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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
    Same here! I only started watching Stargate about two years ago - and I started with the new version of the pilot. That prolonged glance and the smiles after Sam's arm wrestling challenge immediately made me go "Yeah, those two will end up together". The new pilot seems a lot shippier especially in that scene.
    I totally agree! I know a lot of people don't like the Director's Cut but personally I do and that scene is one specific reason why!

    FFN ----- AO3 ----------


      Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
      This is one of my favorite things to analyze! I love that the length of Sam's hair seems to correspond with her relationship with Jack!

      But I'm curious, is there a reason why you think that Caulder and his goons cut Sam's hair, as opposed to perhaps Sam cutting it before the mission? It seems to be something that a lot of people (especially fanfic writers assume), but is there anything in the episode that points to that being the case?
      Really? I never thought that Calder and his goons cut her hair. I mean, Sam and the others were obviously down there working for quite a bit of time (a couple of weeks at least). And with the kind of work that they were doing, I'd think it would be logical that she maybe cut her hair herself? Wouldn't it be easier if you work in mining and machinery? I'd imagine.
      I mean, with the constant accidents and everything - hair flying around loosely would be an additional hazard for her. What if it caught fire? Or crashing around between the machinery and repairing things, longer hair can easily make you get stuck on something. It wasn't long enough to be tied into a ponytail or something, so maybe she did it herself.

      At least that's what I always assumed, since there was no explanation given.

      On another note, I think the real reason was that Amanda Tapping wanted to cut her hair, and the Stargate writers just had to go with it.


        Amanda said that they cut her hair but something got wrong and so they kept cutting trying to fix it and the result is what we saw in BTS.
        My vids Sig made by me


          Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
          Really? I never thought that Calder and his goons cut her hair. I mean, Sam and the others were obviously down there working for quite a bit of time (a couple of weeks at least). And with the kind of work that they were doing, I'd think it would be logical that she maybe cut her hair herself? Wouldn't it be easier if you work in mining and machinery? I'd imagine.
          I mean, with the constant accidents and everything - hair flying around loosely would be an additional hazard for her. What if it caught fire? It wasn't long enough to be tied into a ponytail or something, so maybe she did it herself.

          At least that's what I always assumed, since there was no explanation given.
          Makes sense to me that in that instance, since they were taking their memories of themselves that a hair cut for her would be a part of the "makeover."

          On another note, I think the real reason was that Amanda Tapping wanted to cut her hair, and the Stargate writers just had to go with it.
          She did. Unfortunately, she got a bad cut and that is why she ended up with such a short was the only way to fix the too short cut she got in the first place.

          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


            Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
            She did. Unfortunately, she got a bad cut and that is why she ended up with such a short was the only way to fix the too short cut she got in the first place.
            Oh, I didn't know that! Thanks for the info!

            Yeah, no offense, but I really hated that really short haircut she had in Beneath the Surface and afterwards.

            My favorite Sam hairstyle is during season 7 and partly 8, where it looks all untamed and ruffly - not too long and not too short.


              It looked shorter than even my regular haircut!
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Originally posted by fems View Post
                Oooh, lovely advent calendar for today! [ATTACH=CONFIG]38931[/ATTACH]
                Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                Love it SCIMM
                Thank you very much

                Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                Howdy Campers!

                I woke up in an especially Shippy mood this morning (which likely has everything to do with this being my 1st wedding anniversary today! ), so...

                I was digging through the thread-posts from way back, searching for my Shipmas carols cuz I lost my backups, when I came across some visual comparative studies on the subject pf Sam's hair that I'd shared, couldn't resist the urge to re-post.


                Here we Sam from the scene in the hallway with Jack during Point of View--right after Jack's left a mourning AlterSam--considering how to answer his "How you doing with this whole twin thing?" question.

                So she takes a good look at "herself", with her long, long hair. And we all know that the brilliant Sam Carter, though great at deflection and avoidance, has to have given some thought by now to the fact that this other "her" has been married to the other *Jack* for that blissful but ill-fated year.

                Skip forward a few episodes to this shot from Jolinar's Memories, where Sam looks like she's starting to need a trim if she's planning to keep her standard-to-date length...

                And by the time we reach the end of the season, her hair is definitely the shaggiest we've seen on *our* Sam Carter. And doesn't she just look so pretty standing there as Jack's flirting/inviting his *friend* to go *fishing* with him after finally getting back into her good graces following the whole 100 Days/Shades of Grey debacles!

                Then they go save the world together... and spend a week stranded off-world with only First Shipper Teal'c for chaperon. Upon their return, she's happy, smiley, and practically glowing (and a thousand *what really happened* fics are born), and she's definitely overdue for a haircut if she wants to get back to the "one of the guys" do she'd been sporting the first three years she spent with this team. And after that week, he still wants her to go *fishing* with him, but she's already had enough "relaxation" for a while (upping the count of *what really happened* fics unsuitable for ffnet or direct links here! ).

                And now we have Divide and Conquer. <Big Shippy Sigh> She is just so incredibly pretty and undeniably feminine here as she brings their "lying" to Jack's attention. And after having to admit in front of Teal'c and Janet and *Tok'ra Spice* that they *care a lot more than they're supposed to*, it's little wonder that we get *this* in the very next episode:

                My favoritest *KISS* of all time! Now... I won't be convinced (I won't, I won't, I won't, so please don't try!) that Sam isn't holding at least a subliminal impression lingering in her poor timeloop-warped brain, so I can't help but feel that that, too, played a role in her deciding to keep those lovely locks so long for a few more episodes.

                Then suddenly, Wham! Those long locks are gone, as we see in this very first shot of Sam in Beneath the Surface. And apparently not by her choice. She's stripped of that symbol of femininity at the same time she's stripped of *everything* that stood as a barrier between her and Jack. Oh, how bitter that irony must have been for her once they finally returned home.

