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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    The Best of the Ship is . . .

    FISHING (6)


    "ALWAYS" (8)


      The Best of the Ship is . . .

      FISHING (7)


      "ALWAYS" (8)
      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


        The Best of the Ship is . . .

        FISHING (7)


        "ALWAYS" (9)

        Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
        - R.E.M.


          Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
          Woo-hoo, new fic!! Looking forward to it, Fems!
          The muse is fickle so I don't know when it'll be up, but hopefully I'll start soon

          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          [B]But because I'm exhausted and need to get to bed I'm giving you another 24 hours to duke it out. So gather up your friends and supporters and get them to vote.

          I'll be back tomorrow night (or morning or whatever it is).
          Whew, I'm glad I already cast my vote! It's only going to get harder!

          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
          On FFnet or AO3

          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


            The Best of the Ship is . . .

            FISHING (7)


            "ALWAYS" (10)

            Another vote for Always, for the reasons already stated by others.
            The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


              Oh no! The vote is starting to get lopsided! Hurry, someone tighten it up!


                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                FISHING (8)


                "ALWAYS" (10)

                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                  Hey, come on, nobody else here to vote?


                    I could vote again, but doubt it'll count
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                      I could vote again, but doubt it'll count
                      Thought about that, too.


                        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                        I could vote again, but doubt it'll count
                        I was going to invite a few of my AU me's to vote.


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          I was going to invite a few of my AU me's to vote.
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            As long as everyone who hasn't voted (or shown his/her face lately) is working on their Shipsgiving project, I guess it's okay...

                            Besides, we all know "always" trumps fishing
                            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                            On FFnet or AO3

                            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                              Wildly OT:

                              So...I was thinkin'...
                              Um...okay. Sure. Cake.
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                                Originally posted by Kunoichi View Post
                                Wow - that mistranslation is unforgivable! I've spent some time over the last few years based abroad (Sweden and Poland). In Sweden they tend to use subtitles on foreign shows, but in Poland they dub. The problem with the Polish dubbing is that it seemed that for each show they only use one actor. I caught a bit of ER and all the characters (males, females and children) were dubbed by the same male actor - I'm sure that must make it really difficult for viewers to get a lot of the character interaction.
                                Sorry for being OT - I don't even know how the discussion started - but the bolded part is completely not true so I'd like to clarify that.

                                The only thngs that are dubbed in Poland are movies for kids (such as Pixar movies, Harry Potter etc) and cartoons - again, for children. And in this regard, Polish dubbing is among the best in the entire world

                                What you hear on tv IS NOT DUBBING. The way it works is this: a lector simply reads the translation of what the characters are saying when they are speaking. That's all. You can still hear the original soundtrack and the actors in the background, quite clearly I might add. Also, I can assure you that "getting character interaction" is not difficult at all. For one, when you grow up accustomed to it, it's only natural to tune out the lector and focus on the show itself. Two, there are only a few lectors (all male except for 1 female) in the entire country, and that's because it's a very tough and demanding job. A lector needs to have a good voice, perfect diction, pronouncation etc etc. Also, most of these guys are not actors by any means, as they neither act nor dub. They merely read.

                                Hope that helps.

                                PS. Oh, and the translation itself is a totally different matter altogether.
                                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                                awesome sig by Josiane

