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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    A lot of the jokes in the show was Rick trying to crack everyone up, and Amanda often got caught. He'd goof off, she'd try not to go out of character, wouldn't always succeed
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Rick and Amanda are such vital part of the show, I agree the chemistry between is amazing. They should work together more often, I say (not to mention, they would make a great couple, too... but that's off topic).


        Originally posted by Samantha-Carter-is-my-muse View Post
        If it wasn't important that Jack said the things just to see Sam laugh or smile then why did they choose to show her reaction and not Daniel's or Teal'c's

        I like these examples

        but there are of course many more
        I think that's why Amber said the ship-friendly directors were so important. Because they made the decision to first of all film their reaction, and then also put it into the final episode.
        And yes, I think what it comes down to is chemistry. Those two had this chemistry.

        I mean, look at the scene in "Proving Ground" (Season 5 - I think that's the right episode. The one with training the recruits. ) According to a tumblr post, that scene wasn't scripted. Not sure if that's accurate, I haven't found any more comments or sources pointing to that.
        But there's definitely a lot more laughs and smiles going on, as if AT sometimes was surprised by RDA's comments. (Like the Hailey fight-machine comment. )

        Another reason why I think they planned the ship, or at least certain writers and directors did. Because, as SCIMM said, if they didn't want the interaction in there, it wouldn't be in the final episode.


          Thanks to the talented Bailey1ak




              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              A lot of the jokes in the show was Rick trying to crack everyone up, and Amanda often got caught. He'd goof off, she'd try not to go out of character, wouldn't always succeed
              To be fair, what straight woman could be that close to that much hotness and not appreciate the view every once in a while? I know she's married but admiring the window dressing from afar is ok, right? (As my 'OH' would say about his appreciation of DJ/ TV presenter Jo Whiley and my appreciation of Tom Hiddleston)

              If I'd worked with him I'm pretty sure I'd have gone into full-on Felger mode and just stared adoringly at him when he wasn't looking lol!

              Edit: just realised Jo Whiley is 49 - ha! Bf can stick it when he teases me about liking RDA when he was in his 50's, his celeb crush is almost the same age!
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                It's that time of the year again. I hope you are all looking forward to my annual countdown to Shipmas!

                It’s 12 Days to Shipmas
                Look What I Received

                Baal: Now that everyone has arrived we may begin.

                Yu: Why have you called us here?

                Baal: There is a matter of great importance that will require us to put aside our differences and bring to bear the combined power of all the System Lords.

                Olokun: I can think of nothing that would convince me to work with you.

                Morrigan: Baal is right. We must work together.

                Kali: What do you know of this?

                Bastet: I know what Baal is speaking of, and he is right. The powers of the Tau’ri have resisted our will for far too long.

                Baal: Yes, and now they will cower before us.

                Olokun: What is it that we must do?

                Bastet: He wants us to help him deliver a little Shipmas present to the Tau’ri.

                Yu: What makes you think the Tau’ri would accept a Shipmas present from the System Lords?

                Osiris: They will because we are prepared to give the shippers exactly what they want.


                  It’s 12 Days to Shipmas

                  Yu: What are you doing here? You are not a System Lord! I demand she be removed from here at once.

                  Osiris: Oh, but I come bearing gifts.

                  Yu: What have you brought?

                  Osiris: A Shipmas present to all the Sam/Jack shippers on Gateworld . . . from the System Lords.

                  Baal: Excellent!

                  Daniel: Ah guys, I know it’s not really my place, but I don’t think this is what the shippers had in mind. I think maybe they were hoping for some pretty pictures, a story or two. You really might want to reconsider a gift of live goa’uld symbiotes, especially as Jack and Sam aren’t too fond . . .

                  Osiris: Silence human!

                  Baal: With these we will finally be able to ensure that The Powers That Be can no longer thwart the collective will of the shippers.

                  Daniel: OK. How?

                  Osiris: We will implant our brethren within them and then we can finally have what we have all longed for?

                  Yu: Confirmation!


