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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
    Puhleeezzze, hedwig, puhleeeeze. Thanks in advance!
    I finally had to consult Skydiver (the author) because I couldn't remember the title. So, here it is:

    Unforeseen Side Effects by Skydiver/Denise. Sam and Jack find out an unexpected side effect to having been a host.


    Oh, and while Lt. Elliott didn't have a crush on Sam, he did die because Lantash jumped into him. And Elliott then proceeded to tell Sam about Lantash's feelings for Sam. So I think Sam might feel somewhat responsible for his death as well.
    Last edited by hedwig; 27 May 2013, 05:47 PM.


      Thank you!
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Lt. Graham Simmons eluded death. Although, it could be said that since Sam never reciprocated anything toward him or Agent Barrett, that's why they survived.
        sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
          Oooh, the darker colouring makes it look very dramatic.

          *virtual green*

          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          okay, so i'm reading (and finished this morning) the 5th book of the stargate atlantis legacy series. i wasn't getting much shippiness from it, until jack showed up at atlantis. i've copy/pasted some nice and juicy tidbits!
          Thank you SO much for sharing those shippy momens

          Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
          Lt. Graham Simmons eluded death. Although, it could be said that since Sam never reciprocated anything toward him or Agent Barrett, that's why they survived.
          So she does decide who lives and who dies then?


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            And here is a link to Gail Delaney's "Twilight":

            Twilight by Gail Delaney/KissHerJack. General O'Neill gets ansty to do some Gate travel, but a natural phenomenon on another world causes problems and changes things... (Five years pass on the planet for Sam and Jack, while only a day or two passes on earth while they are gone.)
            When Gail had her own webpage up there were photomanips go along with the story. My saved copy has the images in their proper locations with changes to the layout to better accommodate my preferred reading style. Anyone want a copy of the fic with images let me know.
            No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
            It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              okay, so i'm reading (and finished this morning) the 5th book of the stargate atlantis legacy series. i wasn't getting much shippiness from it, until jack showed up at atlantis. i've copy/pasted some nice and juicy tidbits!

              spoilers for those that don't want things given away -


              mckay asked sam out...

              “It’s just dinner in the mess with an old friend.”

              Sam turned and faced him, almost nose to nose as she was tall. “For the four hundred and forty seventh time, I am not going out with you. I am never going out with you. Not now, not next week, not next year. I am involved with someone else, and I am not interested. Got it?”

              John winced.

              Got it,” Rodney said. “

              Good.” Sam’s pony tail flipped like a cat’s tail lashing as she stalked out of the conference room.

              "Good job, Rodney,” John said, gritting his teeth. “Way to go.”

              Rodney looked after her and shrugged. “Is she really involved with somebody else, or is she trying to let me down easy?”

              "She’s really involved with someone else,” John said. “Really, really involved. And Rodney, what the hell? You knew she’d say that.”


              sam talking to sheppard about mckay recovering from something, and bad decisions (pete mention)...

              “I was captured by the Replicators for a while. Not a good scene. A pretty bad scene, actually. When I got back my boyfriend…” She took a deep breath. “He wanted to get married and it seemed like a good idea. You know. Get my life in order, stop flailing around wanting things I couldn’t have, stop being alone… You make some pretty bad decisions when you’re in that headspace.”


              todd meeting jack for the first time... (Guide = todd)

              But first, allow me to introduce you to another of our people’s representatives.” He gestured to the gray-haired man who stood beside Carter.

              Guide made an appropriate response, his eyes flickering from one to another, assessing their response. Who was this stranger, and why was he here? Unless — yes, he thought, that had to be the answer. It explained why both Sheppard and Woolsey looked so wary: this was Carter’s true Consort, come at last to support his queen.

              "General Jack O’Neill,” Woolsey said.


              jack and sam, sitting together at a meeting at atlantis...

              He matched the Wraith’s smile tooth for tooth, and looked away. Carter gave him another quick glare, and he did his best to look innocent, as though he wasn’t wishing he could kick somebody under the table. Carter rolled her eyes like she wished she could kick him back, and Woolsey cleared his throat again.


              Jack tuned out the rest of the courtesies — he could do that sort of thing in his sleep — and timed his departure so that he was at Carter’s shoulder when they left the conference room.

              “Careful, Carter,” he said in her ear. “I think the big green guy likes you.”

