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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    A question which should be sent to Joe. It could have been bad scene set up or you could be on something.


      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
      Selene... I see you have a new banner for your new fic! I read the first chapter today... very intriguing story idea, can't wait to see where it leads!
      Thanks! I'm really pleased with it so far. It feels very promising. The official update day is Wednesday, which means that it goes up late Tuesday night. I think it was pretty much the same way for Strangers... We'll see how it turns out, I guess!


        You know you're a shipper when;

        You see "Jack", "Sam" or "Carter" in everything!

        You use the word "sir" in conversation and you can't help thinking about BtS

        You giggle like a schoolgirl/boy when you see a license plate that says "GNFISHN"

        The phrase "Divide and Conquer" is shippy now.

        your husband's fishing shows makes you sigh romantically.

        when you buy x-mas stockings and sew sam on one and jack on the other, and hang it from your mantle.

        You tell your boss you have to take July 28 off because it is a personal religious holiday

        Every time you hear the word 'Grace', your heart rate rises and you blush.

        You can't help but grin when someone mentions Broca's area or (Pierre) Paul Broca.

        When you introduce your husband to Stargate in general and he completely gets Sam/ Jack Shippiness, even buying the dvds and watching them himself!

        Penguins are your favorite animal.

        You own a pair of rosey pink glasses.

        You think "Always" is the most romantic word in the English language.

        You hear the word 'Always' or 'I know' in another tv show and immediately have flashbacks of SJ scenes.

        You see a truck with the number plate "F1SHING" and immediately want to stalk it to make sure its not Jack

        You have a Pavlovian desire for a hug when you hear the word "C'mere".

        When you start shipping for another fandom, and you feel like you're 'cheating' on Sam and Jack.

        you ship for another couple, and can't stop comparing how much better sam/jack is!

        You 'see' Sam and Jack in everything - even in colour pallets

        You can't understand all the quickly rst in other shows when it took you 8 years to even get some fishing done in yours **tries desperately not to turn this into a rant**

        You will never, ever be able to look at blue jello again and not think of commissary scenes with them seated across from each other...*sparking*.

        When you find yourself making SG shipper quizzes for your best friend to fill in and can't wait to read her responses

        Watching the end of Season 8 is physically painful--like you're losing someone you love.

        While watching other (lesser) shows, quickly resolved ST feels so cheap and degrading.

        You read S/J fics whenever you can (in car, break lunch...) and you actually dream S/J fics

        You know every shippy moment

        You think of Antarctica a romantic vacation destination

        You see hands to the face and immediately think of Moebius!

        When a documentary on Neanderthals makes you grin like an idiot >>

        Every time you talk to a person who only vaguely knows SG-1 and mentions the show in passing, you say - "Jack and Sam get together you know" with a big stupid grin and a wistful expression on your face.

        You and your husband actually have started planning your 20th Anniversary at the resort in Colorado Springs where you think that Jack and Sam MIGHT have honeymooned after their quickie wedding at the end of Season 8. Seriously. We have done this. . .

        every time you see magnets or key chains with names of them, you always pick out a sam and a jack and put them together.

        Having a wedding picture of Sam and Jack above my desk at work!

        Your animal of choice for self-identification is the inimitable penguin.

        Your laptop's password is "fishing".

        You log into Youtube and all (and I mean ALL) your recommended vids are S/J ones

        Your Facebook banner is the Grace kiss.

        you hear someone say "I've been thinking" and you reply with "i'd be shocked if you ever stopped." and then you smile because of the red sky reference.

        Your Sim on FB is called Sam Carter and you created another FB account just to give her a Jack O'Neill

        It just feels wrong when you hear (or read) the term "Always" used in other fandoms ("Always" will always be Sam/Jack for me!)

        you still hope, still sooo hope there's chance for sam/jack confirmation.




          (can't see this scene without thinking of Pol's Campfires)
          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            sig by Ikorni

            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


              sig by Ikorni

              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                You know you're a shipper when;

                You see "Jack", "Sam" or "Carter" in everything!

                You use the word "sir" in conversation and you can't help thinking about BtS

                You giggle like a schoolgirl/boy when you see a license plate that says "GNFISHN"

                The phrase "Divide and Conquer" is shippy now.

                your husband's fishing shows makes you sigh romantically.

                when you buy x-mas stockings and sew sam on one and jack on the other, and hang it from your mantle.

