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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
    {dropping in from lurkdom for the second time in less than 48 hours...}

    Look what I found! I forgot I even made this.. It's on my old account, which had two other vids that got deleted by the youtube copryight pirate nazis almost immediately. This one lingered... and lingered... and accumulated a modestly impressive number of views over the ensuing years.

    Though y'all might enjoy a little flashback with me! Cheers!
    Drop in from lurkdom anytime you like if it's to show us videos like this one. ;D

    I guess a lot of memories invaded their heads at this particular moment. ^^

    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
    Thanks to everyone for the Sam's quote
    What do you think about the "reproductive organs on the inside speech" in CotG? Many people don't like it...
    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
    LOVED it. I think it gave us an insight into Sam's insecurities and the world she was operating in as a female soldier and scientist, but also provides a starting point for her to grow from. She may have been the 'straight man' but she probably had the most personal growth of the 4 over the 10 years of the series. JMHO. Feel free to prove me wrong.
    What she said!
    I am one of those who loved that line at the beginning of the series. I think it showed Sam's state of mind (not sure it's the right term) well when she first joined the SGC.

    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    What's that I hear? Quiet--blessed silence. No whining. NO crying. No fighting. No silly negotiations for Wii or Gamecube or DVD player. No "Mom--are you done on the computer YET?" Just me, and the baby, and the dog in this large wonderfully quiet house.

    **happy, happy sigh**

    Even better--my muse has returned. HUGE happy smile!
    YAY! ;D I'm happy your muse is back and giving her this picture to help her inspire you:

    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    Aren't we lucky to have the ship?
    Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
    Very lucky
    We are the luckiest shippers in ze whole world!
    Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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    Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      HUZZAH!!!! OT

      What's that I hear? Quiet--blessed silence. No whining. NO crying. No fighting. No silly negotiations for Wii or Gamecube or DVD player. No "Mom--are you done on the computer YET?" Just me, and the baby, and the dog in this large wonderfully quiet house.

      **happy, happy sigh**

      Even better--my muse has returned. HUGE happy smile!
      I'm so jealous (OT):
      We can't start school until 1 Sep by state law. Today's my second son's 10th birthday (cripes!!) and my eldest just joined football and brought home his gear so on top of the whole birthday thing we've got insane jealousy from son #2 over the football gear which has resulted in Extreme Wrestling about the living room for the past quarter of an hour. And I still haven't gotten over the head cold I got from work this weekend so I've got a headache on top of it all.



        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        HUZZAH!!!! OT

        What's that I hear? Quiet--blessed silence. No whining. NO crying. No fighting. No silly negotiations for Wii or Gamecube or DVD player. No "Mom--are you done on the computer YET?" Just me, and the baby, and the dog in this large wonderfully quiet house.

        **happy, happy sigh**

        Even better--my muse has returned. HUGE happy smile!
        Sounds lovely! Both parts!
        And here I am sitting in my exam room eating lunch because some tv-types (they are filming some kind of documentary or something about this place) are occupying our lunch room, *sigh*

        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post

        He loves her .

        Aren't we lucky to have the ship?
        SO lucky. *inner squee* I think some of my LJ friends are going to be srsly peeved when I get to the end of the ship meme and pick Sam/Jack over Adama/Roslin as my fave ship of all time.

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          As for the CotG line:

          I think we can see plenty of character growth and softening from Sam without it. It's just awful, horrible, cringe inducing. I'm amazed AT could say it with a straight face. It's the one cut on the new edition I actually agree with. I would never hear that line again if I had my way.

          My 2 cents.


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            As for the CotG line:

            I think we can see plenty of character growth and softening from Sam without it. It's just awful, horrible, cringe inducing. I'm amazed AT could say it with a straight face. It's the one cut on the new edition I actually agree with. I would never hear that line again if I had my way.

            My 2 cents.
            The episode was written by Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright, so we can blame them for it. I think Brad mentioned that line in the recut of CotG, but I don't recall what he said.


