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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    So, I was cleaning my bathroom and wondering...who's the slob, Sam or Jack? I think it's Sam. Too much order in her daily life to care about whether her clothes are on the floor. I think her house is nice but don't go in the bedroom

    FFN ----- AO3 ----------


      Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
      So, I was cleaning my bathroom and wondering...who's the slob, Sam or Jack? I think it's Sam. Too much order in her daily life to care about whether her clothes are on the floor. I think her house is nice but don't go in the bedroom
      that would fit!

      i could just see jack's reaction to it...

      jack: jeez!!

      sam: what?

      jack: nauquida mishap in here, carter, or did housekeeping take a vacation?

      sam: what's wrong with my room?

      *jack lifts up a crunchy sock*

      jack: uh... this is your rebellion room, isn't it?




        Sam: "Well, if Orlin had left that stargate in my basement operational, I could clean this up in a second!"


          Jack: If I had some duct tape, I could fix it.
          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!



            Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
            Another adventure of the SGP - Carter gets an admirer...
            Lol. Couldn't green you, but this one's my favourite so far

            Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
            Absolutely agree with that! They behave like family, not a military unit.

            It's especially evident in Upgrades. Before Sam and Jack go back into the ship, Jack orders Teal'c to get Daniel back through the gate but Teal'c stays and waits for them instead. He refuses to go, even when Daniel points out that they can't even go back in to help them. No one wants to leave, even though they should.

            I know a lot of people say that Jack broke the regs in staying because of his feelings for Sam, but personally, I think if Daniel or Teal'c had been trapped, he wouldn't have left them either. Jack knows what it's like to be left behind and there is no way he would leave anyone in his team behind like that, not when there was a chance they could come out of it alive. I think he would've broken the regs regardless.

            Just that with Sam, Jack got really distressed
            **sigh** Really really distressed.

            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
            *shippy sigh*
            Like I said, Vidders par excellence.

            Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
            I didn't get that far but I don't think she was there :s I kind of freaked and hit the "back" button repeatedly until it disappeared
            My eyes!

            My Eyes!!!

            Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
            Continued *sigh* for D&C


            Ode to Divide and Conquer

            Jack met Sam and his world melted
            Sam met Jack and knew she felt it
            They tried and tried with all their might
            To ignore their feelings and face the fight
            Battling baddies and saving the planet
            Getting killed or fixed by Janet
            Daniel’s in trouble yet again
            Sam and Jack will rescue him
            General Hammond says “God Speed”
            They gate off to find what Earth may need
            Teal’c sits back and watches all
            Pretends he doesn’t see them fall
            But he was there that fateful day
            When Jack told Sam he felt “that way”
            He cares more than he is allowed
            To the joy of shippers in the crowd
            And so today we celebrate
            Anise’s armbands were first rate!
            Couldn't green you but you deserve it.

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            and i love the idea that jack wouldn't leave sam behind *because* he loved her. it's romantic, it's messy, and it's realistic.

            Indeed **sigh**

            Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
            My 4 year old told me to pick this one
            The kid's good. Obviously knows exactly what we shippers went through waiting for confirmation.

            Look out world, here comes little Scully

            Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
            It's bizarre, they're not from a newbie.

            Edit: Yay Captain Nei!

            Congratulations on the promotion Captain.
            sig by Mada
            As a matter of FIC



              I can't believe we're stuck here!
              Well... maybe we should look on the bright side.
              What bright side?

              Is Daniel paying any attention?
              Uh, no... he's busy looking at some rocks.

              So what's this bright side you speak of?
              Well... We're stuck In Ancient Egypt... no way home, right?
              Right... and?
              And... I think it's safe to say... the Regs don't really matter much anymore, do they?

              No... no, I guess they don't. Which means...
              No more sneaking around in storage closets!

              I think I'm gonna like it here...
              Not a moment too soon, if you ask me. That closet is really hard on the knees, you know!
              What'll we do about Daniel?
              Oh, there are plenty of available native women around. I'm sure we can figure out a few ways to keep him distracted.
              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                Jack: Well, if I had some duct tape, I could fix it.
                Sam: I'd prefer if you focus your energies elsewhere.
                sig by Mada
                As a matter of FIC


                  Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                  It's bizarre, they're not from a newbie.

                  Edit: Yay Captain Nei!
                  *Salutes* well done...captain.


                    Jack: I've got my heat-seeking missile locked on target!
                    Love and hot fudge,
                    Bren Ren
                    My stories!



                      to everyone:



                        Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                        Jack: I've got my heat-seeking missile locked on target!
                        Fics | Art | Tumblr


                          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                          It's bizarre, they're not from a newbie.

                          Edit: Yay Captain Nei!
                          It might be from somebody who is under moderation for some reason.


                            Sam: Sorry, did you say something? I just got... lost... um... admiring your strategic frontal formation.
                            Love and hot fudge,
                            Bren Ren
                            My stories!



                              *peeks in*

                              Jack & Sam Scorched Earth.jpg

                              *sneaks out*
                              sig by Ikorni

                              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                                Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                                What did you think of the assesment Danny got?
                                I think it's probably fair. Look at how gentle he was with Sha're, you could tell he really loved her. I could see him being really romantic. Daniel is all about emotion, he's a lover not a fighter. Jack's the alpha (look at Broca where Daniel expresses genuine platonic concern for Sam and Jack reacts violently). Daniel would court you, Jack would seduce you. Daniel's the nice guy, Jack is the 'turn the charm on big time and get you all hot under the collar until your knees buckled'. Both have their merits equally.

                                Although I think a rating of 5 is a bit low, I can see why Sam said that. It would be like rating your brother for her. Janet's is more unbiased at 8.
                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

