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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

    In hindsight though, I think it's telling that they equate the fishing ending as being as good as a wedding scene. It is a huge hint, IMO.
    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
      I have to agree and . . . disagree. . .

      It was hysterically funny but really out of character.
      I thought they were in character. The author wrote the whole Daniel and Jack bantering longer than what I would expect, but I could definitely see it happen.

      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      Really? Wow. That surprises me. I thought...okay, maybe Sam was a bit OOC, but overall? I could absolutely see this happening.

      Hmmm *Peers over at Tammy*. Hmm.

      Edit: I just cannot turn away from the curling! What is it with that sport! Though, hearing a cute young woman bellowing "Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy Hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdddd" is a bit disconcerting. And gutter-inducing.
      I thought the same thing Pol. We don't get to see a lot of the team get togethers outside of work, so I assume this was one of their moments at work.
      I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


        Boy, I missed a lot!!

        Originally posted by Pol View Post

        I *love* this thread. Truly.

        Where else on Earth can I come and have thoughtful, considerate, and really in-depth discussions about 42-44 minutes of entertainment that happened, literally, years ago.

        Yup. Love it here.


        Just...voicing my love.

        (Please note, there was not a single ounce of sarcasm in the above post. I really mean it.)
        I love this Thread too!! *huggles everyone*

        Originally posted by Fluffy17 View Post
        Where else can I get reasons for making myself watch seasons 9 & 10, which are actually turning out to be ok. Sam is so comfortable with herself, so obviously happy in her private life, and thanks to this thread I just know who's she's happy with even if we can't see him!

        I just wish I could reply faster to all those in-depth things that are written & I agree with!!!
        I agree with you, ever since I found this thread I actually want to watch season 9 and 10. I thought that would never be the case

        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        I'm a pro-200, as well. I also loved the prequel with Marty, and two of my favorite episodes are "The Other Guys" and "Avenger". I also LOVED Citizen Joe--so much so that I included him in a fic. I guess I really love the episodes where they get to see "the other side"--the real people side, so to speak. I could watch these eps all the time!

        So he's single?
        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        Ohhh get to the back of a very long queue, hun!
        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        LOL! Half of the women in that queue are married anyway. . . so it really is shorter than it looks! LOL!
        I don't think is that much shorter *points towards the RDA thunk thread*

        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        It's called SGU. . . :/

        So a little Sam/Jack moment in it shouldn't be out of place. . . LOL!
        As an SGU fan I have to say it would not be out of place at all

        Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
        : Is it hot in here, or is it just you?
        : Do you believe in love at first sight, or shall I walk by again?

        *topples over from lameness *
        These are so great!!! and I can't green you *mutters about green restrictions*

        Originally posted by Pol View Post

        This vid will distract you from the offtopic-ish-ness of my post.
        what was I supposed to be distracted from? *continues to stare*

        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        I've capped this before, but it still cracks me up...

        Spoilered for uber-gutteriness:

        "Sooooooo if Pete and I were colors I would be...."
        "You'd be the yellow one I'm holding, sir."
        "But... bigger right?"

        Originally posted by es! View Post
        Good one! *ROFL*

        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        Yes but where are Hammond's hands? Ha ha ha ha ha.
        (I am running out of expressions )
        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


          Shippy Review Cold Lazarus

          After the credits, Sam's explaining to Hammond. ChrystalJack's standing with his back towards them checking out the Gateroom. Sam's eyes flicker just once to Jack and then back to Hammond. She's the only one who takes notice. Maybe she already suspects he's somewhat out of character.

          Scene 1: Locker Room

          ChrystalJack is looking through pictures as Sam comes in. Notice how she's still somewhat nervous around him. They're technically off duty at the moment and it still seems she's feeling awkward around him. Or as some might call is; tension .

          : Nice, you have a family.
          ChrystalJack: Yes.
          : I'm an auntie myself. My brother moved to San Diego so I don't get to see him much. Two kids now. Boy and a girl.

          I can see our Jack having quite a nice conversation with Sam about those kids as he loves them.

          There are no feelings from her side either as she doesn't seem a tad bit jealous about him being married and having a family.

          ChrystalJack: Goodbye Sam.

          I was curious as to why the Chrystal would pick "Sam" and not Captain which he heard Hammond say to Sam. He copied Jack and knows what he knows and says but doesn't understand it all. So I guess in those earlier stages in their relationship; Jack still calls her Sam when they're off duty. Just some musings.

          Sam is genuinely interested in Jack as she asks Daniel about Charlie and Sara about three times. She's not dropping the subject until she knows the full story. Of course she wants to know about her commanding officer and feels for him but you know she really wanted to dig into his private life.

          Scene 2: ChrystalJack visiting Sara

          When we first see Sara I was like: Wooooooow Sam clone! What are the odds of having someone under your command that looks so alike your wife? Jack must've wondered about this himself.

