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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

    Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (3)


    Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (7)

    It's such a cute moment and Jack isn't even in the other one. Mitchell is in the other scene and I don't even really like him, so I don't think he should be the one to be told her secret password!

    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
    On FFnet or AO3

    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


      The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

      Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (4)


      Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (7)


      While Jack isn't in the scene.... So married!
      Sig made by Nola
      Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


        Originally posted by brendini View Post
        Agreed. I never understood why they agreed to read him into the program. It's not like anyone else's spouse (let alone boyfriend/girlfriend) would ever be allowed to have that much information. And I'd love to know at what point Pete fessed up to what he'd done.
        I'm of the opinion that what Pete did rang huge bells with the Pentagon (I don't see how it couldn't have), who informed General Hammond, who informed Jack, and then Sam was told by them, and she confronted Pete over it, and he then confessed to it. And unfortunately she forgave him, after threatening him with bodily harm if he ever did anything so stupid and childish as that again.


          The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

          Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (4)


          Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (8)

          Definite cuteness and flirtiness going on there.


            The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

            Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (4)


            Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (9)


              The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

              Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (5)


              Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (9)

              So married


                The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (5)


                Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (10)




                  The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                  Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (5)


                  Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (11)

                  This scene is just SO cute! It's like Jack was making an excuse to have Sam speak "technobabble" to him, and she totally knows it.


                    Originally posted by brendini View Post
                    The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                    Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (5)


                    Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (11)

                    This scene is just SO cute! It's like Jack was making an excuse to have Sam speak "technobabble" to him, and she totally knows it.
                    As much as Jack says he hates scientists, its adorable how often he "tries" to understand what Sam is talking about (even though we all know he's a lot smarter than he pretends to be!) He loves the techno-babble!
                    Sig made by Nola
                    Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                      The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                      Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (5)


                      Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (11)

                      She openly beams at him and she is indulging in having his rapt attention as much as he is indulging in the technobabble.
                      Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                      If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                      Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                        The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                        Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (5)


                        Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (13)

                        We missed a vote for A Matter of Time in the last two posts. I really loved that Sam's password was fishing, especially late in the series when Jack isn't around anymore but I couldn't resist voting for A Matter of Time. I just love that scene between Sam and Jack


                          The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                          Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (6)


                          Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (13)

                          I love them both, but even though Jack is not in the scene, I love that her password is something so 'them'.

                          *so married* >.<
                          sig by Ikorni

                          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                            The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                            Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (7)


                            Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (13)


                              The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                              [Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (7)


                              Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (14)


                                The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                                Season 10: Line in the Sand – Sam's password is “Fishing” (7)


                                Season 2: A Matter of Time – Jack asks Sam to explain wormhole travel to him (15)

                                I do love that Sam's personal password is fishing. But I love this little personal flirty moment between the two of them.

                                Tonight's winner: Technobabble flirting in the briefing room.

