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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    The only thing I'll say about Unending here is these 7 chapters:

    Marking Time

    Which are, btw, completely 100% Sam/Jack.

    How's that for self-pimpage lol?
    I absolutely loved this fic the first time I read it several months while trawling for Sam/Jack fics on ff-net. Been awhile since I've read it, thanks for reminding me to read it again.

    Sooooo married!
    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


      ***Warning Mahoosive Multi Quote coming up****

      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
      My two cents on the whole Unending thing *pauses to wait out groaning* ... *okay, that should be long enough*.

      Spoiled for lack of Sam/Jack:
      In my humble opinion, as a season/series finale the whole episode is a waste. I despise episodes like this. I absolutely HATE when shows hit the reset button. Moebius almost falls under this for me as well, but... there's fishing. And the fishing wasn't reset either so bonus. But I digress. I especially hate it when they end the darn show on an episode that means nothing! Nothing happened! Okay, the Asgard were killed off, which sucks, but since the show is for the most part over, is it really that big a deal? The only thing I learn/take from the episode (aside from the whole Asgard thing) is that Sam wants to learn to play the cello. Is there anything else relevant? In the grand scheme of things, nada... zilch... zippo! I hated when Star Trek: The Next Generation ended on a reset episode, I hated when Bones ended the one season on a "Dream" episode, I hated when JAG used to do their yearly "Fantasy" episode, and I hated when the X-Files ended on a clip show (okay, that one wasn't "reset" at the end but I'm in a bashing mood ). Anyway, back to Unending, I would not dislike this episode as much as I do if it weren't the end. But as an ending?... *yawn* I want it to mean something! Unending was pointless!

      Oh, and the whole lack of Jack thing gets me too.

      I should say, I do like the last gateroom scene, but that scene could have been adapted to any episode and had the same nostalgic effect it was meant to convey.

      EDIT: I realize Teal'c remembering everything could be considered something actually happening in this episode, but since it's Teal'c, he's never going to tell or act on it, so... If a tree falls in the woods...
      EDIT2: And after all that, I have no idea why I actually like Moebius and LOVE 2010, except that as I said, Moebius has fishing and 2010 is just a cool story-nor is it a season or series finale.

      Just to reiterate, all the above was my own opinion and if you disagree, I respect that.

      Above... everything (especially the bit about X Files) is almost exactly what I would have put if I wasn't so drunk tired last night.
      I don't like Unending and have lots of issues with it, but the whole non-existent Sam/Teal'c thing isn't one of them.

      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
      I tend to feel like I'm always late to the party with topics on this list, but I'll still add my 2 cents!!

      I heard that TPTB were optimistic for an 11th season, so Uneding wasn't initially planned as the series finale. <snipped for space>

      As a mid season episode I would have no issue with it but, even as a season finale rather than a series one, I think it's pretty poor. I have similar anti-climatic feelings about Full Circle (to a much lesser degree, because at least something happens in that episode). I just expected something a bit more dramatic/game changing/exciting. I understand why Unending is as it is (i.e why Jack's not in it) but I think a lot of that came down to money and behind the scenes politics and those that made the decisions that forced it to be written this way did the franchise a huge disservice.

      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      See, but I think on the show itself they imply that this desire to be with someone - anyone - rather than be alone is exactly why Sam is with Pete. Specifically, I think that's the purpose of the scene in Affinity when Sam is having the internal debate about whether to accept Pete's proposal or not (from the transcript found here):

      <snipped for space>

      See, I think here we're getting a true glimpse into Sam's mind. She *knows* she's not in love with Pete the way she should be to marry him, but has given-up on 'the perfect romantic ideal' as being possible (who we'll call Jack) and so is considering settling for less than that because... well... isn't that what one is supposed to do?

      Or, as I put it, She's settling for "Mr You'll Do" instead of "Mr Right".

      And she knows it.

      So did her dad.

      And Jack. Who really should have said something, the numpty.

      Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
      So, now that we've touched all three of the Shippers' Most Controversial Topics in the space of a few hours, what will we have left to talk about tomorrow?

      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
      Grace: What does she represent.

      Oh I was so waiting for that.

      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
      Or we could break out the Angst/Fluff/Gutter war. I believe technically a state of war still exists as no formal peace treaty has been singed. Only an armistice keeps the peace. But Fluff and Gutter like to practice war games near the border provoking Angst, who occasionally whips out the "I wouldn't be here" pics just because they can, regardless of the casualties to Fluffies everywhere.