          Scene 3: Holding Cell

          Our Jack is being held in the...well...holding cell.

          : Come on! Get me outta here.
          He grabs a chair, drags it over to the corner, so that when he stands on it he's looking directly into the camera.
          : Tell you what...let me put it nicely. Get me the hell outta here!

          Sam's the only one really grinning. I mean a full teeth-bearing smile .

          Scene 4: Ending
          Can I say what great acting RDA showed in this ep!

          As Jack and ChrystalCharlie are waiting to go through he Gate, the rest of the team are standing behind them and you can see Sam watching ChrystalCharlie instead of Jack. As if she's trying to memorize what Jack's Charlie looks like. I know at this stage she's not thinking as in 'what if I was with Jack' but her watching Charlie made me wonder.

          Jack turns and says to keep the lights on that he'll be back and although he's looking at his team, it's actually Sam he's saying the words to. She, again, is the only one that smiles at him. It's a sweet exchange .

          And that's Cold Lazarus.


            : Remember my name.... You'll be screaming it later.


              Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
              : Remember my name.... You'll be screaming it later.
              I like that one


                Shippy Review The Nox

                Part 1 because I was in a very babbly shippy mood

                Scene 1: Dialing Out
                Try to look behind General Hammond to see Jack being utterly bored out of his mind. He bites his lip, sighs, checks his watch, sighs again and then he turns his head to look at Sam but we don't see her reaction.

                When they're all turning away from the Gate, you can see Jack eying the Gateroom but then eying Sam. I'm not sure what his expression is saying or asking of her but there's silent communication going on. Though I do believe he is proud of her when she techno-babbles the Very-Important-High-Up-President-Lapdog under the table .

                : I don't know, sir. That would be 'why we're going'.

                It's snarly and so Jack, not caring whom he's talking to or how high up the man is but notice how Sam's the only one smirking with his remark. Just a little hiding smirk there.

                : Cultures with advanced technology tend not to like to share.

                Take notice of Sam during Jack's retort. She's staring at something unimportant, then her gaze meets that of Jack and she continues gazing at him. And yes I do use the term 'gaze' here because that look defines everything that says: being amazed by that man. Being proud.

                And that is what Sam feels at this moment. She's proud of him, proud of the man that he is. And on the other side; she's amazed by him. I think she truly sees him as her commanding officer but more importantly as her 'leading' commander. A rock to lean against whenever necessary, to block a painfully burning sun. Am I getting too metaphorical?

                to : Would you interpret what I just said?

                He knows she knows him. He knows she can read him very well.

                Scene 2: Carter?

                Jack comes through the Gate but sees none of his team present. In the very first episodes, Jack used to call to Daniel first then Sam. Now whenever he steps through he calls her name first then Daniel. Although mind you it could just be military Jack calling for his SIC. They are on duty after all.

                Still, he called her name first .

                She walks up to him. How is it even remotely possible that these two always find that they have to touch whenever they pass each other. I mean they're standing on a planet that is just one wide open space and Jack comes to her, they both continue walking and slightly touch their arms, bumping.

                Things that go bump in the night gets a whole other meaning with these two.

                Scene 3: Colonel!

                The scene where Jack gets shot by Apophis has been touched upon numerous times in episode discussions and I've been reading them with much interest actually because this is a scene that bothers me. Not in a personal sense because Sam's just shocked and finds herself in a situation she's never been in. She does what every human would do in that situation; she reacts on instinct. She just reacts - and it's a wrong military decision.

                Not only does she get up, she turns and wants to walk toward him in full enemy fire range. That's odd - or just plain human shock.

                There are no love feelings at this point but like I stated before she really really likes him. He's her rock, her leading man and I believe it all came crashing down on her. The situation was not in their favor and then Jack gets shot in a place where's it's deadly.

                In a military perspective she should've stayed low and take charge of the team but I guess the writers just wanted us to show the emotional impact Jack's death had on Sam. That on its own is shippy.

                Scene 4: Heaven?

                Daniel wakes Sam after they got beamed out/rescued by the Nox. She's confused, she looks around while listening to Daniel. She then spots Jack and immediately pushes herself off the bench and goes toward him. I'm surprised Daniel didn't wake him up first?

                She checks his back - where Jack had been shot - but seeing isn't believing for Sam so she has to touch his bare skin. Softly caressing her fingers over the spot. A few feathery touches later, Jack wakes up abruptly and Sam places her hand on him to reassure/support/comfort him. Or to remind herself that he really is alive.

                Scene 5: Teal'c

                When Jack gets up to go over to Teal'c, Sam's eying him up and down and up. Enjoying the view perhaps?

                When Nefreyu goes to stand in front of Sam to introduce himself to her, I was surprised she said 'Carter' instead of 'Sam'. Isn't it strange to pick your last name to introduce yourself to a kid? My shippy mind's thinking Jack already brainwashed her with him calling her Carter all the time .

