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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    Jenn--I tried to review the 5th chapter twice, because I had a thought while working this morning. . .but apparently you're not allowed to review twice--but I just had to say. . .

    Good thing she was holding the Victoria's Secret bags!
    Gak. Don't give 'em any more steno-chow. I just worked 16 hours and need sleep!


      Pol - I would love that! As much as I want to see the romantic scene on screen (and I want it a lot) I would love to read it too!

      (but I would really love to see it)

      and oh, no!! While I was typing this bit, the "engaged?" scene of Politics happened on tv! NOOOO! I missed it...drat!



        It's an interesting question isn't it - would we want to see Brad (or someone) take the script for movie #3 and do a novelisation if the movies isn't made at all.

        I think in all honesty I'd rather them try and do something on screen with Sam and Jack in SGU in S2. While I still maintain SG1 is the place for a confirmation scene as that is where the Sam/Jack arc fits, if we don't get a 3rd movie, given SGU's focus on characters/personal lives, I don't think a small (shall we say somewhat romantic) scene that confirms them being together would be enormously out of place on SGU.

        For the older fans of the franchise, we'd get the whole history and get the happy ending...for the fans who've come on board with SGU...


        Both Sam and Jack have appeared in SGU - the new fans know who they are at least - and they have seen the two interact plus Jack's comment to Young in Earth that Carter's science had saved his butt a great deal.

        These could be considered hints of another more personal relationship that TPTB are then just confirming with the new scene.

        I guess it will depend on whether Brad and MGM think there's any chance at all of the movies being made in the next eighteen-twenty-four months/at all. I'm resigned to the fact that it's unlikely a movie is going to be made in the next six-nine months given SGU will be going into its S2 production after the Olympics and so presumably with Sanctuary. It's disappointing but the economic climate has impacted everything and I'm still hopeful that it will be made just not as soon as I wanted it to be.

        In terms of confirmation generally...even if no movie does transpire, while SGU is on air, and RDA and AT are willing to make the occasional guest spot - there's always hope.

        By the way, I can still see visitors in Thread Information if Brad is signed and lurking we will be able to spot him.
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          Originally posted by Pol View Post
          Valerie, congrat's on reaching the 1K milestone.

          With regard to MS's comments (and special thanks to the two Family who so kindly shot me the info and/or ling), I pose this to you all:

          If (suck it in, now) disaster strikes and the economy has truly killed our flick (I prefer to think of the extended break as opportunity for Rick to get into even better shape), what would you say to Brad doing a novelization of his script?


          Something that would all for an extension of his "...shall we say...romantic...scene"?


          Yes, I know you want to see it, but failing that at the very least, I want to read it as written by the man himself!

          Edit: I just noticed a new thing with the format change. You can no longer see who else is visiting the thread! We'll no longer be able to tell when Brad is lurking, I wonder if that was intentional?
          Oh hello, just adding my penny in.

          IF they really can't do a movie (which I still weep over) then a novelisation would be great, as long as it is the novelisation of the written script and Brad gets his words in and he does it. (I'm not picky )

          Having said that, I agree with Rachel -- SGU
          is a character show and it wouldn't be out of place to put it there, a small something, since both characters have been on the show. It's not like they would suddenly be dropping them in. And part of me considers O'Neill to be one of those characters that is important to the story, given his command role and how often his orders seem to count. It wouldn't be a a stretch to do something with his character.
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Having said that, I agree with Rachel -- SGU

            is a character show and it wouldn't be out of place to put it there, a small something, since both characters have been on the show. It's not like they would suddenly be dropping them in. And part of me considers O'Neill to be one of those characters that is important to the story, given his command role and how often his orders seem to count. It wouldn't be a a stretch to do something with his character.

            And something slight--hey--we've been grasping at miniscule moments here and there for HOW many years? --would be enough. Something like one or both of them being pulled away from a personal moment for a crisis. I know that everyone wants to see the BHK, but sometimes, those little things are more intimate and telling than the huge romantic overtures. And if we know nothing about this franchise, we know that it's good at subtle when it comes to these two.
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            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              I would prefer a scene is SGU since it wouldn't be out of place, but it would also be cool to have a novelization of Brad's script just to know how it would have been made in the movie
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                Having said that, I agree with Rachel -- SGU

                is a character show and it wouldn't be out of place to put it there, a small something, since both characters have been on the show. It's not like they would suddenly be dropping them in. And part of me considers O'Neill to be one of those characters that is important to the story, given his command role and how often his orders seem to count. It wouldn't be a a stretch to do something with his character.

