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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Good morning, campers!

    Originally posted by webbo View Post
    Now, for my post on the rewatch....


    Look at the shoulders touching while they cheer together on Chulak! It gave me the shippy feels.
    I love that moment! It almost looks like they're holding hands!
    The Return of King Arthur
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


      A few rewatch comments:
      1 I'm so glad they got rid of the berets
      2 The female sergeant touches the event horizon much the same as Sam will.
      3 The same soldiers will run down that hall way for years! (same shot reused)
      4 The ramp goes through the Stargate - it should disintegrate.
      5 Has it been one years since Jack came back from Abydos?
      6 If so Sam has been working for 3 years on Stargate project and Jacob does not know.
      7 There's a awful lot of saluting - glad that stopped.
      8 Hammond has a smirk when he is playing O'Neill about the falsified report - he knows these people (1969)
      9 That's why Hammond insists on Sam
      10 Daniel acts like a bit of a ditz at times - dialing the gate flipping through his note pad!!!
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala



        Spoilering for length. . .


        To the best of their recollections, it was the first time they'd ever been stuck in a tree.

        "Got any rope Carter?"

        Carter's branch waved a little as she turned, her delicately raised eyebrow telling him that he was definitely barking up the wrong - oh. He watched as she squiggled a little, getting a firmer hold on her precarious perch. It was doubtful that the branch would sustain her weight much longer.

        "As luck would have it, Sir," she grumbled, "I left my rope in my other pack."

        Grasping the tree trunk tighter, Jack leaned out to survey the ground beneath them. Yup, still covered with the scorpion looking bugs.

        He squinted over at Carter, "Daniel and Teal'c still on PS3 J29?"

        "They were due to come back tomorrow, Sir."

        After a few minutes Jack saw the gate activating on its hilltop a kilometer away. Glancing down at the monster arachnids from Hell, he muttered a prayer to whomever might be listening that Teal'c and Daniel had decided to return a day early. Slowly, to keep the tree branches from shaking any more than they had to, Jack reached for his walkie.

        "Daniel... Teal'c... Anyone there?" He waited, but his query was met with only static-y silence. "Apparently not."

        Suddenly, Jack heard a cracking sound from of one of the branches.

        "Carter!" Reaching over, he clambered onto a nearby branch, thicker the one Sam was on, and directly below her. "Hang on!"

        "I'm good, Sir," she muttered breathlessly as she quickly repositioned her hands and feet, watching the piece of branch she'd just been grasping fall noisily to the ground.

        Looking up, Jack spotted a couple of Jaffa exiting the stargate.

        "Uh-oh... I guess now is the time when the real fun begins," said Jack. He looked up to see Sam shimmy towards the trunk, then slide down towards where he straddled the tree.

        Jack and Sam looked up at the sound of an Alkesh approaching the gate which then lowered rings and picked the two Jaffa before leaving and the gate shut down leaving them alone again.

        "Well, that was weird." Sam lowered herself to sit next to the Colonel on the branch. "The Goa'uld must have a camp somewhere on the planet."

        Realizing their luck was going to run out sooner rather than later as either the branch would break or the Goa'uld would make an unwanted appearance, Jack whispered, "Carter... you're sure using a Zat on these pesky buggers below us will make them explode?"

        "Well, given their average size and the relative force with which energy is expelled from a zat," she looked him in the eye, forcing him to pay attention to her explanation, "I can't be certain, but I'd say it's pretty likely that it wouldn't be a pretty sight."

        "Well, we've either got to get out of here, or figure out a way to get them off the tree."

        Sam followed his gaze to the base of the tree where some of the bugs were making their way up the trunk. She inched away by instinct, her side gently pressing up against the colonel's. "On earth, certain bugs can be repulsed or even killed by electromagnetic waves." She mused. "But the method has only been used on much smaller insects as an alternative for pesticides."

        Noticing the glare on the Colonel's face at what she supposed was his annoyance at the "chatter", Sam pulled out her zat, aimed at the two highest bugs, and fired.

