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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by ClassicCouples View Post
    Thanks everyone! That was REALLY fast!

    Ah! That makes sense. I will have to check out Melissa's stuff.
    There are two threads of those dual-piccy things...which I just call S/J looks. I can't guarantee posters haven't removed some of their pics, but there should still be plenty of lovely things there:

    1. 500 Looks Between Jack & Sam:

    2. 500 More Looks Between Jack & Sam:

    And those threads were inspired by Zuz's 500 Touches of Sam and Jack:



      Hello, all! I come bearing pretties for Ship Day...made with love (and lots of talent) by our own Regularamanda. It's the official invitation, sig and avatar for this year's celebration...coming up two weeks from now!

      Please feel free to use the sig and avatar between now and our event, to help us promote the party. And be sure to let Amanda know what a great job she did on these.

      And, without further ado...

      The avatar:

      The sig:

      The invitation:

      All have been sized to meet forum rules. to change my sig and avatar right now!

      P. S. - Please upload to your own photo storage account, rather than hotlinking to mine. Thanks!


        My take on the caption for Pol's picture:

        Man, I wish he'd stop moving around.


        Colonel O'Neill

        Why do you want him to stop moving?


        **Pause** Sam. You know he hates it when you do that.

        I know. That's what makes it fun!

        Oh, good grief. Not the light on the butt thing again.

        Ooh--almost had it.

        I'm gonna tell.

        No you're not.

        Why wouldn't I?

        Because I'd kick your butt.



        Sometimes I wish that the two of you would just do it already. Seriously. It would make my life all that much easier.

        Shut up, Daniel.
        My Stories: FFdotNet
        My Stories AO3
        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Oh, funny. My original idea went like this:

          Bet you can't.
          Huh. How much?
          How much what?
          Bet. How much is the bet?
          Saaam, c'mon. I was joking.
          Daniel, I. Do. Not. Joke. About....This.
          S'cuse me?
          Name your price. (she sights down her weapon, but with the light only)
          Oh, he's so gonna kick my ass.
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            I'll have to pull out my "100 Pictures of Jack as he beholds Sam"

            Beautiful sig and icon!!!


              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
              I'll have to pull out my "100 Pictures of Jack as he beholds Sam"

              Beautiful sig and icon!!!
              Yours for the taking!

              Gotta go...but I'll be back tomorrow!

              Sweet Dreams, Ship Family!!!


                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                Oh, funny. My original idea went like this:
                ROFL. Now that's the best yet.


                  Oh, funny. My original idea went like this:
                  ROFL. Now that's the best yet.
                  Well, you know--great minds. . .

                  And yes, I agree, Jenn!
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                    I'll have to pull out my "100 Pictures of Jack as he beholds Sam"
                    I love your 100 of Jack looking at Sam. Any chance we'll get a 100 of Sam looking at Jack?


                      Originally posted by Pol View Post
                      Totally stealing this from Jumper_1 over on the AT Thunk/Thud thread, but it just cried out for captioning.

                      So that's what the Furlings look like . . .
                      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                        Here's a lovely little story that's sweet and a bit melancholy, and out of character, but still good:

                        Carter's Boys


                          One week to "Pi Approximation Day!" Fic to celebrate...on the day. Two, if I can swing it, a Campfire and a piece of Pi.

                          Edit: OT, Thanks.
                          Thanks for the nice notes both on and offlist (and in email and PM) about my partner's mom. Look to see a small homage to her in an upcoming fic.
                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                            [QUOTE=Pol;11712568]Quick OT:
                            My mother-in-law passed this morning - my partner's mother. It was expected (Altzheimer's), though that doesn't make it any less painful for my S. Good thoughts and prayers for her and her stepfather would be most appreciated. Thanks. It's been a helluva year, hasn't it? :::sigh:::and it's only July.

                            Oh Pol - I'm so sorry, happy release though it may have been it's still damned hard when it actually happens. Life will get better. Hugs to you both


                              Originally posted by Pol View Post
                              One week to "Pi Approximation Day!" Fic to celebrate...on the day. Two, if I can swing it, a Campfire and a piece of Pi.

                              Edit: OT, Thanks.
                              Thanks for the nice notes both on and offlist (and in email and PM) about my partner's mom. Look to see a small homage to her in an upcoming fic.
                              So sorry for your loss. Condolences to you, your partner, and family.


                                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                                Glad for the fluff warning! I was smiling big time while reading! It was too cute!
                                Oh yes! that was sooo sweet! I hardly ever read Est fics and me reading children-ffs is even more unsusual, but this was GREAT!

                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                if the ptb sold just this stuff, the shippers would buy SO much that the money made on that could finance the 3rd movie!
                                They wouldn't even need to do commies again.. I'd be busy with "old" Background stuff, cut scenes!!, and making-ofs for moths, I'm sure

                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                One week to "Pi Approximation Day!" Fic to celebrate...on the day. Two, if I can swing it, a Campfire and a piece of Pi.

                                Edit: OT, Thanks.
                                Thanks for the nice notes both on and offlist (and in email and PM) about my partner's mom. Look to see a small homage to her in an upcoming fic.
                                First I still think it's a bit crazy and funny to actually have/celebrate such a day, but then again, I'm no huge maths fan..
                                Second: *yaaay* Campfire! Soo looking forward to it!

                                My condolences to you. *hugs* Like Fluffy said, it's hard to experience, but maybe it's better for her now. That's what I kept telling myself when I lost my grandma. Life will go on, and she'll be watching over it.

