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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by UhSir View Post
    Totally bummed! But I am going to remain optimistic. I have to because I really, desperately want to make a Sam-Jack tribute video to Layla but I need that big honkin' kiss to make the transition.

    I have never been satisfied with "Threads." The PTB broke my little shippy heart with that one. Everything after that was salt in the wounds.

    Yes, I'm very upset right now.
    so am i.

    it just astounds me, the poor decisions that have been coming out of bridge these last few years, ESPECIALLY holding back confirming that sam and jack had gotten together!

    and jeez, even when it was 'almost' done on atlantis (the 'trio' scene), even THAT was ambiguous!

    i've been hoping and striving for this 'confirmation' for years... i don't know HOW to let that dream go.



      *huggles fellow shippers at the news*

      I may not have been around for long, but I was hoping for Movie 3 as much as all of you. On the contrary, I've watched SG1 so fast the first time around, I need more. *sigh*

      But I'm an optimistic person, so I'll keep on hoping for a third movie.

      *huggles shippers again*
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Originally posted by UhSir View Post
        I'll address it from a personal standpoint. Emphasis on the "personal" because no two relationships are the same and I am comparing real life to fictional. My husband is 18 years older than me. We've talked about this very thing. I don't feel like he's more experienced in love and he doesn't feel like I'm less experienced. Our relationship began and has continued to be so phenomenally different from anything either of us ever experienced that it just blows everything away.

        I like to think that Sam and Jack feel the same way.
        smilie by zuz
        I agree. I'm in a very similar situation. He's older and it doesn't play in the relationship as people expect. We're just a couple who love each other and face the regular challenges, like, you know, who gets the remote

        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        Re: a story where Sam is asked the advice of a junior officer with regard to relationships (GW and the iPad ate my quote, sorry).

        I wrote a Campfire about that: Battle Lines.
        Cool. Thanks.

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        well, from what brad wright said in an interview once (about the 3rd sg1 movie having a romantic moment for s/j), i think they were still going to give us our confirmation, whether they read a few shippers here at gateworld.

        i wonder if we'll ever get confirmation that they got together?
        Just got the news guys.

        Wow it feels like a kick in the stomach. This is how I felt after watching Unending, like I had just said goodbye to some great friends.

        It feels like that now. Crazy you know. People might say It's just a tv show but what do they know. Stargate led me to the forum and all you guys so it's just sad to me.

        On the bolded part Sal, it's just too little too late IMO. Great intentions never get you anywhere unless you act on it. The PTB had opportunity to give us what we wanted, they just felt they'd do it later and that later just didn't come.

        They took us for granted and because of that we lost out because they could have done it.

        Originally posted by UhSir View Post
        Totally bummed! But I am going to remain optimistic. I have to because I really, desperately want to make a Sam-Jack tribute video to Layla but I need that big honkin' kiss to make the transition.

        I have never been satisfied with "Threads." The PTB broke my little shippy heart with that one. Everything after that was salt in the wounds.

        Yes, I'm very upset right now.
        **goes and sits next to UhSir**

        sig by Mada
        As a matter of FIC


          Originally posted by trupi View Post
          OMA-1 I love you to death we have gone through many bumps in the GW highway but because of comments like "I'm happy with Threads " is one reason we never got resolution. The darlings were online reading what we wrote all the time and probably reading what we are writing right now.(I know this for sure!)
          Guys all I can recommend is going on MGM's Facebook and Twitter accounts and complain (nicely)
          *hugs* It has been a long and bumpy rollercoaster! Our ship family has become very attached to one another over the years!

          Sorry Trupi, but I think the only reason we didn't get confirmation is because MGM are broke and can't finance SG movies. We put a lot of effort into MOP and I truely believe our desire for confirmation was heard by MGM and the PTB and we would have had it in Movie 3. I learned to become happy with Threads because for a long time, it looked like that was all we were going to get. I had so much time and heart invested into S/J that I couldn't bear to feel it turn bitter for me, so I learned to love what we had. When it became clear last year (at least to me) that there was no more SG to come, I let go of the need for anything more. I'm cherishing the S/J I know and love and am sanguine about their future post S8.


            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
            *huggles fellow shippers at the news*

            I may not have been around for long, but I was hoping for Movie 3 as much as all of you. On the contrary, I've watched SG1 so fast the first time around, I need more. *sigh*

            But I'm an optimistic person, so I'll keep on hoping for a third movie.

            *huggles shippers again*
            one of the things tweeted (about what brad was saying at the con) was: The other movies (as written now) aren’t gonna happen.

            another thing said: Wright also confirmed that the proposed Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis movies have been permanently shelved, along with another movie idea he had been trying to get a greenlight on, which would have combined and involved cast members of all three series. Scripts for the first two of those projects, tentatively titled Stargate: Revolution and Stargate: Extinction (respectively), were completed well over a year ago.

            i was pinning my hopes on the combined movie, just to get the chance for the s/j confirmation, but that too is over.

            brad said he believes the franchise will go on, but without the casts we all love, does it really matter?

            another thought is a novelization of the 3rd movie script. i can't find any squee in that, b/c even if it confirms they're together, would it be 'canon', something to take to heart as *real*? AND, we wouldn't have gotten to SEE it.



