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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    :: sits in her non-Olympic corner :: Sooo... how long are the Olympics? I'm trying to figure out if my shows are coming on this week...

    Oh! And I bought a new TV that's being delivered on Tuesday - it was my "I have to go back to work and my therapist said I should do something nice for myself gift"

    I can't wait to watch Grace... Entity... Threads on a big screen


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      as i said before, at this time for me, i'll take the sam/jack confirmation any way i can get it!!

      but if it ends up on sgu, PLEASE let it be a physical confirmation of their togetherness, not just an off-handed comment! 13 years of waiting 'does' build up some desires of expectations.

      ~Sam/Jack CONFIRMATION~

      13 years people!!

      I'm sure I've said this before
      sig by Mada
      As a matter of FIC


        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        Really? Wow. That surprises me. I thought...okay, maybe Sam was a bit OOC, but overall? I could absolutely see this happening.

        Hmmm *Peers over at Tammy*. Hmm.

        Edit: I just cannot turn away from the curling! What is it with that sport! Though, hearing a cute young woman bellowing "Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy Hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdddd" is a bit disconcerting. And gutter-inducing.
        Some of Jack's complaints and arguments with Daniel have been out there in the past but this particular argument just wasn't believable to me

        It was quite funny, though

        Pol OY -
        when you called today I told you I was at the hairdresser. .. getting black streaks put back into the red. . . the black ended up being purple. . .I made her re-do them . . .and now more of my hair is black than it is red. . . I haven't decided yet if I like it or not. LOL!
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          LOL! Half of the women in that queue are married anyway. . . so it really is shorter than it looks! LOL!

          Like me. Happily hitched. But I do have a list (does anyone else remember that episode of Friends?). And there are five guys on it. All of my friends have a list, too. Luckily, not many of the men on our lists overlap. Colonel O'Neill is on my list, though, and not necessarily RDA. Does that make sense?
          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!



            I just had to say that.

            *Hugs family*
            *Hugs Sam an Jack*
            *Hugs lurkers*
            *Hugs everyone in the whole wide world*

            *Sneaks out*


              Twi olympics are till next Sunday, I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

              200; I love that episode. It's funny, it has action, some "romance" and teamyness Awesome.

              *waits till speed skating starts again*


                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                :: sits in her non-Olympic corner :: Sooo... how long are the Olympics? I'm trying to figure out if my shows are coming on this week...
                Closing Ceremonies are Feb 28th. The coverage is so bad, the other networks should just air their shows. I'd watch 'em!

                Back to Sam and Jack. . . damnit, why can't MGM be sold already! *has a small tantrum*
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                  Like me. Happily hitched. But I do have a list (does anyone else remember that episode of Friends?). And there are five guys on it. All of my friends have a list, too. Luckily, not many of the men on our lists overlap. Colonel O'Neill is on my list, though, and not necessarily RDA. Does that make sense?
                  No, actually. . .since you'll never meet Colonel O'Neill. . . Unless that is the purpose of your list. To put fictional characters on it you'll never meet and so don't have to worry about. LOL!

                  I don't know. Never had one of those lists

                  Ahh, the 200 debate. Like it or hate it. Mmm. On many levels, I love the brilliance of it. The poking fun at themselves. From the viewpoint of a writer and someone who works in the entertainment industry, I loved the creativity of it. As a fan, I really would have preferred a serious, butt kicking episode and didn't particularly like the format of the vignettes.
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                    Closing Ceremonies are Feb 28th. The coverage is so bad, the other networks should just air their shows. I'd watch 'em!

                    Back to Sam and Jack. . . damnit, why can't MGM be sold already! *has a small tantrum*
                    LOL - I'm feeling particularly guttery and I wouldn't mind some new gutter in the tv show

                    On another note - I want pictures of your hair!


                      Originally posted by leiasky View Post

                      Back to Sam and Jack. . . damnit, why can't MGM be sold already! *has a small tantrum*
                      *joins leiasky in tantrum. unsmall-like*




                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        Closing Ceremonies are Feb 28th. The coverage is so bad, the other networks should just air their shows. I'd watch 'em!

                        Back to Sam and Jack. . . damnit, why can't MGM be sold already! *has a small tantrum*
                        *hugs* for bad coverage...perhaps I should recommend Dutch TV, we have one of our public channels that has the olympics on all the time Plus I in the breaks of one sport we get coverage of another one! Also since that channel normally has no shows that anyone really watches we still get to see all of our other shows! (if you watch 'em)

                        Because MGM has too much debt?(sp?) I just hope that they sell the Stargate fandom as an individual item to another organization so that we get our movies! or in other words...that we are getting to see the 3rd movie! with some "shall we say romantic scene"


                          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                          LOL - I'm feeling particularly guttery and I wouldn't mind some new gutter in the tv show

                          On another note - I want pictures of your hair!
                          Gutter? Stargate?


                          I wanna see now!