                You tell your boss you have to take July 28 off because it is a personal religious holiday

                Every time you hear the word 'Grace', your heart rate rises and you blush.

                You can't help but grin when someone mentions Broca's area or (Pierre) Paul Broca.

                When you introduce your husband to Stargate in general and he completely gets Sam/ Jack Shippiness, even buying the dvds and watching them himself!

                Penguins are your favorite animal.

                You own a pair of rosey pink glasses.

                You think "Always" is the most romantic word in the English language.

                You hear the word 'Always' or 'I know' in another tv show and immediately have flashbacks of SJ scenes.

                You see a truck with the number plate "F1SHING" and immediately want to stalk it to make sure its not Jack

                You have a Pavlovian desire for a hug when you hear the word "C'mere".

                When you start shipping for another fandom, and you feel like you're 'cheating' on Sam and Jack.

                you ship for another couple, and can't stop comparing how much better sam/jack is!

                You 'see' Sam and Jack in everything - even in colour pallets

                You can't understand all the quickly rst in other shows when it took you 8 years to even get some fishing done in yours **tries desperately not to turn this into a rant**

                You will never, ever be able to look at blue jello again and not think of commissary scenes with them seated across from each other...*sparking*.

                When you find yourself making SG shipper quizzes for your best friend to fill in and can't wait to read her responses

                Watching the end of Season 8 is physically painful--like you're losing someone you love.

                While watching other (lesser) shows, quickly resolved ST feels so cheap and degrading.

                You read S/J fics whenever you can (in car, break lunch...) and you actually dream S/J fics

                You know every shippy moment

                You think of Antarctica a romantic vacation destination

                You see hands to the face and immediately think of Moebius!

                When a documentary on Neanderthals makes you grin like an idiot >>

                Every time you talk to a person who only vaguely knows SG-1 and mentions the show in passing, you say - "Jack and Sam get together you know" with a big stupid grin and a wistful expression on your face.

                You and your husband actually have started planning your 20th Anniversary at the resort in Colorado Springs where you think that Jack and Sam MIGHT have honeymooned after their quickie wedding at the end of Season 8. Seriously. We have done this. . .

                every time you see magnets or key chains with names of them, you always pick out a sam and a jack and put them together.

                Having a wedding picture of Sam and Jack above my desk at work!

                Your animal of choice for self-identification is the inimitable penguin.

                Your laptop's password is "fishing".

                You log into Youtube and all (and I mean ALL) your recommended vids are S/J ones

                Your Facebook banner is the Grace kiss.

                you hear someone say "I've been thinking" and you reply with "i'd be shocked if you ever stopped." and then you smile because of the red sky reference.

                Your Sim on FB is called Sam Carter and you created another FB account just to give her a Jack O'Neill

                It just feels wrong when you hear (or read) the term "Always" used in other fandoms ("Always" will always be Sam/Jack for me!)

                you still hope, still sooo hope there's chance for sam/jack confirmation.

                You name your "dummy" student (the one on whom you test all online course components, who is, in fact, you) Sam O'Neill.
                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                  Oooh, I never thought to give my dummy student a really good name!




                      I had fun with jello today!

                      The moment I turned my back things got a little out of hands though.


                      Thank you very, very much SaraB for sending me the blue jello.


                        Virtual green for you!!!!
                        My vids Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                          I had fun with jello today!



                          The moment I turned my back things got a little out of hands though.

                          Thank you very, very much SaraB for sending me the blue jello.
                          and Jello wrestling!
                          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                            Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                            I had fun with jello today!


                            The moment I turned my back things got a little out of hands though.

                            Thank you very, very much SaraB for sending me the blue jello.
                            I'd green you, but I've got to spread it around first! The pics look awesome! It would be cool if you could create the Stargate's event horizon with your blue jello too! But I guess you'd need a miniature gate for that too...
                            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                            On FFnet or AO3

                            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                              That deserves so much GREEEEEEN!!!!!!

                              Too bad my fridge is locked! *grumble grumble*


                                Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                                I had fun with jello today!



                                The moment I turned my back things got a little out of hands though.

                                Thank you very, very much SaraB for sending me the blue jello.
                                this is my fave of all your stories!!


