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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    That's all we need--third movie, with some footage of them fishing together, and Voila! Confirmation!

    And then I would break my DVD by watching, skipping backward, watching, skipping backward, watching, skipping backward. . .

    Don't forget the pause and play back frame by frame.
    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


      Originally posted by Treknik View Post
      Don't forget the pause and play back frame by frame.
      Well, who could forget that? Who??? And I never want to meet that person. Sad, sad soul.
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Is it a delusion if we all see it? Hmm?

        Nope, didn't think so.

        Stares down at boring ol' sig. Yup, time for a change. For lack of anything better, I'm gonna whip out the ol' Sam Carter @$$-kickin' one.
        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          It depends on what you're looking for. Going through my favorites list I find that most of the long S/J stories I like are AU, and I know some people prefer to stay in cannon.

          My all-time, number one, favorite S/J fic of any length is A Pond With No Fish by Rachel500 (followed closely by Let Go and Hold On). Actually, I love anything she writes. Her Aftershocks Series should be required reading for all Stargate fans, IMO.

          I also like just about anything by Annerb. She tends to write darker and more mature fic. Her DC Series ranks up among the best post-Threads S/J relationship pieces out there. (Start with Out of Context; you'll be hooked.) For a long fic, I recommend String Theory, which has an AU Sam not in the military joining SGC and falling for Jack.

          An interesting take on an S/J stranded story is What Will It Take? I like this one because the way they get stranded is quite original and they act so much more in character than a lot of stranded fics I've read where S/J just go at each other. I think this story is very romantic with a slow build and a nice pay off (that is not just the two of them having sex), which I find so much more appealing.

          And if you just want something fun, The Barista is not S/J, it's a third person point of view focusing mainly on Daniel with a healthy dose of Jack, but it's really inventive and entertaining.

          Good luck with your classes! Mine start next week and I'm trying to get myself geared up for the grind. My last semester . . . I hope.
          whooooa! thats heaps hon!.. inbetween lectures now so i might as well get started

          General Of The Tesla Troopers, Proud Member of Magnett, MOP and SHIP


            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            Well, there's nothing wrong with that. We are all going to look at our ships through the glasses that color our own lives. I, personally, don't think they would have gone straight into marriage come Threads. I consider them together at that point, most definitely, but my view of their relationship makes me think that they would be the type of couple who had to work out a lot of water under the bridge before saying "I do." I see them as committed, but not married at that point, though I'm hoping that by now they've worked it all out and exchanged rings.
            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            Beyond the moral issues, I think getting married right after Threads was the best way for them to stay above the regs and out of one another's chain of command. (I think someone else here (maybe Jen?) has said that before.) Marriage would take care of the immediate problems and they could work the rest out later. Besides, I find the idea of dating your husband interesting and romantic, and let's face it Sam and Jack just don't do anything the "normal" way.
            I have to agree with MidwifeOnBoard here. Sam and Jack know eachother as the soilder side and occasionally they have shown a differnt side of themselves to one another. IMO for them to be married straight after threads.. well they wouldn't know eachother on a really intimate and personal level. I think they would be commited to one another by that point, but I beleive they would have got to known eachother as these new people. Opening up to eachother (which we know Jack doesn't do to well), sharing your deepest secrets and desires and confiding in eachother. i like to think they are hitched now, but everything would be new to them Pre and Threads Era.

            General Of The Tesla Troopers, Proud Member of Magnett, MOP and SHIP


              I see Sam and Jack being in a committed relationship immediately after Sam breaks things off with Pete. Right after Pete takes off the 'sold' sign on the house Sam headed straight for Jack and had a good cry. Because Sam would have regretted causing Pete, Jack and herself all that angst by letting her relationship get as far as it did.

              And like in many fanfics, I see Sam as leaving the SGC first and getting out from under the frat regs that way. By the time Sam returns to the SGC they were married.
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                I don't think Sam and Jack got together
                1. To be together they have to have gotten married since Sam was in Jack's chain of command when she was leading Atlantis and now when she's on "Hammond", maybe even when she led Area 51. I don't think TPTB would have failed to mention that they've gotten married.
                2. Sam would not have cheated on Jack with Teal'c on "Unending" if they've been together/married
                I do think after "Threads" Sam and Jack talked about their feelings and realized that they love each other and they would not settle for "second best" and decided to wait until Jack retires.


