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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    I don't recall the name or author of the story, but I read one that described them coming together in various lifetimes down through the ages to the present one. I think I even read one where Sam and Jack went to a local fair where there was a fortune teller, and Sam wanted to get her fortune told. Jack, of course, was really suspicious of the whole thing. However, the fortune teller told them both a thing or two about themselves that she couldn't have known, and then said that they had always been together down through the ages and would be again in this one. Wish I could find them again.
    oh man, i want to read that!!



      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      I don't recall the name or author of the story, but I read one that described them coming together in various lifetimes down through the ages to the present one. I think I even read one where Sam and Jack went to a local fair where there was a fortune teller, and Sam wanted to get her fortune told. Jack, of course, was really suspicious of the whole thing. However, the fortune teller told them both a thing or two about themselves that she couldn't have known, and then said that they had always been together down through the ages and would be again in this one. Wish I could find them again.
      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      oh man, i want to read that!!
      Me too!
      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        There are some subtle bits throughout the series that were deliberately put in the books because the writers wanted to see what they could get past the MGM reviewers, and were surprised that everything was allowed into the final edits of the books.
        Well, as far as I understood, most people in the original production team considered S/J canon - they just never addressed it past "Threads" except by use of subtle hints. And attempts to confirm were cut for time reasons... but there was supposed to be confirmation in the third movie. So everything points towards them being considered canon - therefore the "Legacy" writers were following canon and writing subtle S/J hints confirmed what was going on.

        My bet would be that they still wouldn't get past the reviewers with any more direct references to - ahem, let's call it M-rated actions. I could go for a little kiss though...

        In any case I'm happy with the pretty direct banter. And since those novels are MGM approved, it kinda is confirmation again...


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          I don't recall the name or author of the story, but I read one that described them coming together in various lifetimes down through the ages to the present one. I think I even read one where Sam and Jack went to a local fair where there was a fortune teller, and Sam wanted to get her fortune told. Jack, of course, was really suspicious of the whole thing. However, the fortune teller told them both a thing or two about themselves that she couldn't have known, and then said that they had always been together down through the ages and would be again in this one. Wish I could find them again.
          Seriously??? Damn! I have this unfinished S/J story on my computer, called "Timeless" which is almost exactly the same... well along the lines of different lifetimes at least. It was inspired by the Korean version of the "Timeless" song (English version was sung by Kelly Clarkson and Justin Gurini, but for me the Korean one is stronger.)
          Sam and Jack get captured by a Goa'uld and 'brain stamped' and put into a little experiment for the Goa'uld to gain insight into Tau'ri fighting methods and understand why they are so successful. They are put through different scenarios in human time, starting by ancient Egypt, when the original revolt against Ra took place, up to the present. And in every single scenario their memories are reset to the start without them knowing each other, but they always feel drawn to each other and end up remembering who they really are in the process - which in the end enables them to get free.

          All of that is only in their head, but they still end up sleeping together a few times in different scenarios, so in the end, when they're back at the SG-C nothing reg-breaking actually happened (because it didn't happen physically) but they still have to deal with the memories of lifetimes of finding and loving each other.

          Maybe I should finish it at some point... It was the first S/J story I started back in 2011, and it is pretty sappy and fluffy and very chliché. And rather OOC at times... so it would probably require extensive rewrites and editing, not to mention finishing of the story.


            Kimberley, I fully support you finishing it - would love to read it! How do writers come up with such great ideas- would love to study your brains (Just to decrease the oddness factor of that statement, I'm a neuroscientist)
            Was reading the noms for best plot twist yesterday and am always amazed how creative people come up with such cool concepts


              Also, am loving the DS9 theme- I got my favorite character


                Originally posted by cyced View Post
                Kimberley, I fully support you finishing it - would love to read it! How do writers come up with such great ideas- would love to study your brains (Just to decrease the oddness factor of that statement, I'm a neuroscientist)
                Haha!!! For a moment that did sound a bit weird...
                Honestly though, I've asked myself that question, where those stories are coming from. I've had those ideas and images popping into my head since I was a child. I only started actually turning them into writings around the age of 14, but before that I turned them into stories to tell my sister. I never had to do much work either, because basically I see those images like a movie in front of my eyes. Also though, as children we weren't allowed to watch any kind of television. (It was the 80s.) So stories kinda did come more natural as entertainment, I guess.

                But where they come from... who knows... let me know if you find out!


                  I know two people who are doing doctoral theses on the topic- I think its going to remain one of those great mysteries unfortunately , and its one I'd love the answer to. I can tell you my friend is able to distinguish a creative person's brain from a non creative person's (such as me) which is quite cool (to my nerdy brain anyway)


                    Just watched the Tokra episode and noticed Jack saying that Sam told him Jolinar was the worse thing that had ever happened to her- my shipper brain really enjoyed the fact that it was highlighted that Jack was the one she talked to about her experiences AND the fact that they highlighted that she talked to someone about it- it always bugs me when they show a character having something terrible happen to them and then they are just "over it".