        "Ouch! That had to hurt..." muttered Jack, "... reminds me of bugs splattered on a windshield."

        Carter aimed at the next bug down, "Yeah, well, better them on the windshield than us."

        "You go girl." He flashed her a cheeky grin as he pulled out his own zat and started destroying the bugs on his side of the tree.

        Sam aimed and blasted, then did it again and again, until, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something emerging from the branches above. A huge, weirdly shaped creature (the queen, perhaps) similar to those Sam was destroying began crawling towards the Colonel. She yelled, "Sir! Look out!"

        Jack looked up and managed to twist out the creature's way enough to avoid injury, but it had managed to snag his vest to knock him off-balance before it fell to the ground.

        She'd be embarrassed about it later, but Sam squealed, then threw herself further, down the branch, grabbing at the Colonel's arm. Sheepishly, Jack whispered, "Thanks for the catch, Carter ... Now zat the big one and let's blow this popsicle stand".

        "I would, Sir," She reached down to help him back onto the branch, "If you could keep yourself out of harm's way."

        "Snarkiness is not a good look on you, Carter," Jack teased, as he zatted the big one and slowly climbed down the tree looking for any movement as he went. Looking upwards, he watched as she made her way down after him - smiling appreciatively. "Although, from this angle, it's not so bad."

        As Sam joined him on the ground Jack asked, "Do we need to do anything else or can we just head for the gate and get out of here before more of those critters show up?"

        Turning to face him, Sam grinned, then calmly pulled her zat and fired.

        Stunned, her lurched forward as he fell, his expression one of irked incredulity.

        "He is sooooo not going to be a happy camper when he wakes up..." Carter mumbled as she kicked away the bug that had been quietly crawling up O'Neill's shoulder.

        With Jack still unconscious, while gathering the gear that had gotten dumped during their initial mad scramble up the tree Sam saw that her GDO had a crack in its casing and the display was dead. She hoped that Jack's wasn't too badly fried when she had to zat him. Cautiously, she grasped her CO's arm and turned it, examining his GDO.

        My Stories: FFdotNet
        My Stories AO3
        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Thanks, everyone, for opining on the fanfic thing.

          The person who dissed fanfic wasn't a friend, she was just a random person posting on the Facebook official fan page for the show.

          I respect all people who write and put their work out there for other people to read. It takes courage. Even though I don't enjoy all the fanfic out there (I'm picky about grammar and characterization and such), I give major props to people who are willing to share their time with others. I just didn't see the point of this person being so mean-spirited about the whole thing. It made no sense to me.

          So, naturally, I wrote a fanfic for the show, just to spite her. Which also makes no sense, because she'll never know, and won't care. But it (stupidly) makes me feel better that she prompted a new fic to be created that otherwise wouldn't have. Ha! Take THAT, hater!

          (And now, I'm firmly aware that I have sunk to the level of 'childish'. **sigh**)
          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            Thanks, everyone, for opining on the fanfic thing.

            The person who dissed fanfic wasn't a friend, she was just a random person posting on the Facebook official fan page for the show.

            I respect all people who write and put their work out there for other people to read. It takes courage. Even though I don't enjoy all the fanfic out there (I'm picky about grammar and characterization and such), I give major props to people who are willing to share their time with others. I just didn't see the point of this person being so mean-spirited about the whole thing. It made no sense to me.

            So, naturally, I wrote a fanfic for the show, just to spite her. Which also makes no sense, because she'll never know, and won't care. But it (stupidly) makes me feel better that she prompted a new fic to be created that otherwise wouldn't have. Ha! Take THAT, hater!

            (And now, I'm firmly aware that I have sunk to the level of 'childish'. **sigh**)
            Haha, I wondered if that had something to do with your new fic when I got an e-mail notification about it!

            Your writing is incredible, and your stories are a joy to read ... please never stop!
            The Return of King Arthur
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


              Also, fun fact! If any of you have Amazon Prime, go and watch the briefing room scene in CotG.

              For whatever reason (truly, I have no idea), they use a different shot when Jack says "With all due respect, Doctor, I wouldn't get my hopes up" (he actually gets most of the line out in this version), and the camera's still on him when Sam starts her "It is appropriate to refer to a person by their rank" line.

