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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by yessika View Post
    You're a vidder too? Cool!
    There is quite a few of us vidders in here

    V. Cool! I've only done one SG1 vid, but it's got some strong S/J implication. I'll pimp it tomorrow after I get up. The hospital blocks youtube. Boo. I'm essentially babysitting tonight. Not that I mind.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      It has probably already been figured out what year and what episode this cute little behind the scenes picture came from:

      As I was watching a rerun of Children of the Gods of Syfy this afternoon, the next picture really got my attention and when I compared the two, I decided the first one must have been taken at the time Children of the Gods was being filmed.

      Sam's hair is the same style. They're both wearing the same clothing. Jack's hair is lighter, only because I lightened up the bigger picture in order to see it better.

      Wonder if they were just messing around or if Sam and Jack actually danced and they just cut the scene?

      Rick mentioned today that he didn't think Sam and Jack got together and the crowd quickly put him straight. LOL! I'm not sure why people think he's kept up on the show when he's not on it. (He'd never know about the cut Trio, that's a question to ask Amanda...)
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        Rick mentioned today that he didn't think Sam and Jack got together and the crowd quickly put him straight. LOL! I'm not sure why people think he's kept up on the show when he's not on it. (He'd never know about the cut Trio, that's a question to ask Amanda...)
        LOL For real? I'm not surprised, though. I love the man to pieces and then some, but I don't think he barely remembers what HE did on the show most of the time. Glad to hear the crowd put him straight, though. We all know Sam and Jack are totally married by now, sharing sweet domestic bliss (or something like it) whenever they're actually on the same planet.


          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          Hello Sam/Jack folks!

          This seems like a very welcoming place and I'm looking forward to chatting with y'all.
          Hi! And welcome to the thread!

          Your present for delurking:

          (and, yes, I'm that far behind on the thread. This is what happens when you take 4 days off but still plan on working a 40 hour week.)


            Sam and Jack anecdote...
            While my GW friends are having a wonderful time at Meet the Man, I'm jealous I'm thinking about meeting him back in 2008 and sightseeing in beautiful Vancouver. Some of us Shipper fans visited Bridge Studios meeting Joe Mallozzi and brought our message for Sam and Jack Confirmation. He snapped this picture of us and posted on his blog on August 19, 2008. Read what he said!!!



              Originally posted by nell View Post
              Sam and Jack anecdote...
              While my GW friends are having a wonderful time at Meet the Man, I'm jealous I'm thinking about meeting him back in 2008 and sightseeing in beautiful Vancouver. Some of us Shipper fans visited Bridge Studios meeting Joe Mallozzi and brought our message for Sam and Jack Confirmation. He snapped this picture of us and posted on his blog on August 19, 2008. Read what he said!!!

              Great photo. So who is who in the line up there?


                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                Great photo. So who is who in the line up there?
                I'm on the leftside holding the banner and in the bottom pic I'm second from the right and holding the banner. I'll let the other gals introduce themselves if they wish.

                It was a fun treat to meet Joe. Martin Gero waved to us. In my world, I believe that Joe persuaded Brad Wright to write the romantic scene for Sam and Jack. Now let's get that movie in production!!!


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  Hi! And welcome to the thread!

                  Your present for delurking:


                  (and, yes, I'm that far behind on the thread. This is what happens when you take 4 days off but still plan on working a 40 hour week.)
                  Oh thanks! Love the pic too. Agreed that they are so married. Speaking of which, shall I pimp my only SG1 fic (2-parter) which happens to be Sam and Jack married fic?
                  Last edited by jasminaGo; 07 August 2010, 11:06 AM. Reason: removing IMG tags

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    OT Fan Fic Help:

                    I posted this question on the fanfic help thread, but I know a lot of you are awesome fic writers; so I thought I would look for some advice here to.

                    I guess I got an appetite for fic writing from doing my first ever fic for Ship Day and now I have an idea that I'd really like to put on paper.

                    My dilemma: The story requires an action sequence and I've never written anything like that before. I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm worried about pacing, being sufficiently descriptive (without going overboard and slowing down the feeling of action), and keeping all of the different characters and their movements straight. I'm worried about confusing myself, let alone my readers.

                    So it's an ambush type scenario, with some running and gunning, hiding and stalking; that's the general idea.

                    Any sugguestions or advice on how to approach this would be soooo appreciated!

                    On topic: + =


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      would you be the happiest with for sam and jack:

                      a- married

                      b- in a relationship

                      c- (pick your scenario)
                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      b - in a relationship. Unambigious, on screen and confirmed. That'll do. If they're married too, well that'll be fandabbydozy, but it's not going to make me cry if not; so long as there's some tongue action on display.
                      Anything that sounds even a bit like this and I'll be happy!

                      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                      Hello Sam/Jack folks!

                      I'm brand, brand new to posting here at Gateworld though I've been lurking for months. I thought I'd jump into this fandom after all, since I'd met some amazing folks in my first fandom experience with BSG.
                      Welcome here! ;DD You're better than me. It took me some weeks after I joined GW to post in this thread even if I had been lurking for months before joining. But Ship Day got the better of me. ^^

                      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                      Although yes: a non-alien-induced-virus, non-robot/replicator-duplicate, non-clone, non-AU, non-AT-time-loop/bubble-reset, non-hallucinatory-dream-fantasy kiss between our universe/timeline Sam and Jack would be nice after all these years.

                      Not that I've thought about it.

                      That's definitly not too much to ask.
                      And it would be about time! ;PP

                      Originally posted by CaramelMonkey View Post
                      *pops up*


                      A bit faced based, but duuude! So epic!