              She blinked, gave him a startled glance — what, Jack thought, she’d never noticed? He grinned, and slipped past her before she could say anything.


              a lovely and suggestive-to-together shippy scene between our awesome couple... (snippets, b/c there's an entire chapter of just them standing together and talking bussiness 'and' some private)

              Jack came and stood at the rail beside her, shoulders not quite touching. “Penny for your thoughts, Carter?”

              “I was thinking that the core composition of this planet must be fascinating for the world’s magnetic field to interact this way with the solar radiation,” she said, that same rapt expression on her face. “I’m wondering if there are exotic compounds in the core mix…”

              She broke off and glanced at him sideways. “Never mind,” she said apologetically. “What were you thinking?”

              “That it’s pretty,” Jack said. He leaned on the rail, cold enough to feel even through his jacket sleeves.


              She rested her elbows on the railing, looking out over the sea. “So.”


              “The weapon?”

              “Oh, that thing.” Jack looked at her sideways. “A thorny Ancient conundrum for our pleasure.”


              He shook his head. “We don’t know what it does.”


              ~while they talk, jack shoulder bumps her. later in their talk, she does the same to him.

              *very shippy and suggestive-to-togetherness dialog between them*

              Jack looked up at the sheets of light across the sky. It was pretty. And also freezing. “Cold out here,” he said. “

              "I’ve got to get back to the Hammond.” She pursed her lips regretfully.

              “In the next thirty minutes?”

              "Well, no.”

              "Your papa will be pacing the floor?” Jack grinned.

              Carter burst out laughing. “Should we sing Baby It’s Cold Outside? Cause it sure is!”

              “I can’t remember all the words. Something about ‘Baby you’ll freeze out there’?”

              She hummed along experimentally. “Maybe just half a drink more?”

              “Only I don’t have anything to drink.”

              “Neither do I,” Carter said. “Sheppard has some beer, but somehow the Hammond doesn’t have the captain’s liquor cabinet.”

              “I don’t suppose Woolsey stocked those VIP quarters,” Jack said thoughtfully.

              “He might have at that,” she said. “It’s the kind of thing he’d do.”

              "Baby, it’s cold outside.”


              ~shippy sighs~
              How adorable?! Shippy squee! Thanks for sharing
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                Captions anyone?



                  Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                  When Gail had her own webpage up there were photomanips go along with the story. My saved copy has the images in their proper locations with changes to the layout to better accommodate my preferred reading style. Anyone want a copy of the fic with images let me know.
                  Could I please? Thanks! I've never seen the images and it'd be great if I could finally have a look at that you have.
                  Fics | Art | Tumblr


                    Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                    When Gail had her own webpage up there were photomanips go along with the story. My saved copy has the images in their proper locations with changes to the layout to better accommodate my preferred reading style. Anyone want a copy of the fic with images let me know.
                    I'd like this too!
                    Sig made by Nola
                    Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                      There's a fantastic post-Secrets fic I found recently which deals with how Sam dealt with Jacob's news in Washington.

                      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                      My fanfic


                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          Captions anyone?


                          Pic #1 Dad put buckshot in my first boyfriend' rear.

                          Pic #2 Every guy that's ever been interested has strangely disappeared. Funny coincidence, Dad, it's always after I introduced them to you...
                          Last edited by RamonaThePest; 28 May 2013, 01:58 PM. Reason: My first caption was stuck in the quote
                          sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                            Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                            Every guy that's ever been interested has strangely disappeared. Funny coincidence, Dad, it's always after I introduced them to you...


                              I'm late to the party since I wasn't on the boards this weekend, but I just had to weigh in!

                              Originally posted by Samantha-Carter-is-my-muse View Post
                              I think it got lost somehow, but I liked it