                      Ah so much to catch up on!

                      *runs off to read pages upon pages*
                      Sig made by Nola
                      Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                        Kimberly- your unfinished fic sounds like a very original idea, would be interested to read it!

                        + =


                          Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                          Kimberly- your unfinished fic sounds like a very original idea, would be interested to read it!

                          + =
                          I actually abandoned it because I thought it was very cliché and had been done like dozens of times before - even in canon. It's essentially the same story as Beneath the Surface... I could explore their characters in different time periods.

                          One was ancient Egypt, which I had only written the start of, then there's ancient Greek, which was almost finished - where Sam was a priestess and Jack was one of the Roman senators. (That one was my favorite, although very sad. Because as a priestess, she was forbidden to be with a man. But she and Jack fall in love, and end up sleeping together - for which she gets punished by death. Very, very sad... at least it would be if it was well written, which it isn't in its current state. As I said, lots of rewrites would be necessary.) And the third one was a medieval scenario, where Sam actually remembers who she is from the start. And she realizes something is wrong, so she tries to find out what... and kinda has to work against Jack in the process, who starts to think that she's a spy. They still sleep together... and finally Jack remembers and they try to run away together. Which of course fails, because it's just in their heads. (oh boy, don't even let me get started with the off-characterization ) It's pretty much a number of short 'Harlequin-Romance'-style stories woven together.

                          At the moment I don't have the time to finish it, because I have my hands full with Stargate Aschen - and people have been asking for the sequel for Aschen, so I might start that as my next project. I've never written established relationship and Sam pregnancy, so that is a challenge I am kinda looking forward to.
                          And there will probably go the next year of my life... I often go back to unpublished stories though to see if I can 'recycle' parts of them. Although I really did like the "Timeless" title... I'll see... maybe I will start revising and see where it leads.


                            Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
                            Almost the same thing here! J/C was my first ship - my introduction to this crazy world (and fic. Oh the fic.)

                            See, I thought the whole thing with Krum was kind of cute. I didn't see the Ron/Hermione thing coming but I'm not opposed it - it is what it is (good thing I didn't ship anyone from that series. And even with Krum, they kind of built that up a little bit.

                            Now with Pete, that came out of nowhere and esculated quickly. I would have liked a few more lead up episodes. Though as someone has already said...that Elevator scene is GOLD.
                            My first ship... well, I guess I used to like Ash/Misty back in the days because I was really into Pokemon (now, I just play the games sometimes, don't care for the rest much anymore). But Sam/Jack was my first powerful ship experience. A real emotional rollercoaster (positively and negatively) that made me think twice before getting too involved again in a pairing. I don't think I ever shipped something as strongly since then, actually (a select few come close but that's it). There are better written pairings out there for sure, but Sam/Jack are STILL at the top of my list on an emotional level. Don't know if it's just me or if it's the pairing itself.

                            About HP,
                            I didn't mind Krum. In fact, I never strongly shipped anyone in the series (maybe with Cho/Harry when they kinda happened but it didn't last). Except myself and Hogwart, maybe, ahah. Seriously, though... I only saw Ron/Hermione starting Book 4. And while I was okay with them (gotta have to do with Rupert Grint reminding me of a guy I had feelings for in highschool and sort of seeing a bit of Hermione in me *the geeky side, messy brown hair... Luna too for being the weird dreamy one*), I never really liked the bikering/fighting going on (it was downright mean spirited, at times... and bickering pairs aren't my forte in general).
                            Harry/Ginny was there and that's it (I really have no negative or positive feelings towards them).
                            Harry/Hermione... well, let's say I don't think it was exactly fair to disregard the Harmonian shippers' opinion. I thought too that the Harry/Hermione scenes in the last book when Ron was gone were kinda bizarre between sibling like friends (and the movie made it even weirder).
                            I was okay with Remus/Tonks but there wasn't much to ship considering you only get Harry's point of view and he wasn't with them often.
                            Remus/Sirius... always puzzled me. When Remus/Tonks are criticized for coming out of nowhere, well... you have to look at the Remus/Sirius thing first. There is (close to) nothing in the books for this pairing. It's purely fan created. Meanwhile, Sirius angsted all the time about James. You would think this pairing would be the most popular slash one but it ended up nonexistant Remus/Sirius instead. It's weird. Oh well, people enjoy what they want, developping their imagination... as long as they don't start to claim it's canon and the author is homophobic for not agreeing with them, that is.
                            At the end of the day, I only kept some affection for the idea of Harry/Luna but it never happened.
                            Overall, yeah... I didn't care much for the shipping in HP nor did I take part in the fandom (much) despite having really liked the series and grown up with it.