                      *pops out*

                      Well, now that I've caught up with the thread. I'm just going to say this:
                      SOOOOO MARRIED.
                      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                        OT Fanfic help:

                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        OT Fan Fic Help:

                        I posted this question on the fanfic help thread, but I know a lot of you are awesome fic writers; so I thought I would look for some advice here to.

                        I guess I got an appetite for fic writing from doing my first ever fic for Ship Day and now I have an idea that I'd really like to put on paper.

                        My dilemma: The story requires an action sequence and I've never written anything like that before. I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm worried about pacing, being sufficiently descriptive (without going overboard and slowing down the feeling of action), and keeping all of the different characters and their movements straight. I'm worried about confusing myself, let alone my readers.

                        So it's an ambush type scenario, with some running and gunning, hiding and stalking; that's the general idea.

                        Any sugguestions or advice on how to approach this would be soooo appreciated!

                        On topic: + =

                        I have had to learn how to do this, because I'm most comfortable with fuzzy and fluffy. But I learned that it's like acting for me. (Which I actually have a degree in. Now THAT'S useful.) I have to put myself in character to do the action sequences. I have to try to almost "method-write"--if we're translating acting to writing. I find that my heart beats faster, and I almost have to feel the panic or the excitement when I'm doing action sequences. I also draw diagrams for myself. I'm still struggling to make my action sequences better--I feel that's the weakest part of my writing. But this seems to be adequate until I can figure out another method.

                        Hope this helps.
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          OT Fan Fic Help:

                          I posted this question on the fanfic help thread, but I know a lot of you are awesome fic writers; so I thought I would look for some advice here to.

                          I guess I got an appetite for fic writing from doing my first ever fic for Ship Day and now I have an idea that I'd really like to put on paper.

                          My dilemma: The story requires an action sequence and I've never written anything like that before. I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm worried about pacing, being sufficiently descriptive (without going overboard and slowing down the feeling of action), and keeping all of the different characters and their movements straight. I'm worried about confusing myself, let alone my readers.

                          So it's an ambush type scenario, with some running and gunning, hiding and stalking; that's the general idea.

                          Any sugguestions or advice on how to approach this would be soooo appreciated!

                          On topic: + =
                          Fanfic OT

                          I find action sequences cumbersome personally - both to write and to read (I do a lot of skimming when I get to those sequences). My own personal style, and one that I've found even well known authors use, is to set everything up for the moment and then do a scene cut (I've been re-reading the Wheel of Time series and he uses both the descriptive times and then he also uses cuts and I'm so happy when he uses cuts LOL). Then jump to the aftermath with enough reflection that your readers can gather that hey - guess what, they got the snot kicked out of them and either won or lost.

                          The other style that I've used is to stay light on the action itself. First, don't write anything you don't know. I don't know anything about hand to hand, so I'll say something like "She broke a way with a well timed elbow to her attacker's face." Why? I know that people use their elbows and hey, who wouldn't recoil at an elbow in the face? I also don't know anything about guns so I stick to what I've seen - P-90s or I say handgun because with my luck I'd say something like "Colt .45" and people would go "What the h--- is a Colt .45?" or they'd know exactly what I'm talking about and go "Uh, he'd never use one of those, they aren't military standard." I honestly have no idea if a Colt .45 is even a real gun. But it sounds like it should be LOL.

                          Like I said, it's preference. Some people like action sequences. I like them on screen but I tend to read fic for the relationship and less for the team building. So. Y'know.

                          You can sort of see how I did it and decide if it's any good here: Rescued (brief Pete warning, UST) or here - Supposed Crime: Under Rug Swept (3/4s of the way down at "Sam had been lying...") - AU


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            Great photo. So who is who in the line up there?
                            Originally posted by nell View Post
                            I'm on the leftside holding the banner and in the bottom pic I'm second from the right and holding the banner. I'll let the other gals introduce themselves if they wish.

                            It was a fun treat to meet Joe. Martin Gero waved to us. In my world, I believe that Joe persuaded Brad Wright to write the romantic scene for Sam and Jack. Now let's get that movie in production!!!
                            Guilty as charged! That's me on the right in the green t-shirt. nell and I held the banner and and watched Joe film us with his video camera as he walked slowly up to the fence. Thank goodness he didn't call the police! However, it wouldn't have mattered because no sacrifice is too great if if gets Sam and Jack together, right?

                            Joe spoke with us for a while and some other people were milling about. After that the guard at the front gate was really nice and chatted with us and let us take lots of pictures.

                            Our trip to Bridge Studios is one of my favorite memories of Gatecon 2008.

                            s u g a r s h a k e r


                              Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                              Guilty as charged! That's me on the right in the green t-shirt. nell and I held the banner and and watched Joe film us with his video camera as he walked slowly up to the fence. Thank goodness he didn't call the police! However, it wouldn't have mattered because no sacrifice is too great if if gets Sam and Jack together, right?

                              Joe spoke with us for a while and some other people were milling about. After that the guard at the front gate was really nice and chatted with us and let us take lots of pictures.

                              Our trip to Bridge Studios is one of my favorite memories of Gatecon 2008.
                              Nice to have faces with the names. Two down, and four to go.

                              Guns OT:
                              Aren't Colt 45's the kind that were used in Westerns?


                                Yes. A Colt .45 is the gun normally used in Western movies. It's kind of the ubiquitous gun from those times.
                                My Stories: FFdotNet
                                My Stories AO3
                                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!