                  Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                  I see Sam and Jack being in a committed relationship immediately after Sam breaks things off with Pete. Right after Pete takes off the 'sold' sign on the house Sam headed straight for Jack and had a good cry. Because Sam would have regretted causing Pete, Jack and herself all that angst by letting her relationship get as far as it did.
                  I'm in the group that thinks Jack should acknowledge his responsibility, as well, in pushing her ... er, encouraging her ... um, not stopping her from moving on and getting involved with Pete. Because I do think that was just as big a part of them not getting together as anything Sam did. So he contributed almost as much to everyone's "pain" as she did.

                  Plus, I've always thought that his comment about her being a National Treasure/Natural Resource might have caused her to think he cared more about her brain than he did about her as a person - in spite of his admission in D&C (which, after all, had been nearly four years earlier). I could see her thinking of it as a compliment, but also feeling a bit disappointed that he would think that was more important than anything else about her.


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    I'm in the group that thinks Jack should acknowledge his responsibility, as well, in pushing her ... er, encouraging her ... um, not stopping her from moving on and getting involved with Pete. Because I do think that was just as big a part of them not getting together as anything Sam did. So he contributed almost as much to everyone's "pain" as she did.

                    Plus, I've always thought that his comment about her being a National Treasure/Natural Resource might have caused her to think he cared more about her brain than he did about her as a person - in spite of his admission in D&C (which, after all, had been nearly four years earlier). I could see her thinking of it as a compliment, but also feeling a bit disappointed that he would think that was more important than anything else about her.
                    I agree with this completely.

                    I would say, though, from *Sam's* point-of-view, she probably felt significant guilt over what she'd done/was doing to Pete. I think that's why she's a bit surprised by his reaction in the scene when she breaks up with him - I think she was expecting anger and instead got calm acceptance. Pete's total reaction was as if he'd known all along he'd been grasping for something which wasn't really 'his'. I think it wasn't until then that she realized how much Pete devalued himself and I think her sad reaction to his saying, "Don't say I can do better than you, there is no better than you" (to paraphrase) is because she doesn't mean he can find a better person, but that he can find real *love*.

                    Like she has.

                    That's what he deserves - someone who he really loves (instead of simply idolizes) and who really loves him in return.

                    OTOH, that said, I think not only is Jack partly responsible, but of course Pete is, too. Seriously, if a woman takes two weeks to say 'yes' to a proposal, you have to figure something's wrong. And he admits as much in the scene in Threads when they break up. If Pete had a normal amount of self-respect and less of a case of hero-worship, he might have known that and not let his relationship with Sam get that far, either. Instead, just as with Jack and Sam, he was willing to settle for less than 'the real thing'.


                      I'm going to get tomatos thrown at me, and remember that yes, I think Jack and Sam do belong together. But I have very little problems with her taking two weeks to say yes to Pete. I made Hubby wait a week myself before I said yes. She had to decide - wrongly obviously in Sam's case - if that was the life she wanted. Big decision.

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                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        I agree with this completely.

                        I would say, though, from *Sam's* point-of-view, she probably felt significant guilt over what she'd done/was doing to Pete. I think that's why she's a bit surprised by his reaction in the scene when she breaks up with him - I think she was expecting anger and instead got calm acceptance. Pete's total reaction was as if he'd known all along he'd been grasping for something which wasn't really 'his'. I think it wasn't until then that she realized how much Pete devalued himself and I think her sad reaction to his saying, "Don't say I can do better than you, there is no better than you" (to paraphrase) is because she doesn't mean he can find a better person, but that he can find real *love*.

                        Like she has.

                        That's what he deserves - someone who he really loves (instead of simply idolizes) and who really loves him in return.

                        OTOH, that said, I think not only is Jack partly responsible, but of course Pete is, too. Seriously, if a woman takes two weeks to say 'yes' to a proposal, you have to figure something's wrong. And he admits as much in the scene in Threads when they break up. If Pete had a normal amount of self-respect and less of a case of hero-worship, he might have known that and not let his relationship with Sam get that far, either. Instead, just as with Jack and Sam, he was willing to settle for less than 'the real thing'.
                        I completely agree with all this--I think that Pete had a huge issue with hero worship--he saw Sam as some kind of goddess, when in reality she is a real person with real failings.

                        I also think that he HAD to have known that she wasn't as into him as he was into her. When he said, "I knew it"--he's acknowledging that he'd figured that she had a few concerns--and I would go so far as to say that he knew that she was in love with someone else.