                              The 'abc's of *made up* episode titles of sam/jack

                              a - 'always' - jack confesses his love to sam before he thinks she's going to die.
                              b - 'broca undivided' - jack and sam catch a virus that brings out the animal in them.
                              c - 'chimera' - sam finds out her annoying neighbor is actually a figment of her concussion induced imagination.
                              d - 'dream a little dream of me' - a rare offworld plant causes the team to fall asleep and enter the world of dreams, unleashing their hearts true desires.
                              e - 'evasive maneuvers' - sam and jack needs to stay close together while hiding from humanform replicators.
                              f - 'for a reason' - sam meets an AU jack with an important, eye-opening message for this reality's jack and her.
                              g - 'gone fishing' - hammond arrives at his office finding a cryptic message written in jack's handwriting, only to discover that sam is missing too.
                              h - 'hero for a day' - a deranged human who has amazingly accurate information on the Stargate kidnaps sam and jack and demands info.
                              i - 'invisible colonel' - Colonel Carter becomes invisible and shows General O'neill all her knowledge on stealth maneuvers
                              j - 'jellogate' - the team bring back a gelatinous plant. Too late, they discover it is a sentient being, and it starts to take over the SGC covering everything in a jello-like goo.
                              k - 'knights and maidens' - stranded in a medieval society, sam and jack has to do their best to blend in.
                              k - 'kiss of truth' Sequel to 'dream a little dream of me' After experiencing each others' dreams, Sam and Jack are forced to discuss why they both practically had the same dream, involving a kiss that neither of them can forget, leading to them actually kissing in their our reality.
                              l - 'link' - having escaped from imprisonment Sam and Jack discovers that their emotional bond is stronger than ever even though the alien brain implants have been removed.
                              m - 'mediation' - The SGC help to relocate refugees after an enormous Volcanic eruption makes their planet inhabitable. After a naquadah reactor explodes killing a almost half of the refugees they accuse Sam of murder and according to their laws, sentence her to death without trial. It's up to the rest of the team to prove her innocence and capture the real culprit before time runs out.
                              n - 'never now begins' After returning from a mission members of SG1, with the exception of Teal'c begin acting completely out of character, doing things people would never expect them to do. Teal'c, Hammond and Janet are the only ones capable of figuring out what's wrong and how to fix it.
                              o - 'only every minute' - in the future, jack thinks back to when he lost sam to another man. but he comes up with a plan to reverse the outcome...
                              p - 'perception' - The team explore an apparently abandoned and ruined complex. When the entrance suddenly vanishes, they realise that each of them can see something completely different. Who can see the real exit and who could lead them to their death?
                              q - 'quarks and leptons' - Sam is giving a science lecture when she is kidnapped. Is this the work of one of Baal's clones? Can Jack and the team save her in time?
                              r - 'rings' - jack decides to pop the question to sam, by showing her his grandparents wedding rings.
                              s - 'stay' - its the middle of the night and Jack can't sleep. He knows that Sam is awake too. He drives over and lets himself in. He finds her crying in her dark bedroom, sitting on her bed with her fathers dress uniform jacket in her hands. Post threads.
                              t - 'time will wait for us' - Sam and jack are separated from the rest of SG-1 on a mission and find themselves imprisoned in a time dilation field. With days passing by for every minute that passes in the outside world, will they stick to their escape efforts or will they give in?
                              u - 'underneath' - the team meet a new race of aliens, who have had more than their fair share of bad luck with enimes. To determine if SG-1 are as friendly as they say, the aliens want to find out for certain by hooking the team up to their version of a lie detector. But are the aliens telling the truth? And how far will Jack go to protect Carter when she is singled out?
                              v - viva forever - Two time travelers pay an impromptu visit to the SGC. Their strikingly familiar appearances and personalities force Jack and Sam to consider the possibility they may be soul mates destined to be reborn and find each other for centuries to come.
                              w - 'wishing we were fishing' - SG-1 discovers a device that allows them to see their one true wish. Sam and Jack are surprised and pleased to discover their one true wish is the same... to go fishing (with each other) at a cabin in Minnesota!
                              w - want to live forever?- Sam and Jack are offered immortality. But will they want to pay the price?
                              x - 'x's' - the gang have a team night at jack's, and they start discussing their ex's of the past.
                              y - 'yes' Jack's visits the SGC and is thinking of how to propose to Sam. He's in her lab practising what he's going to say when behind him he hears.....
                              z - 'zenith' - trapped on another planet with little to no hope of rescue, Sam and Jack resign themselves to their situation - will they make a new life together or stay loyal to the rules they've been strictly adhering to all these years?
                              Originally posted by roque872002 View Post
                              Ooh I love this sequel! We should write these.....
                              Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                              I'm up for it - was going to comment that they were turning into plot bunnies.
                              All I could think of when I started reading the list was how fun it would be to write these! If memory serves there's a plot bunny adoption thread somewhere we could put the ideas on (if no one wants them). Or, maybe we could organize something.... I dunno, but I'd hate to see some of these brilliant ideas go to waste! I don't think the plot bunny adoption thread gets much use (or has all that many adoptions) so maybe it would be better managed from this thread.
                              Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                                That jacket looks huge on Sam.

