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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    I'd say she would have gotten a first down. . .
    And several *Touch*Downs!!!

    Love and hot fudge,
    Bren Ren
    My stories!



      I'm thinking she'd end up with something spectacular like a punt return for a touchdown and gotten the two point conversion
      And several *Touch*Downs!!!
      Celebrations in the end zone?

      And this one's for Gutter Girl BrenRen

      It went straight through the uprights?
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
        And several *Touch*Downs!!!

        hahaha i thought the same thingg about the touch downs
        yay for the gutter
        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


 you go. Just popped into my head when I'm supposed to be doing other things. Not a Campfire, just a stand-alone little tidbit.

          Just Because I Can.
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by akamaimom View Post
            celebrations in the end zone?

            And this one's for gutter girl brenren

            it went straight through the uprights?

            Ooooh! I LIKE!!!
            Love and hot fudge,
            Bren Ren
            My stories!



              Originally posted by yessika View Post
              My muse is falling me right now ...
              So who else still doesn't have anything done for valenship??
              *raises hand*

              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
              Here nobody understands why Americans like football!
              Here the national sport is soccer !
              Ditto in here Although I think my Marketing teacher was a football player but that was the moment I found out that we played that game in here!

              Give me autoracing any day over games with a ball ...

              Well except for one game...but that's rather private



                Originally posted by Pol View Post
       you go. Just popped into my head when I'm supposed to be doing other things. Not a Campfire, just a stand-alone little tidbit.

                Just Because I Can.
                *goes to read and review*
                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                  Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                  {Jumping back into the fray after another battle lost...}

                  My (bleary) thoughts on Sam & Jack and the Ship and the Regs and UST versus RST and ships and TV series in general... Yeah, way to much thinking on so little sleep...

                  I've always thought that in the beginning, it was very much the Regs, but just as much the actual *reasons* behind the Regs that kept them steadfastly towing the platonic military line. But the more they worked together, the more they got to know each other, and their attraction, the pull toward one another, their feelings continued to grow. No matter how hard they fought to ignore, deny, and contain them, they kept growing. And as they did, all those other things y'all mentioned, especially each their own personal fears regarding the romantic relationship department came into play with ever-increasing significance, begining, like Jenn said, at D&C and peaking at Entity, then building up even more fiercely until the culmination of the disastrous Grace-Chimera-AssininityAffinity arc which very nearly drove me away from this show. Talk about a 'bad shipper'!

                  That, and for some insane reason I can't figure out (but will happily blame a certain PTB whose name starts with *Rob* and ends in *ooper* for), she didn't see how really did fit into the "lunatic fringe" category I think the was trying to pattern-break from...

                  First of all... Gilmore Girls...
                  Luke and Lorelai's love story wasn't so much a victim of UST-turned-RST getting boring as it was a show creator/producer/writer/PTB exercising vengeance against the network that wouldn't give her what she wanted and taking out by bas-tard-izing the very characters she had given life and love to. And her successors complete inability to understand what the fans of the show really wanted to see and thus being unable to write the characters out of the dark ugly corners they got boxed into. But again, that's just how I see it.

                  And back to Sam and Jack... Way back when this fandom was hitting its great big peak during Season Seven, I had a website. You can still find it, even though I'm terminally locked out and will never be able to update it again... It was called "It's All About Sam & Jack!"

                  For me, it was, is, and ever more shall be so. Yes, this was a team show. It was as much as anything else, about a team exploring the galaxy, becoming friends despite their widely varied backgrounds and personalities. The heart and soul of that team, though, has always
                  been (for me) the Sam & Jack dynamic.

                  Now obviously, I know that the show itself isn't strictly *all* about Sam and Jack, but. But. But. But. Their love story was one of the biggest, longest running series-arcs in the whole show. Their relationship, strictly defined on the surface yet ambiguously defined beneath, defined their characters as much as any other aspect of their lives, past, present, and future. Without this Ship, the show would simply not have been nearly as colorful. Or interesting. (For me.) I certainly wouldn't still be talking about it now, that much is indisputable!

                  To this day, and once again, for me, Stargate SG1 *is* All About Sam & Jack. They are what hooked me, kept me hooked, and will continue to captivate me long after this rambling message is posted. They broke the writing-ice for me and got me just as hooked on that. Though they aren't technically my first Ship, they are my first True Love in the world of Shipping. I am and *Always* will be one of those really odd oddballs who watches the show for the Ship.

                  Die-hard Romantics Rule the World! If only in our own minds...

                  {OT grumbling}
                  I can't believe Gateworld's censors won't allow the word *b a s t a r d* in a post--it was used in the SHOW, For Cryin' Out Loud!!! Oh well, where there's a will, there's a way...

                  EDIT: Gee, would you look at that! I really am capable of deep thoughts without diving head first into the Gutter!
         are....truly surprising...

                  Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                  American Football is the only sport I watch (NFL). I like Peyton Manning and because the Saints beat my Vikings :: shakes fist in rage :: I'm rooting for the Colts. O.O Er and to keep this on topic...

