few lines.....

                      1.- Welcome all newbies.... and non-newbies that are returning... , I've only been around for a month, but I can tell you it is great!

                      2.- Nell, thanks for the tip on SCIFI, I read the ep summary and from Threads I loved,
                      (Carter) She also feels she might be making a big mistake with this marriage to Pete and goes to O'Neill's house to tell him "something important." Finding O'Neill in cozy repose with beautiful CIA Agent Johnson, however, stops her and she excuses herself from the awkward moment.

                      Agent Johnson realizes what's really going on and tells O'Neill to admit that he has feelings for Carter. Furthermore, Johnson says, because Air Force rules and regulations bar O'Neill from fraternizing with a direct subordinate, he should consider retiring.

                      Elsewhere, Jacob gives Carter a similar speech. O'Neill arrives and is there for Carter as Jacob/Selmak dies and tells her he will he always be with her. Carter cancels her wedding to Pete.

                      and from M2, I loved
                      But some things are a little different. Even though the four heroes went fishing at O'Neill's ranch weeks earlier, they seem to think they're doing it now for the first time. Carter and O'Neill seem cozier. And, although O'Neill said on the tape that there were no fish in his pond...there are now.

                      I mean, it's on black and white (or blue and black ) on the SCIFI episode summary, therefore it is a fact! it's impossible for it to be more shippy

                      Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                      Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                        And I liked this Moebius passage, too.

                        Daniel, Teal'c and Katep plan to distract Ra's forces from the gate, so the Jumper can pick it up by cable. Carter and O'Neill set out to restore the Jumper's cloaking device, which they just found out about from Daniel. In the interim, the natural attraction between O'Neill and Carter exists in this timeline, too. While under heavy fire from Jaffa forces, they make out, thinking they're about to die. Just then a vast rebel army appears over the ridge. The Jaffa surrender.

                        I wonder if TPTB have to sign off on these reviews? No matter, I think this gives me hope for Season 9.


                          Originally posted by Oma-1
                          Here's my additions:

                          Things they share in common:
                          - Astronomy
                          - Love for Cassie
                          - Beer
                          - Hugh sense of friendship and not leaving anybody behind
                          - Kikin Goaul'd behinds
                          - Cooking
                          - Ability to anticipate each others actions (in battle situations)
                          - Ability to communicate without words (v. important in this relationship )

                          Things they might start sharing because they are together:
                          - Jack's love for the Simpsons
                          - Sam's love for motorbikes?
                          - Jack's love for fishing
                          - Jack's sense of humor
                          - Sam's love for Jello - they may prefer different colours but they both eat it with a fork
                          - Their Bed!!!!!

                          Things where they will definitly have their own space:
                          - Sam's passion for science
                          - Jack's BBQ
                          OMA, love your additions.... maybe we should post this some where, is there an official Sam & Jack are together page ?

                          Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                          Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                          Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                            Originally posted by nell
                            Shipper-friendly reviews on!!!

                            Hi Gals, I don't visit often but I really enjoy your discussions when I do! And the creativity! Wow! I copy the pix to My Pictures and have my own little slide show to enjoy!! Thanks to all of you who share your pix!

                            Anyway, I was surfing the other day. I went to the Season 8 episode reviews for Threads and Moebius. Unlike any of their past reviews, there are clear references to a Sam and Jack attraction and implied more than that. This is the network's official website!!

                            Here's a passage from the Threads review. Threads Spoilers.
                            On Earth, Carter receives disturbing news: Her father's Tok'ra symbiote, Selmak, is dying, and he doesn't have the strength needed to prevent Jacob from dying during the process. She also feels she might be making a big mistake with this marriage to Pete and goes to O'Neill's house to tell him "something important." Finding O'Neill in cozy repose with beautiful CIA Agent Johnson, however, stops her and she excuses herself from the awkward moment.

                            Agent Johnson realizes what's really going on and tells O'Neill to admit that he has feelings for Carter. Furthermore, Johnson says, because Air Force rules and regulations bar O'Neill from fraternizing with a direct subordinate, he should consider retiring.

                            Elsewhere, Jacob gives Carter a similar speech. O'Neill arrives and is there for Carter as Jacob/Selmak dies and tells her he will he always be with her. Carter cancels her wedding to Pete.

                            See what I mean? Moebius 2 review has several passages, too. Tell me what you think? nell

                            on the other hand they don't really have much of a choice, do they? So I think we shoudn't be too excited about that, they just repeat what we saw no more no less...If they'd told us
                            they ARE together then we could be thinking okay then it's not only us whom have this impression but it really IS the fact.

                            so I like it too but I'm not as enthusiastic about that...I'll read some fan fics I need some romance NOW !!!!!


                              spoilers for s8's threads


                              Originally posted by ayowza
                              I guess this has been discussed to death, but since I'm new here, and I haven't been able to mention this elsewhere, I just have to say I was absolutely overjoyed to see Sam take Jack's hand in Threads and rub her thumb against it. I mean, wow, that was *not* platonic. Platonic friends don't normally touch each other quite like that!
                              i know! when i first saw the screen caps (before i saw the ep), i said to my friend, 'it looks like she's making love to his hand!'.




                                spoilers for s7 and s8 (specific eps discussed)


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                you bring up points i agree with but does anyone remember in grace when Halucination Jack asked her "Why don't you ask, if you really wanna know?"-hows come that was glossed over. Her subconscious mind challenged her-why don't you ask him and find out what is going on. She ignored that tiny little voice that spoke such loud words.
                                i don't think she ignored it. she tried to talk to jack in lost city pt1-at his house, in lost city pt2-as soon as he resigned, and in threads-at his house again. the only thing she did was let nerves and fear stop her from pushing it and saying it anyways. she was sooooo close to spillling the beans in threads, but girlfriend came out and ruined it. i really think sam wasn't going to run from this talk anymore, and if it wasn't for her dad's situation, i believe she would have fought to find another chance to talk to jack. sam was pushed up against the wall, and i think she was fiercely pushing back.



