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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    I TOTALLY agree with you. I haven't had any people spamming on, but I've had some people take offense at my (advertised) Sam/Jack stories when they are in a relationship--or even when there's a HINT of ship. In "The Price of One", I was loftily informed that I should write in the summary that it would be "shippy". If the summary reads, "Sam/Jack"--chances are, there will be shippy overtones, IMO. There isn't a way to list characters as 1) more than two, and 2) "Team". Perhaps there would be more opportunity to "warn" people if that were fixed.

    And I loved the one-shot. It was beautiful. Thanks!
    S/J Fic issues
    I'm of the mindset that *probably* if it features the two of them it's going to be shippy in general - maybe angst and UST but shippy. I mean, I usually warn if it's *not* shippy like a Sam-only fic or something

    And thanks I know I can count on this group to remind me I'm not crazy. Or that I am, but not necessarily when it comes to S/J


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      Rude story reviewer rant... mild, vague SGU spoilers (I try to stay away from anything specific)

      So I wrote my little one-shot on S/J from the SGU episode and TWO - yes TWO - people decide to take umbrage with something. The first one dissed SGU in the review (said nothing about my story and I was half tempted to report them as SPAM, but didn't - instead I replied and said if they didn't like the show, don't watch it. The second one criticized me because I labeled my story Hurt/Comfort/Family but they weren't shippers and had expected a friendship fic. I replied that it's featuring Sam/Jack (I list the characters) and that had it been friendship, I would have used the "Friendship" tag :: headdesk ::

      I wrote them as married. Last I checked that made them family. Just because our SG-1 team FEELS like family doesn't mean they ARE family. And it certainly wasn't a ROMANCE piece. Yes, the person is entitled to their opinion, but really, can't you focus on the story instead of your expectations?? I wasn't going to engage them in a "are they aren't they" debate because hey, if you want to ignore the story line, be my guest, just don't expect me to humor you.



      Hey anyone got Jenn's Moebius gif? I totally want to watch Jack goose Sam just to feel better about myself.
      I don't have Jenn's gif but I do have this:

      That's happened to me before as well, and they oddly compared it to slash and asked if I would be offended. I do think that there are some weird reviewers popping up lately. I recently saw one person write a long review, though constructive still quite harsh, and then when I read the reviewer's fic they made all the same mistakes only worse. Hmmmm.....


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        Hey anyone got Jenn's Moebius gif? I totally want to watch Jack goose Sam just to feel better about myself.
        Surprisingly, I do:

        <thou shalt not post things with the IMG tag that are over 500K in size>

        Hmmm... I wonder if they ought to go back through all the old episodes and post warnings at the start of all the ones with ship in them. Though it's rather funny and actually nearly impossible to define because what's considered 'shippy' is - IMHO - an interpretation of the audience. Granted somethings are more clear and obvious than others, but even that which is subtle and easier to ignore than a two-by-four upside the head is no less *there* regardless of an individual's preference to observe it.

        Maybe there should be a rating scale available in descriptions?

        One can rate the relationship of each major character in a given story to every other character using a scale from 0% plutonic/100% romantic sliding all the way down to 100% plutonic/0% romantic.

        Though I guess the exact definitions of whether something is plutonic or romantic are also open to interpretation so even that scale would prove problematic and subjective. Never mind cumbersome and obnoxious. If only there were a way to stop reading a story once you'd started to avoid burning your eyes out with it.

        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        I know I can count on this group to remind me I'm not crazy.
        I never said that. I tend to assume the easiest explanation for phenomenon and... well... yeah
        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        Or that I am, but not necessarily when it comes to S/J
        Oh. Well. If you're going to be specific like that, I think we can agree. At least in your interpretation of S/J being the most likely and logical. Not.. you know.. in reference to the level of obsession.
        Last edited by Skydiver; 06 June 2010, 06:20 PM.


          As a fan fic reader, I stay away from fics that are labeled Sam/Daniel or whatever. If I see something along those lines, I do assume those characters are being shipped. I've probably missed some good team fics as a result, but I would be so grossed out to read Sam with someone other than Jack.

          My only one pet peeve is the rating of some of the fics. There are a few that are rated T that should be readed M. I certainly don't want my young pre-adolescent stumbling on those!
          Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            I hate to be a snot guys, but that's an illegal download since it's apparently part of the whole episode. Please don't post the link here or share it with the GW system.

            What you do with your private e-mail is your business.
            Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that that was considered illegal.
            The Return of King Arthur
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
              Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that that was considered illegal.
              The YouTube videos are illegal, as our torrent downloads. In fact, as far as I know, the only legal options (in the US) are or ITunes where, for the low price of 1.99-2.99 you can have your own bright and shiny copy of the episode from which you can even make extremely cool screen caps like the following made by APA: (spoils for SGU Incursion)

              Sam when Jack told her she had a go for sending in ground forces and

              Jack as he said "I'm sorry, Sam."

              Aren't those awesome screen caps?!?

              Oh, and in a week you can watch the episode on Hulu for free here in the US, too.


                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                As a fan fic reader, I stay away from fics that are labeled Sam/Daniel or whatever. If I see something along those lines, I do assume those characters are being shipped. I've probably missed some good team fics as a result, but I would be so grossed out to read Sam with someone other than Jack.

                My only one pet peeve is the rating of some of the fics. There are a few that are rated T that should be readed M. I certainly don't want my young pre-adolescent stumbling on those!
                I totally agree.. if there isn't a big fat "friendship" or "no [../..] ship" i usually don't read it.. but sometimes even the "friendship" ones are hardly friendship anymore..
                Slowly I dare to read Jack & Daniel or Sam & Janet, when is says "S/J" in the summary.
                I hope I don't miss too much of the good ffs this way, because I really like these combinations as long as they're S/J- or D/Janet-shippy..

