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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
    I know exaggerate when I call Pete a "stalker" (and I think he makes a reference to that idea when he apologizes in Affinity) - but it was still sneaky and underhanded IMO. If you can't deal with top secret, don't get involved (I think I took personal umbrage less because of S/J and more because my dad flew black ops and my mom used to be left home alone with me and my sister as tots without any way to contact him or knowing what he was doing. He'd get a random phone call in the middle of the night and then was gone) - so in my head I compared Pete with my mom who handled it with grace while Pete can't seem to trust Sam. Not to mention because of that lack of trust he shows up at an op - really Pete? really? How would it feel if a civilian showed up during a drug bust? Right. Exactly. :: mutters :: That's my issue - it really doesn't have anything to do with S/J and everything to do with simply what he did (and how things worked in my own life). I just think they could have written a love interest for Sam way way better.

    Does that make sense?
    And there is my whole beef with Pete. Such a poorly conceived character.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      I agree! Who was he to get involve in her busy. What was he going to do, take the whole Airforce down? He thinks a lot of himself. Also, if he did find some wrong doing on Sam's part, was he going to run to her brother, his friend, and say "Hey your sister is involved in some big deal garbage". Some friend! Or did he think he was saving Sam from some large conspiracy plan because he thought of himself as her "Knight in Shining Armor?". Give me a break! Character development was totally wriiten all wrong or was there to drive the shippers up the wall (which IMO was TPTB goal).


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        I adore Ex Deus Machina. Every time I see that 'Not Exactly' scene it pretty much throws all my other reasons I think Sam and Jack are together out the window. Cause, lets face it, what she's saying is she's in a relationship. And there's really only one person, based on everything we've seen, that could be with. At least with and giving her that silly little grin. IMHO, any other interpretation is just twisting the facts to deny the obvious, which is fine, but there comes a point when you have to admit the Mona Lisa is probably a painting of a woman.

        *happy shippy sigh*


          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          Jann is on school and guess what she is gonna pooooooooost?

          *sings* "the suuuuun is shining it feeeeeeels goood....and nobody is gonna stop me from posting this"
          If someone ever tries to stop you from posting that kiss I will tackle them
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            gutter is in the air!!!!!!!!!

            (I and my friend Cami call these scene "la rotolata", it's our code for it English it should sound "the rolled")
            My vids Sig made by me



              *huggles the BD scene*


                Apropos of nothing except rewatching shippiness. .

                I was watching Proving Ground today, and LOVED the scene in the commissary with Sam and Jack where she's trying to hold a decent conversation and he's shooting everything down in a blaze of negativity. . .

                SOOOOO intimate. Until you're married or have been with someone for a long time, you don't know how **Familiar** that conversation sounds. In an otherwise ship-bereft episode, that one scene does it for me. . .

                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                  Apropos of nothing except rewatching shippiness. .

                  I was watching Proving Ground today, and LOVED the scene in the commissary with Sam and Jack where she's trying to hold a decent conversation and he's shooting everything down in a blaze of negativity. . .

                  SOOOOO intimate. Until you're married or have been with someone for a long time, you don't know how **Familiar** that conversation sounds. In an otherwise ship-bereft episode, that one scene does it for me. . .
                  It's also, IMHO, totally flirty:

                  Especially the way Sam looks at him.


                    I don't get upset about Pete being a stalker because it defines who he is. I get upset that Sam ignored it and that Pete was briefed on everything SGC by the end of the episode. THAT is bending Sam's character 180 degrees. Sam doesn't work that way, even considering her epiphany in Grace. I can believe she would jump into a relationship but I can't believe that she suddenly sacrifices the security of the Stargate program for her personal interests.

                    I can't believe the background check didn't set off sirens and lights at the SGC, specifically at Walter's terminal because, you know, he IS the SGC. But seriously, the only way they can keep so secret is to be completely tapped into everything that happens with everybody there. I can't believe that there weren't any big, scary guys from the Stargate program tailing Pete two seconds after his buddy ran the check on Sam.

                    We know from the start that Sam knew Pete before we first saw him. How long she knew him doesn't matter to me because of the way she reacts every time Pete brings up the idea of their relationship becoming serious. It's not just that I see this as she's not ready to let go of Jack but that it's all moving too fast for her. In character far so good. But when Pete is nearly killed she's suddenly OMG! He almost died because I didn't tell him my big secret and OMG! I'll still have that black widow curse and OMG! "I promise, if you make it through this, I'll explain everything." Puh-LEASE! She wouldn't even tell her own dad but she throws it all out the window for this yokel she barely knows? In character check...FAIL!