              Obviously it doesn't change anything, but it's just interesting that there's an alternate edit for those lines. It can't come from the Recut, but those lines were removed entirely.

              The rest of the Amazon version is basically the same; there aren't any other different camera shots. The only other difference from the original that I found was that for whatever reason they cut the tiny bit where Jack shows Hammond and Samuels how to engage the staff weapon (but I also skipped both implantation scenes, so I'm not sure if those are the same).
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                11 Yes the wormhole shut down.
                12 Teal'c looked troubled by the waste of life by the callous Apophis
                13 Teal'c looked devastated after killing his fellow Jaffa and becoming sholva.
                14 If Daniel dialed other Stargate addresses wouldn't his DHD undergone a correlative update and then he could have connected to other gates? (TPTB hadn't thought of that yet)
                15 Did Sha're influence Ammonet to take Skaara for Klorel - I know he goes off with another pair of Goa'ulds through the Stargate
                16 The nudity may have been a bit gratuitous but that's on par for cable. I prefer nudity to gory violence.
                17 Who were all those people at the feast? If they had been goa'ulds they would have known SG-1 were not 'gods'. Goa'uld society might have been originally thought to have been a bit more interesting but too expensive production wise to maintain.
                18 The serpent head look so awkward in comparison to the elegant (Anubis?) heads of the movie - again expense
                19 Finally, no matter what they say, I think they planned to pair Jack and Sam from the get go, and I think it's obvious (but then again I never take off my shippy glasses)
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                  A few rewatch comments:
                  1 I'm so glad they got rid of the berets
                  2 The female sergeant touches the event horizon much the same as Sam will.
                  3 The same soldiers will run down that hall way for years! (same shot reused)
                  4 The ramp goes through the Stargate - it should disintegrate.
                  5 Has it been one years since Jack came back from Abydos?
                  6 If so Sam has been working for 3 years on Stargate project and Jacob does not know.
                  7 There's a awful lot of saluting - glad that stopped.
                  8 Hammond has a smirk when he is playing O'Neill about the falsified report - he knows these people (1969)
                  9 That's why Hammond insists on Sam
                  10 Daniel acts like a bit of a ditz at times - dialing the gate flipping through his note pad!!!
                  2. I never really thought about that, but you're right. I wish that we'd been able to learn more about that character (I think her name is Sergeant Ketterings), instead of just making her a Red Shirt.

                  5. I believe that that's about right, but in fact, it's slightly longer.
                  How do you feel about the Stargate mission after all this time, Colonel?
                  How do you mean?
                  Well, it's been over a year. Has your perspective changed?

                  10. It's so dorky, but I love that moment, as he's almost laughing and Sam's yelling at him because they're under fire. I feel like it's kind of a reference to the fact that Daniel didn't know how to get them home when they went to Abydos in the original movie.
                  The Return of King Arthur
                  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                  acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                    Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                    11 Yes the wormhole shut down.
                    12 Teal'c looked troubled by the waste of life by the callous Apophis
                    13 Teal'c looked devastated after killing his fellow Jaffa and becoming sholva.
                    14 If Daniel dialed other Stargate addresses wouldn't his DHD undergone a correlative update and then he could have connected to other gates? (TPTB hadn't thought of that yet)
                    15 Did Sha're influence Ammonet to take Skaara for Klorel - I know he goes off with another pair of Goa'ulds through the Stargate
                    16 The nudity may have been a bit gratuitous but that's on par for cable. I prefer nudity to gory violence.
                    17 Who were all those people at the feast? If they had been goa'ulds they would have known SG-1 were not 'gods'. Goa'uld society might have been originally thought to have been a bit more interesting but too expensive production wise to maintain.
                    18 The serpent head look so awkward in comparison to the elegant (Anubis?) heads of the movie - again expense
                    19 Finally, no matter what they say, I think they planned to pair Jack and Sam from the get go, and I think it's obvious (but then again I never take off my shippy glasses)
                    1. The wormhole shuts down, but they never show them open the new, outgoing wormhole. Earth doesn't have a DHD, and they certainly wouldn't have known how to use the dialing computer. Since this recut was being edited about the same time Continuum was being made, I have a feeling that they invented in the portable dialing device that Teal'c uses in Continuum just so that they could use the same explanation in the recut pilot.
                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      A little something from "Gateway to the edge of the Universe", which can be found on season 3, disc 1 - I really like how they illustrate RDA's examples of stories they're going to tell