                          If only I was rich and could make 'em make that movie NOW!


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            Gutter? Stargate?

                            It's called SGU. . . :/

                            So a little Sam/Jack moment in it shouldn't be out of place. . . LOL!
                            Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                              Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                              It's called SGU. . . :/

                              So a little Sam/Jack moment in it shouldn't be out of place. . . LOL!
                              I was thinking Grace. And that cat ate the bird look Sam had in S 9... and the fishing at the end of Threads... and the kiss in Moebius...

                              It's like a good scary movie, less is more... I mean with S/J I'll take more if they're offering...


                                Originally posted by es! View Post
                                Re: spoiled bits:
                                When I saw that bed scene in X-Files, I kinda wondered why AT actually needed a body double for Pavor Nocturnus
                                While we're at it: later on in that X-Files ep Scully examines the body (the one portrayed by AT, lol) in the morgue and AT blinks
                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                I could be completely wrong, but I don't think AT used a body double in "Pavor Nocturnus". She was asked about that scene in an interview and it sounded very much from her reply that it was actually her in that scene. Though apparently in the past she has had a "no nudity" clause in all her contracts, thus there have always been body doubles used. Not sure if or why she changed her mind in PN.
                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                If I had to guess - and I'm just guessing - when she was younger she was probably just trying to keep from getting roped into particular roles (I mean c'mon, she's hot, she's blonde...) - but on SG-1 and with Sanctuary she was an established actress. There's no worry that they're going to walk in tomorrow with a script making her act like a sex-kitten (plus she had/has more control with her character). No one is going to call AT up now and say "Hey, we have a part." - sign her on, and then throw a nude scene on her just to make use of her.

                                That's my theory anyway.
                                Thanks Hedwig for telling me about this.

                                Amanda's always made it clear how she feels about nudity, and she has her reasons, and I respect and admire her for that. She wants to entertain people with her talent, she knows she doesn't need to show off her body to do it. I trust Amanda 200% as an actress and a person, and she knows what she wants, and she knows she doesn't need or have to use her body to gain fans, no, she uses her talent and mind.

                                Here's 2 great AT4 reports, both of them talk about how Amanda felt doing that scene. They both have different info, but they're basically the same thing.



                                In the Podcast for the episode, Amanda talks about filming the hose scene at 7:30, and talks about the scene again 16:25 .

                                Oh and as for Amanda in the X-Files,
                                she blinked? She was early in her career, not as AWESOME and pro as she is now.

                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                That was all her in the episode where Fifth makes the Replicarter. The commentary says she did her own nude scene there.
                                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                                What exactly does "nude" imply? That she was naked durning filming, or just that the nudity is implied on screen.

                                Because even though RepliCarter's supposed to be nude, Amanda said in an interview that she was covered during filming.
                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                I listened to the director's commentary, and it said that she did her own acting there. I don't know if she had those petal things that they use to cover up the "bits" on top, and a pair of swim pants or something, but it does say in that commentary that she did that scene herself.
                                I always wondered how she did that scene with Fifth. I'd also like to know if she used.... those things you talked about.

                                I love how you said bits.

                                Originally posted by es! View Post
                                I remember reading in the report from the last con in the UK that she had a body double for the shower scene and took care that that actress felt comfortable doing it. AT was drained from that scene nonetheless because she made parts of it and it was mentally so exhausting.
                                Originally posted by hedwig;11193568[B
                                ]I think AT was referring to the actress that played Clara, the invisible girl, in those episodes at the end of last season and beginning of this season. That actress apparently had to be naked in some scenes, and AT said she made absolutely certain that actress actually wanted to do the scene sans clothing, and she kept eye contact with her throughout the filming.[/B] AT herself apparently didn't use a body double in PN, and she talked about it in an interview. One of the other forum members here sent her a question about that particular scene and she answered his question by talking about things that make her stretch as an actress, and doing things she was very fearful of doing, and this particular scene fit those things well, and she was quite exhausted from doing that particular scene because of her own fears.
                                Oh yeah I remember that, read the con reports I posted up there, Amanda talks all about that too. She wanted to make sure the actress was really OK doing the scene, and that she wasn't just saying that. That's our Amanda.

                                EDIT: Here is a link to the interview AT did where she talked about doing the hose scene in "Pavor Nocturnus" and how she felt about doing it.


                                Scroll down the list of questions till you get to the one where Rocky89 asks her about that scene.
                                Thanks so much for sharing my moment of fame with them. Oh and here's that post where I replied to it-

                                Originally posted by es! View Post
                                Hmmm I can't find that report now but here a quote from another GW user:


                                I haven't been to that con myself so *I* can't know for sure anyway
                                There are caps of that scene out there, some caps are close up shots and shows you a lot (not that stuff ) Even to this day, that scene is still strong in my mind, it was one of the most powerful moments I've ever seen from Amanda on screen. She should get an award for it.