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              The episode was written by Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright, so we can blame them for it. I think Brad mentioned that line in the recut of CotG, but I don't recall what he said.
              I believe he said something about it being Glassner's line and he (BW) made fun of it whenever possible thereafter. I believe RDA also said he disliked the line.



                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                I'm so jealous (OT):
                We can't start school until 1 Sep by state law. Today's my second son's 10th birthday (cripes!!) and my eldest just joined football and brought home his gear so on top of the whole birthday thing we've got insane jealousy from son #2 over the football gear which has resulted in Extreme Wrestling about the living room for the past quarter of an hour. And I still haven't gotten over the head cold I got from work this weekend so I've got a headache on top of it all.


                OT (((hugs)))

                I'm so very very very sorry! If there's anything worse than whiny kids--it's whiny kids when you're sick. (Of course, the WORST thing is Whiny Sick Husband--but there's nothing you can do about that. That problem is beyond the realms of time and space.) But I wish I could help you. (((hugs)))

                You know what the greatest part of the ship is? Shippers.

                Y'all make it REALLY fun! Thanks!
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  Nube's can be stars too.
                  I read this as "Nude's can be stars too". Oops, and I'm not even dyslexic, but I do take a dip in the gutter pool. Okay . . . fine, I swim in the deep end. Sam . . . Jack . . . lake. Need I say more?

                  EDIT -
                  School OT
                  My kids start school September 7th and this will be my first year with no kids at home. What is a woman to do?
                  I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                    Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                    I read this as "Nude's can be stars too". Oops, and I'm not even dyslexic, but I do take a dip in the gutter pool. Okay . . . fine, I swim in the deep end. Sam . . . Jack . . . lake. Need I say more?

                    EDIT -
                    School OT
                    My kids start school September 7th and this will be my first year with no kids at home. What is a woman to do?
                    What's a woman to do? Well, you said it best. . .

                    Nudes can be stars, too.

                    My Stories: FFdotNet
                    My Stories AO3
                    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      I'm so jealous (OT):
                      We can't start school until 1 Sep by state law. Today's my second son's 10th birthday (cripes!!) and my eldest just joined football and brought home his gear so on top of the whole birthday thing we've got insane jealousy from son #2 over the football gear which has resulted in Extreme Wrestling about the living room for the past quarter of an hour. And I still haven't gotten over the head cold I got from work this weekend so I've got a headache on top of it all.


                      Turn it into a fic . . .
                      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        I believe he said something about it being Glassner's line and he (BW) made fun of it whenever possible thereafter. I believe RDA also said he disliked the line.
                        Yeah ... that was it. Thanks. I only listened to the commentary once, and that's been awhile, so I didn't remember the details.

                        And I'm pretty sure Amanda hated that line.


                          I think that her words were, "That's not how real women talk." Or something thereunto.
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            Yeah ... that was it. Thanks. I only listened to the commentary once, and that's been awhile, so I didn't remember the details.

                            And I'm pretty sure Amanda hated that line.
                            I'm pretty sure that *everyone* hated that line.

                            Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                            School OT
                            My kids start school September 7th and this will be my first year with no kids at home. What is a woman to do?
                            I start school September 7th as well. This will be my senior year, and I'm super excited!
                            The Return of King Arthur
                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              Thanks to everyone for the Sam's quote
                              What do you think about the "reproductive organs on the inside speech" in CotG? Many people don't like it...
                              Just my 2 cents, but as a feminist, I find that line to be completely cringe-worthy. I don't know any woman (or feminist) who would actually say that. AT, a self-professed feminist, mentioned that she also disliked the line. I haven't seen the re-cut CotG, but I'm glad they got rid of it.


                                Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
                                Just my 2 cents, but as a feminist, I find that line to be completely cringe-worthy. I don't know any woman (or feminist) who would actually say that. AT, a self-professed feminist, mentioned that she also disliked the line. I haven't seen the re-cut CotG, but I'm glad they got rid of it.
                                I dislike the line, but I dislike the way the new version is cut even more. Jack's line about "This has nothing to do with you being a woman" makes no sense to me now. Instead of responding to her reproductive organs line, it's like he's actually calling her out *because* she's a woman.
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