                        That's what I love about Science Fiction and Stargate especially, and too good fan fiction.
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Amara has posted the MOS for September:

                          "What’s a Plot Challenge?

                          It’s all about the plot! For those days when you want to write but just can’t figure out what to write about, a plot challenge is the perfect jumping off point. The plot of your story should revolve around challenge, but how much or how little you deal with that challenge is completely up to you. Do they simply talk about the challenge or do they live through it? Only you know (and hopefully you’ll tell us)! "

                          see the tumblr post about the challenge


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            Also, fun fact! If any of you have Amazon Prime, go and watch the briefing room scene in CotG.

                            For whatever reason (truly, I have no idea), they use a different shot when Jack says "With all due respect, Doctor, I wouldn't get my hopes up" (he actually gets most of the line out in this version), and the camera's still on him when Sam starts her "It is appropriate to refer to a person by their rank" line.

                            Obviously it doesn't change anything, but it's just interesting that there's an alternate edit for those lines. It can't come from the Recut, but those lines were removed entirely.

                            The rest of the Amazon version is basically the same; there aren't any other different camera shots. The only other difference from the original that I found was that for whatever reason they cut the tiny bit where Jack shows Hammond and Samuels how to engage the staff weapon (but I also skipped both implantation scenes, so I'm not sure if those are the same).
                            I don't know where they got that extra scene from or how long it's been in the Amazon Prime version, but on the audio commentary of the Final Cut BW mentioned that they managed to retrieve old footage they thought had been lost. Apparently there was some kind of incident with the film that was impossible to fix at the time. However, fast forward ten years later and they had the tech and know-how to repair it. That's also why there was some previously unaired material in the Final Cut, aside from the new Apophis scenes (that were reshot with the actor) and the new Sam and Daniel lines (they came back to redo them at BW's request).
                            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                            On FFnet or AO3

                            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                              Oh and one other thing
                              What was MacKenzie doing there?

                              I think the symbiote implanted itself in MacKenzie just to torment Jack and company
                              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                                Originally posted by fems View Post
                                I don't know where they got that extra scene from or how long it's been in the Amazon Prime version, but on the audio commentary of the Final Cut BW mentioned that they managed to retrieve old footage they thought had been lost. Apparently there was some kind of incident with the film that was impossible to fix at the time. However, fast forward ten years later and they had the tech and know-how to repair it. That's also why there was some previously unaired material in the Final Cut, aside from the new Apophis scenes (that were reshot with the actor) and the new Sam and Daniel lines (they came back to redo them at BW's request).
                                I remember them saying that, but I thought that that really only applied to the very first day of shooting, when they shot the scene with the priests on Chulak. After the looked at the film, there was a single black line going almost straight down the screen. During that time, there was nothing that could be done about it, and it's still noticeable in the original version.

                                However, it doesn't surprise me that Brad Wright found different shots in the old footage and decided to put them instead. There are a great many shots in the briefing room scene alone that are different versions of what's in the pilot. The one that comes to mind is that they used a different shot of Jack's line when he sits down at the table and says "You can believe me this has nothing to do with you being a woman" (In the new shot, the line comes out "Well you can be sure this has nothing to do..."). My guess is that that shot was chosen since it was just a little bit better of a transition since they took out the reproductive organs line.

                                Mainly, my question is who made the switch for the version that's on Amazon? That two-second moment is (to my knowledge) literally the only different shot (different camera angle) in the entire episode, so I'm just wondering who got that footage decided to re-edit that tiny little certain moment before putting it on Amazon?
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

