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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Nice manip!
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      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
      I think Sam was caught off guard completely by Jack in the elevator. She probably didn't even notice she was humming and then out of nowhere Jack suddenly asks "What's his name?" - I'd have been pretty freaked for a moment! Plus there's pretty much the implication of "you're humming because you got laid last night" which, as they said, pretty awkward. I'm sure Sam didn't want him knowing that and I'm sure as hell Jack didn't want to think about it! Heck, *I* don't wanna think about it anymore than I did about Jack and Laira!
      But Sam did tell Jack that it wasn't anything 'serious' in that elevator scene.

      Originally posted by fems View Post
      Yeah, she was comfortably moving around his house/kitchen while Jack was doing something on the grill, and Kerry didn't mind inviting Sam over to stay for dinner (although I don't think she actually meant it and was just trying to be polite and perhaps lessen the sudden tension). Not to mention Jack and Kerry also slept together (and it didn't look like the first morning after in Threads either), while knowing each other less than a month.
      She definitely didn't mean it. No woman in her position would, I mean she's seen the competition, and Sam being Sam would not have stayed even if she hadn't gotten the call about Jacob.

      I think Kerry was perceptive enough to have known even before Threads that Sam meant more to Jack than he could admit.

      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      isn't it nice that we got to see sam and jack in bed scenes... just not with each other?

      LOL !
      sig by Mada
      As a matter of FIC


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post

        (I can't take credit for this. But I also can't give the credit where it belongs, because I don't know who made it.)



          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

          I think Kerry was perceptive enough to have known even before Threads that Sam meant more to Jack than he could admit.
          I would like to have seen any scenes that Kerry saw that made her so aware of Jack's feelings for Sam, since I doubt very much that Jack talked all that much about Sam unless it had to do with missions and scientific stuff that she worked on, if even those.


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            I would like to have seen any scenes that Kerry saw that made her so aware of Jack's feelings for Sam, since I doubt very much that Jack talked all that much about Sam unless it had to do with missions and scientific stuff that she worked on, if even those.
            i just can't see pete being that accepting like kerry was. even if pete saw sam and jack interacting at the beginning of his sam relationship, i still think he'd ignore what i didn't like and cling to sam.

            i don't think he had the self confidence that kerry had...

            ~on a side note: i'm horrible with my tenses! i mix in past and present all the time! oy me!



              Playing catchup...

              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
              I have a question for you about a thing I really don't understand!

              There are a lot of fics where Sam gets pregnant while she still is Jack's 2IC and she runs away, doesn't tell him about the baby and maybe she even marries someone else!
              Do you really think that if she got pregnant (BTS, alien influence, screw the regs...choose what you are more comfortable with) she would do that? I can understand the "freak out moment", even that she could go away for a while to think and make a decision, but I don't believe she would deny Jack a second chance of fatherhood, even with the consequences for their careers. But maybe it's just me!
              Short answer: No.

              Long answer: Not a chance in hell that Sam would run. It's so out of character for the character that it's really unbelievable.

              just as Sam "shrieking" at Jack, etc...

              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              Speaking of Vinividivinci, she's got a newer fic called "Eirenia" wherein Jack is accused of treason, and this time the team does everything in their power to prove his innocence - to no avail. He winds up leaving earth and disappears to live on another planet. Teal'c and Thor are the only ones who know where he is. Eventually, Sam, Teal'c and Daniel go find him with the idea of getting him to come back to earth, but he won't go. They tell him if he chooses not to go back, they're staying with him, because they don't want any part of what earth "justice" did to him. It's been a very good fic so far.
              Ooh...sounds good. Thanks!
              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                Playing catchup...

                Short answer: No.

                Long answer: Not a chance in hell that Sam would run. It's so out of character for the character that it's really unbelievable.

                just as Sam "shrieking" at Jack, etc...

                Ooh...sounds good. Thanks!
                Vinividivinci also has another fic titled "Absence of Malice" in which President Hayes has been shot and Jack and Daniel have been blamed for the attempt. Kinsey is behind this (we know this from the start) and has given orders for them to be captured and held in custody. Of course, that doesn't happen. Jack was injured (I've already forgotten how) at the beginning of the story and spends much of the story just trying to stay on his feet while he and the team set about fixing things.

                Both stories are WIPs at present, but the author has been updating regularly.


                  i'm reading the first atlantis: legacy book and i'm struggling. i'm not really a 'fan' of the show, in that i only watched one season (4) b/c sam came on board. i started skip reading last night to just get to the sam parts.

                  i know this isn't a sam and/or s/j story, but... i'm going to finish this, and then go to the sg1 books 'matter of honor' and 'cost of honor'. i'll return to the legacy books after those.



                    here's a nice small fic i just read -




                      I'm having breakfast right now and ffnet is down from my phone! Is it just me?
                      My vids Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                        Given my experience with iPad apps, usually the parts are released many months apart as that ensures everyone has had a chance to buy the previous installment.

                        Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                        Arkalis tweeted, yesterday?, that they had just begun work on the second episode :/

                        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                        I'm having breakfast right now and ffnet is down from my phone! Is it just me?
                        It's down for me right now on my laptop as well.
                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          Damn ffnet!
                          Luckily I read some fic updates when I was still in bed!
                          To Ikorni : nice talk
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            I just checked ffnet, and it's still down (or at least that last story is). Nope, looks like the whole site is down. Grrr...Oh, well, guess I have to go do some work now lol.

                            And it's back up now
                            Last edited by brendini; 24 April 2013, 12:14 AM.


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              here's a nice small fic i just read -
                              Very nice story, thanks for the link


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                i'm reading the first atlantis: legacy book and i'm struggling. i'm not really a 'fan' of the show, in that i only watched one season (4) b/c sam came on board. i started skip reading last night to just get to the sam parts.

                                i know this isn't a sam and/or s/j story, but... i'm going to finish this, and then go to the sg1 books 'matter of honor' and 'cost of honor'. i'll return to the legacy books after those.
                                The later books have a lot more Sam in them. I'd say especially the last two. (Jack and the rest of SG-1 also join in at that point.) But they are Atlantis books so you have to expect that most of the story is going to be about the Atlantis characters.

                                The Legacy series has its faults, but overall I'd say they are the best Stargate books Fandimonium has put out IMHO. That may just be because I'm not a huge Atlantis fan so I'm not as picky about those characters as I am with my beloved SG-1 and especially Jack and Sam. But I think for the most part they do justice to J/S and the other SG-1 characters as well and in many instances far better than anything I've read in the SG-1 novels, many of which are truly atrocious.

                                That's just my take.