                        And I have to add:

                        I just started Season 7 in my re-watch. In "Homecoming", Sam and Jack are talking with the government people on Jonas' planet, and I think it's a little shippy when she turns to him after explaining how bad Anubis is--and he kind of nods a little before allowing her to extend the offer of help in fighting and sets out the condition that the other two countries need to be told everything. It's cool that he doesn't feel the need to control everything--he's showing a lot of trust and admiration for her in giving her that opportunity.

                        That made no sense, but oh well. It was an epiphany moment for this small mind. Ha.
                        Last edited by Akamaimom; 24 August 2010, 07:07 AM.
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Favourite Kiss...

                          I enjoy all the kisses except POV which I've come to wince at because it's our Jack kissing an AU Sam, and every time I watch it I can't help think that if he should be kissing any Sam, it should be our Sam.

                          My favourite is WoO because:

                          a) It's our universe-timeline Sam and Jack

                          b) It confirmed that Jack's "care about her more than I should" confession the episode before wasn't just about friendship

                          c) She reciprocates, happily responding and so confirming she wasn't just wanting friendship either
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                            Favourite Kiss...

                            I enjoy all the kisses except POV which I've come to wince at because it's our Jack kissing an AU Sam, and every time I watch it I can't help think that if he should be kissing any Sam, it should be our Sam.

                            My favourite is WoO because:

                            a) It's our universe-timeline Sam and Jack

                            b) It confirmed that Jack's "care about her more than I should" confession the episode before wasn't just about friendship

                            c) She reciprocates, happily responding and so confirming she wasn't just wanting friendship either
                            So, am I the only one that thinks that the WoO kiss became a daily thing? That's how Jack ended every loop?

                            Uh-oh--I smell a ficlet.
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              Plus, I've always thought that his comment about her being a National Treasure/Natural Resource might have caused her to think he cared more about her brain than he did about her as a person - in spite of his admission in D&C (which, after all, had been nearly four years earlier). I could see her thinking of it as a compliment, but also feeling a bit disappointed that he would think that was more important than anything else about her.
                              I don't know why people don't like Jack's National Treasure compliment. OK, I can see how it does demonstrate that Jack has put her up on quite a high pedistal. She is, in his mind, beyond unattainable and he is far too unworthy. But I still think it is increadibly sweet. He thinks she is special and unique and should be cared for, admired and adored. I think Sam is embarrassed when he says it, but I don't think she is disappointed or unflattered.


                                Originally posted by Pol View Post

                                Capped by someone else, snurtched by me.

                                Hiya Shippy Family. OT:
                                Well, as of today, I'm off as is Amy (Gater62). This is the beginning of the absolutely killer semester from hell, the big academic push in my doctoral program. The problem with an accelerated program is that it's...well...accelerated. Add to that today is the first day of classes that I'm teaching (six classes this term in total), so...I'm going to be a bit scarce.

                                Let's add to the mix the "final" edits on my manuscript which has a go-to-press date of 12/1 and I have yet to get it back to my editor who has to in turn get it back to me with changes and I have to get it back to her again...then it goes to press, then I get galleys to proof and then...ugh.

                                One last item of note that's adding to the writing/scheduling pressure, and this involves all of you. I'm "putting it to the universe" for you all to think REALLY POSITIVE THOUGHTS ABOUT. Ready? We're counting on you!

                                You may have picked up from the odd hint or two that Leiasky and I are writing partners (a partnership born of our friendship here, btw). Anyway, we are involved in a pilot series that has been picking up a bit of buzz lately.

                                Or...really, a LOT of buzz lately. So much so that our Canadian producer is flying to New York this week to pitch us, the premise, the whole series, and OUR scripts to SyFy. In person. Wooo-freakin-hooo(d)!!! We have a 'ship built into the story, it is a part of the whole, so that's something to which to look forward. Think X-Files meets Eureka, ish

                                So. Over to your part in this, our Shippy family. We need you to think good thoughts for us. Think "pick up Pol and Tammy's show" vibes. A lot. Especially on 9/7, the pitch day, but anytime between now and then'd be great too. It works, I know it.

                                As I said, we're counting on YOU! Think it, it'll happen!

                                So...happy 'shipping. GW, fanfic (especially my Campfires) are my sanity during the school term, so I will be continuing. But I may be lurking more than posting.
                                All the very best wishes and good luck in all your endeavours, please keep going with the campfires. Will you be updating your blog?