                    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                    To be fair, what straight woman could be that close to that much hotness and not appreciate the view every once in a while? I know she's married but admiring the window dressing from afar is ok, right? (As my 'OH' would say about his appreciation of DJ/ TV presenter Jo Whiley and my appreciation of Tom Hiddleston)

                    If I'd worked with him I'm pretty sure I'd have gone into full-on Felger mode and just stared adoringly at him when he wasn't looking lol!
                    Right? Not possible to resist the charm And ss my most favorite writer - Stephen King - would say, you can always look what's on the menu, even if you're on a diet


                      Lovely stories, hlndncr! I absolutely love your avi and siggy, btw


                        Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
                        Well, the shows themselves were pretty much AU to the movie's universe (one of the reasons Emmerich hate the tv shows). Jack's son is named Tyler, Sam and Teal'c don't exist, Jack gets back with Sara, Sha're (and however it was spelt in the movie) is important and doesn't get fridged (this would have been nicer if the show actually kept this character alive and relevant imo), the mythology is also different...
                        When it comes to Jack's character, both versions are different and I think I prefer RDA's more nuanced approach. So, while the characters and most of the events from the movie are important in SG1's universe, they need to get adapted for the tv show (so Jack is a slightly different character *the important aspect that must be kept from the movie is that he was a suicidal man on a mission*, his son's name IS Charlie, he doesn't reunite with his wife, Sam was an important person to the program, Ra must be a goa uld the way the show writers created the race... etc...). Likewise, when Emmerich will make his SG movies, the tv shows will be dismissed (and unfortunately, possibly mocked at times... I've seen Emmerich do that to movie critics in Godzilla because they didn't like Stargate).
                        i'm curious to know if there is actually an interview that has Emmerich dissing SG1. I've been having a bit of an argument on Facebook with the admins of one of the Stargate threads, and he gets really huffy when I say that Emmerich and Devlin don't like Stargate and is demanding proof in the form of some interview. And he's gone so far as to say if I can't prove it, then I should stay off his thread.


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          i'm curious to know if there is actually an interview that has Emmerich dissing SG1. I've been having a bit of an argument on Facebook with the admins of one of the Stargate threads, and he gets really huffy when I say that Emmerich and Devlin don't like Stargate and is demanding proof in the form of some interview. And he's gone so far as to say if I can't prove it, then I should stay off his thread.
                          Probably there is, but I don't have anything myself. Maybe there are archives somewhere with interviews. It's no secret he doesn't like the tv series, anyway. One thing I remember he loathed was what the show did to Sha're/Shauri(?) (though, to be honest, I share his opinion on this one).
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                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            i'm curious to know if there is actually an interview that has Emmerich dissing SG1. I've been having a bit of an argument on Facebook with the admins of one of the Stargate threads, and he gets really huffy when I say that Emmerich and Devlin don't like Stargate and is demanding proof in the form of some interview. And he's gone so far as to say if I can't prove it, then I should stay off his thread.
                            Oh I *wish* I could find that video of the interview where he and Devlin said that *spoilered for distastefulness*
                            watching the TV series was like "watching somebody r*** his daughter". Yeah, because watching a TV show is exactly like that. After that I lost all respect for both of them.
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
                              Lovely stories, hlndncr! I absolutely love your avi and siggy, btw
                              Thank you! The sig and avi are for everyone to use. It helps advertise Shipmas on the forum and also reminds me to get my butt in gear and put my shipmas presents together.

                              Here are the links for the invites again. (Simply save to your own computer and then use your control panel to upload to your signature block.)


                                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                                Oh I *wish* I could find that video of the interview where he and Devlin said that *spoilered for distastefulness*
                                watching the TV series was like "watching somebody r*** his daughter". Yeah, because watching a TV show is exactly like that. After that I lost all respect for both of them.
                                Wow... that's... hella crude of a comparaison. I can understand feeling salty over other people using your story to base their show on (but then again, it was done perfectly legally... it's the way things can be in various entertainment industries... you decide to leave your work, someone else can be allowed to take the helm)... but that comment... yikes...
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