                End Part 1


                  And for those Janeway/Chakotay fans *cough* like me *cough*:

                  : Jack, are you there?
                  : No, I left an hour ago!


                    Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                    And for those Janeway/Chakotay fans *cough* like me *cough*:

                    : Jack, are you there?
                    : No, I left an hour ago!
                    Oh uhm, I'm a Janeway/Chakotay fan but I'm not getting it
                    "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                    "I am quite sure they will say so."


                      Originally posted by yessika View Post
                      I agree with you, ever since I found this thread I actually want to watch season 9 and 10. I thought that would never be the case
                      I have to admit, though, as I'm rewatching the beginning of S9 for Being There, everytime I rewatch the first half, I can't help but think it would have been better if they'd just flashed: And now there are ascended uber-powerful anti-Ancients named Ori trying to take over our galaxy, Mitchell (who's *really* awesome) is in command of SG1, Vala (who stole the Prometheus.. remember.. last season?) came back but died (or did she?) heroically, Hank Landry is in command of the SGC and Jack (who seems to have gone on Valium.. or *something*) is working in Washington, and Sam will be doing this: randomly for the remainder of the series.


                      And we're doing Arthurian Legend now.

                      Then just started mid-Season 9.

                      It'd have made more sense that way.


                        Originally posted by es! View Post
                        Oh uhm, I'm a Janeway/Chakotay fan but I'm not getting it
                        Janeway/Chakotay Shippy Scene OT:
                        Ooh, remember thé shippy episodes: Resolutions? Where they got stranded on that planet engulfed by storms that destroyed some of their equipment, the one where they have to hide under the table in their self-made shelter and he wraps an arm around her, holding her against him to protect her. Well, in the episode, Chakotay builds a bath tub for Janeway, out in the open. Janeway takes a bath, and after a blissful smile she calls out to Chakotay "Chakotay, are you there?" to check on him and he answers "no, I left an hour ago!" and she laughs.

                        Ah, the memories of that one. And they totally ruined it for me when they paired Chakotay up with - her . Even the actors were against it. *sigh*

                        That's why I'm so so happy when I started shipping Sam and Jack that TPTB gave us this wonderful shippy ride and didn't try to kill it off years ago. Thank you, thank you, thank you! (((TPTB)))

                        Though, it wouldn't hurt for a big huge honkin' kiss to CONFIRM they're together and preferably a nice CONFIRMATION scene where they wake up in bed together or-

                        But err thank you thank you thank you for not killing them off!

                        They belong together. In this life and the next. Forever is not long enough for their love

                        *shippy sigh*


                          Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                          Janeway/Chakotay Shippy Scene OT:
                          Ooh, remember thé shippy episodes: Resolutions? Where they got stranded on that planet engulfed by storms that destroyed some of their equipment, the one where they have to hide under the table in their self-made shelter and he wraps an arm around her, holding her against him to protect her. Well, in the episode, Chakotay builds a bath tub for Janeway, out in the open. Janeway takes a bath, and after a blissful smile she calls out to Chakotay "Chakotay, are you there?" to check on him and he answers "no, I left an hour ago!" and she laughs.

                          Ah, the memories of that one. And they totally ruined it for me when they paired Chakotay up with - her . Even the actors were against it. *sigh*

                          That's why I'm so so happy when I started shipping Sam and Jack that TPTB gave us this wonderful shippy ride and didn't try to kill it off years ago. Thank you, thank you, thank you! (((TPTB)))

                          Though, it wouldn't hurt for a big huge honkin' kiss to CONFIRM they're together and preferably a nice CONFIRMATION scene where they wake up in bed together or-

                          But err thank you thank you thank you for not killing them off!

                          They belong together. In this life and the next. Forever is not long enough for their love

                          *shippy sigh*
                          Lara - J/C was my first ship and I immediately went to the bathtub scene in Resolutions when you showed that picture. GAH that episode was *hot*, talk about UST. I'm actually working on a J/C fic.. the first I've written in probably a decade...

                          And tying that into S/J - what they did to J/C has taught me to appreciate what we have with S/J. Yes yes outright confirmation would be icing on the cake - but they didn't do anything like have them run off and sleep with the young p0rn star... :: mutters :: I didn't actually mind her until she got her paws on the captain's man. O.O


                            Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                            ... "no, I left an hour ago!" and she laughs...
                            Oh, I totally forgot he told that O.o
                            Resolutions isn't my fave ep (well, it was in the beginning, but one grows tired of it really soon). I agree about UST tho

                            Nynaeve, I'm looking forward to your J/C fic
                            "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                            "I am quite sure they will say so."


                              Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                              : Remember my name.... You'll be screaming it later.
                              ZOMG. That is just too hot.

                              Sam and Jack are gonna get it on...


                                Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post

                                : Remember my name.... You'll be screaming it later.
                                Hah - that is good - we live in hope.......