      Oh no... no you don't! You'll make me have to run nekkid through the thread throwing broccoli at everyone. You really don't want to see me nekkid.

      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

      OT My Name:
      It is short for highland dancer (an athletic and competative form of Scottish dancing), as I used to dance compete and now I teach. I also dance and teach Scottish Country Dancing (SCD), which is the social/ballroom form of Scottish dancing, mainly from the eighteenth century.

      I like to imagine the men of SG1 in kilts.

      But you can call me hilda if you like.
      Ah you see that makes it much easier for me to remember how to spell it if I'm PMing you.


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        But you can call me hilda if you like.
        Nope. After that story, you're now Highlander. You also look a bit like Adrian Paul in my head, but that's another story.
        Originally posted by Seahen View Post
        Grace: What does she represent.
        You'll notice how I carefully steered away from mentioning that in my brief summary of Sam last night?

        Grace is an adjective
        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
        I agree that I would have liked a mourning scene specifically dealing with Jack, but since we didn't, I always felt that that was simply implied when Sam told Daniel she'd given up, witnessed Landry's death, and then took comfort from Teal'c. That moment seemed to be Sam's final breaking point.
        Yes, I felt, even on first watching, that part of the reason it was when Landry died that Sam had the talk with Daniel making it clear she'd given up was because she knew that, being about the same age as Landry, his passing was sort of the sign of the end of her relationship with Jack. Of course, the fact they play a bit of the Sam/Jack scene in the background right then doesn't hurt, either.

        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        Above... everything (especially the bit about X Files) is almost exactly what I would have put if I wasn't so drunk tired last night.
        See, now, that's the sort of thing I might have said if I'd only been a little *more* drunk.

        Though it's funny because while Alternate Universe and Alternate Timeline stories with massive reset buttons usually bore me to tears (I almost never rewatch TbftGoG or anything but the last two scenes of Moebius - Daniel's Lab and the fishing - for that reason or, in fact now that I think about it, Continuum or Unending itself), I did in fact like Unending when I first saw it despite the flaws many of you have mentioned which I will agree with, especially the almost unfathomable lack of even mentioning Jack's name. What I do like about it is that everything in the episode from the filming style to the storyline and the acting give me this overwhelming sense of sadness which, since it perfectly matched my feelings while first watching the episode, fit perfectly into making my first emotional reaction to the episode exactly what it should be - IMHO - for a finale.

        Except for one scene which I still cringe over even just in thinking about and which, if I'm honest, actually lowered my overall opinion of one of the characters but which I won't mention here because it's unkind and I'd get modded justifiably cause, if you can't say something nice.... Possibly, too, I was so busy reacting to that scene that I missed all the episodes other faults. And I mean that seriously. But that's another story


          Ah, catching up old style...

          Originally posted by Seahen View Post
          Or we could break out the Angst/Fluff/Gutter war. I believe technically a state of war still exists as no formal peace treaty has been singed. Only an armistice keeps the peace. But Fluff and Gutter like to practice war games near the border provoking Angst, who occasionally whips out the "I wouldn't be here" pics just because they can, regardless of the casualties to Fluffies everywhere.

          *makes S/J Peace banners and grows extra broccoli*
          *sings lots of Corny Shippy Songs, so that the Bus will drive when it's needed to evacuate emotionally wounded Shippers*
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

            Except for one scene which I still cringe over even just in thinking about and which, if I'm honest, actually lowered my overall opinion of one of the characters but which I won't mention here because it's unkind and I'd get modded justifiably cause, if you can't say something nice.... Possibly, too, I was so busy reacting to that scene that I missed all the episodes other faults. And I mean that seriously. But that's another story
            Okay--now I have to know. PM me. Or if that's too "dangerous", I'll send you my private email.
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              What was that you said Jenn?

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              Grace is an adjective

              But oh I quite agree.

              Except for one scene which I still cringe over even just in thinking about and which, if I'm honest, actually lowered my overall opinion of one of the characters but which I won't mention here because it's unkind and I'd get modded justifiably cause, if you can't say something nice.... Possibly, too, I was so busy reacting to that scene that I missed all the episodes other faults. And I mean that seriously. But that's another story

              Ah but you can tell us which scene it is and let us all bring our own subtext, can't you?