                            And concerning Pete... I actually find him the most embarrassing "other" love interest in any fiction I watched. I mean, I'm familiar with other love triangles in fiction (that I mostly dislike, good love triangles are just rare... or/and it makes fandom hell) and awkward/out of the blue "pair the spares"... but Pete just embarrasses me. Like, I know a lot of people actually dislike Riley from Buffy. But I don't. He was okay as a character and he was okay with Buffy (despite not being the one). But maybe it's because it's Whedon here.

                            Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                            Everyone seems to think that Sam is "Jack's girl" but actually I think this is one of the rare ships where Jack needs Sam more than she needs him. To me, Jack is "her guy". That smug little smirk when he says "You've got packin' to do!" in Moebius says volumes. He's actually happy and we rarely get to see him happy and smiling. Over the series I think we've only seen him smile over two things: kids and Sam. All I ever wanted was for him to be happy again after what happened with Charlie & Sara. I remember RDA once saying that Jack is a privately lonely man and he's right. There's always a sadness in Jack that he has lost his family to come home to. I like to think that Sam gives him his spark back.
                            He smiled/showed happiness when Daniel turned out to be alive in the first season 2 episode too. But the way he can smile at her... gah... such affection/adoration. It's really touching, yes (because mostly rare for his character). I think some people can interpret things as Sam needing/loving him more because, and especially in later years, we mainly got her point of view. But "I'd rather die than lose her" ? That alone is incredibly telling about how much he needs her in his life. If Daniel got to be a conscience, I think Sam is like rays of sunshine in his life (their complicated situation make things feel heavy but at the core, she's this to him). Kids also seem to make him feel more happy, yeah (unless they're trying to be Charlie).

                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            I don't recall the name or author of the story, but I read one that described them coming together in various lifetimes down through the ages to the present one.
                            One of the most epic sci-fi romance I know is basically this, lol. Multiple reincarnation love story spanning 10000 years. Yet, I like that the story questioned the concept of soulmates/fate at the end. If you're litterally programmed to fall in love with the same person, does this mean people actually lack free will ? The movie Cloud Atlas also had this theme, from what I heard (still need to watch it). It's something we can ask ourselves about the uncontrollable nature of love in real life. You NEVER have a choice. The only choice you have is if you either try for a relationship or not. Life is the same. Once you're born, you can't escape death. Free will may just not truly exist.
                            Coming back to S/J, I find them close to this concept in canon... except it's alternate dimensions (oh, and that time in Ancient Egypt too... it's both alternate reality/past thing *isn't it funny to think that one version of S/J happily lived their life in the distant past of our reality?*). Jolinar/Lantash is more or less fitting too, except for the fact they didn't reincarnate or exist in alternate universes (or maybe they do, we don't know)... they're just picking hosts as new vessels.
                            Last edited by RadicalDreamer; 14 June 2014, 01:39 PM.
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                              Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
                              Haha!!! For a moment that did sound a bit weird...
                              Honestly though, I've asked myself that question, where those stories are coming from. I've had those ideas and images popping into my head since I was a child. I only started actually turning them into writings around the age of 14, but before that I turned them into stories to tell my sister. I never had to do much work either, because basically I see those images like a movie in front of my eyes. Also though, as children we weren't allowed to watch any kind of television. (It was the 80s.) So stories kinda did come more natural as entertainment, I guess.

                              But where they come from... who knows... let me know if you find out!
                              I used to write stories when I was a kid ... really silly ones. I wrote a sort of serious, romantic one that I wasn't pleased with how it was turning out, so I threw it away. My sister found it and to this day refuses to give it back to me. She's been holding it hostage ever since then, which I have never been too happy about. The best thing about it, however, is she thinks she has the whole complete story, when, in fact, she doesn't. I had not finished it at the point where I threw it away. She claims that since I threw it away, it didn't belong to me anymore and she doesn't have to give it back. Neither one of my sisters was exactly supportive of my creative attempts when we were kids, which is maybe why I still have a really hard time even writing anything.


                                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                                I almost would have liked to have seen Hammond's face if she's finished the "yasureyabetcha!" Line when she was going up the ramp with Thor (who *so* knows btw! why else would he respond with "O'Neill is a competent warrior" when she said she was distracted on the Beliskner?)
                                I once read a fanfiction where Thor needed Jack and beamed him up, but because he was so entangled with Sam at the time and they didn't want to risk cutting off her arm or something, they beamed both of them up. Imagine, them lying snuggling in bed together one minute and the next up at his ship. It was pretty hilarious.
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