              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

              On the bolded part Sal, it's just too little too late IMO. Great intentions never get you anywhere unless you act on it. The PTB had opportunity to give us what we wanted, they just felt they'd do it later and that later just didn't come.

              They took us for granted and because of that we lost out because they could have done it.
              they could have even done it on SGU (a show i don't even watch or like), and i'd have been happy! but like you said, they just did the later, later, later, later, later until they never did it at all. for no reason that i can think of.

              sorry, shippers, but i don't have anyone else to rant to.




                Originally posted by samcartersg1 View Post
                For those interested Brad Wright answers question of movies at Vancouver con today (posted on twitter)

                Finale of #SGU should leave us happy like "Unending" #BradWright #Stargate

                Who was happy with Unending??? I certainly wasn't! The death of the Asgard and no Jack O'neill... it was a horrible series finale (IMO).


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  they could have even done it on SGU (a show i don't even watch or like), and i'd have been happy! but like you said, they just did the later, later, later, later, later until they never did it at all. for no reason that i can think of.

                  sorry, shippers, but i don't have anyone else to rant to.

                  Rant away.

                  We're the only ones who really understand and can relate on this.
                  sig by Mada
                  As a matter of FIC


                    Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                    Who was happy with Unending??? I certainly wasn't! The death of the Asgard and no Jack O'neill... it was a horrible series finale (IMO).
                    Yeah Unending just left me sad.

                    They could have even given us a kiss in that ep and a free admission of their feelings if they'd had Jack there which could easily have been written in. Instead we get Vala and Daniel, whom I love but come on!

                    Unending didn't feel like it was unending. It actually felt like the end of SG-1 for me. I'm glad we got the 2 movies cause I enjoyed them, but now it just feels like 2 more wasted opportunities to acknowledement this segment of faithful Gate fans.


                    Now I'm ranting too.
                    sig by Mada
                    As a matter of FIC


                      Just spoke with someone from the inside. As far Brad Wright it's over and the TV show it's over for now. But the franchise will live through other means. MGM is on a very tight budget so they are going in a different with the franchise. E-reader books is the way they are going right now and the income from DVD's and episode purchases through I-Tunes. If that gets a enough support they will consider during more. But right now and with BW!
                      Plus the actors are all during their own thing now and not really interested at this point. In the future, always possible especially if there is enough yelling from everyone
                      That's all the news I have right now, agree or disagree it is what it is...sorry.
                      PS Please rant on MGM's Twitter and Facebook


                        Originally posted by trupi View Post
                        Just spoke with someone from the inside. As far Brad Wright it's over and the TV show it's over for now. But the franchise will live through other means. MGM is on a very tight budget so they are going in a different with the franchise. E-reader books is the way they are going right now and the income from DVD's and episode purchases through I-Tunes. If that gets a enough support they will consider during more. But right now and with BW!
                        Plus the actors are all during their own thing now and not really interested at this point. In the future, always possible especially if there is enough yelling from everyone
                        That's all the news I have right now, agree or disagree it is what it is...sorry.
                        PS Please rant on MGM's Twitter and Facebook

                        thank you for your update!

                        does it 'have' to be on itunes to matter to mgm? i'm watching sg1 on hulu (for free).



                          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                          Such sad news that MGM have pulled the plug on SG and our PTB. I'm very sad and may well dwell deep in the Cavern for a while, watching all my fave S/J angsty eps to match my mood.
                          I might do that too. I know I'll have bittersweet feelings the next time I sit and watch an SG episode. *sigh* ^^


                          plus the 250+ sigs, 100+ wallpapers, 150+ icons, almost 7,000 posts (5,000 of which in the various incarnations of this thread) I've made. I've had 10 years of following S/J devotedly, 6 years here at GW. And I'm not going anywhere, or going to love S/J any less!!!!

                          You know, this is what's it's about now. We'll be the ones keeping SG and the ship alive. They did leave their mark in the Scifi realm.

                          They brought us together. We're a family shippers. And families live through bad news. I'm not as upset as some of you. Bitter? Yes. Upset? Not really. If I had to put the blame on someone, it would be MGM, but I'm not one to point fingers. So, tonight, I'll be looking at my Stargate DVDs saying it was an awesome ride.
                          Last edited by LadyGalaxyJ; 17 April 2011, 03:42 PM.
                          Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                          My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                          Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                            Very sad news... I believe that Sam and Jack are together, but it would have been nice to see confirmation on screen between RDA and Amanda. It doesn't seem like that will happen now


                              I'm also of the opinion that "Unending" was a terrible finale. Not to even MENTION Jack was inexcusable. They could have done it--they could have had a "Remember when" conversation, and then Cam could have said something like, "You miss him", and Sam could have said, "More than you could possibly imagine". Or something. It would have taken a few seconds.

                              If I had been writing it. . .

                              Needless to say, that's why I have fanfic, to warm my cold little shipper heart.
                              My Stories: FFdotNet
                              My Stories AO3
                              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                                thank you for your update!

                                does it 'have' to be on itunes to matter to mgm? i'm watching sg1 on hulu (for free).
                                Nope anyway is good! Sorry I forgot HUlu