              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              Ah, catching up old style...


              *makes S/J Peace banners and grows extra broccoli*
              *sings lots of Corny Shippy Songs, so that the Bus will drive when it's needed to evacuate emotionally wounded Shippers*

              *holds Nad's hand and starts a quick verse of Kumbayah...*


                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                Ah but you can tell us which scene it is and let us all bring our own subtext, can't you?
                Only if there are more than two people in the scene.


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  The only thing I'll say about Unending here is these 7 chapters:

                  Marking Time

                  Which are, btw, completely 100% Sam/Jack.

                  How's that for self-pimpage lol?
                  Beautifully pimped. I'll have to re-read

                  This was my take on it (and probably not a popular one):
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    And see I always felt that Sam was being less of herself when she was with Pete.
                    Spoilered for length...
                    She was trying to be what he expected her to be, and what she believed society expected a woman to be. (She even complains about this in Affinity when it is clear that she feels she's being pushed into marriage.) I think ultimately she caves to these outside pressures and what we see is very fake. (Just the falseness of that little coffee shop conversation where the truth of who she is and what she's experienced is pushed aside in favor of the false breezy image makes me shudder.) The real Sam is a soldier. And maybe a little too serious, and she thinks too much (she's admitted that). But it is her, a real woman.

                    That is one of the many reasons I love Jack, and know he is good for her. He sees all of her. And he loves all of her. He is proud of her skills as a soldier (The Warrior), and impressed by her brilliance as a scientist (Redemption) and he clearly loves her as a person (Threads).

                    She is completely herself when she is with Jack and I think she finally realizes what an illusion her relationship with was; she was fooling herself into accepting what she believed others expected of her. (Although, maybe that does go back to her soldier trait of always trying to be the best and follow orders.) Thank heavens the real Jacob (not the illusory image in Sam's mind) was able to finally convince her to see that she didn't have to let others' expectations dictate her happiness.

                    Good post!

                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

                    OT My Name:
                    It is short for highland dancer (an athletic and competative form of Scottish dancing), as I used to dance compete and now I teach. I also dance and teach Scottish Country Dancing (SCD), which is the social/ballroom form of Scottish dancing, mainly from the eighteenth century.

                    I like to imagine the men of SG1 in kilts.
                    You'll have to come visit me and we can go to a ceilidh and have a dance. You'll also see plenty of men in kilts.


                      Hey all - I just finished my first Sam/Jack video and wanted to share. I wanted it to be done by ship day but my job kept getting in the way. Anyway, hope you like it.



                        Originally posted by samcartersg1 View Post
                        Hey all - I just finished my first Sam/Jack video and wanted to share. I wanted it to be done by ship day but my job kept getting in the way. Anyway, hope you like it.

                        You people have jobs?!!

                        Nice vid, angsty with a little gutter fluff on the side. The Shippy Hippies will be proud.

                        In the immortal words of Tolkien (kind of):

                        One Vid to rule them all, One Vid to find them,
                        One Vid to bring them all and in the shippiness bind them


                          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                          This was my take on it (and probably not a popular one):
                          Actually, your story right there? One of my all-time favorites. I may not prefer it to be canon (though when I finally sat down to listen to the commentary for "Unending" a while back, I was strangely okay with it if it WERE to be canon... which I suppose is up to anyone's interpretation, really), but if it were to be? Your fic is completely how I look at it.
                          Gorgeous piece, and I'm sorry I haven't given feedback on it before!


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            Ahh! Did he really? That's so cute!
                            He did indeed. Check out the MTM thread for pics.

                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            Or we could break out the Angst/Fluff/Gutter war. I believe technically a state of war still exists as no formal peace treaty has been singed. Only an armistice keeps the peace. But Fluff and Gutter like to practice war games near the border provoking Angst, who occasionally whips out the "I wouldn't be here" pics just because they can, regardless of the casualties to Fluffies everywhere.
                            What if I like all three? Do I play the role of a peacekeeper?


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              You people have jobs?!!

                              Nice vid, angsty with a little gutter fluff on the side. The Shippy Hippies will be proud.

                              In the immortal words of Tolkien (kind of):

                              One Vid to rule them all, One Vid to find them,
                              One Vid to bring them all and in the shippiness bind them

                              The power of the Vid is strong!
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                (I don't know where I got this animation, but it always makes me happy. I need a little pick me up to aid my tea )

                                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends

