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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by houghtam View Post
    Thanks for the recap of the new version of "Children of the Gods". I hadn't seen it and now I'm more convinced than ever I would just start yelling at the tv about all the cut scenes that make the original version so good. Don't get me wrong, there are probably some good things about it too. I just can't get past the fact that they cut out a lot of the scenes that show so much about why Sam and Jack are the way they are. I'll probably watch it eventually, but I'd rather stick with the original version.
    To be fair, when it first came out, I think the majority of people (on this thread at least) did really like the new version. The looks that Jack and Sam give to each other especially during the briefing room scene are from different takes. I still prefer the looks from the original, but at the end of that scene in the new version, the look is slightly longer and Jack gives a little smile and eyebrow raise that to me seems to say "What have I gotten myself into?"

    I definitely recommend watching the new version at least once. It is really cool to see different shots used in a lot of scenes and the new special effects make it cool less dated.

    I think that I'm just a purist because of my love for the changes that Sam undergoes in the series. Let's face it, Sam's a bit of a Mary Sue character: she's capable, brilliant, intelligent, beautiful... she really doesn't have many faults, so I really like the fact that when she's first introduced she's got some rough edges. It's not until "Grace" in Season 7 that it's implied that Sam has some deep emotional scars left over from her mother's death that have affected her personal relationships, but that's another part of her character that I absolutely adore because it shows she's not perfect.

    Now… On with my response to the rewatch. I was hooked the very first time I saw the original back when it originally aired. While some of the lines are "cringe-worthy" for sure, I still think they're important to show the growth that the characters make in the future. My favorite scene in the entire episode is when they're walking up the ramp getting ready to go through the gate the first time and Sam and Jack have their little conversation. It's cute and funny and really shows who they are and my shippy glasses see the glimpses of an attraction. At least the beginnings of a more casual, less military relationship (something Sam has probably never dealt with before).
    I also love that exchange between them. The "I adore you already, Captain" is one of those lines that could be analyzed to death and have a million different interpretations (just like the "I wouldn't be here" line in "Affinity"). Personally, I think that it's a pre-ship line. Jack doesn't truly mean that he adores her at this point - but I think that he does come to adore her fairly quickly. I read the line as mostly sarcasm a la Jack, but with a genuine undercurrent of intrigue. Sam is a very surprising person, and now that Jack has resigned himself to the fact that she's on his team, I think that he's ready to let her prove herself to him.

    I agree with your comparison of the two Sha're characters. I don't think the newer one is a strong enough character. While I can see the original geeky Daniel falling for someone like her, the Daniel that we can come to know would want someone stronger...more like the original character.
    Definitely. Mainly, I just wish that we could have seen more of Sha're in the series. Daniel's love for her continues literally all the way through the finale of SG-1 when he tells Vala that he thought he'd get over Sha're's death, but we see so little of their relationship because she's only present in three episodes (CotG, Secrets, Forever in a Day).

    Related fanfiction… Thanks for the recommendation on Aftershocks ... Hadn't read that one. I have read Campfires and love it. Just because I can ... LOL… I think I'll reread both of them as we do the rewatch.
    Oh you'll love Rachel's Aftershocks! She does a great job of examining the implications of each episode for each character. She is really able to interpret the series as a whole, adding in a lot of character analysis that may have been implied on screen but never seen.

    For example, she does a really good job of addressing the fact that Hammond ordered Sam on SG-1 in spite of Jack's original disapproval. Another great example is that in "Cor-ai" Daniel talks about how he originally didn't know if he could work with Teal'c because he was directly responsible for Sha're being chosen as a host (I always wished that they had shown a scene where Teal'c reveals that to Daniel and the rest of the team instead of just referencing it later). He says that he wanted to hate Teal'c for what happened to Sha're but knew that Teal'c had changed and was his friend. Rachel examines those difficult emotions in the episode tags that precede "Cor-ai" so we can see those changes both Daniel and Teal'c go through.
    The Return of King Arthur
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


      Reporting for duty.

      CotG3s.jpg CotG2s.jpg

      Sparks flying already.


        I loved Sam Carter from the moment I saw her in Children of the Gods - and not because of the reproductive organs speech I did not ship Sam & Jack until The Broca Divide despite the obvious chemistry

        I made this for this year's Ship Day, inspired by Drabble #5 - The First Time:


          I'm not going to quote it all, but I agree with the statement that the "I adore you already" was meant sarcastically. I think that O'Neill was being patronizing, and a little obtuse, and I don't see it as overtly shippy. Cute, but not indicative of desire. Ha ha. I don't miss the line much. I'm one of those that prefers the recut, but I do watch the original from time to time, too. I'll probably watch both today while I work.

          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            Oh, and by the way. . .

            Update. . .

            Paradise Reborn - Pulale
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              The detailed recap was wonderful! I think reading the companion Aftershock installment concurrently will be very entertaining.


                I don't have anything new to add to the discussion except - I noticed in the dinner scene on Abydos and the banquet scene on Chulak, Jack and Sam were sitting very close to one another. Probably due to filming requirements rather than any "ship".


                  One thing that I noticed is that the "guys" (the other airmen and soldiers) gain respect for Sam as they realize the asset that she is. For example, in the scene where she sets the explosives charges, it's obvious that Jack and Kowalski (I think - I was watching it while i was working) approve whole-heartedly of how she rigs the explosives on Chulak around the 'Gate. She's given an important job to do and does it well, regardless of her seeming inexperience at ground warfare. They show her a great deal of appreciation as she proves herself. As an unknown commodity, they place a lot of trust in her.
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!



                    Spoilering for length. . .


                    To the best of their recollections, it was the first time they'd ever been stuck in a tree.

                    "Got any rope Carter?"

                    Carter's branch waved a little as she turned, her delicately raised eyebrow telling him that he was definitely barking up the wrong - oh. He watched as she squiggled a little, getting a firmer hold on her precarious perch. It was doubtful that the branch would sustain her weight much longer.

                    "As luck would have it, Sir," she grumbled, "I left my rope in my other pack."

                    Grasping the tree trunk tighter, Jack leaned out to survey the ground beneath them. Yup, still covered with the scorpion looking bugs.

                    He squinted over at Carter, "Daniel and Teal'c still on PS3 J29?"

                    "They were due to come back tomorrow, Sir."

                    After a few minutes Jack saw the gate activating on its hilltop a kilometer away. Glancing down at the monster arachnids from Hell, he muttered a prayer to whomever might be listening that Teal'c and Daniel had decided to return a day early. Slowly, to keep the tree branches from shaking any more than they had to, Jack reached for his walkie.

                    "Daniel... Teal'c... Anyone there?" He waited, but his query was met with only static-y silence. "Apparently not."

                    Suddenly, Jack heard a cracking sound from of one of the branches.

                    "Carter!" Reaching over, he clambered onto a nearby branch, thicker the one Sam was on, and directly below her. "Hang on!"

                    "I'm good, Sir," she muttered breathlessly as she quickly repositioned her hands and feet, watching the piece of branch she'd just been grasping fall noisily to the ground.

                    Looking up, Jack spotted a couple of Jaffa exiting the stargate.

                    "Uh-oh... I guess now is the time when the real fun begins," said Jack. He looked up to see Sam shimmy towards the trunk, then slide down towards where he straddled the tree.

                    Jack and Sam looked up at the sound of an Alkesh approaching the gate which then lowered rings and picked the two Jaffa before leaving and the gate shut down leaving them alone again.

                    "Well, that was weird." Sam lowered herself to sit next to the Colonel on the branch. "The Goa'uld must have a camp somewhere on the planet."

                    Realizing their luck was going to run out sooner rather than later as either the branch would break or the Goa'uld would make an unwanted appearance, Jack whispered, "Carter... you're sure using a Zat on these pesky buggers below us will make them explode?"

                    "Well, given their average size and the relative force with which energy is expelled from a zat," she looked him in the eye, forcing him to pay attention to her explanation, "I can't be certain, but I'd say it's pretty likely that it wouldn't be a pretty sight."

                    "Well, we've either got to get out of here, or figure out a way to get them off the tree."

                    Sam followed his gaze to the base of the tree where some of the bugs were making their way up the trunk. She inched away by instinct, her side gently pressing up against the colonel's. "On earth, certain bugs can be repulsed or even killed by electromagnetic waves." She mused. "But the method has only been used on much smaller insects as an alternative for pesticides."

                    Noticing the glare on the Colonel's face at what she supposed was his annoyance at the "chatter", Sam pulled out her zat, aimed at the two highest bugs, and fired.

                    "Ouch! That had to hurt..." muttered Jack, "... reminds me of bugs splattered on a windshield."

                    Carter aimed at the next bug down, "Yeah, well, better them on the windshield than us."

                    "You go girl." He flashed her a cheeky grin as he pulled out his own zat and started destroying the bugs on his side of the tree.

                    Sam aimed and blasted, then did it again and again, until, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something emerging from the branches above. A huge, weirdly shaped creature (the queen, perhaps) similar to those Sam was destroying began crawling towards the Colonel. She yelled, "Sir! Look out!"

                    Jack looked up and managed to twist out the creature's way enough to avoid injury, but it had managed to snag his vest to knock him off-balance before it fell to the ground.

                    She'd be embarrassed about it later, but Sam squealed, then threw herself further, down the branch, grabbing at the Colonel's arm. Sheepishly, Jack whispered, "Thanks for the catch, Carter ... Now zat the big one and let's blow this popsicle stand".

                    "I would, Sir," She reached down to help him back onto the branch, "If you could keep yourself out of harm's way."

                    "Snarkiness is not a good look on you, Carter," Jack teased, as he zatted the big one and slowly climbed down the tree looking for any movement as he went. Looking upwards, he watched as she made her way down after him - smiling appreciatively. "Although, from this angle, it's not so bad."

                    As Sam joined him on the ground Jack asked, "Do we need to do anything else or can we just head for the gate and get out of here before more of those critters show up?"

                    Turning to face him, Sam grinned, then calmly pulled her zat and fired.

                    FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                      Originally posted by webbo View Post
                      Reporting for duty.

                      [ATTACH=CONFIG]40956[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]40955[/ATTACH]

                      Sparks flying already.
                      The re-cut version was the first I've seen and I still like it a little bit more. I've always thought Jack's "I adore you already, Captain!" line was an indication of the first sign of the attraction, even if he was at the same being sarcastic.

                      Great artwork, Britta and SCIMM! Thanks!


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        Oh, and by the way. . .

                        Update. . .

                        Paradise Reborn - Pulale




                          Spoilering for length. . .


                          To the best of their recollections, it was the first time they'd ever been stuck in a tree.

                          "Got any rope Carter?"

                          Carter's branch waved a little as she turned, her delicately raised eyebrow telling him that he was definitely barking up the wrong - oh. He watched as she squiggled a little, getting a firmer hold on her precarious perch. It was doubtful that the branch would sustain her weight much longer.

                          "As luck would have it, Sir," she grumbled, "I left my rope in my other pack."

                          Grasping the tree trunk tighter, Jack leaned out to survey the ground beneath them. Yup, still covered with the scorpion looking bugs.

                          He squinted over at Carter, "Daniel and Teal'c still on PS3 J29?"

                          "They were due to come back tomorrow, Sir."

                          After a few minutes Jack saw the gate activating on its hilltop a kilometer away. Glancing down at the monster arachnids from Hell, he muttered a prayer to whomever might be listening that Teal'c and Daniel had decided to return a day early. Slowly, to keep the tree branches from shaking any more than they had to, Jack reached for his walkie.

                          "Daniel... Teal'c... Anyone there?" He waited, but his query was met with only static-y silence. "Apparently not."

                          Suddenly, Jack heard a cracking sound from of one of the branches.

                          "Carter!" Reaching over, he clambered onto a nearby branch, thicker the one Sam was on, and directly below her. "Hang on!"

                          "I'm good, Sir," she muttered breathlessly as she quickly repositioned her hands and feet, watching the piece of branch she'd just been grasping fall noisily to the ground.

                          Looking up, Jack spotted a couple of Jaffa exiting the stargate.

                          "Uh-oh... I guess now is the time when the real fun begins," said Jack. He looked up to see Sam shimmy towards the trunk, then slide down towards where he straddled the tree.

                          Jack and Sam looked up at the sound of an Alkesh approaching the gate which then lowered rings and picked the two Jaffa before leaving and the gate shut down leaving them alone again.

                          "Well, that was weird." Sam lowered herself to sit next to the Colonel on the branch. "The Goa'uld must have a camp somewhere on the planet."

                          Realizing their luck was going to run out sooner rather than later as either the branch would break or the Goa'uld would make an unwanted appearance, Jack whispered, "Carter... you're sure using a Zat on these pesky buggers below us will make them explode?"

                          "Well, given their average size and the relative force with which energy is expelled from a zat," she looked him in the eye, forcing him to pay attention to her explanation, "I can't be certain, but I'd say it's pretty likely that it wouldn't be a pretty sight."

                          "Well, we've either got to get out of here, or figure out a way to get them off the tree."

                          Sam followed his gaze to the base of the tree where some of the bugs were making their way up the trunk. She inched away by instinct, her side gently pressing up against the colonel's. "On earth, certain bugs can be repulsed or even killed by electromagnetic waves." She mused. "But the method has only been used on much smaller insects as an alternative for pesticides."

                          Noticing the glare on the Colonel's face at what she supposed was his annoyance at the "chatter", Sam pulled out her zat, aimed at the two highest bugs, and fired.

                          "Ouch! That had to hurt..." muttered Jack, "... reminds me of bugs splattered on a windshield."

                          Carter aimed at the next bug down, "Yeah, well, better them on the windshield than us."

                          "You go girl." He flashed her a cheeky grin as he pulled out his own zat and started destroying the bugs on his side of the tree.

                          Sam aimed and blasted, then did it again and again, until, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something emerging from the branches above. A huge, weirdly shaped creature (the queen, perhaps) similar to those Sam was destroying began crawling towards the Colonel. She yelled, "Sir! Look out!"

                          Jack looked up and managed to twist out the creature's way enough to avoid injury, but it had managed to snag his vest to knock him off-balance before it fell to the ground.

                          She'd be embarrassed about it later, but Sam squealed, then threw herself further, down the branch, grabbing at the Colonel's arm. Sheepishly, Jack whispered, "Thanks for the catch, Carter ... Now zat the big one and let's blow this popsicle stand".

                          "I would, Sir," She reached down to help him back onto the branch, "If you could keep yourself out of harm's way."

                          "Snarkiness is not a good look on you, Carter," Jack teased, as he zatted the big one and slowly climbed down the tree looking for any movement as he went. Looking upwards, he watched as she made her way down after him - smiling appreciatively. "Although, from this angle, it's not so bad."

                          As Sam joined him on the ground Jack asked, "Do we need to do anything else or can we just head for the gate and get out of here before more of those critters show up?"

                          Turning to face him, Sam grinned, then calmly pulled her zat and fired.

                          Stunned, her lurched forward as he fell, his expression one of irked incredulity.
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Ok, so jumping in with re-watch...

                            First of all, does no one else notice that when Apophis opens the gate and comes through to Earth that the gate never shuts down during that scene? He comes through, they steal the female officer, kill everyone, and they walk back through the gate which has remained open while they are all standing on the ramp. Granted, it isn't established until later that the wormhole is one-way in either direction. But, in the next scenes when Jack sends the kleenex through and when Daniel sends it back, the gate automatically shuts down after the object comes through.

                            As for Final Cut vs. Original Version...

                            I am in the minority that likes the final cut. There are some things I really don't miss (nekkidness for the sake of nekkidness), but if you had never seen the original version and watched only the final cut, everything is well established for a "stand alone" minimovie. (Kawalsky is not seen at the end rubbing his neck so we aren't set up for his possession in the next episode.)

                            For me, I love the looks between Sam and Jack and especially that last lingering look with Jack's telltale smirk is enough for me. I HATE Sam's feminist diatribe and feel like she creates tension in the original scene that doesn't need to be there. I understand that she is on the defensive and, at this point, we don't know anything about her and her past that cause her to react so vehemently. The Sam we get to know, deals with things much more elegantly than jumping on a soapbox every time she feels some stupid male has put his head up his behind. In fact, I didn't like Sam when she was first introduced because of that scene.

                            It didn't take long for me to warm up to her, geek that I am, but I think her actions later on prove to everyone that she can hold her own, and that's why I think it's ok that her introduction speech is cut short. It would have been nice for TPTB to bring up her animosity over not being sent through the gate the first time later in the series, but it's never really visited again.

                            On the other hand, I immediately like Teal'c. You can see from the moment they kidnap the SGC officer that he is not what he seems and he quickly proves himself to be "one of the good guys."

                            Daniel...well, jury was still out on him cuz he really annoyed me at first.

                            Jack's attitude throughout the pilot is understandable. He's already been on one FUBAR mission where he had to "babysit" a civilian, and even though Sam is not a civilian, her immediate status as a "scientist" in her introduction does not give him much confidence in her. I kind of like that its him that brings up that she is a woman and not her because it still establishes that there is a bias there regardless of what Jack says and regardless of Sam's military record (which Jack knows nothing about at this point because Hammond is the one who brought Sam in---this would all play out differently if Jack had had some kind of background on Sam before she stepped into that briefing room.) Enough of her spunk comes through in they way she delivers the arm wrestling line that I think Jack's opinion definitely skews.

                            That's all for now...gotta finish watching later

                            I will say this...I only found SG-1 a few years ago and when I started watching it, I started at the beginning with Children of the Gods and did a full watch through of all 10 seasons. Something was done right to keep me watching because if show doesn't hold my interest after one episode, I don't usually come back to it

                            FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                              It's funny. I've often thought the same thing about Sam. She comes in TOO defensive in that first scene. Of course, she's probably dealt with a myriad of different guys who treated her wrongly because of her gender throughout her career, but to come into a meeting where nearly EVERY officer in the room outranks you and be so snotty is a little unbelievable.

                              Some people in the fandom, but not on GW state that TPTB really didn't know how to write female characters, and that's probably part of the problem, but AT made a choice to play those lines in that way, and that tells me that she thought that Sam would have a gigantic chip on her shoulder and be uber-defensive about her place on the team. She settles down, thank heavens, into the graceful (exact word I usually use to describe her) officer/woman/scientist that we all know and love, but she definitely doesn't start that way.

                              As for Daniel, I didn't really start liking him until he came back from being Ascended the first time. He became one of my favorite characters during Season 9 and 10 (I am fully aware that I'm in the minority there.)

                              I'll say again - one of the reasons that I like the recut version better is the absence of nekkidness. There is literally NO reason why the nudity was necessary. I believe it cheapened the show to be so gratuitous.
                              My Stories: FFdotNet
                              My Stories AO3
                              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                                I'm giffing my way through The Road Not Taken at the moment and have ended up being confused about this whole major/colonel thing going on:


                                AU Lee, not knowing what has happened, asks:

                                Sam reacts like this

                                Later she is introduced to Landry:

                                They now know she's not "their" Sam Carter:

                                At the party:

                                Sam doesn't like fooling these people:

                                Landry has a simple solution for that:

                                And they all refer to her as Colonel from now on:

                                Until she visits Julia Donovan on !nside Access:

                                And Sam is even wearing her Major uniform:

                                Perhaps Landry didn't make her promotion public? But why then promote her in the first place?