                Fic-rating: I haven't had much trouble with Stargate-ffs yet.. ok, I also don't think much about the rating because I read everything and know my little brother would never read any ffs.
                But some years back when I was mainly in the HarryPotter-section I sumbled way to often over fics in which I had to skip some chapters because I didn't want to read this back than..

                Edit: WOW! these screencaps are awsome! o.O
                but that's just SGU, is it? because they look better than many of my SG-1-DVD-caps..
                Last edited by SnowWhite; 06 June 2010, 02:57 PM.


                  I never knew how blue Sam eyes were.


                    Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
                    Edit: WOW! these screencaps are awsome! o.O
                    but that's just SGU, is it? because they look better than many of my SG-1-DVD-caps..
                    Well, the cap can only be, at it's absolute best, as good as the source material. So a digital modern HD recording is going to be better than a DVD made off of an old film or video copy of a television show. The newer seasons of SG1 and SGA are generally better quality than the first years of SG1, the poor quality of which (the recording quality, not the overall quality) I'm constantly surprised at when I rewatch.

                    OTOH, I'm reminded of how excited I was when, as a teenager, I was able to make crappy VHS off-broadcast TV recordings of my favorite TV shows, which had not only the poor quality of VHS itself but were all staticy and ghosty because we got terrible TV reception. So.. Ah.. how things have changed!


                      Maybe there should be a rating scale available in descriptions?
                      We'll call it the "Squee-Factor". It will be a sliding scale as follows:

                      Wait--was that--no, I guess not.
                      Ooh. Interesting.
                      Oh, he/she SO did.

                      As yet, the ultimate SQUEE level has not, in my opinion, been reached. We have to hope and pray that someday, somehow, it will be.
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        So a digital modern HD recording is going to be better than a DVD made off of an old film or video copy of a television show. The newer seasons of SG1 and SGA are generally better quality than the first years of SG1
                        Oh, that's HD? Ok, that would explain it
                        The first years of SG-1? Do they get better (I mean really better)? I'm still too occupied with the content to really take account of smaller quality chances..


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          We'll call it the "Squee-Factor". It will be a sliding scale as follows:

                          Wait--was that--no, I guess not.
                          Ooh. Interesting.
                          Oh, he/she SO did.

                          As yet, the ultimate SQUEE level has not, in my opinion, been reached. We have to hope and pray that someday, somehow, it will be.
                          Love this!
                          I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                            Incursion Spoilers:
                            Wow, I can't believe that I finally get to add to my list!

                            How Many Times Have Sam/Jack Called Each Other by Their First Names?
                            Jack calls Sam by her first name
                            ~ * Emancipation (Calls her “Samantha” when he sees her in the blue dress.)
                            ~ Cold Lazarus (Crystal-Jack when talking to Sam in the locker room.)
                            ~ * Solitudes (When he tells her to save herself.)
                            ~ * Singularity (When she’s in the bunker and about to get blown up.)
                            ~ * In the Line of Duty (When he finds her lying in the cell, then again after she wakes up.)
                            ~ * Secrets (Off-Duty in Washington, he calls her Sam two or three times in front of Jacob. )
                            ~ * Spirits (In the infirmary, where he wishes Sam luck with her command.)
                            ~ * Serpent’s Song (When she has flashback’s of Jolinar’s torture.)
                            ~ Point of View (Our Jack talking to AU Samantha.)
                            ~ Grace (Sam’s hallucination of Jack calls her Samantha.)
                            ~ * Incursion (SGU) (Jack’s way of comforting Sam after two of her people were lost.)

                            Sam calls Jack by his first name:
                            ~ * Solitudes (While pretending to be Sara)
                            ~ There But For the Grace of God (Before AU Jack leaves to try to convince Teal’c)
                            ~ (*) In the Line of Duty (In the cell, although people still have different views on whether it was Sam or Jolinar speaking.)
                            ~ Point of View (AU Samantha when speaking to our Jack)
                            ~ 2010 (Alternate Timeline at the cabin)
                            ~ * Lost City (When Jack’s dying)

                            * means that it’s Sam and Jack speaking to each other in OUR timeline/universe.
                            The Return of King Arthur
                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                              Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                              As a fan fic reader, I stay away from fics that are labeled Sam/Daniel or whatever. If I see something along those lines, I do assume those characters are being shipped. I've probably missed some good team fics as a result, but I would be so grossed out to read Sam with someone other than Jack.

                              My only one pet peeve is the rating of some of the fics. There are a few that are rated T that should be readed M. I certainly don't want my young pre-adolescent stumbling on those!
                              Same here. I avoid Sam/Other and Jack/Other fics. I just assume that they imply ship, not friendship. And, even if they didn't, I would never give the author flak over it.

                              WRT ratings, I don't mind mis-rated fics, since I will read all ratings, including adult. My kids are too young to read, so I don't worry about M-rated fics falling into the wrong hands. However, this could change as they get older, so I totally understand your concern


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                We'll call it the "Squee-Factor". It will be a sliding scale as follows:

                                Wait--was that--no, I guess not.
                                Ooh. Interesting.
                                Oh, he/she SO did.

                                As yet, the ultimate SQUEE level has not, in my opinion, been reached. We have to hope and pray that someday, somehow, it will be.
                                LOL! Works for me

