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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    I have seen that actor in some old movies...and actually made the connection the first time I heard the character's name.
    Wow! I just googled "Cameron Mitchell" because of the discussion about the name and am really kicking myself. I've seen that Cameron Mitchell in many old movies - westerns, war movies, all sorts of stuff. And never made the connection between his name and the SG1 character.


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      *hops in*

      For anyone who might be interested I made icons for an LJ challenge...
      They're all only have to click on the picture to see them

      Oh, Jann!!! What pretty icons! And the whole page is gorgeous. You have such a good eye for color.


        Congratulations, Keaira Taegan, on 3,000 posts!!!

        Congratulations, kusanagi, on 500 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Akamaimom, on 500 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Treknik, on 400 posts!!!

        Welcome, MylittleEli!!!


          Thanks sgfanintn and somehow i missed MylittleEli's arrival, but Welcome!!
          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            Congratulations, Keaira Taegan, on 3,000 posts!!!

            Congratulations, kusanagi, on 500 posts!!!

            Congratulations, Akamaimom, on 500 posts!!!

            Congratulations, Treknik, on 400 posts!!!

            Welcome, MylittleEli!!!
            Glad to be here!
            Last edited by Skydiver; 23 February 2010, 06:08 PM.
            sigpic Gets better with age!

            Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
            GateCon Vancouver 2011
            Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


              Congrats everyone
              Welcome MylittleEli


                Congrats everyone
                Welcome MylittleEli

                Ditto! Hello, and congrats everyone!
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  Sigh...well, as much as I love it here, I must go. I'm turning in early tonight to make up for last night, when all those wonderful ice dancers kept me up waaaayyyy too late for a work night. I had a really hard time dragging myself out of bed this morning.

                  I leave you with some sweet, shippy images...and I'll see you tomorrow! Hugs to all!

                  Sweet Dreams, Ship Family!!!


                    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                    that's kind of a stupid reason to kick someone's a natural biological function.....unless in this case HAZMAT teams had to be called in....
                    That's what I thought. A little harsh to kick someone out for that reason. I can't even imagine how bad it would be to have the HAZMAT teams come in.

                    Originally posted by starlover View Post
                    *hops in*

                    For anyone who might be interested I made icons for an LJ challenge...
                    They're all only have to click on the picture to see them

                    Nice job, Jann. I love your choice of cropping.
                    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                      Little reminder of the photo rules

                      Nothing over 100K to be posted, this means .gifs too.

                      Please snip out the IMG tags on any photo, graphic or gif you're responding to. The mods don't have to edit your posts, you quote pics, we'll just delete them

                      nothing more than 700 pixels wide to be posted with IMG tags.

                      Also, manips are not allowed. No head swapping please (I don't think this has been happening, but just in case)

                      All photos and captions need to meet the 'keep it pg' rule. You can dip into the gutter without being crude and rude.

                      I now return you to your regularly scheduled shipping
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        I can pretend that the people in the pictures are Sam and Jack too (I have a great imagination!)

                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        *hops in*

                        For anyone who might be interested I made icons for an LJ challenge...
                        They're all only have to click on the picture to see them

                        Those are awesome!! *snurches*

                        Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
                        Glad to be here!
                        *waves to MylittleEli* Welcome!
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                          That's what I thought. A little harsh to kick someone out for that reason. I can't even imagine how bad it would be to have the HAZMAT teams come in.

                          Nice job, Jann. I love your choice of cropping.
                          just had an idea for a funny plot that maybe Kinsey has a personal vendetta against Jack because he was standing behind Jack during a boy scout meeting where Kinsey was presenting a boy scout award when Jack cut one.....
                          Last edited by mad_gater; 23 February 2010, 07:28 PM.


                            just had an idea for a funny plot that maybe Kinsey has a personal vendetta gainst Jack because he was standing behind Jack during a boy scout meeting where Kinsey was presenting a boy scout award when Jack cut one.....
                            Gross Toot OT:

                            I was at a funeral once, and this little old lady was seated in front of me. When they wheeled in the casket, the congregation stood, and this lady tooted all the way up, the ENTIRE time that they were bringing in the deceased, and then all the way back down. It was atrocious! Talk about your toxic cloud! So yes, I can imagine kicking someone out!
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Can anyone tell me what episode this picture is from?

                              I ask because I don't have a clue and I haven't been waiting much Stargate lately expect for what I have been video capping as I have been in Star Trek Voyager mood lately.

                              Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                lol. Yeah, she is. But...

                                She forgot the conclusion to the entire thing, which is the scene in Avalon when Jack tells Mitchell as he's recovering from his crash in a flashback:

                                Fades out, next one of O'Neill.

                                O'NEILL: You get well soon. And when you do…you can do anything you want…and I mean…professionally anything you want. Well not anything

                                Cause there are a lot of regulations restricting what one can do... Professionally.

                                But this is followed up by his later comments to Mitchell:
                                I don't know why I didn't get back on the horse sooner, except I really didn't think you could take one of these things for a joy ride.
                                Now, see, that's one of the great things about being a general. You pretty much get to do whatever you want.
                                I suppose after you've saved the world seven or eight times…
                                Who's counting, huh?
                                Teal'c.Which, along with this expression:
                                in which he's so *totally* not thinking about how cool it is to be able to fly in that there plane... (cause he seems fairly bored with *that*)


                                Like I said...

                                The conclusion
                                Ummm... I'm gonna make that the sequel. With a few other bits added in. <hee hee hee hee heeeeee!> Of course, you know that this means you will be blamed publicly!

                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                <Snipping out water-throwing cause the only water to be thrown round me is from the Gutter! >


                                How hard would it be to have ONE truly fluffy real picture of the two of them!?!?


                                I'd like a kiss they both remember first, though

                                I want one Gutter-licious *REAL* *KISS* that is utterly wrought with ANGST. You know, like what might have happened, say... at the end of Lost City, begging Jack not to give up *now that they've finally won*. {of course, this is my Shippy world, so we're also talking about being a one-off appearance in Sam's life and properly kicked to the curb at the end of Chimera. I know not all will agree, but this is my Shippy Universe and I'm stickin to it! But that should give you a nice Angst-scale point of reference!}

                                And then we can conclude with some nice warm-fuzzy-feeling Fluff as they ride off into the setting sun. Or away from the exploding one. You never know with Sam Carter, right?
                                Love and hot fudge,
                                Bren Ren
                                My stories!