                  Sam: Wait, wait, so they can get penalized for "excessive celebration"?
                  Jack: Yeah. It's about good sportmanship...
                  Sam: Of course, wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. And they slap each other's butts?
                  Jack: Sure, comaraderie... wait, I didn't say anything about fee--
                  Sam: And some of them actually CRY when they lose?
                  Jack: It's a very stressful... for crying out loud would you let me watch the game?
                  Sam: So theoretically back when I was contemplating marrying Pete and was trying to gauge your emotions, if I had dressed up in a jersey and tight pants and challenged you to a game, when I won, you would have tearfully confessed your undying love? :: smiles sweetly ::
                  Jack: :: raises eyebrow :: If you had dressed up in a jersey and tight pants you wouldn't have even needed to get past the first play to --
                  Sam: I was talking about *feelings* not feeling things...
                  Jack: Oh look, I think I need another beer. Maybe you should go look into putting on some of those tight pants...
                  Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                  And several *Touch*Downs!!!


                  and a song that should get every sports fan's hearts stirring...


                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    I could explain them in depth, but it's tough if you can't watch it. It's like Cricket for the British. Now there's a game I don't get.

                    But I was in Rio de Janeiro one year during their game of the World Cup, and that was a party! I like soccer, understand the rules, it's just not my cup of tea, so to speak.
                    I love soccer (I could care less for american football) and one of my dreams is to go to a World Cup match, there are no words to describe how awesome that would be *sigh*

                    Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                    And several *Touch*Downs!!!

                    I'm BAAAAAAAAAACK! I'm BACK IN THE GUTTER AGAIN!!!
                    Yep, I don't think I leave the gutter anymore

                    Originally posted by BrenRen View Post

                    Ooooh! I LIKE!!!
                    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                      Originally posted by yessika View Post
                      I love soccer (I could care less for american football) and one of my dreams is to go to a World Cup match, there are no words to describe how awesome that would be *sigh*
                      Same. Here. thatd make my life so complete

                      Yep, I don't think I leave the gutter anymore
                      hahaha im starting to get that way too
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        Originally posted by es! View Post
                        South East?
                        Burgenland? I'm North East, so yea guess you can call it neighbors


                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                 you go. Just popped into my head when I'm supposed to be doing other things. Not a Campfire, just a stand-alone little tidbit.

                          Just Because I Can.
                          Really cute story. But............Jack's a Minnesota boy, so I just can't see him buying Saints' colored roses since they beat his Vikings.


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                            Really cute story. But............Jack's a Minnesota boy, so I just can't see him buying Saints' colored roses since they beat his Vikings.
                            I tried to argue with her over it LOL - but I couldn't convince her. I forgive her only because she's a great writer LOL


                              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                              I've always thought that in the beginning, it was very much the Regs, but just as much the actual *reasons* behind the Regs that kept them steadfastly towing the platonic military line. But the more they worked together, the more they got to know each other, and their attraction, the pull toward one another, their feelings continued to grow. No matter how hard they fought to ignore, deny, and contain them, they kept growing. And as they did, all those other things y'all mentioned, especially each their own personal fears regarding the romantic relationship department came into play with ever-increasing significance, begining, like Jenn said, at D&C and peaking at Entity, then building up even more fiercely until the culmination of the disastrous Grace-Chimera-AssininityAffinity arc which very nearly drove me away from this show. Talk about a 'bad shipper'!
                              Hopefully, this makes sense... Just got home from work...

                              I agree that, initially, it was the regs. In fact, I think the AUs in PoV and TbftGoG we see what might have happened without the regs.. If Sam and Jack hadn't had the regs, they might have started out casually dating/flirting... and by the time they realized the 'danger' and risks of falling in love as regards to their fears they would have been too far emotionally invested to have pulled back out. In our reality, however, I think Sam and Jack also fell in love with each other but from a distance, as it were, and therefore when the fears and everything else 'kicked in' they were able to retreat from each other in order to 'protect' themselves from loss and losing what they did have. In other words, the existence of the regs gave them the opportunity to withdraw once their feelings got serious.

                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              I like football, I'm just not invested in these teams. Now, if Minnesota were playing, or the Packers, or even the Cardinals (I am from AZ after all), I'd be there. I could really care less about the two teams playing. And I'd rather write a new Team Building chapter, so there it is!
                              From your list.. one wonders where you live now...? I'm in Wisconsin, BTW. And after watching parts of the game at work, it's confirmed... I have *NO* idea how the game is played and, despite having had the rules explained to me more times than I can count, will almost certainly continue to do so for ever. Which is funny, cause I actually have a pretty good grasp of quantum physics... Football is just mind boggling, but I think that's cause there's a little voice in the back of my mind asking, "Why?" every time someone explains one of the rules. Which is a plot bunny I haven't even the football understanding to begin to write... Jack watching football and Sam trying desperately to understand how it's played cause her science trained brain can't understand such completely illogical and random rules...

                              "Yes... but.. why?"



                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                Hopefully, this makes sense... Just got home from work...

                                I agree that, initially, it was the regs. In fact, I think the AUs in PoV and TbftGoG we see what might have happened without the regs.. If Sam and Jack hadn't had the regs, they might have started out casually dating/flirting... and by the time they realized the 'danger' and risks of falling in love as regards to their fears they would have been too far emotionally invested to have pulled back out. In our reality, however, I think Sam and Jack also fell in love with each other but from a distance, as it were, and therefore when the fears and everything else 'kicked in' they were able to retreat from each other in order to 'protect' themselves from loss and losing what they did have. In other words, the existence of the regs gave them the opportunity to withdraw once their feelings got serious.
                                nothing to add, this is pretty much exactly how i feel about the whole regulations thing thanks for saying it so eloquetntly!
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