                And something slight--hey--we've been grasping at miniscule moments here and there for HOW many years? --would be enough. Something like one or both of them being pulled away from a personal moment for a crisis. I know that everyone wants to see the BHK, but sometimes, those little things are more intimate and telling than the huge romantic overtures. And if we know nothing about this franchise, we know that it's good at subtle when it comes to these two.
                I think at this point many of us would be happy with an almost throw-away line. SGU:
                Like the "Oh.. and... I left the electric bill on the counter when I left. Could you drop it in the mail before they turn us off?" at the end of a call between Sam and Jack

                Though it would, of course, be nice if they could use it in some way to allow Jack to empathize with one of the SGU characters. As in:

                Jack's calling Young on the carpet about how he's acting, and finally says, "Look... I know it's hard being away from the ones you love. From your wife. But that's part of the job. You knew there'd be sacrifices when you signed up."

                "Sir.. you don't..."

                "Do you know how far away the Pegasus Galaxy is? And don't even get me started on the years before that..."

                Young opened his mouth to protest further but, on second-thought - and seeing the look on the other man's face - thought better of it.

                Sort of a 'stop whining and man up' kind of moment

                Come to think of it, I have a real hard time thinking of them being completely non-subtle even on SGU. As you said, Aka, that's just *them*


                  Come to think of it, I have a real hard time thinking of them being completely non-subtle even on SGU. As you said, Aka, that's just *them*
                  and the big romantic thing that they teased us with in 200 was sarcastic--I can't see them doing anything like that and having it be in seriousness.

                  Although I wouldn't mind another Grace Kiss. Yum.
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                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    and the big romantic thing that they teased us with in 200 was sarcastic--I can't see them doing anything like that and having it be in seriousness.
                    Exactly. They've already mocked the idea of overt fluffiness on Stargate. No way would they go back and actually have some now. Plus, as they said on 200, they'd be making the audience sick Though they could have fluffiness by inference... Jack with a picture of Sam on his desk... a ring on his finger... All fluffy but not overly so... or, iow.. subtle

                    EDIT: By which I mean... in 200 they fairly clearly explained why we aren't likely to ever see anything overly fluffy or non-subtle from Sam and Jack - it's not really in the spirit of Stargate and TPTB realize that as much as some of us would like it, a significant amount of the audience wouldn't and so they're not going to... Of course, in the fishing comment I think they're reminding us we did get what we wanted but in a way non-offensive to others.

                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    Although I wouldn't mind another Grace Kiss. Yum.
                    Though if they teased us with another fake kiss - or fake anything - I might get a trifle miffed.


                      Though if they teased us with another fake kiss - or fake anything - I might get a trifle miffed.
                      You got me there! I guess what the gist of this entire conversation is--is that we want a real REAL real confirmation of togetherness. I would wish for an expression of contentment, of one-ness, of some deep and abiding commitment between the two. It doesn't have to be huge--just an admission from the PTB. After all, we've invested the equivalent of 10 years to this! Throw us a bone!
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
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                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        You got me there! I guess what the gist of this entire conversation is--is that we want a real REAL real confirmation of togetherness. I would wish for an expression of contentment, of one-ness, of some deep and abiding commitment between the two. It doesn't have to be huge--just an admission from the PTB. After all, we've invested the equivalent of 10 years to this! Throw us a bone!
                        Well, to be honest, so have they. The good thing is, we know at least JM is on our side for wanting to have confirmed they were together. Which is better than nothing and does offer one hope


                          Well, to be honest, so have they. The good thing is, we know at least JM is on our side for wanting to have confirmed they were together. Which is better than nothing and does offer one hope
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

                            Though if they teased us with another fake kiss - or fake anything - I might get a trifle miffed.
                            I could kill some TPTB!!!!!
                            My vids Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              Well, to be honest, so have they. The good thing is, we know at least JM is on our side for wanting to have confirmed they were together. Which is better than nothing and does offer one hope
                              Hope dies last!!!!!!!!!

                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              I could kill some TPTB!!!!!

                              Go girl!! I'm with you


                                Originally posted by Stella View Post
                                Hi! I've been lurking for a while now and decided to register.

                                I think it's about time Sam and Jack got together! I love reading all the wonderful and insiteful posts here.
                                So thank you for loving Sam and Jack like I do.
                                Hey! Almost missed you.