                I know we've talked about it plenty here, but... I doubt anyone'll mind my rehash!
                I love everything about this post even though I don't like Sam's season 4 hair much I prefer her Threads and 200 hair


                  i'm going to majorly spoiler some fanfics i've read, but they're older fics, so i'm hoping this won't ruin the stories for anyone. some i remember the names of, some i don't.

                  but anyways, SPOILERS FOR FICS AHEAD, continue at your own risk.

                  i adore fanfiction! i get into it almost as much as watching an episode. and sometimes, some fic i've read will stay with me for years. sometimes it's the storyline, sometimes it's certain scenes...

                  some certain scenes, good and/or bad -

                  1- sam had been locked up in prison (on earth) for a crime she'd not committed. the story pics up either a year or years later, when sam's released just to help the sgc with a problem. but the scene i remember is sam sitting in a room alone, shackled or handcuffed to a chair. she's not seen the sun or sunlight in some time, and while she's sitting there, she sees the sun shining through a window and is marveled at it. i can't remember if the sunlight is touching her, but the scene is well written in showing sam's solitude and sadness.

                  2- this fic is called 'out of the ashes' (i think), and it's a VERY depressing story for me. the author Allie Snow did such a good job, and that only added to the punch it gave me.

                  sg1 gets captured by some jaffa and are being tormented and abused by them. one jaffa is trying to make sam shoot jack. she won't do it. but... she has no choice, so she makes a quick decision and looks at jack... and then shoots the jaffa trying to make her do this, and is immediately shot in the head and killed. this scene haunts me still.

                  3- this fic is called 'alone', and is based on the 'torment of tantalus'. sam and jack end up not being able to get through the gate with the rest of everyone, and are stranded on the planet ernest was, but without the stargate or the castle that ernest lived in. jack is critically injured and is going to die in extreme agony, and he asks sam to end it for him. she does... and this is the beginning of sam's horrible loneliness and eventual mental breakdown. jumping to the end, she swims out away from the shore, enjoying the water and sky, but she's really killing herself. jack's with her (in her mind), and has been for years... a depressing story!!

                  4- all i can remember is the very end of this sad story, of sam and jack trapped in a cave and sam badly injured. the last scene is the two of them being brought up on a rope or something, and sam purposely letting herself fall back to the caves ground, to save jack's life. the last scene is her looking up at the whole, with her knowing she's going to die very soon.

                  (i totally admit to being an idiot for reading this stories)

                  5- this takes place in jack's house over days or more. sam lives with him, but she's quiet and reserved, and kind of weird.

                  and then jack realizes that she's a ghost. and when he realizes this, she disappears.

                  (takes moment to kick self for reading depressing fics)


                  okay, that's all i can remember right now. i've read *thousands* of fics (and i'm not kidding), and i don't go out looking for the sad stories. i don't know why the saddest of them are the ones i'm remembering the most, but maybe that's because the darker memories are the ones that haunt us...

                  thank you, authors!!



                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                    5- this takes place in jack's house over days or more. sam lives with him, but she's quiet and reserved, and kind of weird.

                    and then jack realizes that she's a ghost. and when he realizes this, she disappears.

                    (takes moment to kick self for reading depressing fics)


                    thank you, authors!!
                    There's a fic by Gail Delaney that is somewhat like this description. But it has a happy ending.


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      i'm going to majorly spoiler some fanfics i've read, but they're older fics, so i'm hoping this won't ruin the stories for anyone. some i remember the names of, some i don't.

                      but anyways, SPOILERS FOR FICS AHEAD, continue at your own risk.
                      Wow! those sound like really interesting stories! I have to admit, in Stargate I never read Character Death fics - because I know I'd be tearing up and crying.

                      I have written character death fics before in franchises that had a character who died (Like NCIS's Kate Todd or Alias' Irina Derevko). However, when I wrote those fics, I ended up crying through writing them - which is fine. Then I know the emotions will be in the story and the readers will cry as well. But it is so exhausting as an author. I don't know how everybody else writes their stories, but for me, sometimes I have the feeling that I don't write the story - the story writes me... if you know what I mean. It completely takes over and I totally zone out. It is not like writing about something, it is like living it.

                      Reading for me is equally intense - although not as much. So I really can't stand character death fics. I admire you for being able to read them.


                        I can only read character death fics if it's somehow not permanent.
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          There's a fic by Gail Delaney that is somewhat like this description. But it has a happy ending.
                          i don't think it's the same one. the author ended up doing a sequel, though, but only b/c i *begged* her! but instead of bringing sam back, she had her cloned. so not really bringing her back... :/



                            Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post

                            Reading for me is equally intense - although not as much. So I really can't stand character death fics. I admire you for being able to read them.
                            sometimes i'm 'tricked' into reading them, b/c the author hasn't wanted to give away the reveal that they are/will die. that *really* ticks me off, b/c i HATE death fics.



                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              sometimes i'm 'tricked' into reading them, b/c the author hasn't wanted to give away the reveal that they are/will die. that *really* ticks me off, b/c i HATE death fics.
                              I hate getting tricked into reading things I wouldn't normally read!
                              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                i'm going to majorly spoiler some fanfics i've read, but they're older fics, so i'm hoping this won't ruin the stories for anyone. some i remember the names of, some i don't.

                                but anyways, SPOILERS FOR FICS AHEAD, continue at your own risk.
                                Wow, that is quite an impressing list of very depressing fics, Sally. I try to avoid character death fics because they make me so sad, Closure by Nazmuko and Barbarian by scarimor being the exceptions to the rule so far

                                I would like to read the first one you recommended, the one with the sunlight, so if anyone knows the title, I'd be grateful for a link.