                    It's not just Sam being out of character. I just don't like that all of this happened in one episode. All of the bits with Pete could have been spread across several episodes, allowing for a more realistic development. Plus it would have intensified the angst. Instead, we were given an overdose of Sam with another guy and then no mention of it for the rest of the season.

                    I liken "Chimera" to something my daughter told me about the difference between eyebrow waxing and plucking. She'd rather have one big OW! than a bunch of little ow-ow-ow's.
                    Last edited by UhSir; 03 March 2010, 01:58 PM.


                      It's also, IMHO, totally flirty:
                      Especially the way Sam looks at him.
                      Oh yeah. There's some good smiling going on there. . .Very sweet, in a snarky sort of way. . .

                      And I like the sig. . .
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                        I don't get upset about Pete being a stalker because it defines who he is. I get upset that Sam ignored it and that Pete was briefed on everything SGC by the end of the episode. THAT is bending Sam's character 180 degrees. Sam doesn't work that way, even considering her epiphany in Grace. I can believe she would jump into a relationship but I can't believe that she suddenly sacrifices the security of the Stargate program for her personal interests.

                        I can't believe the background check didn't set off sirens and lights at the SGC, specifically at Walter's terminal because, you know, he IS the SGC. But seriously, the only way they can keep so secret is to be completely tapped into everything that happens with everybody there. I can't believe that there weren't any big, scary guys from the Stargate program tailing Pete two seconds after his buddy ran the check on Sam.

                        We know from the start that Sam knew Pete before we first see him. How long she knew him doesn't matter to me because of the way she reacts every time Pete brings up the idea of their relationship becoming serious. It's not just that I see this as she's not ready to let go of Jack but that it's all moving too fast for her. In character far so good. But when Pete is nearly killed she's suddenly OMG! He almost died because I didn't tell him my big secret and OMG! I'll still have that black widow curse and OMG! "I promise, if you make it through this, I'll explain everything." Puh-LEASE! She wouldn't even tell her own dad but she throws it all out the window for this yokel she barely knows? In character check...FAIL!

                        It's not just Sam being out of character. I just don't like that all of this happened in one episode. All of the bits with Pete could have been spread across several episodes, allowing for a more realistic development. Plus it would have intensified the angst. Instead, we were given an overdose of Sam with another guy and then no mention of it for the rest of the season.

                        I liken "Chimera" to something my daughter told me about the difference between eyebrow waxing and plucking. She'd rather have one big OW! than a bunch of little ow-ow-ow's.


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          Yeah. Some of us are waxers and some of us are pluckers. I'm a plucker.



                            In Character Sam, yes or no: Both. It's in character after the events of Grace that she searched out someone to love. She thought Jack wasn't available, or good for her and thus went out(or actually got set up) and met someone she actually liked and loved to be in love. (She got in love with being in love ) This is for me no problem and I understand it...the part I *don't* understand and is for me weird to understand and "out of character" is that she was still with Pete after he stalked her. I *thought* sam would know better(certainly after Jonas which seemed to be a bit of a violent relationship) and give up on him..but instead she did the total opposite which is IMHO just weird.
                            On the other hand I also find it strange that nobody(on screen) ever said something about it...or didn't trust it. I mean why did he get permission to hear it all and not a cover story and why did the team not warn her. I think they are good enough friends to warn each other for possible "love" mistake and I Also think they're honest enough to each other to tell them if it is needed...

                            Overall I like the Pete arc, in the way that Sam got a lovelife and because of it she realized that the only right person for her to be with was Jack, but I don't like the way it is some inaccuracies along the way don't help either. (Lost City anyone....confessing her love(kinda...I know does it to me ya's a sort of acknowledgement) to Jack and going back to Pete as a obedient/loyal's just weird and I expected more from Sam...)

                            Anyway...enough babbling from me...this one braincell is fried now...again...


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post

                              I mean why did he get permission to hear it all and not a cover story
                              {{snip snip}}
                              Probably something to do with sleeping.

                              I guess because he lived and Sam promised.

                              But dad didn't qualify, a general in the very same Air Force, not even after he tells her he's dying from terminal cancer.


                                Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                                Probably something to do with sleeping.

                                I guess because he lived and Sam promised.

                                But dad didn't qualify, a general in the very same Air Force, not even after he tells her he's dying from terminal cancer.
                                Apparently...he must be good at sleeping

                                And promises can be broken ya know...certainly when it has to do with national security. She can promise all she wants but if she isn't allowed to tell it she just can't.

                                As for the dad's strange, but I do understand it why they didn't tell him. Although if he had really wanted it I think he could have found out...


                                The big issue is ...did TPTB have to break my heart before trying to repair the millions of pieces back together in Threads...

